Chapter 2666
The soldier who came was nervous, he looked at Yang Fei, "Commander, we have found Commander Shen!"

"I found it, isn't that great, where and when can I withdraw it?" Yang Fei asked.

"No, Commander, we heard gunshots in Wagang Village. When we passed by, we found that Commander Shen was surrounded!" The soldier said quickly, "When we saw this situation, we rushed to report it!"

"There is such a thing, the Eighth Route Army, there is no one less, brothers, copy guys!" Yang Fei shouted.

"Head, you must be careful!" Zhao Qifa said.

"Enlightenment, you guard Wu County well. Don't let a devil in. Since the devil dares to come, then I will beat him away unceremoniously!" Yang Fei said with a wave of his fist.

Yang Fei and Wang Zhifei set off from the south gate with their troops.

When he arrived at the door, Hu Dahai ran out, "Lao Yang, go save Lao Shen, don't you call me!"

"You kid, take a good rest, save him, I'm enough alone!" Yang Fei said.

"I heard that Shen Wanxi was surrounded by devils. This is a serious situation. One more person, one more strength, let's go together!" As he said, Hu Dahai also led his soldiers and horses and pulled them to the door.

"Okay, you're going, that's good, let's go together!" Said, Yang Fei quickly went to Wagang Village without looking back!


It was late at night, but it was hard to sleep. The ghost Shi Niao stared at the words on the telegram, wishing he could eat the telegram. He had a perfect plan to completely wipe out the Eighth Route Army, but two Eighth Route Army escaped smoothly. This is a great shame!
Shi Niao slammed his fist on the table, "Ba Ga, Lu!"

"Now, the remaining Eighth Route Army is still stubbornly resisting. Send me an order to encircle them immediately and wipe them out quickly!" Shi Niao shouted.

The telegraph operator immediately said, "Your Excellency, I will send the report now!"

"Then what are you waiting for? The Eighth Route Army is at the end of its strength. Although it ran two routes, the maximum number of people who ran out was 200. I surrounded a village with more than 1000 people, and there are still fish that escaped the net. What an idiot!" Shi Niao said.

At this time, a ghost came in, "Your Excellency, there is someone outside the door asking to see you!"

"Someone? Who?" Stone Bird asked.

"I didn't say who it was, but he said you must want to see him!" said the devil.

"Then bring someone in, and I'll see what kind of person I want to meet!" Shi Niao finished speaking, and then sat down.

After a while, Slender Eyes came in, "Your Excellency!"

Shi Niao looked at the other party and found that he didn't know this person, so what he said that he wanted to see him was nonsense?

"Who are you, why do you say I will meet you!" Shi Niao slightly raised his eyes and looked at him.

"Your Excellency, I am Captain Gong Han. He asked me to come here this time to tell you that we have completely controlled Anning County and a large part of our troops. There is no need to rush to fight against Anning County at this time. Fight to the west, it is best to take down Gwangju first!" Slender eyes said.

"Hehe," Shi Niao knew that Gong Han was sent in advance. It seems that this fake Balu has been acting for too long, and he has a trace of arrogance. Don't forget, when they fail, this Gong Han Han Ke is just a captain!
He looked at him nonchalantly, "Okay, I see, let's go!"

The slender eyes were a little puzzled, and then said, "Captain Gong Han also said that we have already controlled their Li Jiguang and Wang Wei!"

"Nani?" Upon hearing this, Shi Niao was really surprised, and then stood up, "What you said is true?"

"It's true!" Slender Eyes said.

"Haha, God help me too. Now, you go back and have someone bring Li Jiguang and Wang Wei over here! I want to meet this powerful guy from the Eighth Route Army for a while!" Shi Niao looked at his slender eyes with his hands behind his back. Only then did he have a trace of respect for Gong Han.

Slender eyes lowered his head, "Ha Yi, I'll do it now!" After finishing speaking, he raised his head, "Your Excellency, what Captain Gong Han means is, please give him a good word in front of the commander!"

"This is natural. You go back and tell Gong Han that there will be 30 people sent by the empire to pretend to be inside the Eighth Route Army. There will be no one left. I will speak truthfully about your achievements like your Excellency Commander!" Shi Niao said.

"In this case, thank you!" After finishing speaking, Slender Eyes withdrew and left!

Shi Niao's face was gloomy, he knew in his heart that this Gong Han was really not a very useful talent, if not for the absence of many people, it would not be Gong Han's turn.

It's true that there is no general in Shu, Liao Hua, as a pioneer!
Besides, Shi Niao is a captain of the Far East Navy, and he was sent here to quickly occupy the harbor, and then the army will come one by one!
However, the battle between their navy and army has been going on for a long time, and Shi Niao looks down on their army very much!Among other things, most of the country's financial funds are allocated to the navy, and most of the country's steel production is also used to build ships. The country is more enthusiastic about naval construction.

