Chapter 2779 Questioning
Time passed quickly, and the devils in Jiahe Town attacked the Eighth Route Army's defenses many times in a row, but failed to capture them.

As a result, the morale of the people on Dongjingku's side is relatively low. In Xiao Juguang's heart, no matter how many days, they will not be able to attack Jiahe Town, at least confront the Eighth Route Army on the edge of Jiahe Town ?

But, no, Dongjingku's people are still stationed in Hongchang Village, and Jiahe Town, which is not far or near, has never been able to move forward, which is fatal.

Xiao Juguang slapped the table angrily, "This guy really can't do it, he came up through the back door, he can't bear the heavy responsibility!"

Randomly, he ordered Xi Cangliu to be in charge of the main attack, let Dong Jingku retreat, and let Hongguang Village out.

After such an order, Dong Jingku's face turned pale, but why, how could he not be pale?After fighting for several days and suffering heavy losses, it still failed to cause major damage to the Eighth Route Army. Xiao Juguang asked him to withdraw, isn't that obvious?This is a disappointment to him Toiku!

No, Higashii Ku is not convinced, because he and Nishigura have always been competitors, and he has won more battles than him. This time is a good opportunity to perform. I have fought for so long. How about knocking down Jiahe Town once more?
Thinking of this, Dong Jingku decided to fight again before retreating. For this reason, he called Rukawa Siying over.

"Captain Rukawa Siying, Commander Xiao Kikumitsu ordered us to retreat immediately and give Nishigura the fat in our mouths. What do you think we should do now?" Higashii Kuku had an idea in his heart, that is I still want to fight a war, but he can't command the war. It still depends on Rukawa Siying. If he agrees, then fight a battle quickly. If he wins this battle, then his status will be improved accordingly. !

He believes that Rukawa Siying should agree, at least not refuse.

However, what he never expected was that Rukawa Siying heard what Toi Kure said, and immediately said, "Since Colonel Xiao Kikumitsu's order, I think it's not easy for us to refuse, we should retreat!"

"Nani?" Dong Jingku looked at him in surprise, "This..."

Randomly, Higashii frowned, "It's 24 hours before Xiao Kikumitsu's order to retreat, which means we still have time, as long as we retreat within 24 hours, we won't be punished, Rukawa Shihide Captain, do you think we should fight again? After fighting for so long, even the Eighth Route Army, which is fighting hard, should eat a piece of his flesh!"

Rukawa Siying suddenly understood, "No way!"

Rukawa Siying still refused. Obviously, he felt that he could not fight anymore at this time. If he fought again, he would definitely lose. "Your Excellency, I don't think so. First, time is short. Let's attack, win less and lose less." many!"

This is actually Rukawa Siying giving Dongjing a long face. There is no victory. Here in the Eighth Route Army, it has never won.

"Secondly, our morale is low now. Let the soldiers go to the front again. I am afraid that most of them will resist!"

Rukawa Siying listed the reasons for not leaving the station, but Dongjing Ku just couldn't swallow this breath. After fighting for so long, he was also familiar with the routines of the Eighth Route Army. Now he is suddenly asked not to fight, so what is he doing?Wouldn't he be sitting on the bench in the future?
"No, we still have to fight. What about winning? It's been so long, and it's time for us to win!" Dong Jingku is a gambler. He doesn't want to leave so easily. This is a defeat. , This is a defeat, and if he speaks out, his Dongjing family will be ashamed for this!
Rukawa Siying lowered his head. He knew that Higashii Kuro was a matter of face, so he wanted to fight the last battle. Anyway, he was a captain. In the final analysis, he still had to listen to Higashii Kuro.

"Ruchuan Siying, I'll give you a chance, a chance to make meritorious service, quickly integrate Akiba Sixi, and once again launch an attack on the Eighth Route Army's Jiahe Town. It's daytime, and the attack should have a better view!" Dong Jingku I dare not say anything else now, I can only pin my hopes on Rukawa Siying.

Like Turtle Island Sanlang and Qingye Jun, they are stationed in Langya Village and Monkey King Head, and they are not as good as Ruchuan Siying. As for why Ruchuan Siying was sent to Hongguang Village, it is because he wants to Let him Ruchuan Siying do meritorious service for himself?If Rukawa Siying failed everywhere, then Kamejima Saburo and Aoba Toshi, it was a complete failure!
Thinking of Dong Jingku here, he just wants to fight, he just wants to win, because victory is too far away!
"But, you have already given the order to retreat just now. Come to think of it, everyone has packed up their things and is ready to retreat!" Yes, Rukawa Siying was right. When he received the news from Colonel Xiao Juguang, he The first thing he did was to leave this place of right and wrong, and immediately gave the order to retreat, but now, he regretted it, and he hoped that this regret would work, at least like a flash of inspiration, that he could win this victory!

"I know, then order everyone to stop now and say that they won this battle before leaving. This retreat is obviously just to paralyze the Eighth Route Army!" Dong Jingku said very calmly, he didn't even blink once .

"This..." Rukawa Siying looked at him helplessly.

"Captain Rukawa Siying, we have fought so many times just for the final victory. I think you should also understand that if we lose, we will be looked down upon by Colonel Xiao Juguang in the future, and even the enemy If you can’t even see it, let us take care of the logistics!” Toi Ku shook his head, “If you want to make meritorious deeds, you must make meritorious deeds on the battlefield!”

