Chapter 2665
Thinking of this, Yang Fei and Han Qing didn't dare to stay any longer, and the most important thing was to move forward and reach Wu County as soon as possible.

They went forward with all their heart, but accidentally arrived at a devil's stronghold. Han Qing and Yang Fei kept chatting, only to find a few devils staring at them when they got to the front. Seeing Yang Fei and others, a devil held a Pointing the gun at the two of them, "What kind of work?"

Yang Fei was stunned. This was a mistake in chatting. He originally planned to pass it smoothly, but now it seems that he can only kill them before passing!
Taking a closer look, there are five devils here. At some point, a fence has been set up, and a machine gun is pointed at Yang Fei and Han Qing.

"Speak, where do you work?" The devil asked impatiently.

"Hello Taijun!" Yang Fei greeted with a hippie smile, "We are going to go to the fair, the big fair, to buy things, to subsidize the family!" Yang Fei said with a smile.

"Going to the market?" The devil obviously didn't believe it.

"That's right. I'm going to the fair, Taijun, please do me a favor!" Yang Fei said.

"Stand still and do a body search!" After the devil finished speaking, he asked Yang Fei to raise his hand. Yang Fei raised his hand obediently, and Han Qing followed suit.

The devil touched Yang Fei's body, and a piece of iron lump was searched out at once!

"Baga, Lu, you are Balu!" After speaking, the devil was about to shoot.

How could Yang Fei let him shoot.Taking advantage of the situation, he brought the gun over, and pointed the gun at the devil!

Seeing his accomplice being subdued, the machine gunner devil grinned frantically, pulled the trigger, and the bullets sounded like a shuttle, and there was a "da da da" sound.

Han Qing rushed over, threw Yang Fei down, and quickly dodged!

The subdued devil got up from the ground. At this time, several more devils came over. Han Qing saw that this was not bad, and immediately jumped up as if flying. The speed was extremely fast. If a big battle could take place here, He, Han Qing, will never get hurt at all!

Yang Fei got up from the ground, and when he took out his pistol, the devils in front had already been thrown to the ground, Yang Fei didn't even have time to see clearly what happened.

At this time, Han Qing came to Yang Fei unexpectedly again, "Sir, there is only the machine gunner left, what should I do, tell me!"

"Don't kill, keep alive. I still have to ask why they set up a stronghold here. It stands to reason that this place is far from the harbor and not too close to the nearby towns!" Yang Fei had just finished speaking, but Han Qing All of a sudden, Yang Fei turned around, but he didn't see his shadow clearly, he had already disappeared!
"Damn it, at such a fast speed, when the time comes, I don't even know how I'm going to die!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he slowly raised his head and saw that Han Qing had arrived at the machine gunner. The devil knocked over to the ground.

Yang Fei ran over and glanced at Han Qing, "Did you kill him?"

"No!" Han Qing said.

"Why is this motionless?" Yang Fei asked.

"I don't know, this devil should be blown to death!" After Han Qing finished speaking, he kicked the devil.

However, the devil remained motionless.

"He said he wasn't dead!" Yang Fei was a little angry!
"Really didn't kill me!" Han Qing looked innocent!
Yang Fei squatted down, "Then what's going on?" After speaking, Yang Fei looked at the devil on the ground, "It stands to reason that once a person dies, he loses consciousness, and he doesn't know if the devil is really dead! "

After finishing speaking, Yang Fei scratched the devil's armpit!

The ghost who pretended to be dead immediately laughed, "Don't stop, it's too itchy!"

Han Qing and Yang Fei had black lines on their faces. ,
"Damn it, you dare to fake death!" Yang Fei shouted.

Who knows, the devil looked at Yang Fei and the others, "Don't kill me! Don't kill me!"

"Why not kill you?" Yang Fei looked at him and asked.

"Hey!" The devil actually laughed shamelessly, and then looked at Han Qing, "Your trick just now is really cool, can you teach me..."

Han Qing was so angry that he almost hit hard.

"Stop talking!" Yang Fei said, "Tell me first, why did you set up defense here?"

