Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2778 Dongjing Ku's Heartlessness

Chapter 2778 Dongjing Ku's Heartlessness
There is never any mercy in fierce battles, and their main purpose is to eliminate each other, so as to gain the initiative in the battle.

From the beginning of the battle, it was doomed that they would not be able to compromise with each other. Bullets, guns, are the sharp weapons for killing people, choosing back and forth between life and death.

Dong Jingku led more than 200 people to a place 30 meters away from the Eighth Route Army's defense line, and suddenly discovered that there was a wide gap in front of him. After crossing the gap, the opposite side was the Eighth Route Army's defense line. This gap was not only wide, but also relatively flat. It is this flat road that has become the shooting range of the Eighth Route Army. Once you enter, you will find that almost no one can pass it alive!

This is a road to death, and the 200 of them going up are probably also the target of the other party.

At this time, Dongjing Ku understood the difficulties of Rukawa Siying and Elder Jiange, how to attack such a road?This is a difficult thing.

"Da da da!"

The firepower of the Eighth Route Army was very fierce, and they seemed to want to vent their anger.

The result of the devil crossing over is the same, which means death.

"Your Excellency, the Eighth Route Army on the other side is too fierce. Should we retreat first and then imagine a strategy?" a devil asked.

Originally, Dong Jingku was full of anger when he came, but Jiange Elder's aggressive method made Dongjing Ku lose his mind, and now he encountered such tenacious resistance, which made him a little frustrated. If he retreated in despair, wouldn't it be Make everyone look down on him?
"Come on, grenade? Throw it to me from here, cover me with firepower first, and a small team charge!" Dong Jingku roared after making the deployment.

The grenade pulled the string behind the trench, and then threw it towards the Eighth Route Army's defense line!




There was an explosion, and a small group of devils immediately jumped over the ditch and began to run. It was only 30 meters away. As long as one rushed over, there would be a second, and a third!

Even the fourth and fifth devils.

At this time, the soldiers in the third row saw it, and the leader of the third row immediately shouted, "The devil is charging over, cover the comrades in the first row, hit me!"

Three rows are on the side of the first row, Toi Ku's grenade is thrown into the first row of defense, but it is difficult to throw it to the third row of defense.

"Da da da!"

Those devils who charged desperately were suddenly hit by bullets from the side, and immediately wanted to find a place to cover, but the surroundings were flat, but they couldn't find a cover point. Suddenly, those devils panicked, "Ah!"


It seemed to be contaminated by something, those devils couldn't charge forward, and started to retreat again. Those who charged behind saw the devils who had retreated in front, and immediately turned over the trench and hid!
The Eighth Route Army's defense line was like this, with front and side, which made Dong Jingku suddenly feel helpless, and those devils who retreated were frightened, and even began to tremble all over.

"Your Majesty, the Eighth Route Army is also attacking fiercely from the side, what should we do?" the devil asked hurriedly.

Dong Jingku's face was ugly. At this time, he didn't want to admit defeat, but if it was such an attack, the gain would not be worth the loss, and his little life would probably be here.

"Withdraw first, I have a way!" After finishing speaking, Dong Jingku let the remaining devils withdraw.

It can be said that it is a desperate retreat and will go.

At this time, the morale of the devils was low to a certain extent.Every devil has a painful expression on his face. They are a team that is considered to have won a big battle, but now they have stumbled here.

There were two hundred people who went up, and when they came back, more than 50 were missing, and some of them were seriously injured and couldn't come back. How could they be in a good mood?

Rukawa Siying saw Toi Kuro coming back, and hurried to meet him, "Your Excellency, Major!"

"The Eighth Route Army ahead is nothing to worry about!" These were the first words Dong Jingku came back from.

This sentence made everyone very surprised, he was attacking and could not retreat, and he still said such a big thing, wouldn't it be a slap in the face?However, how could they know that Dong Jingku could admit defeat by himself?She is the major, and he is the officer leading them. If he admits defeat, what kind of loss will it cause to the entire attacking force?I'm afraid everyone will know, right?

"Ah?" Of course, Elder Jiange was a little scared. His eyes never left Dongjingku until Dongjingku's eyes slowly shifted to him.

Suddenly, Dong Jingku stretched out a finger and pointed at the elder of Jiange, "This person disturbs the morale of the army, and he wants to retreat when encountering setbacks. It is really taboo. I advise you to commit seppuku as soon as possible to thank His Majesty the Emperor for his kindness." !"

After finishing speaking, Higashii Kuro took a few steps forward, and Rukawa Siying hurried forward and said, "Your Majesty, if you kill him before the battle, it may be bad for the morale of the army. Do you want to leave him after the battle?"

