Chapter 2674

Cars can't pass through Taniguchi, but the supplies on the car have to be taken.

Yang Fei asked the soldiers to take all the supplies that could be obtained while supporting the injured soldier.However, there are still some supplies that cannot be obtained.

Zhao Qifa walked up to him slowly, "Commander, we have lost a lot of people in this battle. We never thought that the devils would have reinforcements!"

"How many people are there?" Yang Fei asked.

"Bring out 130 people, and now only 63 people are alive. In addition, this includes [-] people with minor injuries and [-] people with serious injuries, which means that we have only a dozen people who are capable of fighting now!" Zhao Qifa became more and more angry as he said.

"More than a dozen, at least we are still alive!" Yang Fei gritted his teeth!
"However, fortunately, Wang Zhifei took more than 50 away, otherwise, the loss will be even more serious!" Zhang Qifa said, "Then Lan Yishen must have seen us fighting with the devils, and they just want to hurt us both. He came here How can he not be wronged by such a good thing as a favor?"

"It's not a loss, I don't care about it for now!" Yang Fei looked at the injured soldiers, "Do you know why I fought?"

"Didn't you say that if we don't fight, their bandits will embarrass us!" Zhao Qifa asked.

"Not only that, but if we retreat directly to the canyon, the bandits will make things difficult for us! So, I have to fight! In this battle, I fully understand Shi Qiulin's intentions, hehe, but I won't fight him again That's it!" Yang Fei said.

When Yang Fei and the others walked through the canyon, a few young men standing guard saw Yang Fei and the others coming over. They were in such a state of embarrassment and embarrassment that they looked at them like a joke!

When he came to the front, Lan Yishen came over, "Commander Yang, this time, I'm really sorry!"

"Don't be embarrassed!" Yang Fei looked at Lan Yishen, "At the entrance of the canyon, there are still some things that I can't take, and I don't plan to take them! Also, the ones we brought over will be given to the boss! After Yang Fei finished speaking, with a wave of his hand, some soldiers put down their guns and ammunition.

"How embarrassing is that?" Lan Yishen smiled and looked at the few guns and ammunition.

Even if Yang Fei wanted to kill him now, but he held back, he knew that for a newcomer, this local snake would not make it easy for him.

Yang Fei cupped his hands, then turned his head and left.

Zhao Qifa took a look at him, and then followed Yang Fei away.

Lan Yishen looked at Yang Fei with a smile, "Captain Yang, it seems that there are fewer people following you!"

Yang Fei's heart skipped a beat, then he stopped for a while, and went directly to Dongji Village.

Zhao Qifa ran to catch up with Yang Fei, "Leader, then... what does Lan Yishen mean?"

"Oops, I forgot one thing!" Yang Fei said.

"Head, don't worry, you forgot something!" Zhao Qifa asked again.

"From Baimang Mountain, we can clearly see the situation in the east. I'm afraid... our cleverness will be seen by Shi Qiulin and the others!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he turned back to look at Lan Yishen after walking away, only to see Lan Yishen commanding People began to carry things up the mountain.

Along the way, not a single gun and ammunition were taken!

For the former Yang Fei, this was simply not his personality.

When Yang Fei arrived at Dongji Village, he found that Zhao Qifa hadn't come back yet, but he didn't want to come too soon if he took a detour.

Those wounded soldiers were arranged to recuperate in one place, and he asked Zhao Qifa to guard each intersection and arranged for people to meet Wang Zhifei.

Yang Fei was sitting on a chair, and a soldier came in and said he was bringing him food, but Yang Fei directly refused, "What are you going to eat? Go ahead and eat, and leave me alone!"

He took out the map, looked at it, pointed on the map with his hand, and murmured, "If you can go directly from here, follow the Baimang Mountains, go south, here, here!"

His face suddenly changed!

Yang Fei still doesn't know about Shi Qiulin's abilities, but Yang Fei hated Shi Qiulin's insidiousness.