Rukawa Siying understood this point, but it would be very difficult for him to raise the devil's morale all at once.

"Then... I can only try!" Dong Jingku is a gambler, and Rukawa Siying is a reckless man. He has some wisdom, but he has no ability to persuade Dong Jingku. Little, I'm afraid the corpse will be left in Jiahe Town.

"Okay, okay, Captain Rukawa Siying, as long as I win this time, I will definitely submit your glorious deeds to Colonel Xiao Juguang. It is not too difficult to become a major! As long as you want, I am willing to give it to you personally." Send the letter!"

Toi Ku said.

Rukawa Siying is now in his 40s. He is old and young, and he is already the father of two children. His two children are now living in Kanto, and there is nothing too big in life. Difficult, the only regret is that after fighting for so many years, I am still a captain, with no possibility of promotion.

Although Rukawa Siying understands that what Higashii said is just to look good, if he loses, he will definitely say that Rukawa Siying volunteered to fight, if he wins, he will definitely say that he immediately let Rukawa Siying go call taxi!

Anyway, for Toi Kuro, left and right are beneficial to him, but for Rukawa Siying, left and right are dead ends!It's easy to say if you win, others will give you a sweet date, if you lose, it will be a white knife.

As a soldier of the empire, Rukawa Siying never cared about throwing his head and blood on the battlefield, but what he cared about was being framed by others!
It seems that he, Dong Jingku, has made him feel sorry for him more than once!
However, he had no other choice, he could only endure and compromise again and again.

"Okay, I will try my best!" Rukawa Siying said.

"Okay, okay!" Higashii Ku immediately said three good times, he was happy in his heart, like the nervousness when he was about to win a big prize, and he was very looking forward to it.

When everyone knew that the retreat order was cancelled, and they were going to attack Jiahe Town instead, there was an uproar among the devils. After retreating, he went to a safe place to lick the injured wound, but now he had to hold on to the wound and braved the hail of bullets to attack Jiahe Town.

No, not to attack, but to die!No one's face is very good-looking. Too many people died in Jiahe Town. The brothers they got along day and night agreed to drink after victory, but after a battle, he was the only one left. That kind of loneliness Who ever?
Rukawa Siying sat on everyone's ideological work, saying that it was to confuse the Eighth Route Army and make the Eighth Route Army relax, so that it could attack the Eighth Route Army's defense line, but who would believe this, if it could be done, it would have been done earlier, why wait?

"The bravest warriors of the empire, how many brothers, good friends, and even relatives died in Jiahe Town? Their corpses are still there, and the corpses in places farther away were even burned by the Eighth Route Army. Yes! This is an insult to the empire, the bodies of our imperial soldiers should be used to build a great future for the empire, sacrifice is not terrible, our sacrifice is for a greater victory, long live the emperor, long live the empire!"

There is no doubt that Rukawa Siying's appeal is very huge. Those fighters may not listen to what Toi Kuro said, but Rukawa Siying did listen to Rukawa Siying's words, because how many victories did Rukawa Siying lead them to?
And Dong Jingku was just talking about it.

"Long live the Empire!"

"Long live the Emperor!"

"Long live the Empire!"

"Long live the Emperor!"

These words were spoken so loudly that even the Eighth Route Army in Jiahe Town could hear them.

This is very strange. When Wu Gang learned that the devil who was about to retreat suddenly regained his energy, he knew that the devil might still want to fight, so he immediately made arrangements.

And let someone tell Yang Fei.

After Yang Fei found out, he laughed immediately. He guessed that this must be because the devils wanted to give them another shot after they retreated. Well, you can come, but don't think too much about getting out when you come!

After finishing speaking, Yang Fei immediately sent a message to Wu Qi who was on the mountain, and asked him to quietly lead people around from the side. If the devils dare to attack at a distance of 30 meters, well, then completely surround them and make them pay a painful price. cost.

These days, Yang Fei really felt that they were playing a bit useless, they were just passively defending, and the devil should be arrogant, but after a few days, he found that the devil was not arrogant, but a little demoralized, although he didn't know what happened inside. What, but it is certain that the devil's offensive setback has affected morale.

This is also just right, with Yang Fei's personality, he is definitely not the one who suffers, taking advantage of your illness to kill you.

Sure enough, Rukawa Siying quickly temporarily raised the morale, and then Mining Qiuye Sixi immediately led the attack, still covered by mortars and heavy machine guns, just to boost morale, at least let their soldiers get closer to the Eighth Route Army's defense line A little bit, if it goes well, they will be more likely to start hand-to-hand combat with the Eighth Route Army. For devils, hand-to-hand combat is well-trained.

Full of confidence, Rukawa Siying also swept away the previous depression, and became high-profile. The mortar shells had to be fired, and the heavy machine gun bullets had to be used up. Anyway, it was necessary to suppress the firepower of the Eighth Route Army, even at a distance of 30 meters. If you crawl over the place where you are, you will have to completely break into their defense line!

The battle is imminent.The Eighth Route Army has already made preparations, and the bullets and grenades are also placed in front of them!

After the devil fired the shells, the full-scale attack began!
This is the last battle, if you don't succeed, you will be benevolent. Rukawa Siying dare not take it lightly, and he has never taken it lightly before, especially when dealing with the Eighth Route Army.

"Da da da!"


"Da da da!"


Such a sound shook the ground of Jiahe Town. The slight vibration made the roof of Li Jiguang's command room shake and dust fell.

