Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2671 Total Retreat

Chapter 2671 Total Retreat
"You're right, then go west!" Yang Fei said.

The two looked at Yang Fei, "What about you?"

"Leave me alone, my plan is near here, the brigade commander and political commissar are in the harbor, I haven't picked them up yet! So, I have to stay here!" Yang Fei said.

"Stay here...Yang Fei, this place is very dangerous!" Hu Dahai said, "Why don't you go, I will stay, and I will find a way to save the brigade commander and political commissar!"

"Okay, stop talking, let's go, there is something very important!" Yang Fei said, "This time, most of the people I brought over from Anning County are former clerical cadres. People, you must protect me and build a base, and the brigade cannot do without them!" Yang Fei said.

"Old Yang, don't worry, they are brains, and I can't let them have any mistakes!" Li Mobai said.

"That's good!" Yang Fei said, "Before I leave, I have something to give you!"

Said, Yang Fei took out two watches from his body, "I seized this watch from the devil, and now, I will give it to each of you two! This thing will come in handy!"

The two took the watch and held it tightly in their hands.

"Okay, don't say anything, your regiment has a telegraph machine, and when the time comes, you must tell each other where you are!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay!" Hu Dahai stood up, "Yang Fei, when you receive the brigade commander and political commissar, you must tell me!"

"Let's go!"

Yang Fei waved his hand.

"Old Yang, don't forget, you must tell me once you receive the brigade commander and political commissar!" Hu Dahai repeated.

"Get lost!" Yang Fei glanced at him.

Hu Dahai turned around and walked to the door. Yang Fei looked at his back and said, "Take care of Shen Wanxi, I will leave all his people to you. Don't disappoint everyone's expectations!"

"Don't worry!" Hu Dahai left without looking back.

Li Mobai picked up a bowl of water on the table and drank it, "Yang Fei, take care!"

With that said, Li Mobai also left!
In the whole room, Yang Fei is the only one left now!

He took out his cigarette case and lit a cigarette.

The kerosene lamps are flickering, and the swaying flames seem to be telling an unknown story!

Where Yang Fei is going is a question!
However, no matter where you go, you have to be near here to fight the devils, so don't be afraid to get too close to the devils!
He pulled out the map and looked at it. Wang Zhifei watched Li Mobai and Hu Dahai leave, and he came in and looked at Yang Fei.

However, it didn't bother him!
Until Yang Fei looked up and saw him, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Head, it's getting late. Hu Dahai and Li Mobai have been walking for more than two hours! Where are we now?" Wang Zhifei asked.

Looking out the window, it was indeed dark!

"Well, let's go, bring Zhao Qifa, Liu Ji, Shouhou, and Ma Xiaokun and Zhao Junjie! I think it's time for our group to consider the issue of transfer!"

After Yang Fei finished speaking, Wang Zhifei disappeared as soon as he turned around!

10:30 in the evening.

Still in this room.

Several battalion commanders and two company commanders sat together, and everyone just wanted to see what to do next!
"Li Mobai and Hu Dahai have both gone to the west!" That's what Yang Fei said in the first sentence!

Several battalion commanders did not dare to say anything.

"You said, where should we go?" Yang Fei lit another cigarette.

"Leader, I think we can also go to the west!" Shouhou said, "The west has more room for development. Besides, it is definitely the most beneficial for the construction of our regiment!"

Liu Ji didn't dare to say anything, Zhao Qifa said, "Li Mobai and Hu Dahai have already gone to the west. To be honest, there is indeed a lot of space in the west, but there is really no such wealth as the east. However, when we are doing revolution, we don't talk about poverty and poverty." Fuyu is also fighting devils, anywhere!"

"En!" Yang Fei nodded. "Liu Ji, are you dumb?"

Liu Ji looked at the flight like this, "Leader, let's talk about it. We really don't have a good suggestion in our hearts! The west is good for development, but here is not bad either! Look, the devils are all In the east, if we fight guerrillas, we will definitely encounter devils, guns and bullets, and we plan to snatch them from devils!"

"It makes sense!" Yang Fei said.

Zhao Qifa looked at Yang Fei, "Leader, you can speak for yourself, we all listen to your opinion!"

"Let me be straightforward, you can experience it yourself!" Yang Fei said, after taking a puff of cigarette, he said slowly, "The brigade commander and political commissar are still in the harbor!"

After he finished speaking, the next thing was silence, yes, he was actually right, for the construction of the regiment, to fight devils better, but they ignored the most important thing to stay here, that It is to rescue the brigade commander and political commissar!

Several people were blushing, but no one thought that this was the reason why Yang Fei stayed here.

