Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2670 Evidence

Chapter 2670 Evidence
As for whether it is true or not, it doesn't matter anymore. Anyway, there are more and more people watching the excitement, and the noise of the huge coffin has already attracted many soldiers.

There was no expression on Gong Han's face, he tried his best to suppress the resentment in his heart, Yang Fei didn't open his mouth, he just watched Yang Fei's mouth not open at all, could it be that it was really a ghost talking?


Before Gong Han could think about anything else, Yang Fei's voice appeared again, "Gong*, do you know why I died?"

"What does it have to do with me?" Gong Han waved his sleeves.

"I have a document on me that clearly states that you are a devil!" Yang Fei said.

"You lied, what documents do you have, do you know the consequences of your slandering me? I want to destroy you!" After Gong Han finished speaking, he turned to look at Mrs. Ji, "Come here, tear Yang Fei to pieces. part!"

When Wang Zhifei heard it, he immediately stopped him, "Gong*, what are you doing? Why are you so nervous about a dead person? Why don't we just listen?"

"What are you listening to? It's completely slandering me!" Gong Han roared.

"If it's slander, let's see if he has that document on him!" Wang Zhifei said, and then let a soldier go over, "Go and see if there is any, and see if the leader is lying!"

The soldier ran over with the gun on his back, then fumbled in the pocket of his jacket, and took out a document, "Yes!"

"Really?" Wang Zhifei pretended to be very happy, and then said, "Since it is true, read it!"

Just as the soldier was about to read, Gong Han paced over, wanting to snatch the document, Wang Zhifei saw it, and hurried forward to stop him, "Gong*, what are you doing?"

"Bring it here, let me take a look first!" Gong Han was a little nervous at this moment, not because of anything else, but because early this morning, he specially asked someone to write a letter to the stone bird in the harbor. The general meaning is that he suspects that his identity has been leaked, and he should be allowed to capture Anning County as soon as possible, and then free him as soon as possible. This document is obviously a criminal evidence. !
"This is not acceptable, let him read it!" Wang Zhifei stopped him!

"Slander, come, stop them!" Gong Han shouted!
Some soldiers around moved a bit, but everyone still wanted to hear what this document said. Wang Zhifei sneered, "Gong*, I'm afraid this matter is not so simple! Our team leader got this document, we should Is it true, or let him read it carefully?"

"Stop talking, I'll read it myself!" Yang Fei's voice sounded again.

Everyone around fell into silence.

But Gong Han didn't want to do this, he yelled, "Could it be that you don't listen to what I say?"

At this time, a few scattered soldiers came over and pointed their guns at Wang Zhifei. Wang Zhifei punched Gong Han directly with his fist, and then pulled him over. neck, "Don't move, since our leader said that Gong Han is a devil, then there is evidence, don't you all want to hear if this is true?"

Soldiers, you look at me, I look at you, in the end there is no movement!
"Master Shi Niao, my identity in Anning County is very likely to be exposed. Li Jiguang's guard, Xiao Li, stole a telegram from the commander in my office. This telegram is enough to prove my disguise. I have put the Li Jiguang and Wang Wei have caught them, and have sent them to the harbor according to your order. I only hope that you will quickly move south and occupy Anning County as soon as possible, and I will be relieved. The grand plan of the empire will also be revealed immediately! This letter is set off with Li Jiguang and Wang Wei, I hope you will see the words and go south as soon as possible! Gonghan!"

Yang Fei's voice read the document out!
Gong Han's face turned pale immediately, he didn't dare to speak, the cold knife was already on his neck!

"Sure enough!" Wang Zhifei roared in surprise, "Gong Han, is this true?"

"It's fake, it's fake, everyone don't believe it!" Gong Han roared.

Ji Tai and Jing Bai looked at Gong Han. Regarding the exposure, they never thought that it would appear in such a form.

"How dare you argue!" Wang Zhifei roared!

"How could it be possible to conclude that it was me just by a letter!" Gong Han said.

"Then tell me, how can you believe it?" Wang Zhifei asked.

"Unless Yang Fei wakes up personally, he accuses me personally!" Gong Han said.

"You..." Wang Zhifei frowned, "Our regiment leader died because of you devil! Today, you dare to make such an exaggerated request!"

"Hehe, without certification, can it prove that I am a devil? You are too naive, I think, everyone can't believe it!": Gong Han said.

"Do you want witnesses? Or do you want me to come back to life?" Yang Fei asked.

Everyone broke out in cold sweat when they heard Yang Fei's words. What Yang Fei said was so simple, could it be that something really happened today?
"Hehe, come to think of it, you have someone to prove it!" Yang Fei's voice sounded, "Then I will find a witness for you!"