The Eighth Route Army is very familiar with this kind of regular artillery attack, and it never changes. There is always a time when you stop fire, and if you want to stop fire, well, that is your death date.

Just when Xi Cangliu received the order to take over Dongjingku's attack, he suddenly heard the sound of gunfire, and he frowned, "Bagayalu, who gave Dongjingku the order to fight, this guy, Are there not many people who still hate death? This trash!"

Xi Cangliu finished his roar, and then laughed, "Alright, let you attack, I will find a way to attack from other places, there will always be a time when you are tired of coping, thinking about fighting for so long, the number of neighbors' heads is also The sharp decline, in this way, created the conditions for him to win for Xi Cangliu.

Immediately, he ordered Captain Asada Taro to quickly lead his troops to the front to check the enemy's situation, ordered Captain Oda Kawaguchi to lead his troops to Hongchang Village to take over the defense, and then ordered Kimura Arashi to lead his troops to station at the foot of the mountain to prevent the Eighth Route Army from coming down from the mountain. Attack Toiku's troops.

It can be said that there is no problem with the deployment of Nishigura-ryu. Compared with Higashii Kuro, he is much smarter. He can think of how to fight a war. It should not be limited to the ability of a captain. If the leader has no choice, he is It is impossible to lead many people.

Thinking of this, Nishicangliu is full of confidence. Compared with Toiku's gambler, his Nishicangliu relies more on the manifestation of strength.

Speaking of Rukawa Siying, his artillery fire is indeed a lot sharper. Since it is daytime, the field of vision is wider and he can hit the target more accurately.

Therefore, the losses of the Eighth Route Army can be described as not small.

Especially the Eighth Route Army soldiers in the trenches, they were most obviously attacked.

Wu Gang saw his soldiers seriously injured or even died in the trench, he frowned anxiously, "Damn it, this little devil is here now, I want you to know that you can't beat the Eighth Route Army to death !"

Gradually, the devil's firepower advantage reached the extreme, and the devil quickly reached the 30-meter place. They Akiba Yoshiki immediately ordered some people to throw grenades towards the trench. On the other hand, they also quickly sent people across the trench to Forcibly captured the defense line of the Eighth Route Army in front. On the other hand, in order to attack the Eighth Route Army on the left and right, he also quickly downgraded and aimed his heavy machine guns at the left and right sides. As long as the Eighth Route Army showed its head, it would definitely be hit.

This move really made the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army suffer a lot. The devil smoothly crossed the ditch and entered the wide flat ground. The Eighth Route Army on both sides quickly came forward to attack. However, the devil's heavy machine guns quickly fired over. The sound quickly overwhelmed what should have been the gunshots of Eighth Route Army soldiers.

Suddenly, a row of Eighth Route Army soldiers died and fell to the ground.

When Wu Gang saw it, he immediately shouted, "Come on, kill that devil's heavy machine gunner for me, hurry up!"

The Eighth Route Army soldiers on the first line of defense braved the devil's fire and thunder. They knew that the devil was coming. If they really came, it would not be a wise choice to fight bayonet with them!A platoon leader gritted his teeth, "Comrades, the devils are the last of their strength. We will sacrifice our lives for the sake of the country and the nation. Rise up and fight back!"

Give an order, brave the devil's guns and bullets, the Eighth Route Army soldiers bravely start fighting the devil!

"Da da da!"

The heavy machine guns were unceremoniously suppressed on the side of the trench, and those Eighth Route Army soldiers who had just emerged were knocked to the ground.

With fire in his long eyes, he picked up a grenade, "Damn it, today either you die or I die!"

After speaking, he threw a grenade into the distance.

With a sound of "Boom!", the grenade landed right in front of the devil's heavy machine gun impartially, and immediately, the devil and the heavy machine gun were scattered on the ground.

"Grenade, devils are coming!" A row of leaders roared, and the soldiers threw grenades towards the wide open space, "Boom!"



At this time, the little devils didn't retreat anymore, and they didn't have the same timidity as before. They knew that if they finally got here, if they retreated, they might attack again or die!

Even so, it's better to take a gamble, yes, take a gamble!
The heavy machine guns on both sides fired at the Eighth Route Army soldiers on both sides, but they didn't see the Eighth Route Army, and their bullets didn't stop. They suppressed the Eighth Route Army soldiers who wanted to stand out!

If you want to hit the heavy machine guns, you must see them from a place where you can see them. Of course Wu Gang understands, "Four rows, four rows, four rows long!"

The fourth platoon ran over, "Company commander!"

"Now, the task of your platoon is to use your firepower to suppress the devil's firepower, do you have confidence!"

Wu Gang asked loudly.

"Company commander, the opponent is a heavy machine gun, we are all rifles!"

The fourth platoon leader said.

"What I'm asking is whether you can suppress it. If you can't suppress it, I will dismiss you from my post now. From now on, I will clean the toilet for me!" Wu Gang cursed loudly.

"Yes, I can!" The fourth platoon leader said quickly.

"Since you can, then hurry up, don't dawdle in front of me, now a row is in danger, it is your unshirkable duty to rescue your comrades, hurry up!"

Wu Gang shouted loudly.

"Yes!" The leader of the fourth platoon shouted, turning his head to look at the soldiers in the fourth platoon. ,rush!"