"No, let him promise to teach me a few tricks first!" said the devil.

"No, tell me first why the defense is here!" Yang Fei also said.

"If you don't agree to me, I won't say it!" The devil didn't expect to have a backbone.

"Dog, you still dare to bargain with me!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he took out his pistol and pointed it at the top of the devil's head.

Unexpectedly, the devil didn't notice it, and kept gesticulating with both hands, "It was like this just now, and then it clicked, and then fell to the ground, this speed is too fast!"

"Do you take me seriously? I'm going to kill someone!" Yang Fei threatened.

The devil glanced at Yang Fei, "It's okay, just wait!" After finishing speaking, the devil looked at Han Qing, "Master, my name is Okamoto Tatoshi, please teach me a few tricks!"

"I..." Yang Fei was not at all comfortable in the devil's eyes.

"Tell me why you set up defense here first!" Han Qing asked.

The devil stood up, "Master, does that mean you agree to accept me as an apprentice?"

Okamoto Tatoshi laughed, "It's easy, I'll just tell you!"

Yang Fei really had the idea of ​​killing people at this time, he was the commander of the Eighth Route Army, and Han Qing was just one of his guards, why? "you……"

"I agree, tell me!" Han Qing said.

"Master, our goal is to take down Wu County. As long as Wu County is taken down, we can logically go to conquer more counties in Beihai! In addition, the Eighth Route Army stationed in Wagang Village outside the city, at this time It should be breaking through, we are guarding here, firstly, we are recruits, secondly, we are also the navy, not the army!"

Grandma's legs, Yang Fei thought of this, and asked, "Who told you that there is an Eighth Route Army in Wagang Village!"

"I don't know, I just received an order from above!" Okamoto Tatoshi said.

"Master, teach me!" Okamoto looked at Han Qing and began to gesture, "Is that so, and then? Then?"

Han Qing ignored him, "Sir, it seems that there is indeed a traitor. If there is no traitor, who would go to attack a village first?"

"It makes sense, we must find out this traitor!" Yang Fei said.

"Master, teach me, teach me!" Okamoto begged.

Yang Fei took out his pistol, "He is useless, kill him!"

The gun was aimed at Okamoto Tatoshi.

Who knows, Tatoshi Okamoto was still unmoved, "Master, after this trick is over, is it like this?" After finishing speaking, Tatoshi Okamoto gestured again!
"Hey, hey, I'm going to kill you!" Yang Fei shouted!
Don't take him seriously, Okamoto Tatoshi is obviously a martial arts idiot.

"Okamoto, I want to kill you!" Yang Fei shouted again.

Okamoto was still obsessed with his own world, "If this trick happens like this, wow, that's really amazing!" He looked at Han Qing, "Master, tell me, don't you?"

"You're right!" Han Qing said.

Yang Fei was taken aback, "Han Qing, you son of a bitch, I'm going to kill someone!"

Who knows, Han Qing glanced at him, "Sir, in our eyes, as long as we bow down to you, you are naturally someone else's master. I think Tatoshi Okamoto himself is just obsessed with this, and there is nothing wrong with it. Come on!"

"Dog, this is a devil!" Yang Fei shouted.

"Devil? He's gone now!" After Han Qing finished speaking, he and Okamoto Tatoshi walked ahead, "After you finish this move, hurry up like this, yes, that's it, one move to defeat the enemy!"

Yang Fei slowly put down the pistol, he looked around, "This Han Qing..."

"Han Qing, wait for me, be careful, I will drive you away!" Yang Fei ran two steps quickly, and then caught up with them!

"You teach me too!" Han Qing chased after him and said.

"You are being talked about, my master preaches and accepts vocation, if you want to learn, you can just watch it yourself, and he didn't ask you for tuition!" Unexpectedly, Okamoto Taijun felt that Yang Fei was troublesome!

"Grandma has a leg!" No matter how angry Yang Fei is, he has nothing to do, as long as Okamoto Tatoshi doesn't do anything wrong to the Chinese people, he can forgive him.

