Chapter 2777

The battle ahead is still going on, no one can tell when it is now, the devil's attack is fierce and very methodical, but Naihe is still struggling.

After being compressed in the front, it is impossible to move no matter what!
"Bagaya Road!" The Jiange elder who was commanding behind was very anxious. After more than 20 minutes of bombing, even a group of pigs would be bombed to death, right?kindness?Why does the Eighth Route Army still have so much firepower?so strong?

Could it be that there are a lot of Eighth Route Army here, isn't it what is written in the information?
Anyway, after the devils attacked to a certain extent, they couldn't even raise their heads. The Eighth Route Army had withstood such a powerful bombing, but now they fought back with grenades, so that the devils couldn't even raise their heads!
Persevere, as long as you persist until daytime, you will see the devil's face clearly, as long as you see clearly, at least you won't waste so many bullets in vain!
Many devils were killed by the hand grenades of the Eighth Route Army while defending. The elder Jiange was also in pain. He quickly found Rukawa Siying, "Captain, I ask for support. Our team is afraid that we will not be able to attack. We are trapped. If It is also a good thing to have Captain Akiba Sixi participate in it!"

Rukawa Siying looked at the time. They have been fighting for more than an hour. They have not broken through for so long. The firepower of the Eighth Route Army is also very fierce. challenge!
"Okay, let you wait for someone to retreat, and I will let Qiuye Sixi join forces with you to attack the Eighth Route Army ahead!" Rukawa Siying said.

Soon, the devils in front retreated back. The rare retreat made the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army breathe a sigh of relief.

Let the Jiange elder's team breathe a sigh of relief, they don't understand why they have attacked that place, but they can't go up even a step?

Speaking of this, it is also the role of the trenches of the Eighth Route Army. The first line of defense is to keep the devils in check. Thirty meters in front of the first line of defense, the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army dug a very spacious trench. With no defensive points, they can only be exposed to their field of vision. Therefore, if the devil wants to get there, it will be even more difficult.

What's more, the Eighth Route Army soldiers didn't even know where the trenches ahead were.

They withdrew, and the ghost soldiers of Jiange elders were licking their wounds. Their casualties were also very high in this battle. If they didn't retreat back, there might not even be such a few people left!

At this time, Zou Peng and Okamoto Tatoshi came, as did Han Qing.

Wu Gang was surprised when he saw them coming, "Han Qing, what's going on?"

"Company Commander Wu, don't worry, the brigade commander sent you here to relieve your pressure!" After Han Qing finished speaking, Zou Peng saluted Wu Gang, and then took Okamoto Tatoshi to the first line of defense ahead. Knowing exactly what the people who came were going to do, Wu Gang didn't dare to be careless and stayed by their side all the time.

Zou Peng rolled up a microphone with cardboard and gave it to Okamoto Tatoshi.Okamoto Tenkun took it, and then began to read the manuscript, which was translated into Japanese.

"Is the one in front of you Captain Rukawa Siying?"

First, a greeting, which made Rukawa Siying's place strange. He frowned and listened carefully to these words. The voice of the other party's greeting was very similar to his hometown dialect. No, after all, it was Kanto dialect with a little dialect.

Yes, Okamoto Tatoshi and Rukawa Siying are both from Kanto.

"Captain Rukawa Siying, are you okay? Don't you know what kind of person your immediate boss, Toi Ku, is? He is ignorant, and he didn't even pass the Kwantung Military Academy, so he came to command Qianjun Wanma, how many soldiers have been killed?" Captain Rukawa Siying, I know that you are a thoughtful and courageous commander, but you are greedy for such a boss. You have been fighting for more than ten years , you have climbed up step by step in the past ten years, but no boy who graduated less than three years ago has a high position. You should know the reason why, he is from the Tokyo family! "

"Captain, now you should also know what to do when the attack is frustrated. Should we continue to attack regardless of everyone's life or death, or should we calmly look at the Eighth Route Army's defense? We didn't even check the Eighth Route Army's defense before rashly attacking, what do you say? Will it work?"

Okamoto Tatoshi said so much, and many devils listened to it, and there was indeed some truth. The root cause of their offensive setbacks was not that they didn't work hard, but even if they did, they couldn't take down the Eighth Route Army's defense line?

So it's not their responsibility, it's the responsibility of the higher-ups. Could it be that they hit the rock with their eggs?

In war, shouldn't we take advantage of those weaknesses to fight?
If you work so hard, you will lose both sides in the end. If you want to replenish soldiers, you have to replenish them from your own country, but the Eighth Route Army is different. They guard their own land, and soldiers will be continuously replenished. Isn’t this a beneficial thing? ?
Thinking of this, many devils understand that the fault is not with them, but with the commander above, and it is not with Rukawa Siying, because Rukawa Siying wanted to explore the Eighth Route Army's defense line, but was interrupted by Higashii Ko.