After finishing speaking, the fourth row was like a group of wild wolves in captivity. When the fence was opened, they howled and rushed over. There was only one light machine gun in the fourth row. This light machine gun was captured by them, and Wu Gang let them have it .This light machine gun has become the most important battle Wuqi!

A row of leaders roared, and their sudden appearance shocked the devils, but they pulled the trigger unhurriedly, and the bullets shot out one by one, "Kill, kill!"

"Da da da!"

Soldiers of the Eighth Route Army charged over, they yelled loudly.

When the leader of the platoon heard that someone was coming for support, the pressure was relieved a lot, "Comrades, our friendly troops are here to support us. Since the devils dare to play by the meat grinder, we will let them all die here. Squad [-], aim the heavy machine gun and shoot at me, Squad [-], Squad [-], Squad [-], Squad [-], how many people are there for me, now, we are going to die with the devils, let them know that our Eighth Route Army is not easy to mess with !"

After finishing speaking, all the people in the row got out of the trench, and the soldiers in the first row fired at the heavy machine gun, and all the people in the remaining row crossed the trench, loaded bayonets, and fought with the devils who entered the wide area. Start fighting!

Fight the bayonet, ha ha, who is afraid of whom!
Originally, Dong Jingku, who was watching with a telescope in the distance, was overwhelmed with emotion. Their imperial army was about to occupy that line of defense. For an hour, he absolutely won the defense line of the Eighth Route Army. He was full of confidence, his heart was surging, he was so happy, he even forgot his own name, he was so happy!

However, the number of the devil's team is still a little thin, even though it looks like it is about to win, but in a blink of an eye, so many desperate Eighth Route Army rushed out of the trenches, they are like wild wolves, and start to fight Blame biting!

Dongjing was stunned, he was stunned, he didn't know that the Eighth Route Army dared to take the initiative to use bayonets!They are courting death, aren't they?
No, the battle is not over, which means you can't send a telegram to Xiao Juguang. He turned around, "Have you sent the telegram? Don't send it!"

"Report to Your Excellency, the telegram has just been sent!"

"Nani?" Dong Jingku squatted there all of a sudden, "Now, immediately order Guidao Sanlang and Aoba Jun's people to come over to support, and we must take down Jiahe Town. How dare the Eighth Route Army dispatch so many people? Look! Come and show your cards!"


The order was issued, but now Dong Jingku is somewhat regretful, why didn't he gather everyone here, since he wanted to take down Jiahe Town in one fell swoop, without Guidao Sanlang and Aoba Jun, what would they do? beat?
The Eighth Route Army don’t want their lives. They really don’t want their lives. At first, the devils didn’t want their lives. However, facing the wolf-like Eighth Route Army, they were still invincible. , However, their strength is very strong, a bayonet pierced in, can definitely penetrate a devil's body.

Stab, kick, draw out the bayonet, and continue to assassinate!

The Eighth Route Army used their bodies to block the devil's firepower, and used their absolute superiority in numbers to make the devil completely tremble with fear. They suddenly understood that this is not fatal, this is absolutely fatal!
Just when the heavy machine gun devil was stunned, a bullet hit him in the head!Then fell down heavily.However, this is not the end. Most of these veterans are veterans with battlefield experience. They know that if a devil falls, the devil responsible for loading ammunition will become a machine gunner!
An Eighth Route Army soldier immediately took out a grenade and rushed towards the heavy machine gun!
Sure enough, the devil who was in charge of loading the ammunition immediately started to shoot with a heavy machine gun, and one devil started to load the ammunition!
"Da da da!" The voice started to sound again.

The soldier who charged over was not afraid of death, he had a ferocious face, as long as the heavy machine gun was still there, it would cause even greater harm to them, so the heavy machine gun must be blown up!
However, the devil's bullets were aimed at them, and dozens of bullets hit the Eighth Route Army soldier's body. At this moment, the Eighth Route Army soldier pulled out the fuse and jumped towards the heavy machine gun!

"Bagaya Road! Kill!"

"Da da da"

Bullets kept firing at the soldier, "Ah!"

Before the two devils had time to escape, the soldier's body fell down in front of the heavy machine gun, blue smoke rose from the fuse, and suddenly, "Boom!" It exploded!
The heavy machine gun fell apart and became several scattered parts, and the two devils were killed on the spot!
"Kill! Kill!"

The fourth platoon, which was originally intended to retreat after suppressing the firepower, had already forgotten their mission at this time, and their casualties were too many. However, the fourth platoon leader saw a platoon charging. A row will affect morale, no, then you have to fight!

The fourth platoon leader pointed to the ditch ahead, "The devil is there, throw grenades into it for me! The soldiers put bayonets on my rifles, and I can fight hand-to-hand with the devil at any time!"


After finishing speaking, the soldiers in the fourth row charged directly to the trench!
The soldiers in the first row had already started hand-to-hand combat with those devils, and the third row also joined the battle at this time. The fourth row suppressed the firepower, but the third row had a chance to kill the devil's machine gunners, but the fourth row seized the opportunity. It can’t be still there, anyway, it’s all red-eyed now, “Comrades, the soldiers in the fourth row have sacrificed so many people, and have pulled out the devil’s heavy machine gun. Now charge me, charge!”

Three rows of soldiers came out from the cover and rushed to the battlefield!
What kind of battlefield is this, with such a great charm? What kind of attraction does this have, which can make Eighth Route Army soldiers risk their lives here?