Hearing that Yang Fei fought a battle and suffered heavy losses, Liu Ji and Shouhou didn't dare to come over, but let Ma Xiaokun and Zhao Junjie come over for a symbolic visit.

Zhao Junjie and Ma Xiaokun didn't dare to come in at the door. When they saw Zhao Qifa approaching, the two of them went over, "Battle Commander Zhao, Commander Zhao, what's wrong with the team leader?"

Zhao Qifa looked at the two of them and curled his lips, "If you are still sensible, leave now and go back and forth from wherever! The leader is very angry now!"

When the two of them heard this, they were a little embarrassed, "Battle Commander Zhao, the two of us were also sent by our battalion commander to see the regiment commander. You said, we can't see each other here, so how can we go back to work?"

"Then what's the matter with you?" Zhao Qifa asked.

"It's nothing!" Ma Xiaokun said.

"It's nothing, so why don't you just leave? Let's go, the leader loses his temper after a while, who of you can bear it?" After Zhao Qifa finished speaking, the two had no choice but to leave.

When Zhao Qifa just arrived at Yang Fei's door, he heard the sound of a water glass falling to the ground!

He went in, picked up the water glass from the ground, and went to fetch another glass of water for Yang Fei.

"Captain, what is this for?"

Yang Fei looked at Zhao Qifa, "This time, I'm at a loss!" Yang Fei said.

"It's a big loss?" Zhao Qifa put the teacup next to Yang Fei, "Head, what's going on?"

Yang Fei pointed to the map on the table, "This Shi Qiulin put me together. Now, I have lost my wife and lost my army. Now, I have become the laughing stock of others!"

"Ah?" Zhao Qifa still didn't understand, "Head, why did you lose your wife and lose your army?"

"Wang Zhifei took a detour to come back. Shi Qiulin will never be able to hide this matter. This guy will definitely send someone to rob all of Wang Zhifei's treasures!"

"Leader, it's hard to talk about this!" Zhao Qifa was a little bit unconvinced, "You know, Wang Zhifei drives a car. Captain, even if he is riding a horse, Shi Qiulin can't catch up, right?"

"I hope it's as you said, but what Lan Yishen said when I left made me doubt!" Yang Fei sat down, "Enlightenment, now, there is no news about Wang Zhifei?"

Zhao Qifa shook his head, "Not yet, but I think it should be soon."

Yang Fei stood up and went to the door, "We are not at peace here now, if we want to deal with the devils, we must have a break with Shi Qiulin, otherwise, I will be at a loss!"

"Leader, ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge! We are not afraid!" Zhao Qifa said.

Yes, they are not afraid, Yang Fei is not afraid of Shi Qiulin, but it does not mean that Yang Fei is prepared, but, he feels that since Shi Qiulin beats devils, it is very likely to use this point as a breakthrough point, and turn to Let Shi Qiulin become a real member of the Anti-Japanese War.

The real strength has never been fist, but the subtle thought.

Zhao Qifa followed Yang Fei to the door, "Leader, don't worry about Wang Zhifei, this kid is a little smart, he should be fine!"

"I hope nothing will happen, those cannons are my favorite!" Yang Fei turned around and came back again!

On Baimang Mountain, in Juyi Pavilion.

The fire of the two charcoal pots was very hot.

Shi Qiulin was wearing a cape, roasting a piece of mutton on a charcoal basin.

The strong smell of mutton filled the entire Juyi Pavilion. He cut a piece of the roasted mutton with a dagger and gave it to Lan Yishen.


Lan Yishen smiled slightly, "Yeah, the bosses, you are right, they are unreliable!"

"How about the Eighth Route Army's losses this time?" Shi Qiulin asked again.

"This time the Eighth Route Army sent out [-] people, and lost more than half of them. I'm afraid I won't be able to catch my breath for a while!" Lan Yishen threw the mutton into his mouth, and all of a sudden, mutton oil was smeared on his lips. full. "Master, next, how do we deal with the Eighth Route Army?"