"Are you the Major or me here? You have to understand, you are just a captain, you are just a captain!" Toi Kuro said a few words, which made Rukawa Siying's face look terrified again.

How did you meet such a person?
"Exactly, I have something to do with you!" Dong Jingku finished speaking, and then looked forward.

"The side attack of the Eighth Route Army is the source of great damage to us. I ordered Captain Akiba Yoshiki to attack for a while. Your mortar firepower will be transferred to the east when they are 30 meters away from the enemy's front. Then Captain Akiba Sixi used grenades to suppress the Eighth Route Army directly in front, as long as their firepower was suppressed, then they could charge forward!" Higashii Ku said.

It seems to be very reasonable, Dong Jingku did not dare to disobey the order and could only nod, "Ha Yi!"

At this time, the elder Jiange came over, "Your Excellency, I was the one who spoke out just now, and I hope you..."

"Hehe!" Dong Jingku sneered, "Okay, thank the Emperor!"

Dong Jingku's ruthlessness made Jiange Elder stand there blankly, what's wrong with him?The mistake was to hope that Dongjing Ku died in battle just now, but unfortunately, no one would care more about being alive than Dongjing Ku.

"Hahaha!" The elder Jiange suddenly laughed, "God can't help me!"

Rukawa Siying looked at him and wanted to say something. At this time, the elder Jiange had already taken out his command sword, his face was ferocious, "Warriors of the empire, you are all brave, don't lose your fighting spirit because of me, follow Rukawa Siying Captain, follow Shaozuo Higashii, and continue to make our efforts for the expansion of the empire! Don't be afraid of bloodshed!"

After he finished speaking, he raised his saber high, and under the hazy moonlight, the white knife pierced into his own abdomen!


A bloody light.

The hearts of many devils caused a great shock.

Dong Jingku has no mercy, no waves, even what he said before he died, but so what?Your sins are more hated than your words.

"Okay, hurry up and attack! When dawn arrives, I hope to spend the second night in Jiahe Town!" After finishing speaking, Dong Jingku went back to the tent directly.

The temperature at night was still relatively low, and many devils were terribly frozen. On the contrary, the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army had already gotten used to such a temperature difference, and their faces were extremely firm.

Wu Gang just breathed a sigh of relief. Now that the devil is doing this, wouldn't the third row of Eighth Route Army soldiers attacking from the side be exposed? What should we do next?He, Wu Gang, has something to say in his heart.

"Come on, call out the mortar!" Wu Gang shouted loudly.

These mortars were given to them by Yang Fei himself when they first arrived in Yang Fei's regiment. Now, Wu Qi has allotted them to a company for easier attack.

Together with some weapons and equipment seized, there are ten mortars in total.

"If the guess is correct, the devils will attack the frontal Eighth Route Army soldiers with grenades outside the 30-meter ditch. At that time, the soldiers in one row can retreat and wait until they charge. Slowly move from the east to the west, and continue to cover the frontal attack from the side! Remember, as long as the devils dare to bombard the front and side, the mortars will directly aim at the trench 30 meters away for me, bomb me, and they will give us Bombing, we have to give the color a look!"

Wu Gang roared loudly.


"There are not many mortar shells, but don't keep them for me! Finish them, finish them!" Wu Gang squinted his eyes at the short-lived peace!

Sure enough, half an hour later, the devils started to set off again. They made rapid progress. Because of their previous experience, they also quickly reached the front.

When they arrived at a distance of 30 meters, according to Toi Ku's instructions, Akiba Yoshiki immediately had someone prepare a grenade and started throwing grenades at the position directly in front of him.



The flames were soaring, the dust was flying, and I felt that countless grenades were smashing into one place. As long as these grenades rang, many people might be killed!

Rukawa Siying who was outside heard the explosion of the grenade in front, and immediately asked people to point the mortar at the front, "Aim at the east, and fire the mortar for me, keep firing, waiting for the heroic soldiers of the empire to charge past !"





The bombing began on the east side of the Eighth Route Army soldiers' positions. These mortars seemed to be more powerful, and the bricks and stones that had become rubble were blown to pieces again.

"Holy shit, I actually did this. Fortunately, I moved the third row to the west, otherwise, the loss would have been huge!" Wu Gang gasped!
Then he saw clearly, "Prepare the mortar for me, do you see a place 30 meters away, there must be a lot of devils in the trench, first blast me five times!"


After finishing speaking, the mortars from the Eighth Route Army also rang out from the trench, "Boom!":

Such an explosion made the devils dumbfounded. They just wanted to attack, but they didn't expect the Eighth Route Army to attack. They even used mortars. The Eighth Route Army is really not easy to mess with!