Soldiers of the Eighth Route Army brandished bayonets and fought with the devils. The devils were quickly surrounded. When they saw the flesh of their hands, they turned into hungry wolves. The platoon leader immediately asked people to suppress the surrendered devils, and then led the people to rush towards the trench!

At this time, Akiba Sixi was hiding in the trench, he...forgot to give the order to retreat at this moment, and those devils were frightened, "Little Captain, what should we do now? The Eighth Route Army is coming!"

"Nani? So fast?" Qiuye Sixi looked up, and sure enough, the Eighth Route Army had charged over, "What are you waiting for, retreat, retreat, the Eighth Route Army counterattacked, counterattacked!"

The high morale suddenly loosened. When they heard that they were going to retreat, the devils in the back row ran away first. They didn't want to die. In this troubled world, you can survive, this is luck!

"Kill! Kill!"

When the fourth row saw the devils running away, it was extremely excited. The third row saw that the fourth row was still charging, and wanted to kill a few more devils. Shoot, shoot me!"




If the back is given to the Eighth Route Army, don't blame them for not killing their spirit!

The fourth battalion and one company used all their forces to suppress the devils' firepower and won the greatest victory in the defensive battle. Seeing the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army rushing towards the devils' defense line of Hongchang Village like hungry wolves, Wu Gang immediately gave an order, I want everyone to withdraw, worrying that they will encounter an ambush!
However, the Eighth Route Army at this time seemed to be disobedient to the command. They killed the devils when they saw them, and chopped them down when they saw them!
"Platoon leader, I caught a devil's squad leader!"

When the first platoon leader heard this, he was overjoyed, "There is still such a good thing? Then catch him and hand it over to the company commander. Now I see him in four rows and three rows as if he is going to take down Hongchang Village. Okay, then we Let's work together to take down Hongchang Village and rub the devil's spirit!"


Obviously, Qiuye Sixi was captured. He was so useless that he couldn't outrun ordinary soldiers.

This is also life, if he escapes, he will die!

When Qiuye Sixi was brought in front of Wu Gang, Qiuye Sixi's legs went limp, "Spare me, spare me!"

"Hehe, is this the future of the devil? Don't worry, if I don't kill the prisoners, I will hand you over to our commander. If he wants you to die, you will die!"

After finishing speaking, Wu Gang asked someone to hand him over to Yang Fei. What he was worried about now was not the military exploits, but that his company seemed to want to occupy Hongchang Village. Since the order could not be issued, "Okay, Just let the soldiers occupy Hongchang Village, aren't they stationed there? Then kill, then kill!" He personally led the guard squad and killed Hongchang Village.

At this time, Hongchang Village went crazy!
Originally they had the advantage, how did they suddenly turn from a tailwind to a headwind?How did they fail so quickly?

Also, I thought that the Eighth Route Army would not dare to come out. At this moment, why did they really drive out? Are they really not afraid of death?
The most helpless thing is him, Rukawa Siying. He clearly knows that this kind of morale is originally a temporary increase. He also knows that once encountering setbacks, morale will definitely drop, and the decline will be very fast. , Their active attack turned into a passive escape, which is really funny, he has never encountered such a battle!
This is his shame!

Why?Why didn't Dongjingku listen to the advice?

Why did Toiku insist on going his own way?Use his position to suppress him?

Today, it seems to be dead!
He pulled out the command knife at his waist, wanting to fight to the death with the Eighth Route Army. Even if there are less than 50 soldiers from the empire around him, he still wants to fight. Fighting to the last moment, he is not afraid of death!

Just when he was ready to dedicate himself to the empire, Toi Kuro sent someone to bring the news!

"Captain Rukawa Siying, Major Higashii Kuro ordered you to guard Hongchang Village! Provide effective evacuation time for Your Excellency Major and other civilian personnel!"

This order made Rukawa Siying really angry!
He is not afraid of death, but someone does not want him to live!He Rukawa Siying had never been afraid of anything on the battlefield in his life.

He sneered, "Hehehe, I'm already ready to die in battle. A commander, at this moment, is actually thinking of running away. It's hard to make a big deal. Now, I'm going to die, so I'm going to scold Dong Jingku is so incompetent and stupid! Lizi, it's not enough!"

He spoke in a loud voice, which shocked the devil who delivered the news. No one knows that Rukawa Siying could not turn the tide by himself after such a long battle. I am afraid that Dongjing Kuo has died many times, but, Dong Jingku has always attributed it to his good luck, and has always been unwilling to admit that Rukawa Siying is very capable.

I've already given up, so what are you talking about?
"The front is Hongchang Village, comrades, let's charge, take Hongchang Village, report to the regimental commander, and report to the brigade commander!" The fourth platoon charged ahead first, and naturally the fourth platoon leader was also very happy!

The third row followed closely behind, also speeding up the pace!

too many people
Too much!They can't help it.

The more than 50 people were frightened, "Captain, there are too many people!"

"Yeah, there are too many people, shall we stick to it?"

"If you stick to it, you will definitely fail! You will definitely!"

"Don't be nervous!" Rukawa Siying said coldly, "There is a saying in China, death is either heavier than Mount Tai, or lighter than a feather, we are all for the victory of the empire, that is the end of Mount Tai, don't be afraid, His Majesty the Emperor Will prove everything!"

After finishing speaking, Rukawa Siying shouted, "Shoot, shoot!"

"Da da da!"



The firing of fifty imperial soldiers' bullets was no pain to the Eighth Route Army, but with so many people rushing up in one go, the defense line was quickly disrupted.

