Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2664 A Sudden Surprise

Chapter 2664 A Sudden Surprise

Following the warrior's guidance, Shen Wanxi was pleasantly surprised to find that this was definitely a thoroughfare. Although in the cave, the wind was blowing in his ears, the tranquility here was unimaginable to the outside world.

This is definitely a rescue from a desperate situation. At this most critical juncture, Shen Wanxi was as happy as if he was hit by a meal of braised beef.

Soldiers walk along the tunnel, keep going!

Seeing everything that happened here, Shen Wanxi was filled with emotion. He found the soldier, and asked, "Thank you this time, without your guidance, I'm afraid we would all be meat on the devil's chopping board!"

"Commander, what are you talking about? I'm also from Huaxia. Besides, you are my commander. Isn't it right for me to do this!" The soldier giggled.

"I'll credit you for going out this time!" Shen Wanxi said.

"Thank you, Commander! We will reach Wagang Village from here, and it should be very soon! It's just that we don't know what's going on in Wagang Village!" said the soldier.

"No matter what the situation is, as long as you are not surrounded by devils here, I, Shen Wanxi, will take you back!" Shen Wanxi said.

At this time, an intelligence agent suddenly ran over, "Commander, Commander!"

Shen Wanxi turned around and asked quickly, "What happened?"

"Leader, it's not good. We found a devil behind us. Captain, what should we do!" The intelligence officer looked at Shen Wanxi nervously!
Shen Wanxi pulled out his pistol, "No matter what, you can't lure the devils to Wagang Village and pass on my orders!" After finishing speaking, Shen Wanxi said, "After passing through this tunnel, lay ambushes on both sides for me, non-combatants evacuate first, The rest of the people, lay in ambush for me, and no one is allowed to shoot without my order! This terrain is beneficial to us!" Shen Wanxi said.


After speaking, the soldiers hurriedly separated to ambush!


Besides, Hu Dahai, fighting the devils in melee is inextricable. At the end of the fight, Hu Dahai won. Looking at the devils lying on the ground, and seeing so many of his comrades falling to the ground, the corners of his eyes were bloodshot , The knife in his hand was tightly held in his hand, the blood on the tip of the knife had been frozen, how should he rush out?
It seems that there is not much hope here, the veins on his neck are swollen, and more than 20 soldiers are behind him.Some of them were seriously injured, but they still stood strong.

"Commander, what should we do now?" a soldier asked.

"Don't be afraid, as long as you have a breath, I will take you out!" Hu Dahai said. "Follow me, keep going! If you can't go to the mainland, just take the path, we are not afraid of those!"

After speaking, the soldiers followed him forward!

Walking across the river of blood and stepping over the nameless corpses, he suddenly discovered that the prospect of this road is not very good!
He even said that he was completely incapable of leading so many people forward, but the road was just under his feet, so he had to go.

At the same time, major changes have taken place on Ma Xiaokun's side!
Hearing that Li Jiguang and others were arrested, and Wang Wei was also imprisoned, he frowned, how could he not tolerate such a major change!

He himself was guarding Yehu Village. At this time, he couldn't sit still anymore. He wanted to change something. Immediately, he decided to take the troops to the direction of the harbor, but he heard that the harbor had been occupied by devils. , He wanted to save Li Jiguang, but he felt that with his own strength, it was really impossible. He had to find Yang Fei, which was imperative for him!

Go north, go north!

He led the people along the road that could no longer be seen, and walked northward. He didn't know how long he had walked. When he heard the gunshots, he had to stop and carefully identify what it was before those people fought!

He sent someone over to investigate, and after a while, someone came over and immediately said, "I found the devil's movement ahead!"

As soon as he heard the word devil, Ma Xiaokun immediately took out his gun, "Okay, since there are devils, don't try to persuade me, just hit them when you see them!"

After finishing speaking, Ma Xiaokun led the people forward!