"That's why I decided to stay here, I have to stay here!" Yang Fei took another puff of cigarette, "Also, I have to move closer to Shencheng!"

"Shencheng?" Hearing this, the few people were a little unbelievable. You know, Shencheng has already been taken down by the devils, and there are quite a lot of troops around Shencheng. What is the purpose of going there?
They don't understand.

However, Yang Fei seemed to have already made up his mind. In fact, he had given this order to find them!

"Shencheng, the city is high and the pond is deep, and we can't fight it down. At least, we don't have the conditions now!" Yang Fei said, "But we must also harass them! I think that sooner or later, the brigade commander and political commissar will be sent to the Shen Cheng, no matter what we do, we must rescue the brigade commander first, this is our fundamental purpose!"

"Head, we listen to you!" Zhao Qifa said.

"Yes, head, we listen to you!" Liu Ji also said.

"That's right, unifying orders and obeying commands is the fine tradition of the Eighth Route Army!" Yang Fei said, "Since everything is settled, let's set off immediately and take away all the military supplies in Huozhou, and don't give them to the devils." Leave a bullet!"

"Yes!" Zhao Qifa said.

"Okay, get ready!" As he said, Yang Fei stood up and took out the watch from his pocket, "I seized these watches from the devils, each of you take one, and when the time comes, those who fight The time will come in handy!"

Several people took a watch each, Ma Xiaokun and Zhao Junjie were embarrassed, after all, they were only company commanders, but Yang Fei still gave them!
"Take it, there will be a lot of these things by then! It's not surprising!" Yang Fei said.

Give an order, and the whole Huozhou begins to act!
The supply troops took the pots and pans, the heavy machine guns, all the ammunition, as well as food, and more food.

At this time, a person suddenly came from the army. He found Zhao Qifa and wanted to see Yang Fei. When Yang Fei saw him, he found that it was Xi Xiangchong.

He looked at Yang Fei, and said, "Teacher Yang, take me away, now, many things here have been disturbed too much by the devil's arrival!"

Yang Fei looked at him, thinking about what this cultural person might be able to help in the future, he agreed. "Xi Xiangchong, you are welcome to join our team, but this time, we have to go a long way!"

"I'm not afraid. Our Eighth Route soldiers climbed the snow-capped mountains and crossed the grasslands. This is what the Long March has done. No matter how far we can go, I am not afraid!" Xi Xiangchong said.

"Okay! With your words, I, Yang Fei, will be content. If you follow me, you will report to the regiment headquarters for now!" Yang Fei said.

After all, Yang Fei had the largest number of troops.

After these few battles, after all, Yang Fei's troops suffered the least losses and killed the most enemies.

The ultimate goal of Yang Fei's trip is Baimang Mountain.

Baimang Mountain is a legendary holy mountain, and it is also famous in all historical records.

Naturally, Yang Fei's ultimate goal of going there is not because of fame, but because it is the least eye-catching place!

During the transfer days, it happened to be the Spring Festival, so Yang Fei specially asked the cooking team to make a meal of steamed stuffed buns, which was regarded as improving food for everyone.

The Spring Festival is just here, and everyone is still very happy in their hearts.

Tired of looking at the vast expanse of white snow, now think about it, spring will come soon, and what will bring is the warmth of spring, the thawing of glaciers and riverbeds, the revival of thousands of miles, a vibrant piece, how wonderful that is thing!

On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, they successfully moved to Baimang Mountain, but problems arose. Baimang Mountain seemed to be a hidden place, but there was already an owner here. The gangster Shi Qiulin gathered a group of people to rob houses.

The most important thing is that this guy Shi Qiulin controlled a passage in and out of Baimang Mountain, so that Yang Fei and his group had no way to go to Shencheng through that road to inquire about news!

This matter made Yang Fei brood.

Zhao Qifa and Liu Jishouhou said to Yang Fei, "Head, this gangster Shi Qiulin, if we don't give him some color, he will never let go of that way, otherwise, let's find a chance , have a fight with him?"

"We are newcomers, it's best not to cause trouble, and wait until we stabilize!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay, we are now stationed in Dongji Village as the location of the regiment headquarters. Then, Liu Ji, your battalion is responsible for the defense of Xiji Village, Shouhou is in charge of Nanji Village, and Zhao Qifa is in charge of Beiji. As for the defense of the village, you must be clear about your tasks, not only to be responsible for training, defense tasks, but also conscription, there are many other things waiting for you to do, none of which can be taken lightly!"

Yang Fei said.

"Head, we know that, just like before, we just need to be in charge of our area!" Liu Ji said.

"This time, when we arrive at Baimang Mountain, Shi Qiulin may meet us unexpectedly. Then, you have to learn to be flexible!" Yang Fei said.