Many of those 50 people were shot to death. In the end, only Rukawa Siying and a few people around him were left!
They huddled together, pointing guns at each other!




The Eighth Route Army soldiers shouted loudly!


Rukawa Siying shouted, "Surrender is impossible, if you want to enter Hongchang Village, then step over my dead body!"

"Fulfill you!" The fourth platoon leader roared loudly, and hit Rukawa Siying's body with one shot!
He fell down, and several soldiers around him immediately shouted, "Kill!"



A few short gunshots, it's all over!
"Enter Hongchang Village and see if there are any other people!"

Order the fourth platoon leader!The soldiers all rushed into Hongchang Village!

Seeing that Hongchang Village had been occupied by the first row, the leader of the first row immediately ordered the soldiers to go west to check for ambushes, and the third row also quickly ordered to go east to check if there were any enemies around!

Everything is in order, and the enemies who have besieged them for so long are finally eliminated, and it is a big victory, how can they be unhappy?

In this way, the fourth platoon leader rushed into Hongchang Village with his people. There were no devils in Hongchang Village. They retreated in a hurry, and they didn't even have time to take away a lot of supplies. There are a lot of mortars, a lot of ammunition, and even food!

Isn't this like getting rich?

The fourth platoon leader laughed loudly, "Come here, find someone, and take back all the things here! I didn't expect that there would be a surprise!"


Give an order, and everyone in the fourth row came to carry things. Anyway, they carried their hands and shoulders. Everyone was very happy. There are so many things, enough to fight for a while.

At this time, Wu Gang came, and he was also very happy to see so many things. Although they won this battle, they also exposed their shortcomings, that is, the lack of weapons and ammunition. Here, there are The devil's weapons and ammunition, as well as the devil's food, canned fish, and canned beef, this solved the urgent need!
"Damn it, today is like a way to get rich!"

After finishing speaking, Wu Gang shouted, "Security squad, don't be dazed, quickly give me your hand, and quickly move the things away, the devils have retreated, and someone will come, everyone hurry up!"

The people in the guard class also joined the ranks of carrying.

It took more than an hour to carry these things.However, the good times didn't last long, and someone from the third row immediately ran over, "Company commander, company commander, devils have been found in the west, and they are coming to Hongchang Village!"

Upon hearing this, Wu Gang immediately asked, "About how many people are there?"

"About three to four hundred people!"

The visitor immediately said

"It's really fast. However, we will finish moving soon. Tell your platoon leaders immediately and let them guard first. When the things are moved, they will retreat immediately. Don't fight with the devils anxiously. Play by ear. If you can't beat it, hurry up." Retreat to Jiahe Town!" Wu Gang shouted.


The soldier hurried away after speaking.

"Guards, immediately notify the leader of the first platoon and let them go west quickly to support the third platoon!" Wu Gang ordered again.


Even though it may seem rushed, everything is in order.

After Wu Gang and the others and the fourth row retreated with their belongings, the first row and the third row also slowly retreated back.

In this battle, the Eighth Route Army wiped out a brigade of devils, captured a small captain, and killed a large captain. Similarly, the Eighth Route Army sacrificed about 200 soldiers.

With the support of these strategic materials, they seem to be able to quickly return to the state in front of the station.

It is true that one general will succeed and ten thousand bones will dry up.

When the leaders of Xi Cangliu rushed over, the Eighth Route Army had already retreated. He was thinking of fighting the Eighth Route Army, but he found that the Eighth Route Army didn't want to fight them, and they all retreated to Jiahe Town. People immediately invaded Hongchang Village and found that the village was empty. It seemed that many supplies had been removed.

"Bagaya Road, Dong Jingku is an idiot. He can't even beat the Eighth Route Army. He volunteered to make me change from the main attack to the secondary attack. Shame, great shame! Hurry up and tell Colonel Xiao Juguang, just say Hongchang Village We have succeeded in attacking Dongjingku, who suffered heavy losses and lost all strategic materials!" At this time, Xi Cangliu didn't give him a chance at all, and throwing stones into the well was the best punishment for him.

Hongchang Village was once again occupied by devils. For the Eighth Route Army, everything had returned to the state before the station.

The previous victories can only be reclassified to zero. If you want to win, you have to stick to the defensive battle.


For Yang Fei, being able to hold on for such a few days is already very powerful. It can be said that the strategic level has been achieved, and they still guarantee that the position will not be lost.

So many weapons and ammunition, as well as food, are more than compensation for the loss of many soldiers.

Yang Fei personally ordered that the Fourth Battalion and the First Company allocated five machine guns, five mortars, and ammunition to the seized materials.For Wu Gang, these things are already a lot!
Yang Fei was happy, so naturally someone was not happy, and that was the Xiaojuguang Division. In just a few days, they lost a brigade all at once, leaving no room for his old face.

I just received news that Dongjing Ku successfully captured the Eighth Route Army's defense line. Not long after, I received Xi Cangliu saying that he had reoccupied Hongchang Village, and that Dongjing Ku had suffered heavy losses. There is no doubt that this Dongjing Ku was that No one knows better than Xiao Juguang what level he is in when he loses the battle.

He pushed the table in a fit of anger, "Bagaya Road, if Dong Jingku comes back in a hurry, bring her to see me!"