Therefore, Higashii Ku is the culprit for their offensive disrespect!

They talk to each other and emotions start to build.

Rukawa Siying squinted his eyes, and he quickly understood that this was a scheming scheme by the Eighth Route Army!

He didn't want to capsize in the gutter.

However, before he could start speaking, many people, including Elder Jiange, began to say in front of Ruchuan Siying, "Captain, what the Eighth Route Army said is correct!"

"Yeah, our attack was frustrated. The root cause is that we didn't find out the weakness of the Eighth Route Army. Maybe it's on the mountain to the east, maybe it's somewhere else!"

"That's right, an outsider leads an insider. Isn't this Zhao Kuo in the Warring States period of China? Commanding is on paper, but in the end it is your veteran Lian Po's loss!"


"Okay! Stop talking!" Rukawa Siying roared, "Do you all think so?"

"Captain, after fighting these few years, you should also know how desperately all of us are fighting, and who is personally commanding the battle. It is you, not Toi Ku, but Higashii did get People with the greatest interests, so we must stop fighting and wait until we have studied the weaknesses of the Eighth Route Army before we can attack effectively!"

The elder Jiange's words made everyone sober up. It is true that winning a battle is always related to Rukawa Siying's efforts to turn the tide, but losing a battle is always related to Higashii Kuro's random command!
It's clear at a glance who is the culprit!

At this time, Okamoto Tatoshi began to speak again, "Toi Ku, you don't have any commanding skills. Do you remember when you fought on Jiwa Island? It was because of Higashii Ku's short-sightedness that the enemy had the opportunity to take advantage of it." , let the enemy counterattack, and lost too many soldiers of the empire, what can he do with Dongjingku!"

"Captain Rukawa Siying, you are a conceited and talented commander. In the battle of Jiwa Island, you commanded the warship to surround Jiwa Island again, and then let Jiwa Island return to the hands of the empire. You are the hero. But in the end, you should also know that although you are not the one who is responsible, it is Saburo Guidao, but the final reward has nothing to do with you, what shame do such rebellious officials and thieves have to command blindly?"

This sentence, one thing, once again stimulated Rukawa Siying's heart, yes, if he had half of the credit for the battle on Jiwa Island, then he was at least a major, and all the credit was Dongjing was dry and unfair. Although he was bitter about it, gradually, Rukawa Siying forgot about it.

This time it was brought up again, which made many people resentful.

"Captain, what they said is not wrong!"

Jiange elder said.

At this time, Akiba Sixi's team came and also heard the call from the Eighth Route Army, walked up to Rukawa Siying, and waited for his answer.

"Don't listen to the Eighth Route Army, they are using alienation tactics now!"

Rukawa Siying said it slowly, he knew it was a divorce plan, but there was nothing wrong with what the Eighth Route Army and the others said!He was indeed the one for whom the victor was not rewarded.

Soon, Dong Jingku heard that the Eighth Route Army was shouting, and asked angrily, "What? Rukawa Siying gave up attacking again?"

"Master Higashii Ku, Rukawa Siying didn't attack now, but asked Elder Jiange to retreat, and ordered Akiba Yoshiki's team to come too, trying to attack the Eighth Route Army's defense line together!"

"This is also a method. What are the Eighth Route Army talking about?"

Toi Ku asked immediately.

"This... this..."

"Say, is there anything you can't say?" Toi Ku asked.

"They're using a plan to drive a wedge between you and Captain Rukawa Siying!" The devil said straight away!
"Hahaha, divorce plan, put me and Rukawa Siying together, he is also worthy?" Toi Kuro did not feel the seriousness of the situation, but felt that Rukawa Siying was not worthy of being compared with him at all, and did not Know that the people below are of one mind with Siying Rukawa.

"Okay, the Eighth Route Army is just a clown, pass on the order to let Rukawa Siying immediately launch another attack on the Eighth Route Army's defense line, as long as they win this time, I and Xiao Juguang will give them credit!" Higashii said with a smile. said.

"Hayi!" After finishing speaking, the devil wanted to leave, but was taken aback for a moment, "Master Dongjingku, are you sure you don't want to listen to the Eighth Route Army's call?"

"Oh? Are you so interested in the Eighth Route Army's propaganda?" Dong Jingku asked.

"No, I'm leaving now!" After finishing speaking, the devil ran away in a hurry.