When they arrived in Wu County, Zhao Qifa was stunned. Unexpectedly, Yang Fei dared to come here before Shen Wanxi!
"Leader! You've come!" Zhao Qifa said excitedly.

"Well, where are Li Mobai and the others? Are they in?" Yang Fei asked.

"Captain Li is here, but Commander Hu hasn't arrived yet. Commander Shen led his troops to fight towards the east gate. Now there is no sound there, and I dare not go out rashly. There is a forest outside the east gate. I am worried. The devils have already occupied there, as long as we go out, we will be surrounded by devils!" Zhao Qifa said.

"Well, it's okay, send someone to go out from the south gate, first look for Shen Wanxi's trace, once you find him, come back and report immediately!" Yang Fei said.

"Well, people have been sent out, I believe we will get news soon, head, let's go back and rest first!" Yang Fei said.

"It's okay. I'll go see Li Mobai!" Yang Fei said.

Li Mobai was actually shot in the body, his body is only now feeling a little uncomfortable, and the cold sweat on his head has been breaking out for a while!

When Yang Fei saw him, he realized that something was wrong with Li Mobai, and Han Qing was the first to say, "Captain Li, are you injured?"

Li Mobai forced a smile, "It's okay, it's a small thing!"

"You were shot in the shoulder, it's very serious, let me show you!" Saying that, Han Qing came to Li Mobai!

"Shoulders?" When Yang Fei heard it, it was really serious, and if it went down, it might be the heart. This Li Mobai, how dare he stand on his own no matter what time it is!

"Brother Han, how do you know I was shot in the shoulder?" Li Mobai was a little curious.

"It's very simple. Your left shoulder is slightly lower than your right shoulder. It's not that you don't need to exert strength. It's not like this at all. If you can walk, it means that your legs are fine. If you can talk, it means that you have enough energy and blood. Shoulder, although it's not a serious injury, let me show you!" After speaking, Han Qing had already cut the clothes on Li Mobai's shoulders with a knife.

"Haha, I didn't expect you to see it!" Li Mobai said.

"Lao Li, don't worry, Han Qing is very skilled in medicine and can fix it for you!" After finishing speaking, Yang Fei looked at Zhao Qifa, "Find someone, bring the hot water over, and don't let him suffer from the wind!"


Zhao Qifa replied, and then hurriedly asked someone to go out to fetch water.

"Han Qing, are you okay?" Yang Fei asked.

"Sir, don't worry too much. You go out first. I will heal Captain Li alone. There are many people and bacteria here!" Han Qing said.

"Okay, let's go first!" After finishing speaking, Han Qing and others left.

Li Mobai was a little helpless, but he was still very cooperative!
"Captain Li, don't worry. What we have to do now is to take care of your wound. I will take out the bullet on your shoulder. It may hurt a little, but you have to hold back, otherwise, you will get an infection. , but it’s not good!” Han Qing said.

"Okay, my shoulder is yours now, you can do whatever you want!" Li Mobai closed his eyes.


Okamoto Tatoshi who was outside the door kept gesticulating with both hands, "This way, this way!"

Yang Fei sat at the door and looked at that guy, "Damn it, a little devil has become a martial idiot! Grandma's legs, no, you must let him understand that I am the boss here!" After finishing speaking, Yang Fei smiled and stood up, "Okamoto, come here!"

Okamoto glanced at him, ignored him, and continued to gesticulate with his punching techniques.

Seeing that he ignored him, Yang Fei walked over briskly, "Okamoto, if you practice like this, it won't work. If so, I'll find you someone who can fight. How about you make gestures with him?"

"Of course it's good to have an opponent, then find me one!" Okamoto Tatoshi said capitally.

"Haha, refreshing!" After finishing speaking, Yang Fei called Zhao Qifa, "Old Zhao, come and teach him!"

After finishing speaking, he changed his words again, "No, point him out!"

Zhao Qifa came over with a smile, "Leader, I have already seen this guy as a devil, where did he adopt the kid?"