Although he was angry, he had a feeling that he wanted to kill Dongjing Ku, but he also understood that the Dongjing family was not something he, Xiao Juguang, could shake. There will be no good fruit to eat.

Sure enough, when it was getting late, Higashii Ku came back in a state of embarrassment, and the ghost Saburo and Aoba Jun who were in charge of supporting them met Higashi Koro who had fled on the way, so they went back together with Higashii Kuo.

They were all dejected and embarrassed like widowed spouses.

"Report, Master Dongjing Ku is here!" After finishing speaking, Xiao Juguang frowned, "Hehe, here he is, let him in!"


Dong Jingku came in, bowed his head, and then remained silent.

Xiao Juguang slowly came up to him, and suddenly raised her hand and slapped him, "Pa", the sound was absolutely loud, and the ghost standing at the door couldn't help shivering when he heard it.

"Dong Jingku!" Xiao Juguang squinted his eyes and looked at him. He wished that this person died in battle, and their division lost one idiot. All the times came alive.

"Your Excellency!" Dong Jingku didn't dare to resist. Even though he had the family advantage, he was defeated. If he couldn't even slap him, how could the family members help him?
"Do you have the ability to attack the Eighth Route Army's Jiahe Town without obeying the order? If so, you should have taken Jiahe Town a long time ago, instead of attacking at the end of your rage! Where are you, Yang? How many soldiers and horses were lost in this battle?" Xiao Juguang actually knew, but he just wanted to ask Dong Jingku so that Dong Jingku himself would feel ashamed.

"Report to Colonel Xiao Juguang, we... lost a brigade!" Dong Jingku lowered his head, ready to be beaten by Xiao Juguang again.

However, Xiao Juguang didn't make a move. He put his hands behind his back and looked at the incompetent Higashii Kuro, "Where's Rukawa Siying?"

"Probably... captured... or died in battle!" Toi Ku said.

Xiao Juguang closed his eyes, his heart was up and down, he understood that in Dongjingku, the most capable person was him Rukawa Siying, and it was impossible to accept the reality of being captured or not being killed. , Rukawa Siying is the God of War. Although his position is not high, he has always wanted to be promoted, but he has never had a chance. Unexpectedly, he was tricked by this idiot Toi Ku. This is really a shame.

"Your Excellency, Major, I hope to attack the Eighth Route Army again. I guarantee that this time, Jiahe Town will be taken!" Dong Jingku said.

"I won't bother you with such a small matter, okay? I'll leave this matter to Nishicang Liu!" Xiao Juguang said.


How could it be that Dong Jingku didn't know that Xiao Juguang was making fun of him, he deserved it, and he couldn't blame anyone else.However, this also means that he has not accomplished an inch, and he will sit on the bench in the future!

"Your Excellency, Major, I hope to make meritorious deeds!" Toi Ku was still fighting.

"Do you want to make meritorious service?" Xiao Juguang asked, looking at him with her hands behind her back.

"Yes, I want to make meritorious service!" Dong Jingku said with his head down.

"Okay, so, you go west now and occupy Sihuai Township first! Prepare for the future battle, understand?" Xiao Juguang asked.

Dong Jingku was surprised, now they are mainly attacking Jiahe Town and Jianbi Town, and asked him to go to Sihuai Township, but what does it mean?Isn't it still sitting on the bench?
He didn't quite understand it, and he didn't need to understand it. Even if he understood it, he couldn't do it well. This is what Xiao Juguang meant.

"Why? Don't you want to go?" Xiao Juguang asked.

"No, no, no, I will definitely occupy Sihuai Township!" Dong Jingku said hastily.

"Sihuai Township can be occupied almost without your troops. Now that Sihuai Township has no people, it's just an empty town. Your soldiers and horses should be stationed there!" Xiao Juguang said.

"Hi!" Higashii Ku immediately shouted.

"Go, complete this task, and I can also give you a credit!" Xiao Juguang said lightly.

"Ha Yi, but, Your Excellency, I have an unfeeling request!" Dong Jingku said.

"Oh? Tell me, what's the matter?" Xiao Juguang didn't know what Dongjingku was going to do, so she could only listen with her ears sideways.

"I failed in the battle... in Hongchang Village, and the strategic materials... were all discarded there. I wondered, can Commander Xiao Jugang distribute some weapons, ammunition and food to me?"

Dong Jingku also had the nerve to ask for it. It stands to reason that Xiao Juguang didn't care about him at all and let him figure out a way for himself. Xiao Juguang's name will be remembered by the Dongjing family.

Xiao Juguang gritted his teeth tightly. You know, he doesn't have enough food now, and a lot of food needs to be brought from Shencheng, and the transportation along the way is not smooth!

"Okay, I can give you things. However, when you occupied Sihuai Township, the Watcher Railway, which is important, can do this. I will give you as much food, weapons and ammunition as you want!" Xiao Juguang said.

"Don't worry, Xiao Juguang, I will definitely remember!" Toi Ku said.

As soon as Xiao Juguang waved his hand, Dongjing left with a sense of humor.

"Bagayalu, Dongjingku, you are really an idiot!" Xiao Juguang closed his eyes, and cursed.


In fact, as soon as the battle in Jiahe Town broke out, Xiaoshiro's three battles against Jianbi Town began. Jiang Ying's meaning is very clear, that is, to let them support each other. Once one side has the possibility of attacking and winning, then the other side will To join the past.

However, Jiang Ying thought very well, but in reality, Koshiro Yamabe and Xiao Juguang are as clear-cut as the well water does not interfere with the river water.

