Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2668 Who dares to fight with me

Chapter 2668 Who dares to fight with me

Yang Fei looked at the other party with some seriousness, and then said, "Staff Deng, what else do you know?"

Deng Qi smiled, and then said, "Isn't this information the most important?"

"I know that this matter is very important, but are you sure there is nothing else? For example, where did the telegram from Anning County go?" Yang Fei asked.

Deng Qi smiled and pointed at Yang Fei, "You little chicken thief, sure enough, this is fine. Since you asked, I will tell you that all these telegrams are sent to Shen Cheng!"

"Shencheng?" Yang Fei frowned, "It's been a long time, and I haven't heard who has occupied Shencheng?"

"You know! What Liaocheng is, what Shencheng is." Then, Deng Qi picked up the teacup and blew on the tea leaves, "Yang Fei, you know!"

Yang Fei nodded, "Then I understand. It turns out that so many things were done by devils. In this way, all things have been cleared up, which is very good. Now, we don't need to be afraid. Just fight the devil directly!"

"In this case, now that you understand, I will leave, Yang Fei, I hope we will cooperate again in the future!" Deng Qi looked at Yang Fei.

"Thank you, but why did you help me?" Deng Qi found it a little funny that Yang Fei acted obediently after taking advantage of it.

"Don't forget, the current situation in Beihai, no matter whether Beihai is in the hands of you or me, it cannot be in the hands of devils. This is the bottom line!" Deng Qi finished speaking, then turned and left.

When Yang Fei arrived at the door, Da Biao took a vigilant look at Yang Fei, and waited for Deng Qi to leave before he followed.

Zhao Qifa quickly came over and asked, "Head, Deng Qi is here, what are you doing?"

Yang Fei looked at him, and then said, "Hurry up, Hu Dahai and others will find us, and we have an urgent meeting!"


When everyone was ready, Yang Fei gave the telegram to Hu Dahai, "Now, let's see, the situation is clear, Deng Qi just came, you should all know that he gave us such important information, for us Said, the turnaround is about to begin, everyone listen to me, now our task, first, to rescue the brigade commander and political commissar, and second, to eradicate Gong Han and others in Anning County!"

"This telegram is true. This Gong Han is indeed a devil. Thinking about it this way, all our previous disadvantages were caused by Gong Han!" Hu Dahai said.

Li Mobai nodded, "That's right, since you are like this, Yang Fei, let me take people to Anning County, I will rescue the brigade commander and the political commissar, and by the way, arrest all 30 people including Gong Han live!"

"Han Qing has already done the matter of saving the brigade commander and political commissar. Now, the main thing is to eradicate Gong Han and others. I will do this matter. It is too risky for you to go this time. Besides, you still have injuries." In body!"

"What about me? I can do it!" Hu Dahai said.

"No, Lao Hu, you have more important matters. During the time I go to Anning County, you have to find a way to hold back the ghosts in Wu County for me. You can delay it for as long as you can. If This time, I succeeded, so it’s easy to say, if I don’t succeed, I will take people up the mountain and fight against the devils!” Yang Fei said, “Besides, after all, Anning County is still the home of our Eighth Route Army. Soldiers, you should wake up too!"

"How do you go? Or, you take Zhao Qifa?" Hu Dahai asked.

"No, I'm taking Wang Zhifei with me, and Zhao Qifa is guarding Portugal, it's more important there." Yang Fei said.

"Okay, here you leave it to me, don't worry, I will definitely hold the devil back for you!" Hu Dahai said.

"Everything is moving in a direction that is beneficial to us. Although it is still difficult, Lao Hu and Lao Li, you have worked hard!" After speaking, Yang Fei stood up, "I'm leaving!"

"So anxious?" Li Mobai also knew that this matter was extremely urgent. It was normal for Yang Fei to do this, but for them now, it might be a risk.

Yang Fei didn't care so much, and then said, "I'm going this time, you wait for my news, if you can't wait for me, and the devils are going to surround Huozhou again, you take the initiative to retreat to the mountains and deal with the devils. Guarding the empty city is just a dead city. If they want a dead city, give it to them. Don't fight in the streets. For us, it is still a bit of a disadvantage! There are many devils and we have few people. Guerrilla warfare is the most suitable method of warfare for us. of!"

"Old Yang, I understand!" Li Mobai and Hu Dahai said.

As soon as Yang Fei turned around, he went out, called Wang Zhifei to take someone with him, and they went all the way south.

Zhao Qifa also hurried to Portugal, which is the most important point for them.


At noon, the sun, surrounded by cold air, still released its own heat strongly.

