Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2675 Anonymous donation

Chapter 2675 Anonymous donation

Liu Ji went up the mountain privately, he thought, then Shi Qiulin must be scared, otherwise, he would not give in.He wanted to go back to the army, but Liu Ji felt that Yang Fei could know about it. After all, he didn't want to see Yang Fei angry!

Turned around to Dongji Village, and then found Yang Fei.

When Yang Fei saw him, he was very strange, "You are not here, what are you doing here?"

Liu Ji went over with a smile, went directly to a bowl of water, and drank it, "Leader, I have done a great job!"

Ma Xiaokun stood outside the door, not daring to come in.

"Successful work?" Upon hearing the meritorious service, Yang Fei naturally wanted to know what this guy did when he arrived.

"Yes!" Liu Ji put down the bowl, and said, "I went to Baimang Village!"

"What?" Yang Fei looked at him in surprise, "What are you doing there?"

Yang Fei's questioning tone made Liu Ji feel that Yang Fei was a little surprised.

Instead, he said, "Didn't they steal our spoils? I also saw that you were very angry, so I went there and argued with them!"

"Bastard!" Yang Fei roared.

"That's right, Shi Qiulin is indeed a bastard!" Liu Ji still doesn't understand who Yang Fei is scolding, "But don't worry, leader, Shi Qiulin said that it is very likely that their sub-challenger will rob him. If this That’s it, he will come and deliver it himself, don’t worry, if they dare not return it, I will go there!”

"Liu Ji, I'm calling you a jerk!" Yang Fei opened his eyes wide, as if he was about to eat him.

Liu Ji was puzzled, "Leader, why are you scolding me? I'm going to ask for our spoils!" Liu Ji said, "Then Shi Qiulin really said that if their sub-challenger robs it, he will personally deliver it! "

"Who told you to leave the army and go to Baimang Village? Who gave you the right?" Yang Fei's roar made Liu Ji feel that he had done something wrong!
He took two steps back tremblingly, "Leader...Leader...this..."

"Damn it!" Yang Fei rolled up his sleeves, "You are so brave, you dare to solve the matter behind my back? Have you ever asked me?"

"Leader, I was wrong!" Liu Ji hurried to the door, "Leader, what do you say?"

"What should I do? You got into trouble!" As he said, Yang Fei stepped forward and waved his fist. Liu Ji hurried out the door, "Head, you can punish me however you like, don't beat me!" As he said, Liu Ji ran away!
"Come back to me!" Yang Fei yelled, and he followed him out of the door, "Damn, believe it or not, I'll kill you!"

Liu Ji ran away long ago and disappeared!
At this time, Xi Xiang rushed over, heard Yang Fei cursing, and asked, "Head, what's the matter?"

"It's okay!" Yang Fei went back to the house after finishing speaking.

Xi Xiang rushed into the room, "Leader, I have something nice to tell you!"

"Oh? Good thing?" Yang Fei asked, "What good thing can make me smile?"

"Hey, if you tell me, you may not believe it!" Xi Xiangchong said, "We found an abandoned copper mine, which can mine brass, and more importantly, we also found a smelter. I thought, we need to establish a copper mine as soon as possible, and then build a small smelter, at least our bullet casings will be available. In addition, we are looking around, if there is a sulfur mine, it will be even better! "

"This is indeed good news, Xi Xiangchong. You should hurry up and do a good job of this matter. However, don't hold on to this matter too much. Let the people below do it properly. You have more important things to do." about it!" Yang Fei said.

"Captain, what else can I do?" Xi Xiangchong asked.

"You are a cultural person. Our troops are newcomers. Comrades will definitely not get used to it. You have to do their ideological work!" Yang Fei said, "You can be my temporary political commissar for the time being!"

"Temporary political commissar?" Xi Xiangchong shook his head, "I haven't done it before, I'm not familiar with it, head, I still feel that if I can do something, I'll do it as soon as possible! I don't think it's too late for us to come here. For a long time, when the brigade commander and the political commissar are rescued, we probably have to retreat!"

"Who told you?" Yang Fei asked, "Right now, we don't know where the brigade commander and political commissar are, so maybe we have to stay with him for a year or so, maybe when the devil leaves our country indefinite!"

"Leader, do you think I'm suitable?" Xi Xiangchong asked.

"Are you a party member?" Yang Fei asked.

"I joined the party in March last year!" Xi Xiangchong replied.

"That's fine!" Yang Fei said, "However, you still mainly take care of some internal affairs. As for fighting, I still have the final say!"

"If that's the case, that's fine. But, Captain, I'm going to say it first. If you think what I did is inappropriate, you can remove me!"