Dong Jingku didn't take it seriously, and then made another pot of tea. He believed that it must be their credit for taking down the Eighth Route Army's line of defense and Jiahe Town. As for the final reward, hehe, sorry, this is under my full command , has nothing to do with them, the Eighth Route Army is very easy to fight!
This is Dong Jingku's mind, taking the lives of many people as a stepping stone for his advancement to senior officials.

Akiba Saburo also listened to the shouting from the Eighth Route Army, and then looked at the emotions of the Jiange elders, and he knew that they had lost the battle.

However, Rukawa Siying didn't move, he knew that he would never be able to be promoted, because above him was Koru Toi, a playboy, a nephew of a big family.

"Captain Rukawa Siying! The Major has ordered you to attack the Eighth Route Army immediately, and you will definitely take down the Eighth Route Army's defense line within an hour!"

After the devil finished speaking, Jiange Elder was even angrier. He only had a little over 200 troops left, how could he fight?How to fight, besides, what should they do now?Do you want to fight with more than 200 people?Didn't that kill the Eighth Route Army?

"Bagaya Road!" Jiange Elder cursed angrily, which startled the devil.

"Go back and tell Dong Jingku that I don't want my position in the team battle, but he personally took these 200 people to defeat the Eighth Route Army's defense line. If he can defeat it, it shows his ability!"

"Jiange Elder and Captain, don't mess around!" Rukawa Siying shouted immediately.

"I messed around? I never messed around! What is this battle about? As soldiers of the empire, they were supposed to fight to increase their merits, but after fighting for several years, the small captain is still the small captain, and the big captain is still the big captain." , and the Shao Zuo is about to become the Da Zuo, what about us?" Jiange Elder asked angrily.

"Stop talking!" Rukawa Siying immediately controlled Elder Jiange, and then said to the devil's messenger on the other side, "Okay, tell Shao Zuo Dongjing that I will organize an effective attack immediately, so he can rest assured !"

"Okay, then I'll go back to my life!"

After speaking, the messenger left.

"Elder Jiange, you are messing around, how can you scold the Shao Zuo in front of him?" Rukawa Siying asked.

"I don't scold him, what's the matter? He can kill more than 200 of us with a single word? Why?" Jiange Elder also questioned.

After finishing speaking, he looked at Qiuye Sixi, "Captain Qiuye Sixi, have you seen it? I am so down and out today, if you go to fight, you will definitely be like me, do you believe it?"

Qiuye Sixi didn't dare to speak, he was reserved by nature, and he was not good at showing off. Jiange elder said.

But there was no way, he couldn't speak!
"Why don't you talk, Akiba-kun, this Major, he doesn't know how to command and fight at all. The casualties you saw in the Eighth Route Army were caused by the firepower of Captain Rukawa Siying. When will we be able to fight a hearty battle? , don’t fight these frightening battles?” Jiange Elder said.

At this time, a black shadow suddenly appeared, and he became angry, followed by some guards.

"Bagaya Road!" The person who came was Dong Jingku!
He walked up to the elder Jiange and slapped him, "Slap!"

"How dare you disobey my orders!"

This loud noise made many people cry. It was too overbearing. Elder Jiange was slapped on the ground, and his head started to burst into flames.

The country of Wa has a strict hierarchy, and it is common for the upper level to overwhelm the lower level.

"Bagaya Road!" After speaking, Dong Jingku pulled out his command saber, and was about to slash and kill the elder Jiange.

Rukawa Siying immediately stopped him, "Don't, don't, Your Excellency Major, I hope you will give Elder Jiange a chance to die on the battlefield, right?"

"There is no glory for such a person. If he died on the battlefield, it would be cheap for him? The empire doesn't need such a person!" He shouted loudly, and went to kill him again.

Elder Jiange cursed on the ground, "Dong Jingku, what are you, do you want to kill me?" After finishing speaking, Elder Jiange also got up from the ground and pulled out his command saber to fight him.

This is rebellion, Dong Jingku never thought that Jiange Elder, a small captain, would be so rude to him.

"Bagayalu!" Dong Jingku could only vent his anger with foul language like Bagayalu.

"If you can lead 200 people to victory, and you kill me, I can say nothing. If you can't attack the Eighth Route Army's defense line with 200 people, it means that you are just like me, but at the level of a small team leader. Hehe, Dongjing Ku Do you dare?" The coercion of the Jiange elder made Dongjing Ku faceless, he is a commander, but he may not have the ability to command on the spot, but Dongjing Rong was so angry by the Jiange elder The son has blood.

"Haha, okay, don't you want to see my jokes? Then I will let you down! You still have more than 200 people under your command?" Dong Jingku put the command knife into his scabbard, "Your 200 people belong to me Commander, let's see if I can take down Jiahe Town!"