When Han Qing arrived in Anning County, he found a former soldier, and after inquiring about it, he went quietly.

However, when he arrived, he found that Li Jiguang had disappeared, threatening the soldiers outside, and then he realized that at ten o'clock in the morning, Li Jiguang and Wang Wei had been escorted to the harbor!


Han Qing subconsciously wanted to tell Yang Fei, but then he thought about it, once he told Yang Fei, he would definitely miss the last time to save Li Jiguang and Wang Wei. Thinking of this, he had to hurry to the harbor on the way.

Running all the way, Han Qing's head was wet with sweat, his eyes looked ahead calmly, his whole body seemed to be floating, flying over the eaves and walls, trying to catch up with the two hours they walked away at the fastest speed .

Once Li Jiguang and Wang Wei were escorted to the harbor, things became even more complicated.

It wasn't until he heard the sound of a car engine not far ahead that he slowly realized that he had caught up!

His toes lightly tapped the branches, and his body floated in the sky. Before his eyes, he saw a car, took out a grenade from his body and threw it towards the front car, only to hear a "Boom!" , the car was blown up and stopped immediately, and the people in the car got off immediately, guarding the surroundings with pistols.

Several cars stopped, and those ghosts shouted loudly, "Who is your Excellency, if you have the ability, show your original shape now, don't be a gentleman!"

Han Qing sneered, "Okay, then I'll come out, who dares to fight with me?"

Slowly, Han Qing's body fluttered down from a high branch, and he was surprised to see people, is this a person?It's just a monster!
The muzzle of the gun was raised instantly, facing Han Qing! "Quickly raise your hands and surrender, otherwise, you will be killed!"

This kind of innocuous threat really made Han Qing feel nothing.

Han Qing pointed at the devil in front of him, "Put down the gun first!"

The devil looked at Han Qing, "Who the hell are you?"

"Tell me first, where are you going?" Han Qing asked.

"Are you polite? I asked you first, so answer me first!" the devil shouted.

"Don't worry, you want to know, you just have to be my puppet, put down the gun first!" Han Qing looked at the other party angrily.

"Sorry! This is impossible!" said the devil.

"Okay, since you don't listen to me, then I'm sorry!" Just after finishing speaking, the devil still sneered, and just about to speak, suddenly, a silver needle came in front of him and stuck it in his eye!
The muzzle of the gun moved subconsciously, and with a bang, it hit somewhere else!

Han Qing went over and twisted the opponent's neck directly, "You are too reckless!"

Seeing his partner like this, the rest of the devils shot directly, "Boom!"


Han Qing hurriedly hid behind the car, "Brigadier, where are you?"

However, no one answered him!
The footsteps are approaching!
Without further ado, Han Qing jumped onto the roof of the car, turned over, and killed the two devils with one fist, "Tell me, where are you going? Li Jiguang and Wang Wei, where are you being imprisoned?"

"court death!"

Relying on the large number of people, those devils didn't care about Han Qing's questioning at all.

"Okay, let you four understand!" As soon as he finished speaking, Han Qing took out a grenade from his waist and threw it forward!
The huge roar directly killed several devils, "Say it? You guys, do you say it or not?"

Those devils were stunned, they had never felt like this, that a single person came here to snatch people so bravely without fear of death!

Han Qing didn't know when, he had an extra pistol in his hand, pointing the gun at those people, "If you don't tell me, I'll give you another chance! When the chance is exhausted, you should know, what is the result?"

Those devils looked at Han Qing, "Who are you?"

"I want to know where Li Jiguang is!" Han Qing shouted.

A devil pointed to a car nearby, "He's right here!"

When Han Qing wanted to go there, a ghost also took out a bomb, "Who are you?"

"Get out of the way!" Han Qing said coldly.

"If you don't tell me, I'll blow them up!" The devil stared at Han Qing!

"I'm afraid you won't say anything by then!" Han Qing laughed!
I saw that the devil's expression twisted, his face turned pale, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth instantly. The grenade in his hand fell to the ground before he could pull out the string.

The remaining devils threw their guns in panic and fled around!
Without saying a word, Han Qing opened the car door, and when he was full of joy, he found that there was nothing inside!


Han Qing roared, and he opened all the remaining cars, but he didn't even find Li Jiguang's shadow!

No, originally, there was only this team of devils here!

Han Qing checked the toilet carefully again, checked the trunk, but still did not find the shadow of Li Jiguang and Wang Wei.

"Brigade Commander, where are you, political commissar, where are you?" An ominous premonition suddenly appeared in Han Qing's heart, that is, the devils had already sent Li Jiguang and Wang Wei to the harbor. Li Jiguang and Wang Weike were even more worried!
No, we must catch up!