Arriving in an unknown village, Ma Xiaokun decided to wait here, because the gunshots kept coming and going, and he didn't know how many devils there were, and what caused the fight. It must be a devil, no matter who the devil hits, he will hit the devil!

After waiting for a while, there were still sporadic gunshots. He shook his head, "It's not right, how could it be possible? How could there be only sporadic gunshots when the devils are fighting a war? After all, it must be our own people and the devils fighting!"

Thinking of this, Ma Xiaokun immediately ordered, "Fire me in the direction of the gunfire!"

After speaking, Ma Xiaokun immediately gave the order and went in the direction of gunshots.

A small hillside, here is a small team of devils ambushing, and they have received orders to guard this place to prevent any Eighth Route Army from escaping!

This is a big plan. It can be said that the Eighth Route Army cannot escape at all!

On the hillside, the devils were dealing with Hu Dahai at this time. They didn't take the initiative to fight, and Hu Dahai didn't have much strength to attack. In short, Hu Dahai was standing on the hillside with a gun, and he proved that he did not admit defeat!
"Since the devil is on the mountain, everyone come with me!" After finishing speaking, Ma Xiaokun led the people up the mountain quietly.

After reporting the specific location of the devil to Ma Xiaokun, Ma Xiaokun asked everyone to take out all the grenades on their bodies, and let the devil taste the bomb first!

After finishing speaking, the soldiers took out all the grenades around their waists, and Ma Xiaokun pointed to a location, "It's the front, aim for me, throw it away!"

As soon as these words came out, the grenades were like huge hailstones, clustered together and exploded around the devil!


Ma Xiaokun listened to the voice of the devil crying for his father and mother, which was very enjoyable.

"Keep throwing it at me, and blow up all the devils!" Ma Xiaokun roared.

Another round of grenade rain, the soldiers heard the sound of devils crying for their father and mother, that was also very proud.

After the explosion was over again, Ma Xiaokun shouted, "Come on!"

With one order, all the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army rushed in the direction of the devils!
"Come on!"

"Come on!"

The soldiers of the Eighth Route Army roared and rushed towards the devils!
How many devils are there?Ma Xiaokun didn't know the exact number, but he knew that if there were more devils on the mountain, they would have rushed down to fight them!

Based on this feeling alone, Ma Xiaokun rushed towards the devils by mistake!

The devils in that team were wounded a lot, and they didn't have time to react, so they were caught off guard by the charging Eighth Route Army soldiers!
Soon, the devils on the mountain began to flee, and Ma Xiaokun didn't let the soldiers chase after him. The most important thing for him now was to see who was down the mountain.

Hu Dahai, who was at the bottom of the mountain, heard the sound of grenades on the mountain, and immediately became alert. He asked everyone to hide, and then he frowned, "Who is the devil on the mountain? Could it be that Gong Han sent someone here?" ?”

Soon, Ma Xiaokun shouted from the mountain, "Which department do the comrades down the mountain belong to?"

Hearing Ma Xiaokun's voice, Hu Dahai let out a long sigh of relief. Unexpectedly, it was this kid, and he immediately asked people to go up the mountain quickly. After meeting Ma Xiaokun, Hu Dahai saved his life!

He remembered this order, it was given by him, Ma Xiaokun, and sooner or later, he, Hu Dahai, would pay it back!
"Ma Xiaokun, thank you this time!" Hu Dahai said.

"Captain Hu?" Ma Xiaokun was actually very surprised, he didn't expect to see Hu Dahai.

"What? Surprised to see me?" After speaking, Hu Dahai wiped the blood from the machete on his hand.

"No, I want to ask, where is our regiment leader?" Ma Xiaokun asked quickly.

"I don't know where your regiment leader is right now. That kid is blessed and lucky, so he should be fine!" Hu Dahai said.

"Okay!" Ma Xiaokun scratched his head, "Let's leave now, otherwise, it will be difficult to handle when the devils come later!"

"That makes sense, by the way, how is Anning County now?" Hu Dahai asked.