"There is no evidence for what you say, so bring someone here!" Gong Han believed that they would not be able to find witnesses, and even with this letter, the soldiers of the empire would never easily become other people's prisoners of war.

"Okay, then bring the witness card!" Yang Fei said.

Immediately afterwards, the soldiers whispered, who knows, who can understand, what kind of medicine is this Yang Fei selling in the gourd?

After a few minutes of silence, footsteps were heard suddenly, and several soldiers escorted a man dressed as a devil over!

Escorted this person to Yang Fei's side, and then Yang Fei said, "This person is the witness. If you have any impression, he should have come today. Take a good look!"

The fighters approached, then looked up and down!

Suddenly, a soldier shouted, "That's right, I saw him when I was on guard today. He came in with a lot of people, and finally drove away!"

"Yes, I was standing guard at the east gate of the city, and I saw him!" Another soldier also shouted.

"Lie, he never came here!" Gong Han shouted.

"So it's a devil! It's really unreasonable, fight!"

The soldiers went over and punched the devil one after another. The devil was annoyed by the beating, and then began to resist, "Baga, Lu, China Dog, you will die!"

What else are you talking about? The devil has said everything, what is it if it is not a devil?
Wang Zhifei roared, "Gong Han, you really are a devil!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Zhifei yelled at the soldiers, "Arrest both Ji Tai and Jing Bai!"

The soldiers moved out one after another, and surrounded Ji Tai and Jing Bai tightly.

After controlling them, Gong Han struggled, "Yang Fei, you have been pretending to be a ghost. You just said that you can come back to life? I don't believe it! Since you are dead, how can you come back to life?"

"Do you want to see it?" Yang Fei asked.

The soldiers looked around, thinking, if they could see the dead come back to life, it would be worth it!Then, they straightened their necks and waited for Yang Fei's resurrection.

"Hehe, I'm afraid that if you come back to life with loud thunder and little rain, then I will admit that I am a devil! If you can't survive, you will slander me!" Gong Han thought, no matter what, he couldn't lose.The resurrection of the dead is no trick!
"Since you want to see it, I'll tell you the truth!" Yang Fei said, "The reason why I didn't go in at the ghost gate was not because Lord Yan was busy, but because he said that if I find you, a devil, he will let you I live again, I don't know if he keeps his word, but I know I have to try, I don't want to die, the devil is not dead, how can I die!"

"Hehe, Lord Yan, I see how else you can make it up?" Gong Han didn't care!
"In fact, it proves that you are a devil. You don't need to be resurrected. You are a devil. Just let the soldiers search your office! Gong Han, do you dare?" Yang Fei asked.

"Don't talk about these things, as long as you can be resurrected, let alone the office, even if you shoot me immediately, I will admit it!" Gong Han said with his head held high.

"Okay, since you want to take a look, then wait a moment, I'll go to Lord Yan first and ask him to show me the way!" Yang Fei said.

"Hehe, let me go, how long will I wait for you?" Gong Han said, "If we wait for decades, let alone whether you come back or not, we will all find you."

"No, don't worry, I believe it will be soon!" Yang Fei said.

The big guys stared at this coffin, which was really strange, but after being bumped, Yang Fei's soul came out, which was a strange thing.

This is enough to make the news!
Not long after, Yang Fei's voice sounded again.

"Yan Wang approved, I can live! He also said that not only can he continue to live, but my wound has completely healed!" Yang Fei received

"Just kidding!" Gong Han disagreed.

"Wang Zhifei, you straightened my body up, and now it's not right!" Yang Fei said.

Wang Zhifei hurriedly handed over Gong Han to someone else, and then he hurried over, straightened Yang Fei's body, and stood beside him.

"I'm here, everyone look out! Everyone look out!" Yang Fei said.

At this time, I don't know if the moon was intentional, but it actually sprinkled the moonlight, which happened to be on Yang Fei's body, and it was pure white.

"Ah!" Yang Fei said loudly, "Rebirth really hurts! But, I caught Gong Han!"

"Ah!" Yang Fei roared, making everyone feel a little worried.

They approached unconsciously, just wanting to see if Yang Fei could wake up, Lord Yan, could he really explain so easily?
After thinking about this, I saw that the place where Yang Fei was lying was moving violently. Wang Zhifei and several soldiers hurried over to stabilize Yang Fei's body.

Not long after, Wang Zhifei became happy, "The leader's flesh and blood has warmed up!"


