Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2672: Enemy or Friend

Chapter 2672: Enemy or Friend
When Shi Qiulin said this, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, with a threatening tone!
Yang Fei smiled, and then said, "Master, I'm new here, don't scare me!"

"Scaring you?" Shi Qiulin asked Yang Fei to sit down, "Since you are here today, of course I won't make things difficult for you, but I want to know, are you friends or foes?"

Shi Qiulin's eyes were full of lethality. Yang Fei had never seen such sharp eyes. He had seen many bandits before, but he had never seen such cold eyes as Shi Qiulin's!

For example, Lin Zhonghu, although his face is indifferent, but he is loyal, and Yang Fei can clearly feel that kind of loyalty, but Shi Qiulin, who is he? I don't know!
However, Yang Fei understood that this person was thousands of times more ruthless than bandits like Lin Zhonghu.

"I don't know who is the master, what is an enemy and what is a friend?" Yang Fei sat down and asked slowly.

Wang Zhifei frowned. He was also a bandit. He understood that Yang Fei's question would make Shi Qiulin seriously doubt him, not to mention being friends, even ordinary people would be greatly discounted.

Sure enough, Shi Qiulin leaned against the back of the chair, "Of course you are against me, and you don't listen to my orders!" After speaking, Shi Qiulin asked, "Then can you tell me now? Are you an enemy or a friend?"

"I am the Eighth Route Army, of course it is for our country and our nation!" Shi Qiulin disagreed with Yang Fei's righteousness.

He said in a cold voice, "It's a person's survival instinct to survive in times of war and chaos. I don't understand what you said, let alone for other people. I'm selfish. I'm for me!"

Yang Fei stood up, then cupped his hands, "Since that's the case, I think the boss knows what I mean!" He said, and he was about to leave.

Shi Qiulin looked at Yang Fei's back, and Lan Yishen went over to stop him, "Since you are the enemy, it is impossible to let you go!"

Wang Zhifei grabbed Lan Yishen's arm, "How dare you!"

"Come on!" Lan Yishen shouted, and a dozen or so minions came in from the door.

All of a sudden, a gun was shown, and the muzzle was aimed at the two of them.

Yang Fei looked back at Shi Qiulin, "The enemy is going to be wiped out, right? The boss?"

"Not necessarily!" Shi Qiulin said, "Put down your guns, who told you to point them at my guests!"

Those minions put down their guns, and Yang Fei asked Wang Zhifei to put down Lan Yishen's arm.

"Thank you, Master, then we won't bother you!" With that said, Yang Fei was about to leave.

"and many more!"

After Shi Qiulin finished speaking, Yang Fei stopped, and Wang Zhifei was stunned for a moment. He looked back at Shi Qiulin, and Shi Qiulin slowly stepped down from the top spot, and then said, "Teacher Yang, I have some information here, and I want to share it with you." one time!"

"Information?" Yang Fei listened to him saying, "Then dare to ask the boss, if I know this information, can I still survive?"

"The Eighth Route Army is also afraid of death?" Shi Qiulin laughed after finishing speaking.

Yang Fei nodded, "Of course, who is not afraid of death, I am dead, how can I fulfill the belief in my heart? I am dead, how can I fulfill the righteousness of the nation? If I am in charge, can I still live?"

"Yes!" Shi Qiulin said, "I'm just sharing this matter with you, what do you want to do, tell me later!"

"Then please tell the boss!" Yang Fei said.

"Then please sit down!" After speaking, Shi Qiulin sat down by himself, and Yang Fei also sat down.

"Tomorrow at three o'clock in the afternoon, a convoy of devils will come from the south. It must be sent to Shencheng. I thought about it. This is a lot of supplies. I can't eat a big fat man by myself. I heard it a few days ago. Said that your Eighth Route Army is here, I know the style of your Eighth Route Army, and you are very poor, so I can help you!" Shi Qiulin said, "I don't know about this information, Commander Yang, are you interested?"

When Yang Fei heard this, he naturally smiled. As for the materials of the devils, he didn't want to snatch them for nothing. Those who came from the south, the things from Shencheng were very important.

Maybe there is some valuable information?
"Of course, I'm very interested in this matter!" Yang Feishou said.

"So, the two of us can cooperate?" Shi Qiulin asked.

"Yes, why not!" Yang Fei said. "Since that's the case, I'd like to ask the head of the family to make it easier for us to pass through Baimang Mountain, and then we can ambush the devils!"

"What are you talking about? It's convenient or not. If you want to pass it, you can pass it!" Shi Qiulin smiled, "If we cooperate like this, will we be friends?"

"Of course they are friends, and beating devils is a friend!" Yang Fei said.

"I think you are in Baimang Mountain now, you must not be familiar with the place here, why? Let me cover you?" Shi Qiulin asked again.