The result of this is that if the army wants to build a tank, it has to speak good words to the superiors. Anyway, even if you say good words, you still can't build tanks without raw materials!
For this reason, the people in the army took the lead in prejudice against their navy!In order to achieve its own goals, the army controls all the oil resources it controls. Your navy's ships are running on the sea, so you have to refuel, right?
Hehe, sorry, the Army won't give it!

This has also led to the shortage of fuel in the navy and the shortage of heavy tanks in the army. In the battle in China, especially in terms of depth, the number of tanks is stretched. Sometimes, you want to fight a blitzkrieg, but if you don't have tanks, it is futile!
The navy wants to be confident, but it is more worried.Stone Bird is such a person.

In order to be able to grasp the initiative on the battlefield, Shi Niao has submitted opinions to the higher authorities more than once, demanding that he build an army capable of deep combat, which serves the navy.

In this way, their excess steel can be used to build tanks!

As for oil resources, as long as several oil fields in Huaxia are occupied, do you still have to worry about it?
There is also good news, that is, the above has basically agreed to Shi Niao's plan!

Therefore, Shi Niao looks down on Gong Han, and a large part of the reason is the navy's prejudice against the army.This kind of prejudice is a prejudice from the bottom of the heart. No one will say it directly, but it is often dismissed!

Shi Niao sat down and asked, "Mori Saburo?"

Hearing the stone bird's echo, Mori Saburo walked in immediately, "Your Majesty, are you looking for me?"

"What's the situation in Shen Cheng now?"

Mori Saburo knew what Shi Niao wanted to ask, so he hurriedly said, "Your Excellency, I have already sent someone to report in Shencheng. Now Shencheng's heavy industry is basically still alive. As long as we think, Shencheng Machinery The factory can start construction immediately, and in addition, all the basic facilities in Shencheng are there, and we have absolute hope of victory against our in-depth attack on the Eighth Route Army!" Mori Saburo said.

"That's good. You can explain this matter. Although there is no official approval document, it should be done sooner rather than later. Sooner or later, the navy will have its own tanks and armored forces. The ocean is our Empire of Japan. , the land will also belong to the Great Japanese Empire!"

Stone Bird said.

"Your Excellency, the navy is still brilliant. His Majesty the Emperor values ​​our navy very much. This approval will definitely come down soon!" Mori Saburo said.

"Well, I believe it too!" After Shi Niao finished speaking, he said, "By the way, where is Your Excellency the Commander?"

"As far as I know, Your Excellency Commander, we came to Beihai first, and it was also Shencheng that your Excellency Commander personally led to take down. Now, Your Excellency Commander, you should still be in Shencheng!" Mori Saburo said.

"Well, yes, as long as he is here, Commander, but we graduated from the regular Naval University, and he will also support the development of our weapons industry!" Shi Niao said.

"One more thing!" Mori Saburo said.

"Speak up if you have anything to do!" Shi Niao asked, looking at Mori Saburo.

"It is said that the army is now preparing to build a navy." Maori said with his head down.

"What? Those people in the army still want to build a navy? This is simply ridiculous!" Shi Niao shook his head, "The higher-ups probably won't agree!"

"No, the above has already agreed!" Mao Li said softly.

"Nani?" Shi Niao never thought that the army would do the same thing with them.

"They don't have the technology, let me see how they build a navy!" Shi Niao turned disdainful.

"This matter should be a firm matter. I heard that they are already preparing to build the first ship!" Mori Saburo said.

"Oh!" Shi Niao just said one word, but he said, "Our tanks must be manufactured quickly, before the army!" Shi Niao said.

"It's already being done!"


Shen Wanxi had already endured a lot of pressure. At the entrance of the tunnel, he persisted for nearly an hour. Although they had fewer casualties and the devils had more casualties, the devils appeared again from nowhere and besieged them. , he had to make adjustments, "Quickly get out of the tunnel, and then fight in Wagang Village, the terrain here is not conducive to us!"

Therefore, Shen Wanxi fought his way out, and sure enough, he arrived at Wagang Village.

Wagang Village has long been occupied by devils. They slaughtered the village horribly. The houses were burned down, and even the dogs who guarded the gate were brutally killed.

When Shen Wanxi retreated to Wagang Village, he encountered the devil!
When she tried her best and finally obtained Wagang Village, the scene in front of her made Shen Wanxi feel as if she had fallen into the [-]th level of hell!
This is not only the shock seen in front of the eyes, but also the shock that hits the bottom of my heart.