Everyone took two steps forward in surprise, and then went to see Yang Fei's wonder.


Wang Zhifei was surprised, "The leader has a pulse!"

So simple?so rough?This is alive?

Gong Han didn't believe it at all, how could such a strange thing happen?No, Yang Fei didn't sit up, didn't stand up, it means Yang Fei didn't come back to life!

Gong Han grasped the last glimmer of hope, even though his forehead was already dripping with cold sweat.

At this time, only Yang Fei yelled, "Ah..."

All eyes were on Yang Fei's side.

I saw that Yang Fei sat up slowly from there, and then touched his body, "My wound is gone?"

Wang Zhifei hurried over, "It's gone!"

"I'm alive?" Yang Fei asked again.

"Head, you are alive!" Wang Zhifei shouted loudly!

"Haha, Lord Yan is really sincere and can't deceive me!" After saying that, Yang Fei came down directly from the stage, and just after pushing Wang Zhifei away, he came to Gong Han's side!

At this time, Gong Han's eyes were wider than anything else, he looked at Yang Fei like this, isn't this the real Yang Fei?Why did you die just now?Can live now?

"You, you didn't die, did you?"

Gong Han asked.

"No matter what you think, I died once, Gong Han, in order to fulfill our promise, let's go to your office now!" After speaking, Yang Fei turned to look at the many soldiers, "Soldiers, comrades, everyone We are all heroes who fought devils together, but we were all blinded by devils, not only everyone, but also me, as well as the brigade commander and political commissar, the two of them have now been escorted to the harbor, we cannot see our brigade Send the political commissar of Changhe to the devil!" Yang Fei's incitement was really effective!
Even though everyone has not joined the army for a long time, everyone knows that Li Jiguang is the brigade commander and Wang Wei is the political commissar, and neither of them can do without one of them!
"Comrades, escort Gong Han, Ji Tai, and Jing Bai, let's go to the headquarters!" Yang Fei roared.

Wang Zhifei also shouted from behind, "Comrades, let's go and see if this guy is a devil!"

After finishing speaking, everyone followed to the headquarters!
Wang Zhifei asked the soldiers to take down everyone in the headquarters in advance, so going to the headquarters now is not easy!

When they came to the command post, they saw the more than 20 devils squatting by the wall!

"Go up, take out the evidence that Gong Han is a devil!" Yang Fei roared.

"Leader, let me take people with me!" Wang Zhifei roared!

"Hurry up, let Gong Han give up!" Yang Fei glanced at him, and then slowly walked up to him.

"Yang Fei, tell me, are you alive?" Gong Han asked.

"Is it important for me to say it?" Yang Fei smiled, "Gong Han, you know what you did, but you have to pay it back today! Moreover, there is still no delay!"

"Yang Fei, you are so despicable!" the police shouted.

"I'm despicable?" Yang Fei shook his head, "How can you be despicable?"

"Try hard to put on my shoes, and tell Shi Niao our whereabouts. Up to now, Shen Wanxi is still in a coma, maybe he won't be able to wake up for the rest of his life! I'm despicable? I'm not as despicable as you!"

After a while, Wang Zhifei and many soldiers came down from upstairs.

After rummaging through boxes and cabinets this time, they still found a lot of things!
For example, there is a sun flag in Gong Han's box, this thing is very obvious, and it can directly prove Gong Han's identity!

Moreover, there are a large number of documents and telegrams, which can explain these issues!

Faced with Gong Han's espionage behavior, the soldiers were filled with righteous indignation, wishing they could tear him up into pieces and tear him into pieces!

"Comrades, it has now been proved that Gong Han is a devil, and the 30 people including him are all devils! Now, we have caught them all! What should we do about espionage?"

"kill him!"

"kill him!"

"kill him!"

The soldiers roared loudly.

Gong Han should have understood at this time, he has no way out, only a dead end!
"Okay, since that's the case, we'll shoot Gong Han and other 30 people right away! No room for them!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he took out a gun from his body.

Then the gun was pointed at Gong Han's head!

"Gong Han, what else do you have to say?"

Yang Fei asked.

"There's nothing to say. Since you have guessed my identity, just die. The imperial army of the Japanese Empire will definitely remember me!" Gong Han closed his eyes, looking like he would give up his life.

"Hehe, you're thinking too much. Maybe your emperor has never seen you, so how could he remember you?" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he looked at him coldly.

"kill him!"

"kill him!"

"kill him!"


The soldiers got excited, and some even got themselves ready to shoot.

At this time, suddenly a soldier ran over!
"It's not good, it's not good, there are bandits at the south gate coming to attack the city!"