"Okay, it's only temporary. I, Lao Yang, can't just appoint a political commissar. They have the right to wait until the brigade commander comes out!" Yang Fei said.

Xi Xiang nodded his head, "Well, I see!"

"Okay, if there's nothing else, you can go first!"

"No!" Xi Xiangchong continued, "I haven't finished yet!"

"Oh? Could it be that there is something good going on?" Yang Fei looked at him and asked.

"Yeah, yesterday, we received an anonymous package!" Xi Xiangchong said.

"Package? What kind of package?" Yang Fei was very surprised.

"At first we thought that this package might be a bomb, but later, we slowly opened it and found a wooden box!" Xi Xiangchong said slowly.

"And then?" Yang Fei asked.

"Then I opened this wooden box, and found that there was a box of copper coins inside!" Xi Xiangchong looked at Yang Fei, "We weighed the money, and it weighed about 20 catties!" Xi Xiangchong gestured.

"So much money? Is there any message in the box?" Yang Fei asked.

"There is indeed a letter. I opened it and looked at it at the time. I said that I knew that we were an army fighting devils, so I gave us the copper coins I had accumulated for many years to make bullets!" Xi Xiangchong took the letter with him. out.

"If this is the case, it is enough to show that the source of this money is correct!" Yang Fei nodded, "However, we can't ask for this money. Now, when we are not at the end of our life, there is no need for ordinary people to donate money. Donate money, you didn’t ask the common people for money, did you?”

"Absolutely not!" Xi Xiangchong said.

"That's good, hurry up and find out who sent it, and then return it!" Yang Fei said.

"Head, it's not that I didn't inquire. I didn't have time to report to you yesterday, even if it's because of this!" Xi Xiangchong said, "When I saw that it was a copper coin yesterday, I had someone look for it. If I found it, I would bring it to you." Let me see you, but I didn't find it until the evening!"

"The one with so much money, I think, should be the landlord!" Yang Fei said, "Have you found all the landlord's houses?"

"Head, I didn't go, because we know that if you are a landlord, you shouldn't be so arrogant!" Xi Xiangchong said, and then touched his head, "However, you reminded me just now, and it is true that you can have such money Yes, who else would it be if it wasn't the landlord!"

"Well, then look for it, and if it is true, then bring him to meet me!" Yang Fei said.

"Well, that's fine, then I'm leaving the leader!" With that said, Xi Xiangchong left!
More than 20 catties of copper coins, who will give this?Yang Fei didn't understand, but to Yang Fei, on the other hand, it could explain that the common people still loved their Eighth Route Army soldiers.

However, he cannot accept this money!

Xi Xiangchong did not expect that Yang Fei would value him so much. He swore that he would be a good interim political commissar. Moreover, Yang Fei said that the money was probably sent by a landlord, and he had to deal with it. Get it done.

After leaving Yang Fei's door, he went directly to the landlord's house in Dongji Village. The landlord's house was a green brick house. When he opened the door and entered, the yellow dog looked at Xi Xiang and barked. , and then continued lying on the ground basking in the sun, when he heard a dog barking, a man came out from the back room, he glanced at Xi Xiangchong, and then asked, "Master Jun, are you looking for me?"

Xi Xiang smiled and said, "Hi, Master Yang!"

The landlord's surname is Yang, and his name is Yang Nanshan. He is also dressed in ordinary clothes, and then he cupped his hands and said, "Master Jun, please come inside!"

When Xi Xiang rushed in, Yang Nanshan poured a bowl of water for Xi Xiang, "I don't know what the military master wants me for?"

"Master Yang, don't call me Jun Ye. That's what a warlord calls me. Just call me Xi Xiangchong. I came here today to ask, did you donate a box of copper coins to our Eighth Route Army?"

Xi Xiangchong asked directly.

Yang Nanshan smiled, "Okay, then I'll call you Xiang Chong!" After finishing speaking, he said, "I know, your Eighth Route Army is going to fight the devils now, I heard about it yesterday, and this battle has suffered a bit. , However, you have courage, this is the most important thing!"

Yang Nanshan did not shy away from donating money, "Bullets are used in wars, and copper is used in bullets. I happened to have some copper coins saved up at home, and the copper coins can no longer be used anymore, so donating them to you can be regarded as useful. Land of martial arts!"

"Master Yang, we appreciate your kindness. However, our Eighth Route Army is not short of these copper coins. When I go back, I will send these things to you. If we need them, you will donate them to us at that time." Alright!" Xi Xiangchong said.

"No need!" Yang Nanshan said, "I can't use the more than 20 catties of copper coins. Otherwise, I will deposit them with you. What do you think?"

"How can this be possible!" Xi Xiangchong now confirmed that the copper coin belonged to Yang Nanshan, so he would naturally not agree to accept it.

