Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2780 A proud group of people

Chapter 2780 Proud group of people

Feng Chunqiu and his men prepared an ambush on the outskirts of Jianbi Town. Firstly, he was afraid that the devils would come in. Second, he wanted to closely monitor the devils' every move.

The forest outside Jianbi Town is indeed an obstacle for many people, because with the existence of this forest, Jianbi Town seems like a paradise. On the other hand, for the attacking devils, it is urgent to open this gap. If this gap is opened, even if Jiahe Town cannot be taken, the place outside Jianbi Town will definitely become an occupation area for the devils, so they can go around from the rear and reach Nanxiang, and then the Eighth Route Army will be in crisis!

This is exactly what Jiang Ying thought.

Xiaoban Zhengxiong set up a simple tent outside the forest, watched all the gasoline being sprinkled, and became happy. Once the fire started, the forest would be wiped out, and then threatened the defenders of Jianbi Town. Things that get twice the result with half the effort.

Masao Koban, who thought of this, gave this opportunity to Yasuo Inagaki.

And Yasuo Inagaki did not expect such a good thing to come to him so easily, "Masao Xiaoban, please rest assured that our mountain division will definitely become a sharp knife and go smoothly in the land of Hexi Take a hole and add the last chip to the cause of the empire!"

"Very good, don't worry if you take me. I'll serve fine wine here. When the fire starts, you can come. After drinking together, you can take down Jianbi Town in one fell swoop. You've also heard that Jiahe Town's The Eighth Route Army has already dispersed one-third of Toiku's troops, this is our opportunity, and it is also the opportunity of Colonel Yamabe!" Masao Kobata said.

"Hi!" After finishing speaking, Inagaki Yasuo led the people there.

The smell of gasoline is very strong, and due to the dense forest, this smell will not go away for a while.

He raised his hand, and Takashima Togawa was holding many torches. Although it was daytime, it was still scary to look at.

"Hahahaha, the Eighth Route Army is finished. If a fire can burn down Jianbi Town, you and I will be doing a great job!" Inagaki Yasuo finished speaking, and put his hand away, "Light the fire!"

With a loud roar from him, many torches were thrown directly towards the forest!

With the assist of gasoline, all of a sudden, the flames rose very high, with thick smoke rising, and the flames soared upwards.

This forced Inagaki Yasuo to take two steps back. Seeing the fire gradually rising, he said with a smile, "Captain Takashima Togawa, I will leave this to you. This forest will last for at least two days!"

"Captain Inagaki Yasho, please rest assured, I will personally observe!" Takashima Togawa said.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you here, I'm going back, Masao Itata, you're still waiting for me to drink!" After speaking, Inagaki Yasuo turned around and left!
After leaving, he still didn't forget to turn his head and look at it. The fire was stirring, as if he wanted to swallow everything here in one go, overbearing!

I have to be overbearing, for the cause of the empire, so what if I am a little overbearing?

Masao Itata in the tent had already drank twice. The Japanese sake has always been their favorite thing. Although this thing is common, it is not easy to drink sake in a state of war, and Masao Itata It also happened to have this opportunity to buy some in Shencheng.

The smell of wine permeated the tent, Xiaoban Zhengxiong was eating roast chicken and drinking some wine, as if he had already brought down Jianbi town with joy!
"Report, Captain Inagaki Yasho is here!"

"It seems that there is a fire, yes, yes, let him in!" Xiaoban Zhengxiong said.

When Yasuo Inagaki came in, Masao Koban asked him to sit on his knees, and then personally bought him a glass of wine, "Take Jianbi Town, it seems that this is the one action, all of them don't have any chances, go straight Surrender is the best option!"

"Your Excellency, Major, you are right. If the Eighth Route Army in Jianbi Town does not surrender, they will have to retreat to the south and fight to the death. In this way, the Eighth Route Army at the end of its strength will be even more captured by our imperial army!"

Inagaki Yasuo was also very happy, this really took down Jianbi Town without bloodshed!

At this time, the strong wind was blowing to the south, and the fire had been blowing to the south.

It was like a fire dragon, gathering a lot of small fires to become a giant dragon. It was coiled in the forest, and Rao Shao's body ignited the surrounding trees, making a "huhu" sound.

These voices were even more crisp, "Crack, click! Pop..."

Takashima Togawa sat on the spot and watched the fire going south, "As expected, this forest is over! Everything will come to an end. The places occupied by the Eighth Route Army are our territory after all. I would rather Don't let the dog stay, and don't let the Eighth Route Army get involved!"