Dead bodies everywhere.

Shen Wanxi didn't have time to be sad, so she hurriedly ordered people to ambush on the spot in Wagang Village, no matter what, they had to fight!
"Head, we still have 78 people left, and 43 wounded!" A company commander hurriedly reported.

"I see!" Shen Wanxi said,

"You can't go ahead, and there are still people blocking you. It seems that we have really reached the end of the mountain, but don't surrender to me, and don't die early. I got a message that Wu County will come from the south gate. Let's go, come and save us! So, let's hold on for another two hours, when the time comes, Yang Fei, Hu Dahai, and Li Mobai will come to pick us up. If you die early, let me tell you, I won't collect your corpses! "Shen Wanxi roared.


The soldiers roared loudly.

"Just now, we have already fought a wave of devils. Now, go to those devils and have a look, gather all the ammunition that can be used, and bring all the grenades!"

Shen Wanxi explained again.


Soon, the soldiers took all the ammunition, hand grenades and other weapons to their side, and waited for the devils to come and surround them!

What Shen Wanxi said just now, he meant for the soldiers to hear. As for whether Yang Fei and the others knew that they had returned to Wagang Village, he didn't know, and he didn't know if they would come here to save people!
Shen Wanxi seemed very lonely now, as if everyone had left and he was the only one left.

Li Mobai's side, Hu Dahai's side, what's going on, he doesn't know at all.

"Head, the devils are coming from the south!" A soldier hurried over to deliver the news!
"Okay, good time, everyone is ready, let's start fighting!" Shen Wanxi said.

With the sound of "Ceng Ceng Ceng", the bullets were loaded one by one, and the muzzle of the gun was facing the south.

The remaining 78 people are also on their own defensive circle. After all, they will fight and win this battle. Shen Wanxi is already ready to die for the country.

When the devil came over quietly, Shen Wanxi stared at him intently, "When the devil gets closer, beat me to death!"

"Okay!" The soldiers all replied quietly.

Sure enough, the devil thought he was seamless and came to fight, but Shen Wanxi discovered it in advance.

When the devil was only 20 meters away from Shen Wanxi in the dark, Shen Wanxi immediately ordered, "Hit, hit me!"

"Da da da!"


All kinds of voices instantly ignited Wagang Village, a village already stained red with blood. Who could know when Wagang Village became the focus of a war?

The voice of "Da Da Da!" exaggerated the pain of war from both sides.

Tongues of flame are like giant snakes eating people.In fact, at night, whose sight will be better?

No one knows where the other party is, relying on the feeling, the battle started smoothly!

"Da da da!"

The devils don't want to, their mission is to wipe out the Eighth Route Army, and the Eighth Route Army is a life-and-death battle. If they win, they can go home. If they lose, they will become ghosts under the devil's butcher's knife!
"Hold on, brothers, Yang Fei and the others are coming soon!" Shen Wanxi shouted loudly.

"Da da da!"

"Da da da!"



Shen Wanxi looked ahead, and slowly, the two sides stopped shooting each other with a good and tacit understanding.

"Commander, what does the devil think?" the company commander asked.

"Who knows, but no matter how many, as long as they come again, we will fight again!" Shen Wanxi said.

The soldiers are waiting anxiously, because they all know that it is impossible to wipe out all the devils in the south, but they are not attacking now, why?
That's it for this thing!
Shen Wanxi was waiting, and so was the devil!
However, Yang Fei and the others did not dare to stop at all.

Hu Dahai himself was a little tired, but he had to be on the road to rescue Shen Wanxi. Although Yang Fei and the two of them were different heads of the same brigade, the three of them couldn't be beaten or scolded. Comrades, rely on each other, cooperate with each other, and appreciate each other.

From the south gate of Wu County, Yang Fei and others had been running for nearly half an hour, and within half an hour, Yang Fei heard gunshots.

The gunshots were dense, and they could clearly know that Shen Wanxi from Wagang Village was fighting the devils again!

As long as there is a fight, it is a good thing, proving that Shen Wanxi is fine, "Comrades, run quickly, Shen Wanxi, Commander Shen, is in Wagang Village now, we must go all out to get to the scene!"

After speaking, they started running again!

But at this moment, Shen Wanxi couldn't resist anymore!

During the more than half an hour of the devil's truce, I thought that the devil would have to take a good rest, but Shen Wanxi never thought that this is the devil. Every plant and tree in the village was photographed.It is even said that the Eighth Route Army is on the defensive.

Therefore, the devil's artillery fire with dense gunfire directly hit the Eighth Route Army's defensive positions.