Akiba Sixi was blown to the ground. He got up and shook the dust off his body, "Squad [-], charge me and avoid the bombardment of the Eighth Route Army for the time being. Squad [-], continue to throw grenades forward for me to suppress the attack of the Eighth Route Army." vitality!"

After finishing speaking, a small group of little devils immediately crossed the gap and rushed towards the front of the Eighth Route Army!

At this time, the third row has already been eyeing the prey in front of them. For them, it is natural that the more prey the better!
"Kill! Kill!"

With the roar of the Eighth Route Army, those soldiers began to attack the charging devils!



"Da da da……"

The guns started to ring out in the west again!

The devil was stunned for a moment, the firepower of the Eighth Route Army had been suppressed all the time, how could they still have such powerful firepower?

How can it be?

This time, just like the ghosts brought by Dong Jingku just now, they were suddenly attacked. They lost their direction and quickly wanted to find a cover point. However, there is no cover point here or there. , hiding beside those corpses, seeking temporary stability.

Some devils retreated immediately!
Now, Rukawa Siying in the distance could see clearly.The Eighth Route Army has moved to the west, well, my mortars have also moved!With an order from him, the mortar was aimed at the west. In this gap, Wu Gang immediately ordered the soldiers in the third row to evacuate quickly.

And the devils on the other side of the trench went through five rounds of bombing, and the speed of those devils throwing grenades also dropped a lot!

At this time, Yang Fei came, and he really couldn't stay in the headquarters anymore.

Seeing Yang Fei's arrival, Han Qing and others rushed to meet him, "Head, why are you here?"

"What's the situation now? I want to know, how long can I last?" Yang Fei asked.

Wu Gang lost quickly, "Head, please don't worry, as many devils come, our Fourth Battalion will destroy as many of them in one company!"

"Very good, but I want to know the truth, how many troops are there now?" Yang Fei asked.

"Leader, I just counted. We still have 310 or eight people in our company, and we can still hold on. We have eliminated more than 300 devils, so we are still in the upper hand for the time being!" Wu Gang said.

"Okay, you guys persevere. I have notified Wu Qi that he will send Sanlian to temporarily take over your defensive tasks. You can go back and rest. After you rest, kill the devils for me"!
Yang Fei said.

"Captain, the devils haven't rested for the time being, and we won't be able to rest for a while. They don't want their lives, and we don't want their lives!" Wu Gang said.

"No, they don't want their lives. I want you to die. It's good to kill devils, but I don't want to see you suffer too many casualties. Everyone has flesh and blood! Everyone has parents! Anyone who sees it will feel distressed!" Yang Fei Said, "Persist for half an hour, and Sanlian will come!" Yang Fei said it again.

"Yes!" Wu Gang didn't dare to resist the order, so he could only say yes.

"Okay! This place will be safe for the time being, and my guard company will support your defense at any time. For the sake of the overall situation, we must make it impossible for devils to come in, and once they come in, they cannot get out again!" Yang Fei said.

"Leader, don't worry, we will stick to it!" Wu Gang said.

The arrival of Yang Fei made the morale of the soldiers in the company high, and there was Yang Fei's guard company behind them. Among other things, the combat effectiveness of Yang Fei's guard company can be imagined.

But on the other side, Lin Zhonghu is on pins and needles in Hanhou Township.

In fact, Li Jiguang's meaning was also very clear, that is, let them contact and get acquainted with each other for a short time. As the new fourth regiment of the Eighth Route Army, they must first be familiar with the devil's attack, which is different from the battlefield.

Lin Zhonghu knew it naturally.

However, the artillery fire in Jiahe Town in the north has lasted for so long, and they also want to go to the battlefield early to kill some devils.

Li Heng, the commander of the first battalion, together with Wang Shaofeng and Sun Jinwei, the commanders of the second and third battalions, found Lin Zhonghu.

"Commander, when will we enter the battlefield?"

Li Heng asked.

"You want to kill devils?" Lin Zhonghu asked.

"Of course, leader, we followed you early on. Naturally, your direction is our direction. We now have more than ten thousand people. We are still able to attack even if we are not afraid of their attacks!" Sun Jinwei also said.

"Very good, but now tell me, how is the preparation of the whole regiment going?" Lin Zhonghu asked.

Li Heng said first, "Regimental Commander, the company commander and platoon leader of our first battalion have already been prepared. Now, as long as you give an order, we will do anything!"

"Regimental Commander, our Second Battalion, First Company Commander Feng Yangyang, and Second Company Company Commander Wang Peng are all ready to fight, and we can launch an attack at any time!" Wang Shaofeng also said.