Songshan Shizhu also nodded, "The captain is right, the Eighth Route Army is finished! In my opinion, such a huge fire will continue tomorrow. At that time, we only need to wait until the forest is scorched, and then we can launch an attack! "

"Captain Songshan Shizhu, do you want to take the lead?" Takashima Togawa asked!
"Of course, it is my lifelong wish to be loyal to the empire, and please Captain Takashima Togawa to fulfill it!" Matsuyama Shizhu said.

"Okay, you have to seize this opportunity, but you have to wait until the moment when the fire dies, and you have to lead people to bombard Jianbi Town, making Jianbi Town a dead town completely. I don't need any people, no lives There, you can just massacre everyone there!" Takashima Togawa smiled and looked at the Matsuyama Stone Pillar, obviously, he already thought that even if there were people stationed there, the Eighth Route Army inside would only have its last breath left!
"So, Captain Takashima Togawa, you let me take the lead?" Matsuyama Shizhu burst into laughter from ear to ear.

"What? You don't want to?"

"I think, of course I do! Thank you Captain Takashima Togawa for entrusting this task to me. I will definitely live up to the captain's prediction of the final situation. I must do my best to win Jianbi Town!" Matsuyama Shi Zhu said.

"Good! That's right, it's really good to have such an idea, but the first thing you need to do now is to prepare your armies, and when the fire disappears, you have to rush in!" Takashima Togawa said.

"Hayi!" Songshan Shizhu became happy!
"Since Your Excellency Major is drinking, you and I should not be idle. Come and sit down. I have a jug of wine here. Although it is not sake, it is also pure fine wine. Soldiers must drink such strong wine!"

After speaking, Takashima Togawa took out the jug and handed it directly to Matsuyama Shizhu.Songshan Shizhu picked up the jug and took a few sips from the mouth of the jug!

At the end of the forest was Feng Chunqiu's garrison, he hadn't felt the flames yet, but the thick smoke came over!

"Damn it, it's really going to burn the forest. I'm afraid the smell has already set the forest on fire!" Feng Chunqiu said.

"Company commander, what should we do, or should we retreat quickly?"

"Retreat?" Feng Chunqiu snorted, "The flames have not yet come, but the thick smoke has come, which means that the heavy rain last time has given life to the trees here. This is wet wood, and it may not be easy to light it! It's just that the choking smell of smoke is unbearable!"

At this time, a soldier ran over, "Company commander, company commander!"

"What's wrong? What information do you have?" Feng Chunqiu hurriedly asked!

"Company Commander, the devil really set fire to it, and there was really too much gasoline, take a look!"

After finishing speaking, the soldier asked them to look at his hands and face!
His hands and face were all black, and he complained, "It's all thanks to the gasoline!"

"Speak seriously!" Feng Chunqiu said.

"Company commander, the fire is coming. If I hadn't run fast just now, I might have been eaten by the fire!" said the soldier.

"Hehe!" Feng Chunqiu sneered, "This devil really wants to drive us all to extinction, but let's not talk about other nonsense. From now on, since there is a big fire, we can't put it out. Pass my order, now Let the soldiers dig a few tunnels, if we can't fight above, then go underground!"

"Company commander, this is a big project!" said a platoon leader.

"Hehe, the devil is also trying to kill us. Jianbi Town has a battalion commander who personally guards it. We must guard the outside now. We are afraid that if we can't hold it, Jianbi Town will not be able to defend it. In this way, Jianbi Town will be lost. We will not be able to complete the order of the head of the group. We have to find a way. Fortunately, it rained a few days ago, and the soil is soft, so it is not difficult to dig. If you want to survive, listen to me! Everyone in the company Dig a few interconnected tunnels for me, preferably one in Jianbi Town, and it must be completed in two days!" Feng Chunqiu gave a deadly order.

Everyone must obey, this is the command ability of the Eighth Route Army!

This matter reached Liu Ji's ears, and he thought it was a feasible solution. The fire could burn down the forest, but Jianbi Town is also a town with walls, and it is still difficult to burn down the town. Why don't you send a surprise soldier to the devils, so that the devils can taste the power of the Eighth Route Army? Thinking of this, Liu Ji quickly ordered Erlian out of the town to assist Feng Chunqiu in digging tunnels, and asked Sanlian to dig out at least three tunnels in the town. Pathway out of town.

Silian was responsible for guarding the town, so everyone took action.

The people in Jianbi Town saw the actions of the Eighth Route Army, and they all joined in. All of a sudden, thousands of people were digging tunnels at the same time. If they want to win, it is definitely not the best strategy to fight the devils. The most important!

At this time, an incredible scene is happening in the forest outside.

