Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2662 Where did Yang Fei go

Chapter 2662 Where did Yang Fei go
As soon as he turned his head, more than a dozen devils had already fallen to the ground.

Han Qing looked at Yang Fei, "Sir, what you said just now..."

"What? What did I say wrong?" Yang Fei asked angrily.

"I feel a little afraid of death," Han Qing said.

"Don't fucking talk about me, let me tell you, this is the desire for life, and this is also a misleading to the devils. Without my misleading, how can you fucking kill so many at once?" After finishing speaking, Yang Fei looked at The dead bodies on the ground began to search for things one by one.

"Sir, I think, let's go quickly, we don't need these supplies!" Han Qing said anxiously.

"This is an unexpected surprise. These devils have good things on them, and you will find out after a while!" After finishing speaking, Yang Fei searched one by one, except for the necessary cigarettes, watches, and some had money.

Although these things are not worth mentioning, they are very important to Yang Fei. If he does something wrong with this cigarette in the future, he can speak well to the brigade commander and use it. This watch, he decided to give it to him. Liu Ji and other battalion commanders will have to rely on their watches to fight in future wars!
Not to mention money, these things have to be handed in.

After searching for a while, Yang Fei got up, "Let's go!"

The two walked side by side, "Why did a devil suddenly appear here just now?"

"It's probably after us!" Yang Fei finished, "We have to speed up our pace, otherwise, it will be difficult to leave when it gets dark!"

They walked along the foothills, bypassing East Hague, and then walked along a frozen river. This river would not betray anyone, and he could send Yang Fei and others to their destination smoothly.

However, after walking for more than an hour, they heard the sound of motorcycles, and the two quickly took cover. Yang Fei observed quietly and found that a motorcycle team of the devil was running towards Liaocheng.

It seems that there are not many people. What can they do when they go to Liaocheng?
There is no doubt that those so-called new troops in Liaocheng are already the lackeys of the devil.

Watching them go away, Yang Fei and others left slowly.

In the Battle of the Harbor, the Eighth Route Army completely lost its territory. To the devils, this was just a small battle. Their casualties, in the eyes of the authorities, were minimal, even much less than they expected. It can be said that A quick and quick big win.


At this time, in a temporary command post, an officer with a beard unique to devils looked at everything here, "Yaoxi, after walking for so long, I finally came back. It looks like Beihai is going to become the great territory of my empire again!"

"Master Shi Niao, the commander is calling!" said a ghost.

Shi Niao went over, took the telegram, looked at the words on it, and nodded, "Very well, now the Eighth Route Army in Beihai is nothing to fear. What we have to do now is to quickly wipe out the Eighth Route Army here!"

"Your Excellency, we are newcomers, do we need to re-arrange this place?" asked a devil.

"The layout is necessary, but you don't have to worry about it. There will be a steady stream of soldiers from the empire coming later. I heard that this time the empire has recruited [-] soldiers from the peninsula and will send them here. At that time, I will come with the Eighth Route Army." A bloody battle to avenge my senior Yoshikawa Junyi!" Shi Niao said.

"Okay sir!" After saying that, the devil left.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Niao immediately ordered the troops to repair for two hours, and then advance directly to the west to besiege Wu County!

Only one team is still searching the whereabouts of the Eighth Route Army on the mountain.They searched from east to west, and then received an order to continue guarding East Hague and prohibit the Eighth Route Army from coming!

In Wagang Village, Shen Wanxi and the others met, but Yang Fei's shadow was not seen for a long time.

Liu Ji was a little anxious, "Head Shen, isn't our leader with you? Why is our leader not here when you are here?"

Li Mobai also became worried, "Yes, it stands to reason that Yang Fei and others should have arrived long ago, what happened to him and Han Qing?"

Hu Dahai and Liu Ji fought the devils for a while on the high ground in the west, but they didn't dare to fight, so they retreated quickly.

Wagang Village was the place they had agreed upon, but Yang Fei was not there, making everyone worried.

"I don't know either. Yang Fei said he was going to cut off the empress, but now he can't see anyone. Will he..." Shen Wanxi was worried that after Yang Fei was cut off, what would happen to Yang Fei, but he didn't say what he said. Ji immediately walked out the door, "I'll take someone to find our head, our head must be fine!"

"Liu Ji, come back!" Li Mobai said, "Where do we pick him up from here? Do you know where Yang Fei will come from?"

"Leader Li, I know that the situation is more urgent now, but we cannot do without our head." After speaking, Liu Ji was about to leave.

"Liu Ji, don't be impulsive!" Li Mobai quickly grabbed Liu Ji's clothes, "Let's wait a little longer. If we don't see Yang Fei again in an hour, we'll go look for him together! How about it?"