The devil's mortars were also very arrogant. Shen Wanxi saw that the only damn thing was to be beaten. They didn't dare to raise their heads. Once they raised their heads, they were blinded by the lights of the car. This Not to mention, let's say that the devil's sight has improved all of a sudden, and the accuracy has also improved!
"Damn it, this battle is not fought like this!" After Shen Wanxi finished speaking, she led the people to retreat to both sides!

"Go, leave here quietly, fight devils, don't point your eyes directly at the light tubes, hit from both sides, and sideways with the car lights, that's enough!" Shen Wanxi said.


The soldiers quickly dispersed, as long as the devils couldn't catch themselves, they wouldn't be killed.

When the soldiers quietly retreated to the two sides, the field of vision suddenly widened. Not only could the devil be seen, but it was also very clear!

At this moment, Shen Wanxi seemed to have an opportunity to change his fate, and hurriedly shouted, "Call me, hurry up, call me!"

The sound of "da da da" guns began to sound again.

The little devil has suffered a dull loss, so it is obvious that he will not continue to be beaten like this!
Immediately afterwards, the lights of the car began to shift, and slowly, they began to shake from side to side. At this moment, the little devil started to counterattack again.

The sound of "da da da" came in an endless stream.

The sound that filled the ears was only the sound of guns and guns. Shen Wanxi saw that the situation was not good. If things went on like this, they would be wiped out quickly.

What should I do?
Just as Shen Wanxi was thinking of a way, a soldier suddenly came over, "Commander, devils are surrounding us from all directions!"

"The speed of the devils is so fast!" Shen Wanxi said, "Let the soldiers try to hide in the shadows as much as possible, so as not to be discovered by the devils. Since the devils are here, we must fight them, even if there is only one person left, we must fight!"


As the news passed on, every soldier knew that this might be their last battle, and it was no shame to lose. There are too many devils. If you are lucky, you can wait until you go back and live well.

Sure enough, within 10 minutes, the devils stopped playing with the Eighth Route Army, and all their personnel rushed over directly.

I want to take down all of Shen Wanxi's troops as soon as possible with the advantage of a large number of people. Anyway, it doesn't matter whether they stay alive or not. The important thing is that the main force of the Eighth Route Army!

Sure enough, it was in all directions, and the gunfire quickly smashed Shen Wanxi's defensive position to pieces, there was no good place at all.

The speed of the devils is extremely fast, and they can't even raise their heads under the suppression of firepower!
The only thing that could be heard was the creaking sound of the devil stepping on the snow. In addition, it was a roar like noise.

You can't let the devils rush over, rushing over means that they have to fight hand-to-hand, and their losses will be even greater.

Thinking of this, Shen Wanxi ordered, "Don't look up, just throw the grenade in front, don't throw any left for me!"

The fuse of the grenade was ignited, and it was blazing!

Each grenade, with a mission, was thrown on the open space in front. The devil who was rushing here, at this moment, heard the voice of the devil crying for his father and mother.

However, this is not a long-term solution. Soon, there are no more grenades, "Commander, there are no more grenades!"

"Captain, I don't have any here either!"

"Me too!"

"What are you afraid of!" Shen Wanxi shouted, "Use the bayonet. Since the devils are coming, they want to wipe us out completely. Don't be afraid, victory will always be ours!" After finishing speaking, Shen Wanxi wounded the bayonet on the barrel of the gun .

His eyes were bloodshot, recalling all the past, it seemed to be gone in a blink of an eye, he suddenly smiled, "In this life, the thing I don't regret the most is to join the Eighth Route Army and become the commander of the regiment, hehe, it's worth it! Then, Shen Wanxi stood up suddenly, and fired a "bang" shot first, and the chest of a devil in front of him swelled up!
Immediately afterwards, soldiers of the Eighth Route Army stood up one after another, their eyes fixed on the little devil who rushed over!
"Comrades, this may be the last day of our reunion. In my next life, I will stand up for you. After 18 years, I will still be a good man!" Shen Wanxi rushed over after finishing speaking!

The soldiers roared and rushed over!
Those little devils didn't expect that the eighth route army, which was at the end of its strength, would have such a bloody side.

They didn't shy away from fighting the Eighth Route Army with guns, "Boom!"


One, two!

Several soldiers fell to the sound of the devil's bullets, which seemed to mean the end of all this.


Shen Wanxi roared, climbed over a destroyed wall, and fought those devils directly!


Blood splashed out, leaving a mark on Shen Wanxi's face. "Kill!"

Those devils hastily put the bayonet on the gun.

"Da da da!"



The firepower of the devils came directly. The soldiers of the Eighth Route Army wanted this kind of battle. The more intense they were, the more desperate they were!The harder you work, you will win at the last moment!
(End of this chapter)

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