"Head, and our third battalion! Our third battalion's first company commander, Wang Yaxin, and the second company's commander, Zhang Guobin, are also ready to attack. As long as the devils dare to come, our whole battalion will make the devils unable to eat!"

Sun Jinwei also said.

"I know you guys want to ask for a fight, but I understand, but ah, we can't move now, because we are a surprise soldier of the brigade commander, and we can only show up when we are needed!" Lin Zhonghu said, "So , everyone must bear with it, and don’t make big mistakes because of small things! Also, I hope that you, as battalion commanders, will take the lead in the rules and regulations of the Eighth Route Army, and don’t let the common people’s needles and threads! Hobbies, protect the common people!”

"Head, don't worry, we will!"

Several battalion commanders said in unison.

"That's good, that's good!" Lin Zhonghu nodded, "Hanhou Township, as far as I know, in ancient times, this place was already the base of our China. During the Han Dynasty, the emperor of the Han Dynasty sent ministers Stationed here, and made a marquis and worshiped the prime minister, so we are the territory of Huaxia, and the devils don't want to get involved in the land we occupy!"

"Only when we all work together can we fundamentally solve the problem of the devil's attack!" Lin Zhonghu looked at them.

"Yes! Captain!"

"In addition, Jiahe Town was attacked by devils today, so Jianbi Town may also be attacked by devils soon. What we have to do is to wait. At the critical moment, help a regiment and a battalion to defend Jianbi Town until the devils are taken away." Complete annihilation!" Lin Zhonghu said.


"Okay, now, you all go back to rest and recharge your batteries! There is always a time for us to make meritorious deeds!" Lin Zhonghu said.


After the battalion commanders left, Ming Zi came over, "Brother!"

"Well, Mingzi, how is the twenty riders doing now?" Lin Zhonghu asked.

"Brother, twenty riders are ready to go anytime!" Ming Zi said.

"That's good, the higher-ups have ordered you to fight the devils at any time!" Lin Zhonghu said.

"So fast? But, brother, our twenty cavalry can compare to a company of devils, right? We are not afraid!" Mingzi said.

"What I want is not whether you are afraid or not, but that you complete the task!" Lin Zhonghu looked at Ming Zi, Ming Zi's eyes were very bright. "According to the meaning above, your main attacking army in time is also a feint attacking army!"

"Ah? Brother, the main attacking force is also a feint attacking force, so we..." Ming Zi asked with some doubts.

"What I understand is that it is necessary to eliminate the devil's new force and bring the devil into Sishui Town." Lin Zhonghu said, "Because the combat effectiveness of the twenty cavalry is relatively strong, and in addition, your mobility is also relatively strong, so you The task is actually very important!"

"Brother, don't worry, with our twenty riders around, no one can do anything to us!" Ming Zi was very confident.

"That's good!" Lin Zhonghu said.

"By the way, brother, the battalion commanders you appointed, although they have been with you for many years, are they reliable?" Ming Zi was a little puzzled by this. They are all battalion commanders who lead a battalion. If they are not sincere Killing the devils will inevitably have the opposite effect, and even let the devils run rampant in the Hexi land again, is this okay?
"I don't worry about their battalion commanders, but I'm not familiar with the company commanders they appointed, but no matter what, if you want to make achievements, you can only increase your achievements by killing devils!" Lin Zhonghu said.

"Yes!" Ming Zi said, "Brother, I have one more thing to say!"

"But it's okay to say!" Lin Zhonghu looked at Ming Zi and asked.

"Brother, I want our twenty cavalry to equip some grenades!" Ming Zi said, "In this way, firstly, it can increase our lethality, and secondly, it can also increase our ability to retreat, so I think this is very necessary !"

"That's right, then according to what I mean, each cavalry should be equipped with three grenades! After all, there are not many stocks here. I have the rest of the [-] grenades sent by the brigade last time." Not many!" Lin Zhonghu said.

"Okay, I thought it would be good to just give us one, but now that we're hungry for three, our fighting power will go up a notch!" Ming Zi said with a smile.

"Twenty cavalry is an independent cavalry unit of our regiment leader. It is not subject to any battalion and is under my unified command. Therefore, without any promise from me, don't act rashly!" Lin Zhonghu said.

"Yes, Captain, don't worry, none of them will move around without your order!" Ming Zi said yes.

"Okay, go down and prepare. I believe that when you are used, you must be a sharp sword. Wherever you go, you will frighten the devils. It is as sharp as lightning! I think, soon, you The reputation of twenty riders will be well-known in the whole Beihai!" Lin Zhonghu patted Mingzi on the shoulder, "Mingzi, my good brother, you must fight for me, in the next few days, we will not be The worst, on the contrary, should be the sharpest!" Lin Zhonghu said emotionally.

(End of this chapter)

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