Yang Fei looked at it, then pulled it over, and asked directly, "About how many people are there?"

"Captain Yang?" The soldier looked at Yang Fei, and then hurriedly said, "I don't know, but it is estimated that there are at least 500 people!"

"So many!" Yang Fei frowned, "Everyone come here!"

Yang Fei roared, and the soldiers rushed over.

"Wang Zhifei, assemble the team for me and see how many people there are in the team!"

"Yes!" Wang Zhifei shouted, and then began to integrate the team!
After a while, Wang Zhifei shouted, "Report to the leader, there are 260 seven people in total!"

"Okay, got it!" Yang Fei finished, and then said, "Comrades, now, everyone hurry to the warehouse, get all the guns and ammunition, let's retreat!"

Wang Zhifei hurried over, "What? Commander? Why are we retreating?"

"Listen to my retreat, Anning County should not stay longer, even if we win, Anning County has lost its strategic nature, we can only carry out a strategic shift!"

"Strategic? The enemy now has only 500 people. We should have no problem defending the city, right?" Wang Zhifei asked.

"Wang Zhifei, don't give it to the old lady. I told you to retreat, retreat quickly!" Yang Fei didn't have time to explain, and then looked at Gong Han and the others, "Come here, kill them all!"


As he said that, everyone had already prepared the bullets, and directly aimed at Gong Han and other 30 people, shooting in one go!
Thirty people died in a pool of blood, and they deserved to die!
More than 200 soldiers rushed into the warehouse, took the weapons and ammunition, and then, Yang Fei asked someone to take some food for transfer!He asked Wang Zhifei to take 50 people to block and cover the retreat of the large troops!

Starting from the north gate, head all the way north, and then meet Li Mobai and the others in the north.

Anning County was finally lost. Yang Fei felt very uncomfortable seeing the places that had been in business for so long lost. However, he understood that these places would still be in their hands in the end. This is Huaxia's place , In the end, the Chinese will have to take over!

After Wang Zhifei successfully caught up with Yang Fei, he asked again, "Head, why?"

"Wang Zhifei, think about it, now that Wu County has fallen, and Fenzhou in the south has also fallen one after another. Anning County is the target of public criticism at this time. If you withdraw early, you can stop the loss! If the devils surround Anning County at that time, we If you want to break through again, it will be even more difficult!" Yang Fei said.

"Yeah!" Wang Zhifei scratched his head, "Why didn't I think of it!" Wang Zhifei smirked, "When we blocked the enemy just now, there were probably more than 1000 enemies, not 500 at all. If we were stuck by them, we would think about it." Retreating is difficult!"

"Hehe, Wang Zhifei, you have made great progress!" Yang Fei continued to walk forward as he said.

After killing Gong Han and the others, Yang Fei was not in a happy mood. Instead, he became more and more worried about Li Jiguang and the others!

Li Jiguang and Wang Wei were the biggest victims this time. They should have suspected Gong Han from the beginning, but they believed in the telegram!
As for how to fight in the end, Yang Fei understands that if the harbor is lost, the devils will have more and more troops, as well as puppet troops and traitors. It may be quite difficult to fight a decisive battle with the devils!
Then you can only fight guerrillas with devils, which is what Yang Fei and others are best at!

After Yang Fei and the others joined forces, the devils indeed encircled and suppressed Anning County, and also carried out a bloodbath on the base areas around Anning County.

They didn't have time to evacuate the folks, this was their biggest mistake!

Seeing Yang Fei's return, Li Mobai was already very excited. Huozhou is not attacked by the devils, which is a blessing in misfortune!

As for how to go in the end, they can only discuss it.

Hu Dahai, Li Jiguang and the others gathered around a table.

Now, the most qualified are the three of them.

"Old Yang, the current situation on the battlefield is very bad. Our team has suffered heavy losses. It may be impossible to fight the devils head-on. I suggest that we break it up and continue fighting the devils!" Hu Dahai said.

Li Mobai also said, "Yes, Lao Yang, let's fight guerrilla with the devils, as long as we have breath, we won't let the devils have a good time!"

"You're right!" Yang Fei nodded, "Now, Huozhou's geographical location is on the cutting edge, let's retreat now, and let's talk about where we are going first!" Yang Fei said.

Hu Dahai said, "I looked at the map. I want to take the troops to the west. The devil's infiltration range has not yet reached there. We should also build a base there!"

"We can only go west now! Here in the east, I'm afraid the devils will completely occupy it in a short time, which is not conducive to the construction of the base area!" Li Mobai said.

(End of this chapter)

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