"Got it!" said the thin monkey.

All things were slowly broken down, and Yang Fei became an idler again.

In fact, Yang Fei is very satisfied with this place. If there is no matter about Li Jiguang, Yang Fei would not bother to care about Shi Qiulin. Shi Qiulin's people are on Baimang Mountain. They regard Baimang Mountain as their back garden. Yes, you have to be on the number!It still depends on whether Shi Qiulin agrees or not.

Several days passed like this. On this day, the weather suddenly blew northwest wind, and the dark clouds in the sky were blown again. Just looking up, the day suddenly turned into night!

It's going to snow!

Yang Fei muttered in a low voice, "Grandma, the weather here is really confusing!"

As soon as this sentence was finished, the snowflakes in the sky were blown by the strong wind.

Yang Fei hid in the room and clasped his hands on the charcoal basin to keep warm.Xi Xiangchong was in charge of the logistical affairs of the regiment headquarters. In fact, Yang Fei had the intention to let Xi Xiangchong be his political commissar, but he was used to it by himself, and he was afraid that Xi Xiangchong would make trouble for himself in life again.

The folks in Dongji Village have become more at ease since Yang Fei's troops stationed here, at least they won't worry about Shi Qiulin's gangsters coming to rob their houses!
At this time, Yang Fei suddenly heard the sound of horseshoes in his ears, followed by a roar from outside! "The bandits are coming! The bandits are coming!"

Yang Fei quickly stood up and went out. Sure enough, a group of bandits came on horseback. It seemed that they provoked the weather.

However, what surprised Yang Fei was that when these bandits came, they didn't directly rob houses, but went straight to Yang Fei's side.

Wang Zhifei quickly pulled out his pistol and stood in front of Yang Fei!
He pointed his gun at the bandits ahead.

Wait until the bandits get close, then dismount.

Yang Fei carefully looked at the person in front of him. This person was dressed in ordinary clothes, no different from an ordinary bandit, but the most memorable thing was a mole on his forehead.

The black mole man walked towards Yang Fei, then cupped his hands and said, "Lan Yishen, the second head of the Baimang Mountain, I don't know when your Excellency will arrive in this area!"

Yang Fei listened to the other party's tone, and then asked, "Second leader, hello, we haven't been here for long!"

Nalan Yishen looked at Yang Fei up and down, "Are you their leader?"

"Exactly! I don't know what the second master's visit means?" Yang Fei asked.

"Hehe, don't worry, Your Excellency, the meaning of our head is to make a friend with Your Excellency!" Lan Yishen said.

Shi Qiulin came here on his own initiative?It's really strange, but Yang Fei didn't refuse, but said, "The head of the family can appreciate it. Since I have made friends, I, Yang, will naturally be grateful!"

"Haha, yes, since this is the case, can you go to our cottage tomorrow? The meaning of our master is to have a good chat with you!" Lan Yishen said.

"Okay!" As soon as Yang Fei finished speaking, Wang Zhifei shouted, "Since we have made friends, why don't you let the bosses come here?"

Lan Yishen frowned, the mole on his forehead was more conspicuous, he looked at Wang Zhifei, then turned to look at Yang Fei.

Yang Fei smiled, "Second Master, I am the master, I will go tomorrow morning, please tell the chief!"

Lan Yishen cupped his hands, "If that's the case, then I'll take my leave!"

After finishing speaking, Lan Yishen stepped on the stirrup, jumped onto the horse, turned around, lashed the horse's butt with the whip, and then left!
Wang Zhifei was a little worried, "Brother, how can you... how can you agree, that Shi Qiulin is a murderous gangster without blinking an eye, who doesn't know his name in a hundred miles around? Tomorrow he will let us go, I'm afraid A Hongmen Banquet!"

Yang Fei waved his hand, "I said, we are newcomers, we don't need to show up if we have any edge, we put away our wings, and show them when it's time to show them!"

"Brother!" Wang Zhifei said, "Lan Yishen, this second-in-command looks fierce, not a good person, if you decide to go tomorrow, then I will ask Zhao Qifa to take someone to accompany you now!"

"Hehe!" Yang Fei shook his head, "It's not necessary!"

"Why?" Wang Zhifei didn't understand. "Brother, we don't know who Shi Qiulin is. If you go now, if Shi Qiulin does something bad, the two of us may not be able to handle it!"

"Why did he deal with me?" Yang Fei asked, "I have no grievances with him, why should he?"

"Why does this gangster care about you?" Wang Zhifei shook his head, "No matter what, your safety is the most important thing!"

"Don't be so cautious!" Yang Fei said, "If Shi Qiulin wanted to do something to me, his second-in-charge brought someone here just now, and he did it directly, and asked me to go up the mountain?"

"Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case!" Wang Zhifei continued, "

Commander, I'll go to Baimang Mountain later, I pushed you, how about it? "

"Stop messing around!" Yang Fei smiled, "Maybe there is something unexpected?"

"It's true, there are people guarding the north and south, how did the second master come here?" Wang Zhifei scratched his head.

"Hehe, it's normal. People know the small roads, and they are very familiar with these places!" Yang Fei said.

"Brother, can you think about everyone?" Wang Zhifei asked, "The brigade commander is still alive and dead. If something happens to you again, what will everyone do?"

Yang Fei glanced at him, and then saw that snowflakes had covered the original ground in large swaths, and the big tree was also covered with a layer of snow, so he went back to the house and continued to warm the fire.

Early the next morning, Yang Fei had a simple mouthful of porridge, and then went up the mountain.Wang Zhifei ate a big bowl of porridge. He thought, if Shi Qiulin locks them up on the mountain, the things in his stomach can last as long as they can.

Yang Fei smiled, "You never thought, what if Shi Qiulin invites us to dinner?"

"Brother! Stop joking!"


Baimang Mountain, when Yang Fei reached the foot of the mountain, he looked up and saw that Baimang Mountain was as high as [-] zhang, and the towering mountain here was so majestic and mighty.

A young guy who greeted him early at the foot of the mountain walked ahead to show Yang Fei the way.

They walked along the mountain road, and then went up. When Yang Fei climbed up from the foot of the mountain, he suddenly realized that the place he was just now was at the foot of the mountain, and the position he was standing at this time was actually at the foot of the mountain, but, The terrain here is relatively high, and Baimang Mountain towers straight into the clouds.

The cottage is also at the foot of the mountain.

The gate of the stockade was open, and there were a few little Luos standing beside the stockade, they looked at Yang Fei, and then watched him go in.

Just after entering the gate of the village, there is a wrestling field directly opposite, where many people are training.Go forward from the small path on the right side of the wrestling field, step over a gatehouse, and see the three characters "Juyi Pavilion".

To Yang Fei's surprise, it was indeed behind the Juyi Pavilion. It was a bamboo building with a height of three floors, and there were scattered buildings on the mountain behind it.

That's on the mountainside, how can I get there?
Yang Fei shook his head, never imagined that there are so many interesting things in this Baimang village.

Yang Fei was quite surprised by the three-story bamboo building behind the Juyi Pavilion.

"You guys sit here for a while, I'll go and tell our boss!" After finishing speaking, Xiao Luo left.

Wang Zhifei looked at Yang Fei and said, "Brother, this Baimang village looks different! Although the scale of this village looks small, the buildings here are really impressive. You saw the buildings on the mountainside just now." Is it? I looked at it, like two pillars were forked on the mountainside, and then a building was erected on the two pillars!"

"It's really interesting!" As soon as Yang Fei finished speaking, Lan Yishen came in, and he cupped his hands and said, "Headman Yang, you really don't break your promise!"

Yang Fei stood up, "Second Master, if you agree to other people's affairs, then you will definitely come! Excuse me, what business does the First Master want from me today?"

"The head of the family will be here in a while! Just ask him!" Lan Yishen finished speaking, and then sat down!
After a while, footsteps were heard.

Judging from the sound, the weight of this person should not be very heavy, at least he is much lighter than Lan Yishen.

Sure enough, when the visitor stood at the door, Yang Fei looked at him and wanted to say something in his heart, "What a handsome young man!"

What he said was not unreasonable. This Shi Qiulin was handsome and fair-skinned. He wore a white fox cotton hat on his head, a white cape on his body, a Browning pistol on his waist, and a pair of white boots on his feet.

No matter how you look at it, why don't you think about a legendary gangster, if this person is a woman, many men will fall in love at first sight.

Shi Qiulin came in, took a look at Yang Fei, and then sat straight on the head's chair, then took out the Browning pistol and put it by his hand.

When Wang Zhifei saw it, he immediately stood in front of Yang Fei.

Yang Fei pushed him away, then cupped his hands, "Your master!"

Shi Qiulin glanced at Yang Fei up and down, "Are you Eighth Road?"

"Exactly!" Yang Fei said.

"When did you arrive at Baimang Mountain?" Shi Qiulin asked.

"It arrived a few days ago!" Yang Fei replied.

Shi Qiulin nodded, "I don't want to be your enemy!"

Yang Fei didn't understand why Shi Qiulin would say such a thing, but he was neither humble nor overbearing, "I have no intention of becoming an enemy of the big boss!"

Shi Qiulin looked at him, "How about I cover you from now on?"

(End of this chapter)

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