"It doesn't affect the county seat, but Fenzhou has already fallen! I don't feel safe in Anning county now!" Ma Xiaokun said, Hu Dahai naturally wouldn't know, how could he know, these days, he didn't know There is no way to get in touch with the news there!

"Let's go back to the county!" Hu Dahai said.

Ma Xiaokun shook his head, "No, I won't go, if you want to go, you can go back!

Hu Dahai looked puzzled, "What do you mean? Why didn't you go back to the county seat? Didn't you get ordered by Gong Han to save me?"

"It's not convenient!" Ma Xiaokun said, "I came out because I couldn't bear the coldness of the palace. I took people with me just to find our regiment leader and ask our regiment leader, brigade commander and political commissar what to do!"

"The brigade commander and the political commissar?" Hu Dahai asked, "Ma Xiaokun, you and I were walking and talking, what happened to the brigade commander and the political commissar?"

"Okay, I can talk to you!" Ma Xiaokun followed Hu Dahai to a safe place, and then told him about the detention of Li Jiguang and Wang Wei.

Hearing this news, Hu Dahai was almost crazy!
"What did you say? What did you say? The brigade commander and political commissar were imprisoned by Gong Han? Why?" Hu Dahai asked, grabbing Ma Xiaokun's shoulder.

After all, at this time, none of them knew that Gong Han and the others were actually impostors and real devils, so they couldn't understand it at all!

"Commander Hu, don't be angry. I don't know much about this matter, but what I know is that Gong Han said that the brigade commander and the political commissar had committed the crime of covering up. I remember that there was a saying, Commander Shen made Daguang sacrifice because of his mistake, but Commander Shen was not punished, so it is said that the brigade commander and the political commissar committed the crime of covering up!" Ma Xiaokun said categorically.

"Damn it!" Hu Dahai couldn't help it anymore, "I'll go to Gong Han to find out. Find out what he means!" Hu Dahai said.

"Head Hu, I advise you not to go. Anning County is currently being cleaned. If you go, I'm worried that nothing will happen," Ma Xiaokun said.

"No matter what, we have to rescue the brigade commander and the political commissar. This is the most important thing." Hu Dahai was about to leave after speaking.

"Head Hu, I don't think this matter will be so simple, otherwise, I would not have escaped! I just thought, find an opportunity to thoroughly investigate this matter, not only to save the brigade The political commissar of Changhe needs to clear their grievances! This is the most important thing!" Ma Xiaokun said very reasonable.

"Then what should we do now?" Hu Dahai asked Ma Xiaokun instead.

"Let's go to Wu County first. I think the leader will go back to Wu County sooner or later. Let's wait for our leader in Wu County. We have to discuss this matter with our leader!" Ma Xiaokun said.

"What you said is also reasonable! However, to go to Wu County now, you have to take a detour. The road ahead is blocked by devils!" Hu Dahai said.

"No matter what, we have to go!" After finishing speaking, Ma Xiaokun and Hu Dahai made a detour towards Wu County.

Regarding the matter of Li Jiguang and Wang Wei, Hu Dahai always thought that what he had to do was to get Li Jiguang out, no matter what method he used!
Let's talk about Li Mobai again.

In the battle of Sanxian Temple, Li Mobai temporarily repelled the devil's attack, but his own company also suffered casualties!
Soon, the devils once launched an attack, this time, instead of charging, the devils bombarded Sanxian Temple with mortars!
The huge firepower made Li Mobai breathless, and several gaps appeared in the position very quickly!Once the devils charge over, they will have no way to hold on again.

Race against gunfire, this is what Li Mobai will do.

Soon, the devil rushed over once, Li Mobai retreated and fought, and retreated to the mountain behind him!

"Beep beep..."

The sound of the charge sounded!

Li Mobai, who had retreated halfway up the mountain, was overjoyed when he heard it, "The support troops are here!"