"Everyone has a heart to fight devils, but very few people use actual actions to fight!" Yang Nanshan staggered to his feet, then reached the door, and shouted, "Hold on!"

At this time, an old man came over, "Master!"

"When leaving, send five buckets of food to the Eighth Route Army!"

Shuan Zhuo nodded and left after finishing speaking. When Yang Nanshan came over, "This is what I can give you, it's better than letting those bandits steal it!"

"Ah?" Xi Xiangchong quickly refused, "Master Yang, please don't do this, we still have enough food!"

"With so many people here, the food problem must be solved. Don't worry, I will mobilize some good friends to donate some more food to our Eighth Route Army!" Yang Nanshan said, "I have seen you all these days. It can be seen that you are sincerely for the common people, not those bandits can compare!"

Xi Xiangchong felt ashamed, so Yang Nanshan continued, "But, I only have one condition!"

"Tell me, Master Yang!" Xi Xiangchong said.

"I just want your Eighth Route Army to be stationed in our Dongji Village. First, I am selfish. If you are here, the bandits will not dare to come. Second, I can help you as much as I can!" Yang Nanshan said, "I My son is studying in Shencheng, but I haven't contacted him for a long time, if there is a chance, I hope you can help me!"

"Contact your son?" Xi Xiangchong asked.

"Yes, if you can contact him, let him come back! Now, Shencheng is occupied by devils again, and I'm worried that he will be bullied by devils there!"

Yang Nanshan said.

"Don't worry!" Xi Xiangchong said, "I'll go back and talk to our team leader about this matter. If we can help, we will help!"

"That's kind!" Yang Nanshan said, "My son is Yang Xianzu, and he is studying in Shencheng University!"

"Okay, I'll make a note of this!" Xi Xiangchong said.

With that said, Xi Xiangchong stood up, "Then I'll go first, Master Yang!"

As soon as he went out, five buckets of grain were put on the carriage, and he tied and led the horse and waited.

Yang Nanshan went over, "I must deliver it to the Eighth Route Army myself!"

"Yes sir!" said the tie.


Of course Xi Xiangchong felt embarrassed, but Yang Nanshan's insistence forced him to accept it, and he could only promise him to take the things back for the time being!

He just went back and found Yang Fei. Yang Fei glanced at him, "Commissar, have you already found it?"

"You're really right!" Xi Xiangchong said, "I went to Yang Nanshan's house, and as soon as I told him about it, he admitted it!"

"Oh? Did you make a mistake?" Yang Fei asked.

"It's not a mistake, he can tell you clearly! But, he has something to ask us!" Xi Xiangchong asked.

"Oh? What request? Did you agree?" Yang Fei asked.

"Listen to me first, Commander. The first thing is that he hopes that our Eighth Route Army will be stationed in Dongji Village to protect the villagers!" Xi Xiangchong said.

"We won't leave for a while, but I can't promise him to stay for a long time. After all, it's impossible to stay in one place when marching and fighting!" Yang Fei said.

"The second thing is that he hopes that if we have the opportunity, we can contact his son in Shen Cheng!" Xi Xiangchong said.

"His son? What? What happened to his son?" Yang Fei asked.

"His son is studying in Shencheng University, and he hasn't contacted his family for a long time, and the letters have been cut off. He said that his name is Yang Xianzu!" Xi Xiangchong said.

"This matter is not difficult, but we don't have time to go to Shencheng now, but we can promise him this matter temporarily!" Yang Fei said, "The copper coins..."

"He didn't want it, he said it was temporarily stored with us!" Xi Xiangchong said, and then said, "Not only that, but when he came, he asked me to bring five buckets of grain!"

"Squire!" Yang Fei said, "Then take it, we don't have much food! We need to find the source of this food as soon as possible!"

"Head, don't worry, I've sent someone there!" Xi Xiangchong said, "Nanxiang should be able to exchange some food!"

"Well, this matter is done!" Yang Fei said.

"Understood the leader, I won't bother you anymore, I'll go first!" Said Xi Xiangchong and left.

As soon as he went out, another soldier ran over, "Commander! Commander!"

Yang Fei stood up and asked, "What's the matter so flustered?"

"Head, the bandits are coming!" the soldier quickly replied.

"Damn it, it came very quickly!" Yang Fei said, "Go and invite him in!"

"Yes!" The soldier said and ran away.

When Wang Zhifei heard that the bandit was coming, he hurried to find Yang Fei. When he just arrived at the door, he saw Lan Yishen leading three or five people. They got off the horse, took a look at Wang Zhifei, and went into the house.

"Captain Yang!"

Lan Yishen let out a cry, then cupped his hands, "Aren't you all right?"

