Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2663 The Gunshots of Wa Village

Chapter 2663 The Gunshots of Wa Village

"Wang Zhifei, don't get excited!" Zhao Qifa called him aside, "Do you know what is the most important thing?"

"How do I know, Battalion Commander Zhao, the regiment commander said, let me follow you, so, what do you say, what do I do, you say it!" Zhao Qifa said sincerely.

"Okay, let me tell you, you know how to make noise, don't you?" Zhao Qifa looked at him, and then sat on the ground of the city wall.

Wang Zhifei also sat down, "I know! But, does this have anything to do with the rescue of Wagang Village?"

"Do you know? Someone wants to kill the leader!" Zhao Qifa said slightly angrily.

"Oh? What's going on?" Wang Zhifei immediately asked when he heard that Yang Fei was going to do something.

"The loss of the harbor is not an equal battle in itself, but the order given by Gong Han to our military team did prevent the team leader and the others from retreating. If they retreat, they will be punished as deserters!" Zhao Qifa looked at Wang Zhifei, He understood that Yang Fei was simply his team leader to Wang Zhifei, and whoever dared to harm Yang Fei, Wang Zhifei would definitely do something.

"What? Did Gong Han issue such an order?" Just after finishing speaking, Wang Zhifei asked, "No, didn't the regiment leader retreat safely?"

"Yeah, that's why I don't understand why at this time, Gong Han and the others haven't heard anything about it. As for the punishment for deserters, there's no news yet!" Zhao Qifa thought.

"Isn't this a good thing? If you don't punish the team leader, could it be a bad thing?" Wang Zhifei asked strangely.

"That's not true. I'm worried. What's going on with Gong Han, but I didn't tell us. Even if we are asked to rescue Wagang Village, maybe Gong Han has some guidance, but now, there is no news. !" Zhao Qifa suddenly felt that this matter should be carefully considered.

Wang Zhifei scratched his head. He really didn't understand what Zhao Qifa was worried about. He also understood that he was a little simple-minded, but he really couldn't think of a certain deep-level thing.

"Battle Commander Zhao, tell me what I should do! Just tell me what to do!" Zhao Qifa said.

"Just in case, and also to protect the leader, I deliberately let people watch at the harbor, in case the leader made any mistakes. The battle during the day was a provocation, and the leader and the others didn't play much at all. Later, The regiment leader and the others retreated, and the devils took advantage of the trend to come to the west!" Zhao Qifa said, "Going this way, I'm afraid it will be bad for Wu County. If we go out, we will definitely encounter devils attacking the city. If we don't go out, the devils will absolutely It will launch an attack on Wagang Village,"

"Battalion Commander Zhao, oops, you are so anxious to death, tell me, what should I do?" Wang Zhifei asked.

"Without knowing the devil's movement, we can't move, and we can't let the devil catch something. In this way, you take a company of soldiers, start from the south gate, and then detour around Wagang Village. If you really want to If you catch a devil, help fight!"

"Battle Commander, tell me how to fight?" Wang Zhifei scratched his head. He really didn't know. Someone was directing him on the spot. He fought fiercely. Once he was asked to decide by himself, he felt a little troublesome.

"How about this, once the devils and the group leader exchange fire, the group leader and the others must also break through, just follow your direction, and the group leader will definitely hear the gunshots and join you. When the time comes, take the group leader and the others back City!" Zhao Qifa said.

"It's so simple, then my old king understands, hehe!" After Wang Zhifei finished speaking, he went down the tower, and then mobilized a company of soldiers and followed him.

Wu County, at this time people fell asleep early, and the county town is surprisingly quiet now.

Zhao Qifa and others guarded the county seat.

But Yang Fei encountered trouble here, because when they wanted to go to Wagang Village, they encountered devils. Although they were hiding and there was no danger for the time being, the road leading to Wagang Village was blocked. !

It is even more difficult to want to pass.

Han Qing was also a little anxious, "Sir, don't worry, I'll kill a bloody way out, let's go to Wagang Village!"

Yang Fei grabbed him, "Don't worry!"

"Sir, why!" Han Qing asked.

"Think about it, we just left, the speed of the devils is so fast, what is their purpose when they go west?" Yang Fei said, "Obviously, it is Wu County, and the devils want to attack Wu County!"

"Wu County? Isn't Zhao Qifa guarding there? Is there any problem?" Han Qing asked.

"As for Zhao Qifa, I have no reason not to believe him. It's just that the harbor is neither too close nor too far from Wu County. If the devils want to quickly invade Wu County, why do they walk? The speed of walking is too high. Very slowly, our speed has even caught up with the devil!" Yang Fei said, "Obviously, the devil wants to come without anyone noticing."