"Haha, there's no need for this!" Yang Fei said, "At that time, if I have any information here, I will share it with you!"

"No need, I must know the information you know before you. Not to mention other places, but just talk about the information near Shencheng, you may not necessarily know it before me!" Shi Qiulin said, "Don't look at me as a bandit, you can Don't look at me, I only have this village!"

He stood up slowly, "But, who can attack?"

Yang Fei looked at him, and Shi Qiulin continued, "Since you're here, I'll let the second master take you around our cottage and let you see the scenery of our cottage!"

Lan Yishen hurriedly took a step forward, then cupped his hands, "Don't worry, Master, I will definitely take good care of Commander Yang!"

"Okay!" After speaking, Shi Qiulin cupped his hands and left.

Seeing Shi Qiulin leave, Lan Yishen said, "Commander Yang, this way please! I'll take you to the back of the Juyi Pavilion first. There are many things behind this that will catch your eyes!"

"Really?" Yang Fei asked.

"Then go and have a look!" Said, Lan Yishen walked in front, Yang Fei and Wang Zhifei followed behind.

Exit Juyi Pavilion and turn right. There is an aisle. The two sides of the aisle are built of wood. Although the workmanship can’t be said to be carved with dragons and phoenixes, it looks a bit grand. Walking through the aisle, the eyes are really bright. .

After the Juyi Pavilion, the three-story buildings built on both sides of the mountain are like houses growing out of the mountain. They are all built of wood. Yang Fei was surprised. How long did it take to achieve such a scale?

Lan Yishen smiled, "The buildings here have been built for decades, and the people of Baimang Mountain all live like this on this mountain!"

Yang Fei nodded, Wang Zhifei was also a little curious, but in the middle of this building built on the mountain, there was a stone ladder going up the mountain. There were wooden guardrails on both sides of the stone ladder. I can't see the way.

Lan Yishen said, "Captain Yang, do you want to go up and have a look?"

"Go up? I'm afraid it's a bit impossible? Look, how can you go up like this? I found that there is no way to go up to that place!" Yang Fei said, pointing forward.

"That's wrong!" Lan Yishen made a gesture of invitation.

Yang Fei and Wang Zhifei walked up the stone ladder to the top, which was like a four-story building, and then there was no stone ladder. There was a small open space above. Standing here, the wind was very strong, but, The field of vision is also very wide. If it is not foggy, you should be able to see the situation below the mountain clearly.

In this small open area, there is a pavilion. On the stone pillars of the pavilion, there is a poem.

"This is a poem written by our master!" Lan Yishen said.

"It seems that the head of the family is still a literati!" Yang Fei said.

"That's natural, we are the masters, capable of civil and military, civil and military, civil and military, and civil and military. Martial arts can ride horses and kill everywhere!" Lan Yishen finished speaking, and then said, "Commander Yang, let's continue to go up. The scenery is even better!"

"Go up?" Yang Fei looked, there were no stone stairs around here, how could it be possible to go up?Isn't this a joke?
"This way please!" As he said, Lan Yishen walked past the back of the pavilion. Of course, he only saw two iron chains, one up and one down, which were fixed on the mountainside. Lan Yishen stepped on the iron chain with one foot, and Holding the iron chain, he went up with ease, and even turned his head to talk to Yang Fei naturally.

Wang Zhifei stopped him, "Brother, you can't go, they gang of bandits have left a lot, maybe it's okay, it's freezing cold, and the iron chains are very slippery, if one is not careful, it's going to be an abyss , we can't take this risk!"

Yang Fei came to the side of the iron chain, looked down, and it was really a deep abyss, Lan Yishen looked at Yang Fei with a smile, "Head Yang, don't you just want to see the scenery on the west side of Baimang Mountain, and the scenery on the east side?" Jinger is quite different!"

"Don't use aggressive tactics!" Wang Zhifei roared, "We won't go up!"

"Hehe, then you can do whatever you want, this is the only chance, if it weren't for us as the master, you would have no chance to come up to this small pavilion, let alone this chain!" said Lan Yishen.

"I'll go up!" Yang Fei said.

"Brother, you can't go!" Wang Zhifei said.

"I really want to see, their people can go up, why can't our Eighth Route Army go up?" Yang Fei smiled, "I am also the one who expanded the Luding Bridge! I am not afraid of this matter. !"

As he said that, Yang Fei slowly went up a step, and when he grabbed the iron chain with one hand, he suddenly realized that the iron chain was so cold that it pierced into the bone marrow of a person, and it really wasn't something ordinary people could climb. !

Yang Fei grasped it firmly, and then slowly stepped up with one foot. Sure enough, the iron chain was very slippery. Because of the snow, and the iron chain itself was smooth, stepping on it, one accidentally will fall into the abyss.

