Chapter 2669
On this day, the gate of Anning County is very lively!

There were many people standing at the gate of the city, and the people in the city also came out to watch the excitement, and the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army at the gate also looked at the clothes of the people who came here strangely.

I saw that the people who came were not all wearing the uniforms of the Eighth Route Army, but more of them were in miscellaneous appearances.

One person in the lead walked at the forefront crying bitterly.

All the more than 50 people are dressed in mourning.

Such a scene, not to mention Beihai, has never been seen in Anning County!It's really strange that this soldier is doing this for one person now.

Besides, a person was carried on a stretcher behind him, his face was covered with a white cloth, and the soldiers carried were also mourning, and the soldiers behind even scattered ghost coins into the sky, floating down freely.

"Commander, Commander!"

The soldiers cry!


The man in the lead was Wang Zhifei, and Wang Zhifei shouted loudly, "Leader, what a miserable death you have!"

Yang Fei, who was lying on the stretcher, had already scolded Wang Zhifei to death in his heart. It stands to reason that he thought that he would be seriously injured and could not move, but in the end Wang Zhifei said that it would be easier to pretend to be dead and enter the city. Paralyze Gonghan and them!

That's why Yang Fei was lying on the stretcher.

He could feel that Wang Zhifei was born to take on the job of crying. If someone died, the old man or lady would cry specially. If he wanted such a good job, no one would dare to snatch it.

At this time, a soldier at the door ran over and looked at them strangely, "Which regiment leader died?"

Wang Zhifei grabbed the soldier at the door, "Comrade, hurry up and tell the palace *. Let's just say, Commander Yang Feiyang was shot and died in a breakout! We managed to escape!"

When the soldiers at the door heard that Yang Fei had sacrificed, their expressions changed drastically, "Okay, okay, just wait, I'll tell Gong* right away!"

Wang Zhifei asked people to slow down their pace, and then walked slowly into the city.

No one knew what was going on, and what's more, the citizens were talking about it, saying that the person who died must be a big shot!

The news of Yang Fei's sacrifice reached Gong Han, who was eating oranges, when he heard the "good news", he quickly threw the oranges away, "Here?"

"Yes, it's here!"

Gong Han clapped his hands, then smiled, "I mean, my left eyelid keeps twitching, so it's the good news!" After saying that, he went out.

Walking east from the headquarters, after walking for more than ten minutes, I happened to meet Wang Zhifei carrying someone over!
Gong Han wiped his eyes, and tears flowed, "Is it Commander Yang? Is it really Commander Yang?"

Wang Zhifei cried, "Yes, this is our Captain Yang!"

After finishing speaking, Gong Han walked over and took out the white cloth. After seeing Yang Fei's face, he quickly covered the white cloth again, "Sure enough, Captain Yang! It's really Captain Yang!"

After finishing speaking, Gong Han said, "Take Captain Yang to the headquarters!"


After Wang Zhifei finished speaking, he took people to the headquarters.

Gong Han's eyes showed a trace of comfort, he turned to the people around and said, "Go, tell Colonel Shi Niao that Yang Fei has thrown himself into a trap, and I decided to catch them all!"

"Yes!" After saying that, the people around him left!
Gong Han roared, "Commander Yang! Commander Yang!"

Just listening to this voice is like crying without intention, and those who hear it have intention!

After putting Yang Fei in the headquarters, Wang Zhifei found Gong Han, "Gong*, what should we do now?"

Gong Han said, "Yang Fei is a general of our Eighth Route Army. He has made countless achievements and deserves to be dealt with!"

" have to worry about this matter!" Wang Zhifei said while grabbing Gong Han's hand.

"It's natural, although I had a verbal dispute with Yang Fei, but after all, I'm an adult, I can't possibly have anything to do with him, don't worry about Yang Fei's matter, I will definitely do my best to him! "

"Good!" Wang Zhifei said.

The headquarters temporarily built a shed, and Gong Han personally ordered that someone make a coffin and it was on the way here. Many folks in Anning County also spontaneously sent wreaths.

There were crying sounds all around the coffin.

Gong Han found Jing Bai and Ji Tai to arrange the next thing, "You two should stay at the headquarters, when the time comes, send someone to catch them all! I decided to pretend to arrange Yang Fei's burial tomorrow, when the time comes , and then arrest Wang Zhifei and others! Unexpectedly, this mission turned out to be so smooth!"


Mrs. Ji said, "As a result, the Eighth Route Army has been paralyzed, and Beihai belongs to the Imperial Army of the Japanese Empire! This is really the blessing of His Majesty the Emperor."

"Yes, long live His Majesty the Emperor!" Gong Han said, "Okay, if you need anything tonight, remember to find me! I'm not interested in dead people anymore!" After finishing speaking, Gong Han left.