Shi Qiulin didn't have any expression on his face, "What about the Eighth Route Army who want to take a detour?"

"Boss, according to your instructions, it has been done, no one has moved, but those cannons have all been brought back!" Lan Yishen said.

"Hehe, the Eighth Route Army wants to show arrogance in front of me, and wants to show that it doesn't care. Okay, then I can tell him clearly that I care!" Shi Qiulin took a dagger, cut off a piece of sheep oil, and threw it into the fire. Jump up.

"The head of the family, then... do I need to send my brothers to harass him?" Lan Yishen asked.

"There's no need to harass. Come to think of it, the Eighth Route Army should be afraid of me. Here, I'm the only one who has the final say, and no one else can do it!" After Shi Qiulin finished speaking, he gave the piece of mutton to Lan Yishen, who took it, "Yes Yes, yes, of course! This place, of course, only we have the final say, outsiders must bow their heads!"

Shi Qiulin didn't reply, and he just left.

Lan Yishen smiled, then looked at the mutton in his hand, and continued to roast it on the brazier.


Ten o'clock at night.

A few dogs barking in Dongji Village woke Yang Fei up from his slight sleep. He put on his clothes and shoes, thinking in his heart, this Wang Zhifei is definitely coming!
When he just opened the door, he heard footsteps.

Yang Fei searched for his reputation, pressed his flesh and blood, and saw Wang Zhifei trotting and came!
When he came over, he knelt down directly.

Yang Fei looked at him, "What's wrong?"

"Big...big..." This is the first time that Wang Zhifei has spoken uncomfortably. In fact, Yang Fei has already figured out the worst plan, that is, the fifty people Wang Zhifei and others were taken out by Shi Qiulin's conspiracy, came back Only twelve out of ten.

"Get up!" Yang Fei grabbed Wang Zhifei's arm with one hand, "Come in!"

Yang Fei dragged him up, and then went into the house by himself.

The dim suet lamps made the room a dull yellow.

Wang Zhifei lowered his head and slapped himself on the face, "Brother, I lost something!"

Yang Fei had actually thought of this sentence, but when he said it, Yang Fei confirmed his thoughts even more.

"Brother, you can beat me up, or you can shoot me!" Wang Zhifei lowered his head, his eyes were red, he must have cried once on the way here, logically speaking, this Wang Zhifei had never cried before, This time, thinking about it, I really felt a little guilty.

"These are not important!" Yang Fei looked at him, "How many people came back?"

"Brother, no one was injured, all came back!" This was the only thing that surprised Wang Zhifei.

Yang Fei looked at him, "That's good!"

"Brother, this time, it's all because of the bandits!" There were a lot of bandits and they surrounded us. I told them to leave, but they kept pressing on. I was worried about the safety of my brothers, so..."

"Okay, Wang Zhifei, you've done a good job. Now, you should have a good rest. If you haven't eaten, go find something to eat!" Yang Fei said.

Wang Zhifei looked at Yang Fei, he was a little incredulous, "Brother, don't you blame me? Why? If we can use those guns, it's no problem to take down a few ghost counties, you..."

"What? I have to scold you bloody?" Yang Fei asked.

"No, no, no, no!" Wang Zhifei shook his head, "I think, you have to...or else, you slap me!" Wang Zhifei went over and was about to slap Yang Fei's hand on his face.

"Get out!" Yang Fei roared.

Wang Zhifei took a look at his hat, and then left in disgust.

After he left, Zhao Qifa came over.

"Captain, I heard you!"

Zhao Qifa said.

"This is normal, and I don't shy away from you. It seems that Shi Qiulin did it!" Yang Fei said.

"How about I look for them tomorrow?"

Zhao Qifa asked.

"It's useless," Yang Fei finished, called Zhao Qifa in, and sat down.

"Since they snatched it, it means that they must know that we will go there. If this is the case, it is premeditated. If you go, they will not admit it!"