Thinking of this, Li Mobai hurriedly said, "Ambush on the spot, if the devils dare to come up, we will let them go around without food!"

With support troops, of course Li Mobai is not afraid of devils!
Soon, the battle at the foot of the mountain became more and more fierce. Li Mobai, the devil who came up the mountain, issued an order to prevent the devil from doing anything bigger!

"Beep beep beep!" The charge horn rang non-stop!

"It must be Zhao Qifa who came to rescue us," Li Mobai shouted thinking of this, "Get the bayonet and prepare to fight the devil!"

"Shua, Shua, Shua...", the soldiers put their bayonets on the number, and then Li Jiguang shouted, "Our support troops are at the foot of the mountain, comrades, we are going to rush down and join the support troops. The little devil will not be us in the end." opponent!" Li Jiguang shouted, and then rushed down first!



Rushing down the mountainside, Li Jiguang took the lead and beat the devils when he saw them, but the devils were defeated and fled naturally when they were attacked by the enemy!


Wang Zhifei also shouted!He became more valiant in battle. He waved the bayonet in his hand and killed several devils in an instant!

"Little devil, don't run away if you have the ability, come and fight me!" Wang Zhifei shouted loudly!

"Kill me!"


, Shouting and killing continued, resounding through the entire empty valley!

Victory was just around the corner. When the two teams met, Wang Zhifei laughed loudly, "Leader Li, we meet!"

Li Mobai held Wang Zhifei's hand tightly, "Wang Zhifei, thank you!"

"Don't thank me. Battalion Commander Zhao asked me to come from the south gate. I'm sorry, I came a little late. I didn't expect the devils to launch so many charges. You guys are really good, hold on!"

Wang Zhifei admired Li Mobai's ability.

"Let's go, retreat to Wu County!" After saying that, Li Mobai and Wang Zhifei led their people and retreated to Wu County!

Arriving in Wu County, Zhao Qifa saw Li Mobai coming, and hurried to meet him, "Leader Li!"

"Battle Commander Zhao, thank you this time, otherwise, I would have gone up the mountain!" Li Mobai said.

"Leader Li, I'm really sorry, the East Gate really didn't dare to take risks, so I asked Zhifei to take people to the South Gate to meet you. It seems that this was a success!" Zhao Qifa was also a little moved.

"Not much to say, this time, you saved me, and I, Li Mobai, will remember you forever!" Li Mobai said.

"By the way, Captain Li, why are you the only one, Captain Shen, and our leader?" Zhao Qifa quickly asked, seeing that there was no one behind.

"To be honest, the devils attacked too fast and lost a lot of positions. Therefore, I discussed with Hu Dahai and Shen Wanxi that if we want to preserve the vitality of the army, we have to charge around and break through. I chose the west. Hu The sea went to the south, and Shen Wanxi went to the north!" Li Mobai said.

"North? Just now, I heard gunshots from the north, but it was over soon! Could it be that it was Commander Shen just now?" Zhao Qifa asked suspiciously.

"Since there are gunshots, it is very likely that Shen Wanxi is breaking out from the north!" Li Mobai said.

"Where is our head? Did he break out over there?" Zhao Qifa asked again.

"Yang Fei, he..."

Hearing that Li Mobai stammered, Zhao Qifa wanted to know what happened to Yang Fei. He looked at Li Mobai, no matter what the outcome, he was mentally prepared. After all, it was a war, and after all, they were all flesh and blood!
"Leader Li, if you have anything to say, what's wrong with our head?" Zhao Qifa asked.

"Actually, Yang Fei is not in Wagang Village at all. We retreated from East Hague, and Yang Fei fell behind. Up to now, we don't know where Yang Fei has gone!" Li Mobai said, "Liu Ji took people to find him. He is gone, and there is no news now, but I believe Yang Fei, he is a lucky man with his own appearance, he can't be silent!"

Zhao Qifa nodded, "Well, but this is a good thing!"