"No, I can't let you take risks. Yang Fei is our team leader, so I should look for it!" After Liu Ji finished speaking, he took the people away.

Hu Dahai was also a little angry, "Shen Wanxi, how could you be like this? Yang Fei fell behind, shouldn't you wait for him? How can we find him?"

"Old Hu, when we went down the mountain, Yang Fei didn't fight for a while. We could even hear Yang Fei's gunshots. I'm sure that Yang Fei must have gone down the mountain. However, he hasn't come yet. I really don't know where he went. Where! It's useless to worry now!" Shen Wanxi also felt a little wronged.

"I am also responsible for this matter!" Li Mobai said, "We should really wait for Yang Fei to come together at the foot of the mountain, so as not to let Yang Fei fall behind. In the final analysis, we made a mistake!"

"Now there is another very important matter, how to explain to Gong Han about our withdrawal from the harbor! How do you think we should tell Gong Han about this matter?" Hu Dahai asked again.

"For the sake of the overall situation, we have to report the situation. No matter what, let's see what the above say!" Li Mobai said.

"Yeah, I believe you Yang Fei is here, so it is impossible for him not to report, just say, we are making a strategic transfer!" Shen Wanxi said.

"The devils are coming fiercely. There are thousands of people. How can we face them with hundreds of people?" Li Mobai said.

"Okay, then I'll ask the telegraph operator to send a telegram to Gong Han and see what to do next!" After Hu Dahai finished speaking, he asked the telegraph operator to send a telegram to Gong Han.

In the telegram, he clearly stated their current location, and also clearly stated how many people they have now, it all depends on Gong Han's answer here!
On the same day when the harbor was lost, Linjiang County fell, and Bai Dalong and Li Mingchao successfully occupied Linjiang County. The next step, they will be eyeing Anning County!

Anning County Crisis!
The seaport is a strategic place, but Linjiang County has a different and special location. After all, attacking from Linjiang County to the north will directly reach Anning County.

The people began to panic!Timely Gong Han and the others did not take it seriously.

They did what they should do. In order to temporarily stabilize the morale of the army, he had to issue an order. It was because of the betrayal of a traitor that Linjiang County fell. In the end, it was Li Jiguang's fault!
Don't dare to make any shit, just put it on Li Jiguang's body. If this person is not killed now, he won't be able to make it easier.

Anyway, their Great Japanese Empire doesn't care, that's what it is for, the more chaos the better!
The defenders of Anning County are now guarding the city gate all day long, just in case the enemy really comes.

However, before the new army attacked Anning County, Bai Dalong and the others led people to attack Fenzhou.

If it is true that Fenzhou is taken down again, it means that there is no defense at all to the south of them, and the place that can be defended is the gate of the city!
Gong Han called Ji Tai and Jing Bai, looked at the telegram sent by Hu Dahai, and then laughed loudly, "That's good, let them stick to the harbor, but they escaped, this is against the order No respect, kill them!"

"No need, we don't need to kill people, they are now stationed in Wagang Village, just let the soldiers of the empire destroy Wagang Village!" Ji Tai said.

"Yeah, the telegram also said that Yang Fei disappeared. This is a great thing. Our hindrance is because of this thorn. Now, he is missing, probably killed by the soldiers of the empire!" Bai said.

"Haha, it means that our short undercover career is over! Is that so?" Gong Han let out a long sigh of relief, "I thought it would be difficult, but I didn't expect it to be so easy!"

"Now, just wait for the iron hooves of the empire to set foot on Ning County, and then we will win!" Tai Ji said.

"Okay, let's go, the three of us, go see the brigade commander of the Eighth Route Army. He must be in a bad mood at this moment. Thirty of us have controlled the entire brigade of the Eighth Route Army. What an honor it is. Go, go See you!" Gong Han declared, and they went straight away.

When they emptied the small dark room where Li Jiguang was held, it was dark and there was no light. When they entered, only the light shone in.

Ji Tai asked the soldiers guarding the door to leave before going in.

"Oh, Brigadier Li!" Gong Han looked at Li Jiguang with a smile.

Li Jiguang was sitting on the chair, feeling very depressed. On the table was the food brought by the soldiers, but he didn't eat a bite. The hot water in the teapot had already cooled down.

Seeing Li Jiguang in such distress, Gong Han was very happy.

"Oh!" Gong Han looked at Li Jiguang, "Brigade Commander Li, are you all right?"

Li Jiguang ignored him. How could the anger in his heart be controlled by such a villain at this moment.

"It seems that you don't want to talk to me, but I have something to tell you!" Gong Han sat down, Ji Tai and Jing Bai also sat down. ,
"The harbor is lost! Linjiang County is also lost. Now, the enemy is attacking Fenzhou. Once Fenzhou is also defeated, Anning County will be over. The enemy's force is too strong, so strong that you and I can't believe it. " Gong Han said.