The matter of Yang Fei's sacrifice caused the entire Anning county to fall into panic. The people and many soldiers felt that Anning county would be breached soon!
With such remarks, the entire Anning county felt precarious and panicked.

At night, Wang Zhifei saw that Ji Tai and Jing Bai just stayed here and did not leave. He wanted to bring some food to Yang Fei, but there was nothing he could do.

He went straight over, "You two are tired today too, so we will leave the vigil to our brothers!"

"Don't bother, it's already been done! The palace * has ordered that there should be no mistakes in our affairs here!" Jing Bai said.

"Hey!" Wang Zhifei sighed, and he took out some money from his body, "I'll give this money to you two, can you help me buy some wine? Before his death, our team leader liked drinking the most. I didn't even take a sip!"

Seeing Wang Zhifei's begging, the two nodded, "Okay, let him meet his last demand! This is also the tradition of our Eighth Route Army!"

With that said, the two left!
Wang Zhifei hurried over and gave Yang Fei a steamed bun. Yang Fei ate it hungrily.

"Leader, don't worry, the two little guys can't do anything big, what will you do later?" Wang Zhifei asked.

"For a while, think of a way to get that Gonghan here, this pretender is now at this time, and I'm not afraid to do it again!" Yang Fei said.

"Well, okay, I have a way to get him to come! Captain, don't worry, tonight is the time to settle with Gong Han!" Wang Zhifei said.

"Okay, Wang Zhifei, it's up to you!" Yang Fei said.

Hearing the footsteps outside, Wang Zhifei hurried out.

When we got to the door, we saw a few unfamiliar faces. After they came in, they rummaged around. Wang Zhifei stopped him and asked, "What do you do?"

Two or three people glanced at Wang Zhifei and pushed his arm away, "Hehe, how dare a person like Yang Fei come? He is lawless, and Li Jiguang and Wang Wei have been protecting him. This time we come here, Naturally, I don’t want you to hold this funeral properly!”

"How dare you!" Wang Zhifei shouted.

"Haha, I'm so scared!" The guy looked at Wang Zhifei, "I dare not talk about other places, but in Anning County, I have the final say!"

"Hey, are you the king of the mountain or what? I'm really scared too!" Wang Zhifei's fists were already prepared, and he was not afraid of offending anyone.

"Okay!" After the man finished speaking, he waved his hand, and a dozen or so people came in with hoes and axes in their hands, "Let me tear down this mourning hall. If something goes wrong, I will be responsible! "


A group of people came in and went straight to the mourning hall. In an instant, the mourning hall shook!

Wang Zhifei went over, grabbed a person's clothes, pulled them over forcefully, and punched them again, "If you want to die, come to me!"

"The tone is not small, hit me!"

After speaking, those people worked even harder!

The ax looked at the mourning hall, didn't know it, thought it was an encounter with an enemy.

Wang Zhifei yelled, "Who dares to do it again, come here, chop it up for me!"

Wow, No. 50 people came out again, and these No. 50 people were brought by Yang Fei. They all knew the specific tasks. If the mourning hall really collapsed, he, Yang Fei, would not be crushed to death!
"Call me!"

Wang Zhifei yelled, and all the No. 50 people rushed over. Although they didn't need guns, they had battlefield experience. Isn't it easy for them?

Sure enough, at the end, all the dozen or so people were beaten to the ground, and the leader was stunned. He couldn't remember what these fifty people looked like at once, but as long as he remembered this Wang Zhifei enough!

"Okay, well done!" After finishing speaking, that guy was about to leave!

Wang Zhifei grabbed his clothes, "I'm leaving now? Isn't it too easy?"

After finishing speaking, Wang Zhifei lifted that guy up and subconsciously threw it far away!
When he threw it, Wang Zhifei was terrified, because the place where he threw it was the pillar in front of the coffin!
Once the pillar is broken, it is very likely that the coffin will also collapse!

Sure enough, there was a "wow!"

The pillar snapped off!

The coffin shed was unstable, and fell to the ground with a crash!
"what happened?"

Jing Bai and Ji Tai came in and found the coffin shed collapsed!
"what happened?"

Just when Wang Zhifei was about to speak, the soldiers beside him hurriedly said, "Who are these people? It's really unreasonable to tear down the coffin without saying a word!"

As soon as these words came out, the guy who was thrown out stood up, "I didn't get the couch for the coffin!"

"It's not you so and so?" The soldier behind was indomitable, "You didn't collapse, so why are you there?"

Such a counter-bite made that guy furious!

When he was about to argue, Ji Tai and Jing Bai went over and slapped each other directly, "Bastard, get out!"

That guy came out tremblingly!

Mrs. Ji put the wine aside, and said, "Brother Wang Zhifei, I'm really sorry, if this guy offended you just now, I apologize to you!"