"I didn't adopt this, it was adopted by Han Qing!" Yang Fei said, "No matter what, let him have a taste of our Eighth Route Army's boxing skills!"

"Yes!" After finishing speaking, Zhao Qifa looked at Okamoto Tatoshi, "Fist and feet have no eyes, I hope you pay attention to yourself!"

"Come on, let me see what my master taught me!" Okamoto Tatoshi said.

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhao Qifa swung his fist. The fist carried wind and whirred in his ears. Hearing the sound, he knew that Zhao Qifa made a big effort!
"Huh" came with a punch.

Okamoto Tatoshi was taken aback, "What kind of punch is this?"

Just after finishing speaking, the fist hit Okamoto's chest firmly, and Okamoto took a few steps back and fell to the ground!

One punch to the enemy!
Yang Fei laughed loudly, "Haha, haha, Okamoto, you can't do it! You boy will never do it!"

Na Okamoto got up from the ground, wiped his mouth, "I want to challenge you!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Qifa immediately walked up to Yang Fei, "I can't even beat you, but you still beat our team leader? Are you playing?"

"Dare you?" Okamoto Tatoshi asked.

"Hehe, I'll give you this chance!" Yang Fei pushed Zhao Qifa away, "Just play, if he wants to play, I'll play with him!"

After finishing speaking, Yang Fei rolled up his sleeves, "Come on, Okamoto, I will teach you, Han Qing can be your master, and Lao Tzu can be your patriarch!"

Hearing this, Okamoto Tatoshi clenched his fist and yelled at him. This loud yell nearly killed Yang Fei, "Damn it!"

As soon as I thought of this, the fist wind came over.

Yang Fei dodged sideways, and went back to punch him. Although this fist was added temporarily, it was also his experience on the battlefield. The fist hit Tatoshi Okamoto's back. Okamoto took two more steps forward, and then turned back. , "Sneak attack?"

"Isn't it okay to sneak attack?" Yang Fei asked.

"Look at my punch!" After finishing speaking, Okamoto went over and threw both fists together. It seemed menacing, but many flaws were leaked.Yang Fei shook his head, "You're done!"

Sure enough, Okamoto's center of gravity was unstable, Yang Fei lowered his body, hugged Okamoto's waist with both hands, tripped forward with his right foot, and threw him directly to the ground!

Only heard a "dong" sound.

Sure enough, Okamoto was stunned!

"Haha!" Yang Fei smiled triumphantly, "Boy, do you still dare to be arrogant? To tell you the truth, Han Qing can be your master, and everyone in our Eighth Route Army can be your master. If you want to learn how to fight, you're still too tender!"

"Master Patriarch!" Who knew, Okamoto knelt down directly, "Master Patriarch, you are so handsome just now, teach me!"

"Go away!" Yang Fei said impatiently.

"Master Patriarch, teach me!" Taitoshi Okamoto came over and hugged Yang Fei's thigh, "Master Patriarch, please!"

"Go away!" Yang Fei was still angry.

"Then I can promise you one condition, you can do anything, you can be a cow or a horse!" Okamoto said.

"Hey, the kid is quite good at doing business!" Yang Fei smiled. "Okay, if this is the case, then I want you to promise me that you will always be by Han Qing's side. Aren't you a navy? You can sail. When the time comes, I will give you some people and teach them how to sail. I've taught you how to pay for hugging, how about it?"

"No problem!" Okamoto Tatoshi readily agreed!
Yang Fei stood up, "The trick to hugging and falling is to stumble, so here you go!"

That Okamoto Tatoshi just came over, suddenly launched an attack, hugged Yang Fei's waist, "Is that so?"

"Fuck, Okamoto, you want to murder your patriarch?" Yang Fei shouted!
There was a sly smile on Okamoto's face, "Then it's stumbling!" After finishing speaking, only a "boom" was heard, and Yang Fei fell heavily to the ground!
"Damn!" Yang Fei got up and saw that Okamoto was smiling triumphantly. Yang Fei was about to lose his temper when Okamoto ran over. Yang Fei was startled and wanted to defend himself. Unexpectedly, Okamoto cupped his hands and said , "Patriarch, can I become a teacher?"