After finishing speaking, Higashii Ku looked at Rukawa Siying, "Heavy machine guns cover, mortars keep an eye on me, let all my 200 people approach the front, and then start attacking, you see there is still 30 meters away from the Eighth Route Army distance, then stop, let's attack!"

What Dong Jingku said was clear and straightforward, and it seemed to be very rigorous.

Dong Jingku glanced at the Jiange elders, and then walked to the side of the Jiange elders' squad, "You are all warriors of the empire, you are all the pillars of the empire, today, the empire needs us to expand its territory, and we all have a bounden duty. Now, everyone follows my command, rush forward, break through the Eighth Route Army's defense line, and lay the foundation for the victory of the empire! Go! Go!"

With a finger of his command knife, all the more than 200 devils were thrown into the battlefield.

Immediately afterwards, Rukawa Siying ordered the heavy machine guns to fire to suppress the firepower of the Eighth Route Army, at least not to make Dongjing die!

If he dies, they all have an inescapable responsibility!

"Da da da!"

The sound of machine guns rang out, and then Siying Rukawa ordered people to fire again. His stomach and the Eighth Route Army's defense line immediately attacked, "Boom!"



For a while, the flames illuminated the Eighth Route Army's defense line again. Wu Gang looked over and saw that the devils came with more than 200 people. He immediately said, "Defend me in the first row and second row!" Then he said to Han Qing The others said, "Everyone, please follow me to the back!"

Zou Peng originally wanted to lead people to attack while the devil was not paying attention, but he didn't expect the devil to attack again. It seemed that his plan had gone bankrupt.

Okamoto Tatoshi looked at them, "I seem to have heard just now that there was a quarrel there!"

"Oh?" Zou Peng was very interested, "Tell me, what's going on?"

"It seems that their chief came with someone in person. As for the quarrel, I didn't hear clearly. I'm afraid your divorce plan succeeded!" Okamoto Tatoshi said.

"Haha, if this is really the case, then I will send another platoon to attack from the side and kill the devil's chief!" Wu Gang was so happy!
"No!" Zou Peng said immediately, "Don't kill that Dong Jingku!"

"Why? This is a good opportunity!" Wu Gang said, even Han Qing thought it was a good opportunity.

But Zou Peng shook his head, "This Dongjingku is not a threat. We killed him, and the commander just strengthened their devil's fighting power. If we don't kill their commander, their command will be messed up. In this way, it will not be good for us." It is beneficial!"

Zou Peng really understands that everyone knows how to fight, except for him, Dongjing Ku, who is still the supreme commander. If he dies, then everyone will be able to fight. If Dongjing Ku doesn't die, then their combat effectiveness will be weak A lot!

"Zou Peng, what you mean is that I understand!" Han Qing nodded, he really understood, as long as he can take down these devils, except Dong Jingku, then it will be easy to talk about.

And Elder Jiange squinted his eyes this time, he just angered Dongjing Ku, if Dongjing died, it’s okay, let him become a warrior of the empire, even on the wall of honor, then they all know how to fight, at least Don't be discouraged!
"You got into trouble!" Rukawa Siying said helplessly.

"Creating trouble? No, I don't think so. I'm here for the empire, and I'm here to take down Jiahe Town!" Jiange Elder said, "Only if Dongjing Kuu dies, can we all show our strength!"

What he said was correct, but Rukawa Siying knew that if Toi Kou won, it was a good thing that they would live in peace, but if they lost, and Toi Kou was still alive, then they would suffer.

This can't help but think of Yuan Shao who suffered from the battle of Guandu because he didn't listen to the counselor's advice and was brutally killed.

"Hey!" Resign yourself to fate!Rukawa Siying was very helpless, although he also wanted Dongjing to die, it was an honor, but at that juncture, he might not be able to die even if he wanted to, this is fate.



"Da da da……"

The sound of guns and guns kept ringing.

It made the Eighth Route Army unable to raise its head.

Seeing that Dong Jingku led the people to a place about 30 meters away, he suddenly stopped the artillery attack, so the absorption depends on Dong Jingku's command ability.

"Kill! Kill!"

Toi Kuro yelled loudly.


Those soldiers seem to have forgotten that Dong Jingku, whom they scolded, has no commanding ability, but now it seems that they have indeed touched the distance of 30 meters from the Eighth Route Army's defense line, that's the distance, that's the distance!


At this time, the Eighth Route Army raised its head, and before the dust on its body could be shaken off, one row and three row leaders immediately ordered, "Fire and wipe them out within 30 meters!"




"Da da da"

This time, it was the Eighth Route Army's counterattack!
(End of this chapter)

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