"There's no need to make amends!" Wang Zhifei said, "Where's Gong*? I'll find him!"

"Ah? Is there something we can't handle?" Jing Bai asked quickly.

"I want to talk to him about tomorrow's affairs!" Wang Zhifei said.

"Then you and I can just talk, the two of us can make decisions for you!" Ji Tai also said.

Wang Zhifei thought, it seems that the two of them don't want him to see Gong Han anymore, but how can they convict him if they don't see Gong Han?
At this moment, Wang Zhifei's expression twisted, and then his temperament changed drastically. He yelled, "Leader!"

This voice is earth-shattering.

Several people looked at Wang Zhifei, and saw Wang Zhifei looking at the sky, "Why are you here? You...shouldn't you be caught by the little devil?"

The more he listened, the more confused he became, Jing Bai also looked up at the sky, "Where is Captain Yang?"

Wang Zhifei grabbed Jing Bai's arm, "Look, isn't it?"

Wang Zhifei lowered his head slowly, and then went directly to the collapsed coffin shed!
"Head, what did you just say? I didn't hear clearly!" Wang Zhifei asked.

Jing Bai was horrified!

What did Wang Zhifei mean by talking to himself?
"Ah? You said that the watch in your pocket is for me?" Wang Zhifei asked.

Mrs. Ji hurried over, "Wang Zhifei, did Yang Fei talk to you?"

"Yeah, our team leader talked to me, and he said he wanted to give me a watch in his chest pocket!" Wang Zhifei said.

"How is it possible? How can a person talk when he is dead?" He still couldn't believe it for a few days.

"That's right, everyone is dead, how can you talk to me!" Wang Zhifei smiled wryly, then shook his head.

Suddenly, Wang Zhifei's body turned at a 45-degree angle, as if he was being pulled, and his feet went all the way to the coffin!

"Head, what are you pulling me for? If you have a watch, you can use it yourself, don't give it to me!" After Wang Zhifei finished speaking, he went to the coffin with his whole body!

Ji Tai and Jing Bai hurried over, they quickly removed the few logs in front of the mourning hall, and then followed Wang Zhifei inside.

"Head, don't scare me. If this person is dead, he can't be resurrected!" Wang Zhifei said, "Since you gave it to me, then I will accept it!" As he said, Wang Zhifei put his hand on Yang Fei's chest He put his hand in the pocket of his pocket, and then he really took out a watch!
Ji Tai and Jing Bai were taken aback. Perhaps this was a small conspiracy they had just seen. It is absolutely impossible for a dead person to speak!
But who is Wang Zhifei talking to himself?When Wang Zhifei turned his head and saw that the faces of the two people were pale, he smiled and said to them, "Come here, our team leader has something to say to you!"

"Ah?" Ji Tai shook her head, "I think it's better to forget it, I don't believe it!"

"Come here, our leader really has something to tell you!"

Jing Bai tried his best, and then walked to the front, "Where is he, what do you want to say to me?"

Wang Zhifei pointed, "Isn't it?" After finishing speaking, he said to Yang Fei, "Head, everyone is in front of you, just say what you want!"

Jing Bai couldn't hear any sound, but seeing Wang Zhifei smiling, he frowned, feeling a little scared in his heart, this night, the coffin shack collapsed, is it really haunted?
"Haha, Captain, what you said is wrong!" Wang Zhifei said.

"Wang Zhifei, what did Yang Fei say? Why can't I hear you?" Jing Bai asked.

"Our regiment leader said that you and Mrs. Ji have done a lot of bad things. He said that he just went to the gate of ghosts. Hell Lord didn't open the door for him, so I just wandered around!"

"What did I do wrong?" Jing Bai asked a little bored.

"Captain, do you want to talk to him?"

Watching the conversation between Wang Zhifei and Yang Fei, Jing Bai couldn't hear the sound at all!

Just for such a scene, he didn't want to see him again!

"Okay, stop talking, I'll go out first!" After saying that, Jing Bai left!

Ji Tai saw Jing Bai leaving, so he also left quickly!

"What did I say, Yang Fei is dead, what are you doing here?" Mrs. Ji asked, shaking her head.

"Yes, that's what I said, but we don't know the specifics!" Jing Bai said, "Go, talk to Gong Han!"

"Well, I can only ask him to come over!" After finishing speaking, he left in a few days!
When Gong Han heard about such a strange thing, he couldn't figure it out. If Yang Fei and Wang Zhifei were to put him together, but it didn't have to be like this. Wouldn't it be better to do it earlier?Why can Yang Fei be seen only when the spiritual shed collapsed?This is not accidental, perhaps, this is really inevitable!
Thinking of this, Gong Han also wanted to see for himself what happened!
When Gong Han first arrived at the headquarters, he heard Wang Zhifei talking!
"Leader, don't worry, our brothers are led by Gong*, this will definitely lead to victory!" Wang Zhifei said.

