Chapter 277 Karina

Seeing Lei Zhan's appearance, combined with the look in Lei Zhan's eyes when he said these words, Zhang Jibing already understood why Lei Zhan said this in his heart.

"Let's go and have a look!"

After Lei Zhan glanced at Zhang Jibing, he pouted at Zhang Jibing, signaling to Zhang Jibing that the door of Su Yunuan's room was still open at this time.


After Zhang Jibing saw it, he put away the smile on his face, followed Lei Zhan, and walked towards Su Yunuan's room.

The remaining soldiers followed closely behind Lei Zhan and Zhang Jibing.


The torches held by the soldiers were burning vigorously, making crackling noises.

Lei Zhan walked to the door of Su Yunuan's room, stopped voluntarily, and did not go in.

After all, it was a big night, and the influence was a bit bad. Besides, Su Yunuan was a little devil spy, who knew what would happen after he got in, after all, little devils are very cunning.

"Su Xiaonuan, are you okay?"

Lei Zhan led Zhang Jibing and the soldiers to stop at the door, and immediately yelled into the dark room.

At this time, Su Yunuan was already dressed, she was sitting on the bed, her eyebrows were slightly frowned, as if she was thinking about something.

Hearing Lei Zhan's loud greeting suddenly, Su Yunuan suddenly came to his senses, paused for a moment, and said directly.

"It's okay, Captain, you can come in."

After saying this, a smile appeared on Su Yunuan's face, and then Su Yunuan was about to put on her shoes and get out of bed.

However, Lei Zhan's next words made Su Yunuan freeze in place immediately.

"No, it's fine, I still have things to deal with."

Outside, after Lei Zhan finished speaking, he turned around and left Su Yunuan's yard with Zhang Jibing and the soldiers.


At this time, Su Yunuan, who was in the room, snorted coldly after hearing this sentence.

"Lei Zhan, I will make you regret it, and I will let you know what true grief and despair are."

Looking at the courtyard plunged into darkness, murderous intent suddenly appeared on Su Yunuan's pretty face.

The wolf slaughter plan is about to start, and she will be by Lei Zhan's side for these two days, and she will watch Lei Zhan with her own eyes.

Watching Lei Zhan hear the big explosion outside the county seat, watching the news that after Lei Zhan heard the big explosion, the Wolf Warrior Group was blown up.

She wants to torture Lei Zhan and make Lei Zhan make an apology for the large number of imperial warriors who died.


After Lei Zhan led Zhang Jibing and the soldiers out of the courtyard, he immediately walked towards the courtyard where the men in black were imprisoned.

He was going to find out the identities of these men in black.

As for why they were killed, in fact, it was for Su Yunuan.

If Lei Zhan couldn't go over to say hello to Su Yunuan just now, the cunning Su Yunuan would definitely have doubts.

Therefore, Lei Zhan had to do his best in acting, after all, it was not the time to kill Su Yunuan yet.

One minute later, Lei Zhan brought Zhang Jibing and the soldiers to the courtyard where the man in black was being held.

At this time, in the room in the courtyard, the fourteen men in black were talking in the room.

There are smiles on their faces, and there is a sense of relaxation in the smiles.

Among them, especially the man in black with the injured leg, he smiled wryly.

Looking at his unscathed companions, he felt that he was really unlucky.

Fourteen people, and he himself was shot.

However, considering that he didn't lose his life, he was already lucky.

The soldiers guarding the side also looked at the dozen men in black with smiles on their faces.

They had actually received Lei Zhan's order a long time ago, nominally to arrest them and shoot them, but in fact, they were still detained in this courtyard, waiting for Lei Zhan's arrival.

Before that, they also had a brief conversation. From the conversation, the soldiers understood that these people in front of them were friends rather than enemies.

However, the questions these men in black wanted to know had to be asked by Lei Zhan.

"It's very lively!"

At this moment, Lei Zhan led Zhang Jibing into the room.


"political commissar!"

Seeing Lei Zhan and Zhang Jibing coming, the soldiers saluted one after another.

Lei Zhan and Zhang Jibing smiled back at the soldiers.


At this time, Lei Zhan looked at the men in black in front of him and expressed his doubts.

In fact, Lei Zhan can now confirm that these people in front of him are here for Karina.

After all, these people sneaked into the headquarters and searched all the time without hurting a single soldier.

Hearing Lei Zhan's words, Zhang Jibing's eyes lit up immediately.

At the same time, a look of sudden realization appeared on his face.

Some of these things, he understood.




Hearing these three words from Lei Zhan, the eyes of these men in black immediately lit up, and anxious expressions appeared on their faces.


Seeing that the man in black wanted to speak, Lei Zhan immediately made a stop gesture to them.

And shook his head towards a dozen of them.

"Come with me."

Then, under the leadership of Lei Zhan and Zhang Jibing, the men in black followed Lei Zhan and Zhang Jibing and walked outside the headquarters.

As for the remaining fighters, rest should be rested, and patrol should be patrolled.

After all, tonight was just a false alarm.

Lei Zhan, Zhang Jibing and several soldiers walked out of the headquarters with the dozen or so men in black.

After wandering around for 10 minutes on the main street in the county town, I came to an inconspicuous courtyard.


When he came outside the courtyard, Zhang Jibing immediately stepped forward and knocked on the door.


The moment Zhang Jibing finished knocking on the courtyard door, a voice came from the courtyard.

This sound is the word 'eight'.


Hearing the conversation inside, Zhang Jibing suddenly smiled and said the word wolf.


Immediately afterwards, the courtyard door was opened.

"Political commissar, head!"

After the courtyard door was opened, a soldier came out. Seeing that it was the head of the regiment and the political commissar coming, the soldier smiled and hurriedly saluted.

Afterwards, Lei Zhan led the people in black into the courtyard.

"Wake up Miss Karina, just say that her person has been found."

Sitting on the stone bench in the yard, Lei Zhan immediately ordered.


The soldiers who heard the order turned around quickly and went to carry out the order.

The dozen or so people in black beside Lei Zhan immediately smiled when they heard that Miss Karina was really here.


"political commissar!"

At this time, in the darkness next to him, four soldiers with guns appeared.

These soldiers came to Lei Zhan and Zhang Jibing's side, saluted and said hello.

"Thanks for your hard work!"

Lei Zhan said with a smile.

Zhang Jibing stood up with a smile, and patted the shoulders of these soldiers
"Da Kui!"

At this moment, Miss Karina's surprised voice came from the door beside her.

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(End of this chapter)

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