Wang Zhifei gritted his teeth, he didn't dare to speak now, for fear of disturbing Yang Fei, he could only watch Yang Fei move forward slowly.

Instead, Lan Yishen took a few steps forward quickly, and then looked back at him, "Teacher Yang, please slow down, walk forward 50 meters, there will be a building, you can rest for a while, presumably, you have already passed by at the foot of the mountain Saw!"

It was only at this time that Yang Fei realized that indeed, those buildings were supported by wood. It turned out that it was just for climbing the iron chain and resting for a while!

Wang Zhifei was worried about Yang Fei, so he simply grabbed the iron chain and stepped on it. Although Wang Zhifei was tall and powerful, he was not afraid of anything, but when he stepped on the iron chain, his head began to spin!
Wang Zhifei cursed in his heart, "Could it be that I'm afraid of heights?"

But no matter what, he had to follow Yang Fei forward.

After finally passing 50 meters, Yang Fei sat down in the wooden building, "Commander Yang, if you want to go around the mountain from here smoothly, you have to walk through [-] pavilions. Think about it, we are only leaving now One, it took almost an hour, if I walked over completely, I am afraid that I will not be able to pass it when it gets dark, and if it is really dark, then I will not be able to pass it!"

At this time, Wang Zhifei said, "Brother, let's go back, don't go there!"

Yang Fei really wanted to know, why did they repair this thing, and could they really reach the east side of Baimang Mountain from here?

Thinking of this, Yang Fei felt that no matter what, he had to go through here, not to mention anything else, but to exercise his willpower is also very beneficial!

"No, we have to go, otherwise, how can we accept the kindness of the master?" Yang Fei said.

"However, this is not at the same level!" Wang Zhifei pointed at Lan Yishen, "Look at him, walking this place is like walking on flat ground. We can only get here by walking for an hour. He walks 5 meters in three to five minutes. This... This is obvious big brother! You should be clear!" Wang Zhifei said.

"Okay, that's because I'm proficient, and if I want to appreciate different scenery, I have to go through it!" Yang Fei said.

"Captain Yang, you are indeed a hero. However, I can say my ugly words first. Our master has been visited by other people's masters more than once, and no one has completed it. Whether you can complete it depends on you. !” said Lan Yishen.

"Then let's not rest, let's go there quickly!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he breathed on his hands, and then said, "Wang Zhifei, follow up!"

With that said, Yang Fei stepped on Tie's face again and started walking forward!

Wang Zhifei shook his head, his teeth itched with hatred!He knew in his heart that this was completely disregarding people's life and death. For a rumored gangster like Shi Qiulin, why should he climb the iron chain with such a hospitable lover? It sounds good to witness a heroic moment. If you fell down, it means you are not brave enough!Not brave enough!
Shi Qiulin's calculation was very good, no wonder, he wanted to follow their words!
Within a few minutes, Lan Yishen arrived at a pavilion again. He sat there early and waited for them. After putting on the iron chain, Yang Fei became staggering like an old man.

Just like that, they walked through countless pavilions. In short, the sun, which was still visible just now, was covered by dark clouds again. The thick clouds covered the sun, and the wind began to blow!

The wind at the beginning was still like a child's scratching. After a while, the strong wind became like a tiger and a leopard.

The iron chains seem to be crumbling by the strong wind!

Wang Zhifei firmly grasped the iron chain with both hands, Yang Fei squirmed and arranged, his legs were a little stiff, but he still persisted.

Wang Zhifei just didn't understand why Yang Fei came here even though he knew the danger. The leader of the whole regiment is now engaged in dangerous things. How terrible it is to spread the news!
About halfway through the walk, Yang Fei and Wang Zhifei had just arrived at the rest pavilion in the middle, and Lan Yishen cupped his hands, "Captain Yang, it's getting cold, I'll bring some hot water for the two of you to warm up!"

"Second Master, you are being polite!" Yang Fei cupped his hands and said.

"You're welcome!" Saying that, Lan Yishen went straight back along the road!

To be honest, this Lan Yishen walks on the iron chain like an ape on a cliff, so it shouldn't be too fast.

After a while, Lan Yishen disappeared.

Wang Zhifei counted, "Brother, shall we go?"

"Go!" Yang Fei said.

"Why? Let's not wait, wait for Lan Yishen to bring the hot water, let's take a sip of hot water and go!" Wang Zhifei counted.

Yang Fei laughed and patted his shoulder, "Don't be stupid! He won't come!" Yang Fei smiled.

"No...won't come?" Wang Zhifei was stunned, "Didn't he say..."