"Sir, no matter what, we are going to Wagang Village, aren't we? I'll kill a bloody way out, and we can go there too!" Han Qing asked.

"You killed a bloody road, and there is another bloody road. Now we don't know what the devil is going to do, so we'd better not move for now, and see what the devil is going to do. Han Qing, listen to me!" Yang Fei Said.

Han Qing stopped for a moment, then watched from the corner.

"It's cold, sir. I'll go to the neighborhood to see if there is a village. Let's go to the village to hide for now. If there is any movement, we will leave quickly! How is it?" Han Qing asked.

"No need, we went to the village, maybe it will cause a burden to the villagers, what we have to do now is to wait!" Yang Fei said.

Looking at the time, it was already [-]:[-] in the evening, and there was still no movement. Han Qing caught two hares somewhere, and he didn't know when they were roasted. Yang Fei gnawed on the rabbit meat, Then look ahead.

Han Qing didn't dare to say more, but waited.

At 55:[-], Yang Fei had just grabbed a handful of snow on the ground and put it in his mouth when he heard gunshots.

The gunshots came from not far away. Yang Fei frowned while distinguishing the sound. Han Qing also hurriedly listened, "Listen, Wu County is fighting!"

Yang Fei shook his head, "It's not Wu County!"

"Ah? It's not Wu County? The gunshot is clearly..." Han Qing was a little insensitive.

"The place where the gunshots were fired was not Wu County, but a place dozens of miles away from Wu County!" Yang Fei thought carefully, "Could it be that Wagang Village started the fight?"

"Wagang Village?" Han Qing was a little surprised, "How does the devil know that we are all going to retreat to Wagang Village? Could it be..."

"Damn it!" Yang Fei yelled, "This is really going to kill us all! This trick is really wonderful!" Yang Fei's fist hit the ground.

"Sir, no matter how stupid I am, I know that if the devil can find out what's going on in Wagang Village, there must be a traitor!" Han Qing said.

"The guess is right, the little devil's precise attack will definitely be betrayed by a traitor!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he wanted to leave, but then he thought, "Oops!"

Han Qing looked at Yang Fei, "Head, what's the matter? What's wrong?"

"When there is a gunshot in Wagang Village, it will definitely attract the rescue of Zhao Qifa from Wu County. Once Zhao Qifa sends troops to rescue, the devils will come to ambush..." The more I think about it, the more I feel something is wrong. "How did this little devil find Wagang Village?"

"Who betrayed it?" Han Qing also asked.

"Wagang Village is an inconspicuous village. If you encounter gunshots at this time, you must have got information!" Yang Fei stood up, "Come on, let's go this way. The devil has made a move. You will suffer!" Yang Fei said and left here.

Han Qing hurriedly followed, "Sir, did the new puppet army in Liaocheng do it?"

"Although it is said that the new puppet army was developed by the devils, the movement of the new puppet army has been in our hands during this period of time. It may be difficult for them to give the information to the devils!" Yang Fei As he spoke, he stopped abruptly, "Could it be someone who knows about this?"

"There are many people who know about this. The soldiers who retreated to Wagang Village, and several regiment leaders, none of them can betray us?" Han Qing was also very surprised.

"There is another possibility. Shen Wanxi and the others reported the retreat to Wagang Village to Gong Han and the others!" Yang Fei narrowed his eyes, "The one who might betray us is Gong Han!"

"Murder with a borrowed knife!" Han Qing immediately said when he heard this, "Sir, when you are safe, I will go to Anning County and investigate him!"

"I didn't expect that this person has such a deep grievance with us, and he wants to kill us. I don't know if Shen Wanxi and the others can hide in a safe place!" Yang Fei guessed again.

"Sir, let's go first!" Han Qing said, and Yang Fei disappeared into the night.


Gunshots rang out from all sides of Wagang Village. The speed of the devil was so fast that the soldiers with several years of experience could not realize that the devil had been lying in ambush for so long.

The temporary residence of Li Mobai and others was destroyed by shells. They gathered together, "Devils are coming from all directions, we must find a way to break through!"

"Da da da……"

"That's right!" Shen Wanxi said, "Let's break through from the northeast, the gunshots over there are quieter. After breaking through, let's quickly enter Wu County!"

"It makes sense! I agree, let's break out to the northeast!" Hu Dahai also said the same.

"It's unscientific. Listen carefully. The gunshots are as loud as thunder on three sides, but very few on the other side. Why? Don't you just want us to go there? When the time comes, we will drill Once it’s in the devil’s pocket, it’s even more difficult to get out!” Li Jiguang said, “Either go south or go west! There are only two ways to go!”