"But head, that's what our brothers worked so hard to get it! I don't want to watch the soldiers sacrifice for nothing!" Zhao Qifa finished speaking, and then squeezed his fists hard.

"Enlightenment, I am also responsible for this matter. If I hadn't insisted on going my own way, I wouldn't have been like this. I was fooled by the bandits. I thought the two families would work together to fight the devils. Unexpectedly, they never showed up!" Yang Fei said. "Today, I put all the fire on Caesar, and it's fine!"

"Then what if the bandits keep coming and harassing?" Zhao Qifa asked.

"If Shi Qiulin keeps harassing us, I really don't think it's strange, but I'm afraid that if he doesn't harass, he can be steady, and the unsmiling Shi Qiulin, if he harass me, I really underestimate him!" Yang Fei said , "If you harass, do it, the Eighth Route Army is not easy to bully!"

"I know the leader!" Zhao Qifa said.

"In addition, let Liu Ji and Shouhou keep watch over me. Once the bandits harass them, just hit them. Don't be afraid of hurting them. They are really not afraid of being hurt!" Yang Fei said calmly.

"I know the leader, I will convey it!" Zhao Qifa said.

The cannon was stolen!

This matter quickly reached the ears of Liu Ji and Shouhou.

For them, things like rifles are too common, and the only thing missing is guns, no matter what mortars, Italian guns, they are jealous of anything that can cause lethality to devils.

In this way, they made up their minds, no way, they have to get it back with the bandits.

With Yang Fei on his back, Liu Ji took Ma Xiaokun to Baimang Mountain.

From now on, Liu Ji was in a hurry, and he was in a state of swearing not to give up if he didn't want to come back.

When they arrived at Baimang Mountain Pass, a few bandits stopped Liu Ji.

Liu Ji waved his hand, "Call Shi Qiulin out!"

"Bold, are you the one who gave us the name of our master?"

"Don't worry about so much!" Liu Ji roared, "If you don't return our things today, I'm afraid our regiment leader will not be able to explain it! Tell Shi Qiulin that our Eighth Route Army is waiting for you to fight at any time. When the time comes, Let's see who is the best!"

"The tone is not small!" That young man has been in the area of ​​Baimang Mountain, but he has been domineering for many years. Why does he have to change the dynasty as soon as he arrives?
"Okay, you guys come over and fight, when the time comes, let's see who is going to kneel down and beg for mercy!" Xiao Luo said.

"Even if Shi Qiulin doesn't come out, it's okay for Lan Yishen to come out. Why, this turtle is so good?" Liu Ji put his hands behind his back, and Ma Xiaokun frowned. It wasn't the first time Ma Xiaokun came to the bandit's den, following Yang Fei, Ma Xiaokun has dealt with them a lot.

"If you can go up the mountain by yourself, you can call it yourself. If you don't have the ability, don't yell here!" Xiao Luo pointed the gun at Liu Ji!

Liu Ji saw that this was no way to welcome guests, and with a wave of his hand, he brought the gun over and kicked Xiaolulou in the chest in front of him.

"Go to your sister!" The little girl on the ground yelled, "Come here, take him down!"

All of a sudden, many people rushed over, and the muzzles of these people were so dark.

"Hehe, okay, if you have the ability to shoot, I'd like to see if it was Lan Yishen or Shi Qiulin who gave you the courage!" Liu Ji held his head high, as if he was not afraid of death!
"Take it!" With an order, the muzzle of the gun was fixed on the heads of Ma Xiaokun and Liu Ji!
"Oh, I'll go!" Liu Ji didn't expect that this bandit didn't understand etiquette so much. Also, how could they understand etiquette? You bullied me, so I won't return it?
In this way, Liu Ji was taken to the Baimang Mountain Village.

When Shi Qiulin and Lan Yishen heard that an Eighth Route Army was coming to call for formation, they also thought it would be interesting, so they asked people to bring them with them.