"He wants us to fall. Listen, the strong wind is blowing. Even if we don't go, we will be frozen to death here. If we go, we may be blown off the cliff by the strong wind. If we are lucky enough to walk over, say Maybe we can still survive!" Yang Fei said, "Rest for a while, let's go!"

"Brother, this is fatal. If we go this way, we will be sent to our deaths! To talk about cooperation, Shi Qiulin is obviously holding back!" Wang Zhifei said, "Let's go back!"

"Since we are halfway there, why do we have to go back?" Yang Fei said, "Go forward!"

"Brother, go forward, it will kill someone!" Wang Zhifei stopped Yang Fei, "Let's wait a little longer, rest more, and don't make any accidents halfway!"

Wang Zhifei forced Yang Fei to sit down. The strong wind blew, and the pavilion was a little bit crumbling. When will this go?
The sky is gradually getting dark, and soon I can hardly see anything!
Wang Zhifei's mood became more and more irritable, "When I go back, see if I don't pull out the skin of Lan Yishen, you bastard!"

"Okay, let's keep going!" Slowly, snowflakes began to float in the sky again. The snowflakes fell on the iron chains, crystal clear, but soon turned into water and slowly condensed into ice.

Every step they take, they are extremely careful, for fear that if one is not paying attention, they will fall down like this!
Wang Zhifei was even more staggering, the further back, the deeper the cliff, and the deeper the fog below from this side!
It seems to be flying in the sky, but who knows, they are all staggering?

After walking a few more pavilions, the sky became more and more heavy. Wang Zhifei breathed out his hands, and his stomach gurgled, hungry!
Yang Fei let out a few breaths, then looked ahead, but he couldn't see anything, even Wang Zhifei beside him was only a black shadow.

"Brother, I can't do it anymore, I'm exhausted!" Wang Zhifei said lazily.

"If you don't leave, you will be frozen to death!" Yang Fei said, "Get up quickly and move your body."

In fact, such a pavilion will not hide Han Feng at all, and the pavilion that is ventilated everywhere is just a short rest for people!

"Brother, how many more?" Wang Zhifei sat up from the floor of the pavilion.

"I don't know, but as long as there is a way, we have to go!" Yang Fei continued.

Snowflakes drifted in from around the pavilion, "If there is an afterlife, I will never go to such a cold place, brother!"

"Okay, let's go!" Said, Yang Fei got on the chain again.

Wang Zhifei stood up, grasping the cold iron chain with numb hands, the iron chain seemed to be broken if it was knocked.

They desperately needed to walk, groping in the dark.

Every time he squirmed slowly, he would meet Lord Yan. It was just such a meeting that made Yang Fei and Wang Zhifei very reluctant.

Yang Fei can see it, this is Shi Qiulin's conspiracy, he Yang Fei understands, but if they don't get on the iron chain, they might not be able to get off the Baimang village, in case, if they can go down, he, Shi Qiulin, won't go back Stop it, after all, you can't let Yang Fei and the others go on this kind of adventure forever.

Wang Zhifei didn't want to experience this kind of despair for the second time. His two hands and two feet had already lost feeling, and his only moving forward became a mechanical movement.

I don't know how long he walked. In short, Wang Zhifei didn't want to say a word. With the cold and hunger, he had no interest in going any further. The time to walk the 50 meters was shortened from one disappearance to four or ten minutes. , However, after dark, it took more than an hour, or even two hours, to walk through the gate of hell!
Arriving at another pavilion, Wang Zhifei lay flat on the pavilion.

Yang Fei took out his cigarette and lit several matches, but they were blown out by the strong wind.

The last match was still unlit.He put the cigarette back in his pocket.

At this moment, the pavilion suddenly moved violently, and the strong wind rushed in. Wang Zhifei was shocked, and immediately grabbed the iron chain with both hands, and Yang Fei also grabbed the iron chain at once. At this extremely tense moment, Only a "creak" sound was heard, the wood supporting the pavilion below broke, and the whole pavilion fell rapidly, Yang Fei and Wang Zhifei were covered in cold sweat!
"Big brother..."

"Let's go, let's go to the pavilion in front!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he continued to move forward slowly.

When they arrived at the next pavilion, the pavilion was shaking directly, so Wang Zhifei and Yang Fei hid directly and did not dare to go up to rest.

Wang Zhifei was holding on to the iron chain, he couldn't move anymore, he couldn't feel his hands, at this moment, he really wanted to fall directly into this abyss, once and for all!
However, Yang Fei in front is still acting. He promised Lin Jianhua that he must take good care of Yang Fei. No, you can't want to die like this. If you want to die, you have to fight the devils desperately. You can't die like this!

Just when they thought the night was far away, a ray of light suddenly shone over!
Wang Zhifei looked up, the sun!

Yang Fei laughed, "It's to the east!"

(End of this chapter)

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