"Okay, okay, don't you want to take it with you?" Wang Zhifei asked.

Gong Han walked over, "Wang Zhifei, what are you talking about alone?"

Wang Zhifei turned around, saw Gong Han, and hurried over, "Gong*, just now, our regiment leader came, I'll talk to him for a while!"

"Yang Fei is here? Where?"

"Isn't this?" Wang Zhifei pointed, "Isn't this our head?"

There was nothing around Wang Zhifei, so Gong Han couldn't believe it!
Seeing Gong Han's indifference, Wang Zhifei asked, "Gong*, what's wrong with you?"

"I heard that Yang Fei is here, I thought it was something! Hey, let Yang Fei rest in peace and don't come out!" After finishing speaking, the police will leave!
At this moment, a voice sounded, "Where is Gong* going?"

As soon as the question was finished, Gong Han stopped in his tracks. He couldn't be more familiar with this voice!
He turned his head abruptly, "Yang Fei?"

Gong Han looked at Jing Bai and Ji Tai, "What did you two hear just now?"

"It's you! I don't know who called it!" Ji Tai said.

"Yang Fei?" After Gong Han finished speaking, he rushed inside, lifted the white cloth, and found that Yang Fei's appearance was the same as before, and there was no change at all.

Several soldiers rushed over and surrounded Yang Fei, "Gong*, our regiment leader is dead, this white cloth cannot be lifted at will!"

"They are all revolutionary fighters of the proletariat. Do you know what you are doing? It's feudal superstition!" After finishing speaking, Gong Han asked, "I'll just look at him, isn't Yang Fei talking to me?"

"Gong*, our team leader, isn't it, he really called you just now!" Wang Zhifei said.

Gong Han looked at Yang Fei who was lying down, "Come on, let me see, what do you want to ask me! I really don't believe that you can talk, how can a corpse talk?"

Just after saying this, beside Gong Han, I heard a voice again, "Gong*, if you don't believe me, then I can only talk!"

"As you like!" Gong Han said subconsciously, but he didn't notice any change in Yang Fei's mouth shape. If he could speak in such a straight and round manner, he wouldn't be able to say it without opening his mouth!
"Yang Fei, can you see it?" Gong Han was in disbelief!

"Ji Tai, stop smoking, smoking is bad for your health!" Yang Fei said.

Gong Han raised his head, turned his head, and found that Mrs. Ji was smoking outside the coffin shed, and Yang Fei was lying down at the moment, what happened, she couldn't see Mrs. Ji smoking!

Gong Han retreated subconsciously, "Impossible, how about, take another look, what else is around here?"

"Jing Bai's jaw dropped in surprise just now, he just sat up, and now he just stood up, didn't he?" Yang Fei said.

"Of course you're a liar!" Gong Han shouted without saying a word, "Yang Fei, you're playing tricks!"

Wang Zhifei hurried over, "Gong*, if you have something to say, please say it well. Our regiment leader has already died, and the ghost finally came back. Don't dare to scare him away!"

"I don't believe it!" Gong Han is still like this, but, before he believes it or not, anyway, this thing has already happened.

He doesn't believe it, but most people do!

"Okay, then tell me your conditions!" Yang Fei asked.

"If you don't believe it, you don't believe it!" Gong Han wanted to leave, but was stopped, "Gong*, tell me why you colluded with devils, or why you are a devil, you lied to us so badly! "Yang Fei asked directly.

"You fart, when did I collude with devils?" Gong Han asked.

"Don't get excited, I'm just pretending to ask, it's fine if you don't admit it, so you don't have to admit it, you'll lose all face, don't ask me how I know you're a devil, I don't know, but I'll get out immediately,"

Gong Han looked at each other.

"Yang Fei, you..." Gong Han stood here quietly.

He arrived next to Yang Fei's "body" again, and found that Yang Fei still maintained the previous movements without any distortion.It means that it was not this Yang Fei who spoke at all, it was very likely that it was the lonely ghost!
"Gong Han, don't get excited, I know, you don't understand me at all, I have changed, you don't know, I'm fine today, I'll tell you enough!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he deliberately aggravated Tone!
Gong Han always thought that since Yang Fei was dead, it was impossible to open his mouth. Similarly, Yang Fei's words just now were obviously not spoken by Yang Fei who was lying down!If this is not the case, then what is it?
"Okay, I'll listen to you!" Gong Han finally stabilized a little.

"Gong*, so you are a devil!" Just after Yang Fei finished speaking, everyone was in an uproar, Gong Han is a devil?How did you become a devil?
Who knows about this?Um?

However, everyone present heard it clearly!
Gong Han's face turned red all of a sudden, he pointed at Yang Fei, "Yang Fei, you slandered me!"

(End of this chapter)

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