"Enlightenment, sooner or later there will be a tough battle in Wu County. This time, the devils suddenly surrounded Wagang Village. This is unusual. I must find out why this happened!" Li Mobai said.

"Leader Li, I also have the same idea. Could it be that someone leaked the secret?" Zhao Qifa asked.

"It's not impossible. If I get involved with this person, I will definitely not let him go. Obviously, it's a lie for the devils to attack Wuwu, but it's true to surround Wagang and destroy us!" Li Mobai said.

"This matter needs to be investigated, but, Captain Li, you rest first, if there is anything wrong, I will come to you!" Shen Wanxi said,

"Okay, then I will trouble you, Battalion Commander Zhao!" Li Mobai said politely.

"Leader Li, see you later!" After Zhao Qifa finished speaking, he looked at Wang Zhifei, "Leader Li Mobai just now, his analysis made sense. Only going west can break through the devil's defense line. Going south, If you go north, it will be more laborious to write!"

"Battle Commander Zhao, what do you want Wang Zhifei to do? Just tell me, I have nothing to say to Wang Zhifei!" Wang Zhifei looked at Zhao Qifa, and he took a few breaths of air.

"We still have to go back and rescue Commander Shen alive. They have been fighting for too long, so it's not good," Zhao Qifa said, "Well, then I will take people away, or start from the south gate, and then Let's go to Wagang Village!" Wang Zhifei said.

"Yes, that's what I mean!" Zhao Qifa nodded, "Breaking out from the north, the devils are afraid that there will be three layers inside, and [-]% outside will surround Shen Wanxi. If they can't get out in time, they will sink deeper and deeper into the quagmire. Wang Zhifei, Hurry up and take people with you, time is life!"

"Battle Commander Zhao, don't worry, this time, I'm not only saving Shen Wanxi, but I also want to look around to see where this little devil can lead our regiment leader!" After Wang Zhifei finished speaking, he led his people away.

At this time, Yang Fei was walking with Han Qing, passing through several villages, Yang Fei marked it on the map again, "Haha!"

Yang Fei suddenly laughed.

Han Qing looked at him in confusion, "Sir, what's wrong with you?"

Yang Fei said, "When we arrived at this village, we should be almost at Wu County. The gunshots that could be heard just now have stopped at this time. Could it be that the battle is over?"

"How is that possible!" Han Qing said, "The devils are besieging Wagang Village. I don't know what happened to Wagang Village. Whether Li Mobai and the others can hold it is debatable!"

"Han Qing, Li Mobai's ability is not good, but how many devils have you seen when we came all the way just now? It seems that the harbor has been so long, and there have been quite a few devils here by chance. Seeing devils coming continuously is just giving him Ten Li Mobai, I'm afraid it won't work! Yang Fei said, "The only thing that can save them is to retreat! "

"Retreat?" Han Qing was a little puzzled, "Why retreat? They have been fighting for so long, where is the appropriate place to retreat?"

"Of course it's Wu County," Yang Fei said without hesitation, "First of all, Wu County has to face people who are several times stronger than him, so he must be strong!"

"The second point is also the only first choice for Li Mobai and others to retreat!" Yang Fei said confidently.

"Breakout to the south. If they succeed, they will gather in Anning County to defend Anning County. Isn't this killing two birds with one stone?" Han Qing asked.

"If there is no accident, Gong Han will definitely give them a death order to prevent them from retreating. If they really retreat to Anning County, they will have to face Gong Han's accusations against them. It is impossible for Li Mobai and Shen Wanxi to go to Anning County. The only possibility is Wu County!" Yang Fei said.

"Well, let's say you're right!" Han Qing said, "I don't know if there are ghosts ahead, sir, wait for me here first, I'll go ahead and have a look!" Han Qing went after saying that.

Yang Fei sat down and smoked a cigarette, "After a few more villages, we will really arrive. The closer it is, the more uncomfortable I feel!"

(End of this chapter)

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