Li Jiguang just sighed, but still didn't speak.

"I know, you should know who I am, and I'm not afraid to tell you in person, even if I tell you, what can you do?" Gong Han glanced at Mrs. Ji, and Mrs. Ji took a look at the door when she arrived at the door. , nodded to Gong Han.

Gong Han continued, "I am indeed a Japanese. I have never lied about this. The purpose of my coming here is to mess with your Eighth Route Army. Don't blame us. After all the insults, our Commander Yoshikawa died at your hands, this revenge must be avenged!"

"If you don't talk now, I think you should have already thought about it. If you die, you will die. But don't worry, I won't let your body die too. I want you to see with your own eyes that you have worked so hard to win me over. How did your team go towards destruction step by step!" Gong Han smiled.

"Yang Fei, who was guarding the harbor, has disappeared. Now, Shen Wanxi and others are stationed in Wagang Village. Tonight, Wagang Village will no longer exist, and Shen Wanxi and others will die because of it. Tomorrow, at the latest, the day after tomorrow, Anning County will be breached, and Wu County will also be breached, then Huozhou, then Guangzhou, in short, where there is the Eighth Route Army, there will be death!"

Li Jiguang closed his eyes, he should have known that something was wrong with Gong Han, but, these days, he has been tolerating Gong Han's misbehavior.

The cause and effect of all this seems to be revealed at this moment, and he will be killed by them too!

However, he was not convinced. Why did this happen? He also did not believe that Yang Fei would disappear. What is missing?

"Li Jiguang, it's good to have a psychological burden. I'm here to tell you this. It doesn't matter whether you understand it or not. In short, I just want to make your life worse than death!" Gong Han said, "In addition, Our commander Jiang Ying will come soon, those Eighth Route Army who are not willing to surrender will be killed, but those who are willing to surrender, we will keep them, hahaha!" Gong Han laughed.

"You have to live well. What if Yang Fei has three heads and six arms and came to save you?" Gong Han patted Li Jiguang on the shoulder, "Good man, but he doesn't live long!"

After speaking, Gong Han took the lead and left.

Jing Bai and Ji Tai also left one after the other! ,

This is showing off, this is insulting, but Li Jiguang disdains such confrontation, the only one who can oppose him is the real enemy in his heart.

Perhaps there is still hope for a comeback. Perhaps it is not Li Jiguang, but also Wang Jiguang and Zhang Jiguang. However, the anti-Japanese fire in Beihai will never be extinguished.

At this time, Li Jiguang was inexplicably worried about Wang Wei. He was in poor health and had to take medicine. He didn't know whether those former soldiers would still take care of him.

I hope that they can live until the devils are completely driven out, and can live until the founding of New China!

The last ray of light was closed by Mrs. Ji and completely shut to death.Li Jiguang suddenly laughed!
He believes that the ultimate victory will come, the final victory will come!
Night falls!

The mountains to the east of Wu County are covered with snow. It looks the same, but if you look carefully, you will find that someone is ambushing there!

The mountain to the east of Wu County is not too far from Wagang Village. The reason why Yang Fei asked Shen Wanxi and others to station there was because he wanted to see where the devils were trying to go, whether they were going south to capture Anning County, or going west directly. Occupy Wu County!
If they occupy Wu County, they will cooperate with Zhao Qifa, who is stationed in Wu County at this time, in Wagang Village!

If they captured Anning County in peace, they would harass everywhere!
The devils gave up motorcycles and other noise-making tools and vehicles, and turned to walking, trying to completely encircle and annihilate the Eighth Route Army in Wagang Village!

At this time, Wagang Village still hadn't waited for Yang Fei's return. Liu Ji took people out and didn't come back. The rest of the people were still waiting anxiously.

Li Mobai shook his head, "We can't wait like this!"

"Lao Yang hasn't come back yet!" Hu Dahai said.

"I haven't come back, but Wagang Village is not a good place!" Li Mobai said, "Or, we will go to Wu County! Otherwise, we will go south to Anning County!" Li Mobai said.

"Old Li, you can't leave Yang Fei behind!" Hu Dahai said, "At this moment, if we leave, Yang Fei and others come and can't see us, what should we do?"

"Old Hu, I understand what you mean. Gong Han also said that we should be stationed here. However, there are hundreds of us here in such a small village, so it is too easy to be dealt with!" Li Mobai said.

"Perhaps, Gong Han has his intentions. Perhaps, Anning County will send people to help. After all, there are too many enemies on the harbor side!" Shen Wanxi asked.