When that strange tree encountered a fire, its leaves quickly twitched, and the leaves squeezed out drops of water to protect the leaves, while the trunk seemed to be sweating profusely.protect the tree itself.

Even though some leaves could not withstand the attack of the fire and completely fell off, there were still many leaves surrounded one by one, resisting the fire with not much water.

One tree, two trees, three trees, and many trees are all like this. They form a big tree to contain the fire and prevent the fire from burning for a while.

When the fire encountered a bottleneck, it could only think about burning on both sides!Soon, some dead branches were burned, and burned towards the east and west sides.

This is a kind of spectacle, there has never been any big tree that can have such a skill!

However, this effect did not last long. After a few hours, a special tree could not withstand the fire, and finally the water ran out, and the leaves were dried and fell one by one, but Well, there are not only one or two trees like this in this forest, but there are many, dozens, hundreds of such trees!
They seem to be holding hands against the attack of the flames, using their bodies to drive away the fire!

The north wind, blowing over, encountered resistance, and headed towards the east and west sides. Although the southward attack was hindered, the ordinary trees on the east and west sides suffered.

When the animals encountered the fire, they fled towards the further forest!
The next day, the fire remained undiminished. However, with the help of all the soldiers and ordinary people, two tunnels were dug out. These two tunnels were directly passed from the inside of the town to the outside of the town, and the exits had already been set up. many!

Looking at his achievements, Feng Chunqiu firmly believed that as long as everyone worked together, defeating the devils would be easy.The entire company was divided into three batches, and each company was digging day and night!
"Comrades, we are not far from the final victory. If you persevere, we will be able to completely conquer the flames and the devils. From now on, our ancestors will trample the devils under their feet for generations, making us a complete nightmare for them." Feng Spring and Autumn inspires everyone's morale.

The soldiers also felt it this day. It is true that there is an unpleasant smell of smoke above, but there is no smell below. The smoke must rise upwards. How could they smell it below?To their surprise, one of the platoons dug a well when they were digging the tunnel, which meant that they were lying in ambush below, and there was no shortage of fresh water.

This is a good thing. If there is a fire, this well can also be used to extinguish the fire!

This is really good news. When Feng Chunqiu heard about it, he said happily, "See, God is helping us. If we lose this time, we will really be sorry to God! Comrades, work harder , Tomorrow, we can wipe out the devils again, let them understand that we are not easy to mess with!"


After all the soldiers shouted, they continued to dig tunnels. The forest was deep and the trees were tall. When they were digging, they touched many roots.

Compared with these difficulties, being besieged by devils, this is obviously a good way.

Soon, tunnels were dug one after another, and some tunnels even penetrated to the farthest forest, and some tunnels dug through the entire Jianbi Town and reached the mountain.This is no small achievement. They can attack when they advance, and they can defend when they retreat. It seems that this place has become the most important line of defense!

On the second day, the tunnel had been completely dug. In order to better attack the devils, the tunnel was finally repaired. Many openings were covered by trees and fallen leaves, forming a hidden space where they could kill in the dark. Devil, at a place 50 meters away from Jianbi Town, Feng Chunqiu uniquely arranged two heavy machine guns. As long as the devil dares to attack Jianbi Town, they will have to pay a brilliant price!
Seeing that the tunnel was dug, Liu Ji was also very happy. He asked the big guys to hide the tunnel in Jianbi Town, and then let the people go to Hanhou Township. Then you can let go and fight the devils.

Seeing this, Liu Ji sent people to report to Lin Zhonghu, saying that they had made the final arrangements and were waiting for the devils to come and fight them. After Lin Zhonghu received the news, he nodded, " Not bad, not bad, I didn't expect Liu Ji to have such ability!" After speaking, he called Ming Zi in.

As soon as Ming Zi came in, he hurriedly asked, "Brother, are you going to fight the devil?"

"Yes, but we won't take action lightly, Ming Zi, you take my personal soldiers to support now!" Lin Zhonghu said.

"What?" Ming Zi asked in surprise, "Brother, these soldiers will surround you safely. These 200 people are all extremely powerful in combat. Sending them over now, I'm afraid... they will be overqualified!"

"En?" Lin Zhonghu frowned, "What? My personal soldiers can only surround me? Can't kill the enemy? Besides, according to the meaning of the Eighth Route Army, these 200 people can't be called personal soldiers, they should be called guard company, guard company Going into battle to kill the enemy, I want to see if their names are blown out!"

"Brother, if you really want to fight devils, wouldn't it be better to let my [-] ride over? This guard company should not move, okay?"