They brought Liu Ji and Ma Xiaokun, and when they saw Shi Qiulin and Lan Yishen, they asked, "Are you Shi Qiulin and Lan Yishen?"

As soon as these words came out, Lan Yishen stood up, "Are you Eighth Road?"

"Yes, I am!" Liu Ji said.

"Hehe, I'm kind. I'm Lan Yishen, the second head of the Baimang Village. Why did you come to my mountain rashly?" Lan Yishen asked with her hands behind her back.

"Hehe, you should know in your heart what you did!" Liu Ji's eyes widened, as if he was about to eat someone.

"I don't know!" Lan Yishen wouldn't give him face, even Yang Fei didn't give him face, let alone a kid who didn't know his name.

But Shi Qiulin was even more relaxed, he drank Kung Fu tea, and then he didn't say a word.

"I don't know? Okay, then I'll tell you!" After Liu Ji finished speaking, he shook the rope on his body, "Let me loose the rope!"

Lan Yishen looked at the young man next to him, and after the young man let go of the rope, Liu Jicai said, "What good thing did you do yesterday? You robbed our supplies, didn't you?"

"Oh? How do you say that?" Lan Yishen asked.

"Don't pretend to be confused, it was you who did it!" Liu Ji looked at Lan Yishen, "Our leader wanted to treat you as brothers, but you stabbed a knife in the back, what kind of heroes are you? If you have the ability, make an appointment place, we do it one-on-one, whoever gets down first will be the grandson!"

"What are you talking about? We don't understand!" Lan Yishen said, "If you want to play wild, you have found the wrong place. Turn left when you go out, and you won't see you off. If you still want to play wild, don't blame me for being rude!"

When Liu Ji heard that this was a threat, he never put the bandits in his eyes. For him, if the bandits can fight the Japanese together, then they can fight the Japanese together. If they can't, then they must be the enemy. , not an enemy, but a friend, like Shi Qiulin, who is not your friend and pretends to be your friend, there are really too few of them!
"Hehe, guilty conscience!" Liu Ji said.

"Hehe, seeing off the guests!" Lan Yishen was also quite suppressed himself!
A few minions came over and dragged Liu Ji away.

At this time, Shi Qiulin, who was still drinking Kung Fu tea, slowly stood up, "Interesting!"

A few minions stopped and looked at Shi Qiulin.

Shi Qiulin walked slowly to Liu Ji's side, "May I ask where you were robbed?"

"Fifty miles south of here!" Liu Ji said.

"Okay, I see!" As he said, Shi Qiulin looked at Lan Yishen, "Is the branch master there? Who is it?"

Lan Yishen bowed, "The head of the family, indeed, is the head of the branch, Si Shilin."

"Then ask him, if he robs the Eighth Route Army brother, he will send it over!" Shi Qiulin said.

"The head of the family, I understand!" Lan Yishen said.

After finishing speaking, Shi Qiulin turned around and left.

This sudden good news made Liu Ji dumbfounded.It never occurred to him that this Shi Qiulin was still a reasonable person.

Lan Yishen looked at the two of them, "Listen up, you two, I'll investigate now, once our people rob you, within three days, not a single bullet will be sent to you, I hope you will stop messing around here!"

Lan Yishen made a gesture of invitation, Liu Ji looked indifferent, and then went down the mountain with Ma Xiaokun!


"You said, did Yang Fei find this?" Lan Yishen asked.

"Obviously not!" Shi Qiulin said.

"I don't think it is possible for Yang Fei to come back to us. It is obvious that he is trying to discredit himself!" Lan Yishen also said.

"Hehe, now, I think it's difficult to deal with Yang Fei, this hot potato is finally not us!" Shi Qiulin said.

"Bosses, shall we give them weapons and ammunition?" Lan Yishen asked.

"Of course not!" Shi Qiulin sat down, still pouring hot water into the pot, "Not only that, you have to go to the Eighth Route Army tomorrow, find Yang Fei, and tell him, we didn't do it!"

(End of this chapter)

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