"It's because there are so many of them that I want to take everyone away. If the devils suddenly surround us, we won't be able to retreat!" Li Mobai said.

"Lao Li, don't worry, I have already sent people to Wu County, and told Yang Fei's battalion commander Zhao Qifa that we are stationed here. If there is any danger here, Zhao Qifa will bring people to rescue. You Don't worry! Besides, the devils just hit the harbor, and they still have to be wary of the situation in East Hague!" Hu Dahai said, "I won't leave until Yang Fei!"

What can Li Mobai say, he can only sit there!

And Zhao Qifa, who was guarding the city, received the people sent by Hu Dahai, and after hearing their situation, he nodded and said he knew.

Immediately, Zhao Qifa ordered people to strictly guard the east gate of Wu County, and Wang Zhifei personally led the team to defend the east gate.

And the one with Wang Zhifei is Zhao Si.

Zhao Si lay lazily, "I said Wang Zhifei, I heard that other troops have already reorganized, when will our army reorganize?"

"What adaptation? What do you want to say?" Wang Zhifei asked.

"What else can I say, I heard that now the soldiers are the ones who decide, and the officials only have the military command power. Look, now Battalion Commander Zhao not only has the command power, but also has all the rights here. When will we If it is also adapted, the status of the soldiers will rise a lot!" Zhao Si was dreaming triumphantly.

"You bastard, what are you thinking? The head of the regiment is the head of the regiment, the commander of the battalion is the commander of the battalion. Only those who are capable can be officers. Do you think that you can be alone? This is no better than others. You are used to being a bandit. I asked you to command thousands of troops, can you come? Soldiers, if you can decide everything, what else do you need to lead?" Wang Zhifei was quite open.

"Why can't it work?" Zhao Si immediately sat up, "In my opinion, our regiment leader is too attached to power and can't bear to let go!"

"What did you say?" Wang Zhifei grabbed Zhao Si's collar, "Believe it or not, I'll throw you down right now?"

"A gentleman uses his mouth but not his hands, let me go!" Zhao Si said.

"I'm not a gentleman!" Wang Zhifei pushed him viciously, and Zhao Si rolled on the ground, "Just to tell you, look at you, you're still active, it's boring!"

"Get out, get out! Didn't you see that our regiment has already established this military team, and the three battalion commanders have the final say, haven't they?" Wang Zhifei glared at him.

"What's the matter, the soldiers are still working hard!" Zhao Si said, "If the soldiers have the right to speak at that time, I am willing to be the commander, and I can talk to the regiment leader, right? "

"It's best to shut up, if you say it again, I'm really rude!" Wang Zhifei said.

"Say it! Why are we guarding the east gate now? Could it be that devils are calling?" Zhao Si asked again.

"I don't know!" Wan Zhifei said angrily.

"Look, as a soldier, you don't even know why you are guarding the city gate. How to fight this battle? You should tell everyone why you guard the city gate, and then everyone can do it effectively, don't you think?" Zhao said. Four said again.

Wang Zhifei couldn't bear it this time, and grabbed Zhao Si by the collar, "You forced me to do this!"

"Wang Zhifei, what are you doing!" Zhao Qifa came to patrol and asked angrily when he saw Wang Zhifei and Zhao Si scuffling.

Zhao Si immediately broke free, and then stood up, "Battle Commander, this Wang Zhifei has been beating me, look, my clothes were torn off by him!"

"Battle Commander, don't listen to him, this guy has been insulting the regiment commander, and you, I really can't stand it anymore!" Wang Zhifei said.

"Wang Zhifei, what did I say about the commander? Why did I insult you? You are uneducated, and you can't understand what I say!" Zhao Si shook his head, then looked at Zhao Qifa, "Battle Commander Zhao, tell me, Why are we defending the East City Gate!"

"I got the news that the devil set off from the harbor and came all the way to the west. Wu County is the first stop from the harbor, so we have to defend!" Zhao Qifa said.

"Oh. That's the reason!" Zhao Si nodded, "That's right, tell us why we are stationed, and we will know how to fight!"

Wang Zhifei stood up at this time, "Why doesn't the leader come to Wu County?"

"It should be in Wagang Village outside the village!" Zhao Qifa said.

"What are you doing there? If you want to get information, you just need to send someone to watch over it. Do you need to stay there?" Wang Zhifei was puzzled.

"This is what Gong Han and the others mean!" Zhao Qifa said, "Actually, Wang Zhifei, I'm not worried that the devils will attack us in Wu County. What I'm worried about is that the devils will attack Wagang Village instead. If that's the case, we will Rescue!"

"Battalion Commander, once you have this matter, you leave it to me, and I promise to handle it for you!" Wang Zhifei said quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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