"You're crazy!" Hu Dahai shook his head, "How many of us, listen to how many gunshots there are!"

"Wagang Village is no longer safe. Xiaoshizi Village to the south of Wagang Village will soon be taken down by devils. If we don't discuss how to get out, I'm afraid we won't be able to get out!" Li Mobai said.

"I suggest that in order to preserve the final combat effectiveness, it's time for the three regiment leaders to make the right choice!" Shen Wanxi said.

Li Mobai and Hu Dahai looked at Shen Wanxi, "What do you mean?"

"Three people, one person leads a team, and fights to the west, north, and south respectively. Whoever can get out is hope! We can't put all our eggs in one basket, but we can't just think about things. As long as one of us survives , you can avenge the opponent!"

Shen Wanxi said, "Hu Dahai, you choose first!"

"I..." Hu Dahai looked at him, "I choose... the south!" Hu Dahai said, "Going south, we can reach Anning County. Although the number of devils in the south is unclear, we have no other choice!"

"Old Li, you choose!" Shen Wanxi looked at Li Mobai and asked.

"Old Shen, I think there is danger in the north, which is not in line with common sense!" Li Mobai said, "The two of us fight to the west, and if we fight to the west, we can reach the south gate of Wu County!" Li Mobai still insisted on himself.

Shen Wanxi smiled, "There must be someone wading in the water, Lao Li, go west!"

"Old Shen, don't mess around, okay? Let's go west! Even if we can't escape, we can still fight the devils on the western mountain!" Li Mobai shouted hoarsely.

"Old Li, I want to leave it to you. I'll go north to attract the firepower of the devils! You all have to retreat!" With that said, Shen Wanxi was about to leave!
"Wait!" Li Mobai came to Shen Wanxi's side, "You boy, come back alive, I want to see you! Also, Yang Fei hasn't been found yet, this is our responsibility, you boy, don't die before us!"

Shen Wanxi smiled, "Damn it, why did I hang up first, and you fucking hang up first! Let's go!" Saying that, Shen Wanxi went north!

At this time, Hu Dahai lowered his head. He didn't give him the most dangerous place, but gave Shen Wanxi the greatest hope!
Hu Dahai clenched his fists, "Fucking hell, let me survive! I haven't had a good drink with you yet!" After finishing speaking, Hu Dahai turned around and wanted to leave!

"Da da da!"



"Da da da!"

Gunshots filled my ears!Li Mobai looked at the road to the west, and in the middle of the night, tongues of fire spewed out, like devils eating people.

Li Mobai led his people near the Temple of the Three Immortals to the west of Wagang Village, and they encountered the devils!
The Temple of the Three Immortals is a temple built on a flat ground, inside there are three clay statues of him who are not very clear, seeing the devil running over, Li Mobai immediately ordered, "Look at the devil, hit me hard! "


The gunfire started.

The devils defended on the spot and rushed towards Sanxian Temple!
A battalion commander ran over, "Regiment commander, the devils have almost a regiment's strength, do we need to go up the mountain behind us now?"

"Don't look at the Sanxian Temple as a flat land. It is also suitable for positional warfare. Tell the soldiers that since the devils want to fight, we can't be cowardly. In the past, we have been fighting guerrillas. Today, let the devils see and fight. In positional warfare, the Eighth Route Army will not hesitate either!" Li Mobai shouted!

"Yes!" The battalion commander listened to the order, and immediately organized the soldiers to find his position near the Sanxian Temple, and began to exchange fire with the devils.

Sanxian Temple, there was originally a company stationed here, and the other troops were either scattered or disappeared. The company that can integrate the troops is this company.

Li Mobai frowned. The small number of people was a problem, but it was not a very important problem. The reason why he dared to fight the devils here was because the terrain here had an advantage.And if you can go up from here, you will be able to engage in guerrilla warfare with the devils. If the devils dare to fight at night, it means that they are mentally prepared.

Li Jiguang looked at the map, and the distance to the south gate of Wuxian County is actually longer than the distance to the east gate, but even so, they had to fight the devils!
If Zhao Qifa from Wu County brought someone to kill him, it would be another result!

The battle on Hu Dahai's side was not very smooth. When he came, there was only one company of troops, and they went around from the Fenghe River in the south to the devils. Although there were gains, the casualties were relatively large.

This river has long been frozen into a thoroughfare, and it can't play a defensive role at all. Hu Dahai drew out a machete, "Isn't it just death? Life is a hero, and death is also a ghost!"