Ming Zi looked at Lin Zhonghu and asked.

"Mingzi, your twenty cavalry is not used now, and Li Heng and the others should not be allowed to go now, and our whereabouts should not be revealed too early. This is also the intention of the brigade, but my guard company is different. There are not many people, let them go and beat the devils, and they can also be trained. Now the woods outside Jianbi Town are burned by fire. I think, tomorrow at the latest, the devils will come to attack. In such a critical moment, we will not Take action, I am worried about the safety of Jianbi Town, although he Liu Ji did not ask for help, but I understand that he meant to ask for help, I sent too many people, it is not good for the devils to find out, if you send your twenty cavalry , It's not what the brigade headquarters meant, so the guard company is the best! I asked you to take them with you temporarily, and it was after careful consideration!" Lin Zhonghu said.

Mingzi was in a dilemma, but he quickly nodded, "Brother, I can do whatever you want, but how do you deal with your safety?"

"My safety? Well, if you are worried, let your twenty ride beside me, and I will wait for you to come back!" Lin Zhonghu said.

"Brother, I can rest assured that there are twenty riders in that line, but, brother, where are we going?" Ming Zi asked.

"Let's go in the best direction. Once Liu Ji can defend Jianbi Town, the devils will definitely go east and go around the mountain to attack other places. Therefore, you take the guard company and lie in ambush on the mountain! Once Jianbi Even if the town is in danger, the guard company can go directly down the mountain to support! Mingzi, I entrust their lives to you, and you must take the lives of the devils as much as possible!" Lin Zhonghu said sternly.

"Brother, don't worry, I will definitely protect the guard company when Mingzi is here. Besides, the guard company's combat effectiveness is so strong. After so long, isn't their training method the same as that of the Eighth Route Army? They are familiar with it, and I am also familiar with it." Familiar, if you trust me, once you trust the guard company, I will settle this battle, and no one will fight me!" Ming Zi said.

"Okay, with your words, I feel relieved, let's go!"

Lin Zhonghu said.

"it is good!"

Akiko turned to leave, and then left.

Lin Zhonghu closed his eyes, thinking about the worst outcome of this battle!

The worst result is nothing more than the loss of Jianbi Town and Hanhou Township. They can still fight the devils. Generally speaking, the devils will lose and they will win. There is no suspense!

After they dug the tunnel on Liu Ji's side, Liu Ji asked everyone to rest, except for the necessary scouts and patrolling soldiers. There was going to be a war. It was hard to say whether Liu Ji could hold it, it was up to everyone.

Soon a soldier ran over, "Battalion Commander, Battalion Commander!"

Liu Ji looked at him, "Well, what's the matter, what does Lin Zhonghu mean?" In fact, it's not that Liu Ji didn't know that Yang Fei had specially called him to prevent him from asking Lin Zhonghu for help when defending Jianbi Town. Liu Ji didn't understand what it meant, but Liu Ji was really worried about this battle, so he asked people to find out what Lin Zhonghu said. happy.

Liu Ji's nervousness is not unreasonable. If Lin Zhonghu doesn't let people come, he has nothing to say. This is just following orders. If he sends people, then he can't let Yang Fei know. Got it, Liu Ji has only one head!

"Battalion Commander, when I came, Commander Lin called Ming Zi over!" said the soldier.

"Twenty cavalry? Does Lin Zhonghu want to send twenty cavalry?" Liu Ji questioned.

"I'm not sure about this, but then I saw the twenty cavalry go to Lin Zhonghu's headquarters!" The soldier said again.

"Twenty cavalry went to Lin Zhonghu's headquarters? It's unusual!" Liu Ji thought, and suddenly he saw something!

"No, he, Lin Zhonghu, will definitely bring people here. If Lin Zhonghu is going to fight this battle, he hasn't moved yet. It can only mean that Lin Zhonghu's troops have special arrangements. I'm asking him for help now, and I'm afraid the regiment leader will know about it. , will be punished!" Liu Ji finished thinking, then looked at the soldier, "Is there anything else:?"

"Battalion Commander, Twenty Cavalry is at their regiment headquarters, but their guard company has been transferred!" the soldier continued.

All of a sudden, he, Liu Ji, understood completely. Hey, it goes without saying that Lin Zhonghu must have sent his guard company here. Well, Lin Zhonghu is indeed wise. He knows what he can mobilize. Riding is not easy, and neither is his battalion. Those who can be mobilized without being discovered by the enemy are their guard companies. Lin Zhonghu, how good are you really!
Liu Ji smiled, then looked at the soldier, "Okay, go down and have a good rest!"


(End of this chapter)

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