Similarly, Koshiro Yamabe also gained nothing when he attacked Jianbi Town, but Koshiro Yamabe's gain of nothing is definitely not as incompetent as Ku Toi, and his losses are smaller.

On this day, when Koshiro Yamabe heard that the main attacking force was eaten by the Eighth Route Army!He immediately burst out laughing, "The Xiaojuguang Division is nothing more than that. It is impossible for them to form a force here. Now, it depends on the results of our battle in Jianbi Town!"

"Masao Koban!" Shouted Koshiro Yamabe.

Xiao Ban Masao immediately stepped out, "Ha Yi!"

"Now, I order you to take your people to find a way to break into Jianbi Town immediately! No matter what method is used, we will not hesitate to mention the previous failures, but what we want now is results, results!" Shan Bian Koshiro said.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will definitely complete the task!" Xiaoban Masao said.

"Ankang Ishida!" Shouted Koshiro Yamabe.

"Hai!" Ishida Ankang immediately stepped out.

"Now, your people are going to serve as a secondary attack from the west of Jianbi Town. If you think of a way, you must attract some ideas from the Eighth Route Army. If you pretend to be true, it is also false. If you are false, it is not necessarily a secondary attack. When you see an opportunity, you can take advantage of it. But they will be wiped out in one fell swoop!" Said Koshiro Yamabe.

"Ha Yi, please rest assured, Your Majesty, the task must be completed!" Ishida Ankang also roared.

"Very good, now, let's all go! If you have any difficulties, please tell me in time! If I can help, I will definitely help!" Said Koshiro Yamabe.


Immediately afterwards, Xiaoban Zhengxiong headed for Jianbi Town with a part of the team.

Jianbi Town, as the name suggests, has solid walls. In fact, this is just a literal translation. If it is replaced by a nice Mingzi, it can be called Jintang Town!
Hehe, but Mingzi can't change it casually. In short, Jianbi Town is difficult to succeed, and the difficulty lies in the woods outside Jianbi Town. The woods are easy to enter, but every morning there will be miasma in the forest, which is very harmful to people, so , Masao Xiaoban had to think about this issue positively!
"Captain Inagaki Yasho, what method do you think we should take to attack Jianbi Town! You also know that the miasma generated in the forest outside Jianbi Town has killed seven or eighty of us every morning. So many people are really There are too many, for today's meeting, His Majesty the Chief Commander told us to take down Jianbi Town, I'm afraid the higher-ups will be chasing him closely!" Masao Kobata said while looking at Yasuo Inagaki.

"Your Excellency, Major, I think that since the forest will produce miasma in the morning, why don't we burn that forest, so that the fire seems to have an impact on Jianbi Town. At that time, we can successfully attack Jianbi Town. It's broken!" Inagaki Yasuo said.

"Well, that makes sense! In this case, then you are responsible for this matter! Go now and burn that forest. Even if the Eighth Route Army in Jianbi Town is defending, we can still exert the power of our shells!" Xiaoban Zhengxiong said .


After speaking, Inagaki Yasuo left.

After he left, Mrs. Andalu said, "Your Majesty, I think that since the attack is not successful in the morning, we should change it to [-] noon. In this way, we don't have to burn down the forest, and we can also attack Jianbi Town. In time, Even if Jianbi Town is impenetrable, it will be captured by our Great Japanese Empire!"

"Captain Anda, I have considered what you said, but fighting the Eighth Route Army is not something that happens overnight, but for a long time. The Eighth Route Army is not easy to fight!" Xiaoban Zhengxiong's consciousness Undoubtedly correct.

"So, if the forest is burned, our chances will be even greater! Jianbi Town is surrounded by forests, and the woods are dense. It is indeed a safety hazard for us to go in. Therefore, what we have to face now is Jianbi. Town, if the forest is gone, we can find another way out!" Xiaoban Zhengxiong said.

"Good regards, Your Excellency the Major!"

It is said that Yasuo Inagaki brought people to the forest outside Jianbi Town, and immediately ordered Takashima Togawa to prepare gasoline and plan to burn the forest.

Gasoline was ready and sprinkled along the road!
And Liu Ji in Jianbi Town heard that the devils scattered gasoline in the forest, and he felt uneasy. It's not easy to guard!"

"Battalion Commander, don't worry, I heard from fellow villagers that this forest has never been on fire!" Feng Chunqiu said immediately.

"This is gasoline, and it will burn at one o'clock. How can there be no reason for the forest not to burn?" Liu Ji asked.

"Battalion Commander, I heard from my fellow villagers that there are some strange trees in the forest outside Jianbi Town. If these trees encounter an open fire, they will bleed water from the ends of the leaves, so as to avoid fire!" Feng Chunqiu said.

"There is such a thing?" Liu Ji felt a little unbelievable.

"I haven't seen it, but Battalion Commander, we can see if it is what the fellow said. If it is, our Jianbi Town will be safe. If it is not, we have to send troops to fight the devils." A head-on duel!" Feng Chunqiu said.

"Okay, now you immediately take your company and defend outside Jianbi Town. Haven't you already made a fortification? Then guard it well. If there is any danger or the woods catch fire, you should come back quickly!" Liu said. set said.

"Battalion Commander, please don't worry, I assure you, people are on the ground!" After finishing speaking, Feng Chunqiu went out the door!
(End of this chapter)

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