Chapter 276

In fact, Su Yunuan's heart is also very nervous now.

Although she is a RB spy and has received special training, it is night after all.

Moreover, it is still in the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army, so in Su Yunuan's heart, he thinks that the outsiders are the Eighth Route Army.

She thought that it was possible that she had leaked something, and the Eighth Route Army wanted to do something to her.

However, after thinking about it, Su Yunuan felt that this idea was also unlikely.

After all, if the Eighth Route Army wanted to mess with her, there would be no need to hide like this, so she slowly calmed down and prepared to wait and see what happened.

Anyway, according to Su Yunuan's idea, no matter who the visitor is, she must not reveal her skills.

Su Yunuan decided that as long as she was not under a fatal threat, she would never show her skills.

Thinking of this, Su Yunuan, who was originally hiding in the room, began to control her breathing until no one else could hear her.

At this time, outside Su Yunuan's room, seven or eight men in black had already surrounded Su Yunuan's yard.

Their eyes were full of anxiety and vigilance. At this moment, they had already heard gunshots from the yard in front.

These seven or eight men in black also understood in their hearts that the brothers in the front yard had been exposed.

Therefore, they must speed up, find the target and leave, otherwise, it is very likely that the remaining brothers will be scrapped here.




At this time, the eight men in black had already leaned outside Su Yunuan's room.

One of them took the lead and began to give orders.

After seeing the boss's order, the rest of the men in black immediately stepped forward and came to the door of the room.


Without the slightest hesitation, the two men in black burst into the door with a bang.

The man in black at the back, following closely behind the man in black in front, rushed into the room.

The two men in black, who took the lead to enter the room, came to the bedside by the faint moonlight.

But after seeing the empty quilt, disappointment appeared in the eyes of the two of them.

At this time, the man in black who took the lead stepped forward and took a look at the empty bed.

Afterwards, he bent down and put his hands under the blanket, and immediately felt a warmth.

Afterwards, when he took out the quilt with his hand, a scent wafted through the room.

Smelling this fragrance, the man in black who took the lead immediately shook his head at his subordinates, indicating that he was not the target he was looking for.


So, under the leadership of the leader, the eight men in black quickly walked outside.

Since they searched the entire yard and found no target, they felt lost and felt that they should leave here as soon as possible.

After all, this is the headquarters of an army, not something they can enter casually.

It is a big taboo for them to sneak into the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army by relying on their good skills.

However, in order to find the target, they had no choice but to do so.

In fact, the leader also knew in his heart that there must be a girl hidden in the room, but since she was not the target, besides, she was also hidden, so there was no need to scare her.

After all, they are not evil people.

However, thinking of the brothers lost in the front yard, the hearts of the eight men in black suddenly became very heavy.


After the man in black rushed out of the room, Su Yunuan, who was hiding in the corner of the room, immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, it is still very good that he did not expose his own skill problems.

However, at this time, she was also very puzzled in her heart.

She couldn't figure out the identities of the group of people in front of her. For this group of people, she felt like an enemy rather than a friend.


At this moment, the shouts of soldiers suddenly came from outside the courtyard.

Moreover, the torches shining in the courtyard are already brightly lit.


Seeing the lit courtyard outside, Su Yunuan let out a cold snort, and hurried to the bed.

After all, the door of her room is still wide open at this time, and he doesn't want people outside to see her body.

After Su Yunuan went to bed, she picked up her clothes and quickly put them on.


In the yard outside the room, it was brightly illuminated by the torch at this time.

The soldiers have surrounded the courtyard.

In the middle of the courtyard, these eight men in black clothes are so abrupt and eye-catching.

Lei Zhan looked at the man in black in front of him with interest.

Zhang Jibing beside Lei Zhan had a pensive look on his face, he couldn't figure out the identities of these people in front of him.

At this moment, the hearts of the eight men in black were full of bitterness. They did not expect that the Eighth Route Army would react so quickly and immediately surround them in the courtyard.

Thinking of this, their hearts were immediately filled with despair.

After all, this is the army, and they also know some things in the army. It is very unreasonable for them to rush directly into the headquarters of other people's army for no reason.

Moreover, as long as they are caught, even if they are shot, no one can say anything.

After all, the headquarters is a military center, and not everyone can break into it.

"Take it all away!"

Looking at the man in black in front of him, Lei Zhan smiled and gave the order directly.


The soldiers who heard the order stepped forward immediately.

Seeing that there were so many guns, the eight men in black were very sensible and did not resist, and were directly tied up by the soldiers.

"What about the rest of our brothers?"

At this moment, the leader, the boss in black, looked at Lei Zhan with neither humble nor overbearing eyes, and asked the question in his heart.

He cared about his brother's fate.



Zhang Jibing just wanted to speak, but Lei Zhan waved his hand to stop him, and Lei Zhan told a lie.

Hearing Lei Zhan's words, Zhang Jibing seemed to have thought of something, and nodded thoughtfully.


Hearing Lei Zhan tell the fate of the brothers, the leading brother sighed with sadness in his eyes.

He has no right to blame the chief of the Eighth Route Army in front of him. After all, he has to pay back sooner or later if he is messing around in the rivers and lakes.

What's more, this time, they were the ones who made the mistake first. It's no wonder that the brothers died.

Seeing the sadness in the eyes of the eight men in black, Lei Zhan was a little surprised to arrive.

Afterwards, the eight desperate men in black were escorted down by the soldiers.

And the rest of the soldiers beside Lei Zhan escorted the escorting soldiers with their guns in hand, and left at the same time.

"How to deal with them?"

Zhang Jibing looked at Lei Zhan and asked the question in his heart.

"How to deal with it? Of course I'm dead. How dare you break into the headquarters of my Eighth Route Army and turn against them."

Hearing Zhang Jibing's question, Lei Zhan stared angrily, and angrily told the fate of these people.

However, after hearing Lei Zhan's words, Zhang Jibing had an inexplicable smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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