Yang Fei's face is a little ugly, he clearly knows that this kid is avenging his own private revenge, there is no other way, he stretches out his hand and doesn't hit the smiling face, Chinese people are a nation of etiquette!
All kinds of beautiful pictures appeared, Yang Fei sneered, "Something went wrong! But don't forget what you promised me!"

"Don't worry, I won't forget it!" Okamoto said, and then said, "Master Patriarch, why don't you come again, I want to try the boxing technique my master told me!"

Hearing this, Yang Fei ran away, "Try your leg, and throw it again, more people know about it, a little devil threw the leader many times!"

"Master Patriarch, don't run away!" Okamoto shouted.


The more Yang Fei thought about it, the more angry he became, "This naughty Okamoto didn't expect to be angry with me, and he often took surprises. I didn't expect that a little devil also has his own true biography. Thinking about it, there is really no successor!"

At this time, Zhao Qifa ran over, "Head! Head! Hu Dahai is here!"

As soon as he heard that Hu Dahai was coming, Yang Fei immediately stood up, "Go, let's go and have a look!"

With that said, Yang Fei hurried out with Zhao Qifa and found Hu Dahai!

I saw that the blood on Hu Dahai's body was still wet, and his face was also red and white!

"Old Hu, it's great that you're not dead!" Yang Fei went over and patted him on the shoulder.

"Leader!" Ma Xiaokun became excited when he saw Yang Fei!
Seeing Ma Xiaokun coming, Yang Fei was also a little surprised, "Xiaokun? Why are you here, shouldn't you be in Yehu Village?"

"Leader! I... escaped!" Ma Xiaokun said.

Inside the room, Zhao Qifa asked someone to bring some food, and Ma Xiaokun and Hu Dahai quickly devoured the food, they were really hungry!

Ma Xiaokun told the story of Anning County, Yang Fei was also shocked, "The brigade commander and the political commissar were detained?"

Ma Xiaokun nodded solemnly, "Yes, leader, I have the heart to be their pawn, so I took my brothers to look for you in the harbor, and I happened to meet leader Hu, so we came to Wu County together!"

"It's good to be here! This Gonghan, it's a fucking time, and he's still trying to settle the matter. One day, I will definitely expose him in front of the boss!" Yang Fei was furious!

He still doesn't know that Gong Han was actually sent by the little devil to pretend.

"Head, what should we do now? It must be the rescue of the political commissar and the brigade commander!" Ma Xiaokun looked at Yang Fei. Yang Fei was his backbone, and he would always be there. As long as Yang Fei was around, Ma Xiaokun felt very at ease. .

"Well, I know. I think it's not too late. After Han Qing finishes the operation on Captain Li, let Han Qing go there in person. With his ability, it should be easy to rescue the brigade commander and political commissar!" Yang Fei said.

After talking about this, Yang Fei said again, "Tell me about your situation on the battlefield!"

Hu Dahai nodded, and told Yang Fei what he did, and Yang Fei was filled with emotion, "So many teams, until now, there are only so few left, it's almost back to the time when we were poor and useless, but we are not afraid , you are all alive, we have hope!"

Hu Dahai said, "Lao Yang, where's Shen Wanxi?"

"There's no news about him yet!" Yang Fei said, "This old Shen said he was going to break out from the north, but Battalion Commander Zhao only heard sporadic gunshots, so he doesn't know what's going on with this old Shen!"

"Hey!" Hu Dahai gritted his teeth, "If I had known, I would have gone to the north, and I was still thinking about giving him the hope of living!"

"Okay, now is not the time to talk about this. People have been sent to investigate the situation. Once there is a situation, someone will come to tell! Lao Hu, take a rest first, wait a while, but you are busy!" Yang Fei said.


As soon as the words were finished, a soldier ran in, "Regimental Commander, Battalion Commander, there is a situation!"

Several people hurried over, "Hurry up!"

(End of this chapter)

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