Without saying a word, Han Qing opened the car door, hit the accelerator and headed towards the harbor!

At this moment, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a bag inside the car. He took the bag over, controlled the steering wheel with one hand, and opened the bag with the other.

Taking out the contents, Han Qing was stunned, it turned out to be an important document of the devil, the more he read it, the more Han Qing understood!
"Ah? Gong Han and the others are devils?"

Thinking of this, Han Qing put the documents on his body, then drove to the harbor directly!
When the car reached an intersection, several devils stopped Han Qing's car in a hurry!

As soon as Han Qing got out of the car, he took a pistol and fired a machine gun at a few devils, "Those who want to block my way are not born yet!"

After speaking, he got into the car and continued towards the harbor!
The gunshots suddenly attracted devils from all directions, and there were gunshots near the harbor. Isn't this courting death?
Han Qing was not afraid, he was only afraid of not completing Yang Fei's task and being scolded by Yang Fei!

Han Qing blamed himself for the delay on the road. If he had checked these cars early and didn't get entangled with those devils, perhaps, this matter would not have happened!

Slowly, Han Qing drove the car up a small slope, and downhill, there was indeed a checkpoint.

Ahead, there was a squad of devils dispatched neatly. They blocked Han Qing's way, "Who are you? Where are you from?"

Han Qing saw that there were about 50 people in this team, and everyone's guns were pointed at him. If he rushed out rashly, he might be in danger. Han Qing looked at the leading team leader, and said, "Taijun , hello, hello, I'm from Anning County!"

"Anning County?" The leading team leader looked at Han Qing, "What are you doing here?"

"Hey, I'm here to give us some condolences under the order of Chairman Gong!" Han Qing smiled.

"Condolences? Where did you get the condolences?" the devil asked.

"It's right behind!" As he said, Han Qing went over and opened the trunk. Just as the devil passed by, Han Qing twisted his body, immediately took out a dagger, and put it on the neck of the team leader just now!

Seeing such an urgent matter, those devils quickly surrounded him.

"Try shooting and see if he dies first or you die first?" Han Qing shouted loudly.

Then, he looked at the devil captain again, "Say something, do you want to die?"

"Baga, Lu!" The devil captain yelled angrily, "Back off, back down!"

Those devils backed away slowly!However, the gun was still aimed at Han Qing.

"Tell them to put down their guns, and when I'm safe, they'll let you go!" Han Qing said.

"What exactly do you want?" The devil captain was pressed against his neck. He thought that he had made a lot of concessions, and Han Qing should be satisfied, but he made unreasonable demands again!
Han Qing said coldly, "If you don't want to die, let them put down their guns. If you want to die, then die together. I forgot to tell you. I happen to have a bundle of explosives on me. Believe it or not?"

Captain Guizi nodded slightly, "Back, put down the gun!"

Those devils put down their guns slowly, and Han Qing let the devil captain get into the car!As soon as he got in the car, Han Qing drove away immediately!

The captain of the ghost in the car saw that this was an empty space, so he hurried over and punched him. Han Qing unhurriedly raised the dagger, pointed his fist at the dagger, and a big bloody gash appeared, bleeding profusely !
"Don't move around, or you won't even know how you died!" Han Qing said.

The devil behind him chased him out, fired several shots at Han Qing's car, then hurried back and told him what happened just now.

In the car.

Han Qing asked coldly, "Tell me the truth, is there anyone from Anning County just now?"

The devil captain covered his wound with one hand, then looked at Han Qing, a little angry!
"I'm talking to you, and I hope you can answer. If this happens again, I don't mind stabbing you again!" Han Qing threatened.

"Yes!" The devil captain said unhurriedly.

"How many people, who are you bringing with you?" Han Qing asked again.

"There are not many people, only ten, with a brigade commander and a political commissar from the Eighth Route Army!" said the devil captain.

"Where will it be sent, do you know?" Han Qing asked again.

"Naturally, it's Shi Niao Dazuo's place. This is an order personally issued by Shi Niao Dazuo!" The devil said, "I've finished talking, can you let me go back?"

"Not yet, I need to know one more thing!" Han Qing asked.

"Then you ask!" Captain Guizi sat on the back of the chair, looked at the slanted wound, and hated Han Qing to death.

"Gong Han, are you Japanese?" Han Qing asked.

"No comment!" said the devil captain.

"Actually, it doesn't matter whether you say it or not. The fact that I went to your seaport from Anning county just now is enough to show that Gong Han is from your Japanese country! Or, he is a traitor. For traitors, you know our all-time history." policy?" Han Qing asked.