"Don't come here without any problems!" Yang Fei said, telling him to sit down. "I don't know if the second master came to my place, what's the matter?"

"Oh, that's right, Commander Yang, earlier today, one of your subordinates named Liu Ji went to our cottage and insisted that our cottage robbed your weapons and ammunition!"

"Oh? What's the matter?" Yang Fei pretended to ask.

"Yeah, later on, our chief inquired about the head of the branch in the south, but he insisted that he didn't rob your supplies at all!" Lan Yishen looked at Yang Fei, "I don't think it's like this. Was it a misunderstanding?"

"I didn't say I lost my things?" Yang Fei slapped his head.

"I also said that! Where did your Eighth Route Army get the ammunition and pass there?" Lan Yishen said, "But, don't misunderstand Commander Yang, what I mean is that even if you have something, it cannot be ours Looted!"

"It's not you!" Yang Fei said, "This is indeed a misunderstanding!"

"That's fine! Then I have to trouble you to tell Liu Ji, lest he go to our cottage to make trouble again, otherwise, we will not be able to explain to you if there is something wrong with you!" Lan Yishen's threat made Yang Flying is uncomfortable.

They always look superior, but Yang Fei chuckled, "I promise, no one will go to your place in the future, and you will tell your masters when you go back. From now on, no one from the Eighth Route Army will go up the mountain!"

"That's good!" Lan Yishen cupped his hands, "There is one more thing. When we came, our head said that your Eighth Route Army is poor. We don't want the weapons and ammunition you gave last time. Come here this time. , I specially asked someone to bring it here!"

After finishing speaking, Lan Yishen snapped his fingers, and a few people came in outside the door, and they pointed their guns at Yang Fei's eyes.

"Please take a look at Commander Yang!" Lan Yishen said.

"Okay!" Yang Fei stood up, and then took a look, "These things are really good things!"

"Since Captain Yang has taken a fancy to it, I shouldn't have accepted it last time!" He said, "This time I will return it to Zhao!"

"Then I would like to thank the Second Master!" Yang Fei said.

"You're welcome, by the way, I heard that little brother Wang Zhifei was injured?" Lan Yishen put his head in front of Yang Fei and asked.

"Really? Why don't I know?" Yang Fei said.

"I also heard about it, I heard that I was hit on the chest!" Lan Yishen smiled, "Okay, I'm leaving!"

Saying that, Lan Yishen went out provocatively.

Seeing Lan Yishen walk away arrogantly, Wang Zhifei came in angrily, "Leader, why should we accept his hypocrisy?"

"This is a gun!" Yang Fei looked at him.

Wang Zhifei shook his head, "The incorruptible will not be eaten! Commander, I think we should have the backbone to stop!"

"Hey! What kind of disregard of his integrity, he dared to give me the gun today, and tomorrow, maybe the muzzle of this gun will be aimed at them, this is our right arm!" Yang Fei picked up a gun, and then Looking at it, he adjusted the front sight of the gun in his hand, "Do you think so?"

Wang Zhifei nodded, "Yes, Captain, did you hear what Lan Yishen said just now?"

"What?" Yang Fei looked at him and asked.

"He said I was hit on the chest!" Wang Zhifei said, "In fact, I was hit on the chest! This is enough to show that they are the real culprits behind the scenes!"

"I know!" Yang Fei looked at him, "How could I not know that he did it? Is there really a second group of bandits in Baimang Mountain?"

"Then why didn't you say that our things were robbed by them?" Wang Zhifei asked.

"First, I let you go with the cannon privately. This has already violated the agreement between me and Shi Qiulin. He must have seen it. Second, I pretended that nothing happened, and he, Shi Qiulin, also pretended that nothing happened. , even if this matter is over like this, if you suffer a little bit, you will suffer a little bit. Who knows, that Liu Ji boy actually went to the cottage to find out about this matter. Where does this make my old face go? Let it go? We know the family background of the Eighth Route Army at a glance!" Yang Fei said, and then said. "Today, he dared to bring something with him. What does he mean? It means that they just want us to know that they are not easy to mess with!"

"Head, why is there so much knowledge here?" Wang Zhifei asked.

"When you deal with bandits, you have a lot of knowledge. They are no better than devils. Devils can beat them when they see them. At that time, the bandits are different. You have to see whose side they are on. Are they traitors or beaters?" Devils, please score points! You are like Shi Qiulin and the others. They also beat devils, but their attitude towards us is obviously not good. Hiding, this is definitely not cowardice, but for the sake of the overall situation!" Yang Fei was so articulate, making Wang Zhifei nod all the time, "Yes, leader, I have learned it!"

(End of this chapter)

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