"Brothers, today is the most important battle for our Eighth Route Army. If you win, you will be blessed for the rest of your life. If you lose, your ancestors will be dug up. Follow me and let's rush over!" Hu Dahai said Under the order, the soldiers put on bayonets, and each of them got up, vowing to defend the rivers and mountains to the death.

"Kill!" Hu Dahai took the lead to kill, and when the devils saw that the Eighth Route Army was fighting in close combat, they all quickly put on their bayonets, "Tear!

Looking at the devil with a sword, those words that don't need much have now become the most important moment.

Whoever is not stained with the blood of some devils will use their blood to commemorate the sacrificed heroes.

"Comrades, kill!" Hu Dahai yelled loudly, brandished a machete, and started a bloody slaughter with the devils in front of him.

If you can kill one more, you will definitely not be able to spare their lives.

On the contrary, Shen Wanxi led the people towards the northeast, and there were only sporadic devils along the way. After they were easily resolved, Shen Wanxi became more and more afraid as they walked!
Sure enough, just like Li Mobai's worry, here is obviously a cloth bag!
When he walked into the mouth of the gourd, he realized that the place he was in was in the middle of the cloth bag, surrounded by hillsides on three sides. If he went further inside, he would definitely encounter ghosts. His experience told him that he couldn't leave. , If you go on, you will definitely encounter strong enemies!

He immediately stopped the soldiers.

Gourd mouth, this is a terrain with a large entrance and a small exit. If he thinks about such a place, he will definitely set up a surprise soldier. Shen Wanxi is not the only one who can think of a way to set up a surprise soldier here. The devil will also think of it.

"Commander, what's wrong?" A company commander asked.

"We can't go forward. If we go forward, we will really enter the devil's encirclement. If that happens, we won't be able to get out alive!" Shen Wanxi said.

"If not, shall we go back?" said the company commander.

"I'm afraid the devils have already cut off our retreat just after we came here!" Shen Wanxi said at this time, "The mountain is more dangerous, and we can't go there. If the devils have artillery, we are all within their range now! "

"Captain, there are two places where we can go out, one is the gourd mouth in front, and the other is behind!" the company commander said.

"Compared to annihilation of the whole army, I want to take you out!" Shen Wanxi ordered immediately, "Retreat quietly, retreat to the mountain behind you, if you can deal with the devils, then deal with them, to attract the nearby devils, Let Li Mobai and Hu Dahai break through the encirclement smoothly!"


After finishing speaking, the company commander led the soldiers and began to retreat behind him.

Sure enough, when they had just retreated to the foot of the mountain, an army of devils had ambushed at some point on the mountain. Their firepower was very fierce, and several soldiers around Shen Wanxi fell down at once.

Shen Wanxi quickly found a hiding place, "Damn it, this move is really fast!"

After a while, the company commander ran over again, "Commander, we found devils to the east!"

Shen Wanxi gritted her teeth, "It seems that they want to force us into their pockets!"

"It's a good idea," Shen Wanxi said, "fight with the devil on the spot. After we enter the pocket, we are close to death, and there is absolutely no hope of winning! Only here can we play our due level. The devil is destined to win. All dead!"


The order has just been delivered.

A soldier pushed and shoved, shouting in his mouth, "Get out of the way, out of the way!"

Shen Wanxi frowned, "What are you doing, kid?"

The soldier came over, "Commander, we can't die!"

"Nonsense, I know that if you don't eliminate the devils, you will die. Now, put them all on me! Put all the bayonets on me!"

"No, no, no!" said the soldier, "Commander, I know a path, we can go around this mountain and go directly to Wagang Village!"

Shen Wanxi frowned, "What?"

"Really, after arriving at Wagang Village, can we have another way out?" The soldier looked at Shen Wanxi.

"How do you know?" Shen Wanxi was a little suspicious.

"Regimental Commander, I am from Wagang Village. I have joined our Eighth Route Army for two months. I don't want to die so early. In the early years, I went to the mountains with my father to collect herbs, and walked that road!" said the soldier.

"Okay, lead the way!" After finishing speaking, Shen Wanxi told the company commander to come quietly with the soldiers!
This so-called path is indeed a cave.

The soldier told Shen Wanxi, "Go through this cave, and then you can pass through this mountain. During the process, you have to pass through several caves!"

"So many caves? What are they used for?" Shen Wanxi asked.

"It's to prevent bandits. These caves already existed when my grandfather was there. However, people who are not in the village don't know about this secret road." The soldier said, and then pointed, "The exit is ahead, and after passing the exit, you have to enter a cave!"

(End of this chapter)

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