"I don't want to know, because it has nothing to do with me!" Captain Guizi was cold.

"That's right, it has nothing to do with you!" Han Qing stopped talking to him.

Several times, the devil captain wanted to ask where he took him, but Han Qing didn't talk to him!

When Han Qing drove to Portugal, Han Qing asked Zhao Qifa where Yang Fei was going.

Zhao Qifa said, "The head of the regiment has gone to the south to attack Anning County!"

Upon hearing the news, he immediately said, "Okay, I got it!" After speaking, Han Qing immediately turned the car around and headed south!

There are not many roads to the south here, but since Han Qing is driving, he should be able to chase Yang Fei very quickly!

However, when the Eighth Route Army saw the car, they must have gotten into it. Not only did Han Qing not find it, he almost rushed into Anning County!

At this moment, someone suddenly knocked on Han Qing's car window.

Han Qing turned his head and saw a thin man.

Han Qing opened the car door, and the thin man said, "Three miles outside the city, go find the head of the regiment!" After speaking, the man left.

Han Qing didn't ask any further questions, and drove directly to the place three miles outside the city!
The so-called three miles outside the city, there is only one place, and that is the Qinwang Pavilion.

Qinwang Pavilion is near the river, and the scenery in summer and autumn is pleasant, and it is also a sign of Anning County. However, when winter comes, it becomes very deserted here!
As for who that person was just now, Han Qing doesn't care or care, as long as he can find Yang Fei, that's enough!

When Han Qing arrived at Qinwang Pavilion, sure enough, he saw where the troops were.

Han Qing got out of the car and took the devil captain in the car with him.

Yang Fei came down from the pavilion, looked at him, and frowned, "Han Qing, I told you to rescue the brigade commander, what are you doing in a car ostentatiously passing through the city?"

Han Qing blushed slightly, and then hurriedly said, "Leader, I...I..."

"What are you, tell me quickly, what do you mean?" Yang Fei asked.

"Commander, when I arrived, the brigade commander and the political commissar had already arrived at the harbor. I didn't rush in, but brought this kid here!" Han Qing said, kicking the devil captain to the ground.

"What? A devil?" Yang Fei asked.

"Head, yes!" After finishing speaking, Han Qing gave Yang Fei the document on his body again, "Head, and this, take a look! I accidentally discovered that Gong Han and the others were all It's a devil! And if it can prove that Gong Han is a devil, this little devil will know!"

The document that Yang Fei brought over, together with his telegram, and this little devil, just happened to be able to corroborate Gong Han and others' crimes!
Yang Fei nodded, "Yes, that's right!"

"Head, what shall we do next?" Han Qing asked.

"Now that we have evidence, let's take people into the city!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay!" Han Qing said.

"Wait!" Yang Fei turned to look at him, "Don't go, boy!"

"Ah?" Han Qing was a little puzzled, "As far as I know, the seaport is just a port, and the real big shot is in Shencheng. These days, you have to pay attention between the seaport and Shencheng. I'm worried. The brigade commander and the political committee were transferred to Shencheng, and without the orders of the big men, the people in the harbor would not dare to take the life of the brigade commander, remember, your mission is very heavy in this past!"

"Head, I understand! Then I'm leaving!" Han Qing left after saying that!

Yang Fei looked at him and sighed, "Only Han Qing with good skills can do this!"

Wang Zhifei stood in front of Yang Fei early, "Leader, shall we take people there now?"

"Yes, let's take people into the city now!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay, just right!" Wang Zhifei waved his hand after finishing speaking, "Listen to me, we are going to enter the city in a while, and when we enter the city, we need to obey the orders of the regimental commander, do you all understand?"


Yang Fei chuckled, then patted Wang Zhifei on the shoulder, "By the way, I don't want to walk in like this!"

"Ah?" Wang Zhifei was taken aback, seeing the car next to him, "How about we drive in?"

Yang Fei smiled, he knew that Wang Zhifei didn't understand his thoughts, "Go, bring a stretcher over here, you carry me in!"

"Ah? Commander, why?" Wang Zhifei didn't understand why he was lying on a stretcher?

"If I go in like this, it will be easy to be targeted. If I go in lying down, no one will pay attention to me! Gong Han is also easy to be fooled. At that time, arresting this person will be beneficial to exchange his life for the life of the brigade commander. !" Yang Fei explained.

Wang Zhifei touched his head, "Oh, so that's the case, tell me, why didn't I think of it?"

(End of this chapter)

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