Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2781 The Disappearance of the Squad

Chapter 2781 The Disappearance of the Squad
Three days later, the fire was gradually extinguished, and there was really nothing left except for the black smoke from some burning trees.

Seeing such a scene, Songshan Shizhu was overjoyed. In this way, all their plans must have been achieved, and he, Songshan Shizhu, became the first person to make meritorious deeds.

However, still a little uneasy, he immediately ordered, "Come here!"


"The team immediately divided into ten teams to conduct investigations to see how big the fire was and how many forests were burned. Such an exciting news must be told to Captain Takashima Togawa to make him happy too!" Matsuyama Shi Zhu said.


Immediately, the Songshan Shizhu team was divided into ten groups, and the ten groups went to the surrounding area of ​​the forest to check the burning situation.

They walked happily, as if everything here was their territory, but now they come here to check, they are confident, and they don't even think that there is anything alive in this forest.

That's right, the fire burned for three days, and within three days, not a single blade of grass grew, and God took good care of them, not a single drop of rain fell, the birds had long since stopped flying, and the insects had long since ceased to sing, everything was lifeless , except for some unpleasant smells, it seems that this is the ending that should have been.

The ten groups of devils walked in the forest, talking and laughing, and even said some nasty jokes, which made the devils beside them laugh.

No one can tell how many forests were burned.

The ground is soft, don't burn it for three days, of course it won't be too hard.

However, the danger is slowly coming at this time!

Feng Chunqiu had already ordered the soldiers to keep an eye on each entrance in the tunnel. If any devils came, they had to come and report. Sure enough, today, three days later, someone really came. The soldiers reported the situation anxiously. Chunqiu was even more certain, this must be the end of the fire, the devils came to check the situation, there were not many of them, so it was time to ambush them!
However, in less than a while, before Feng Chunqiu had time to issue an order, many soldiers ran over, "Company commander, company commander, a devil is found on the southeast corner!"

"Company commander, a devil has been found in the south!"

"Northwest direction too!"

Listening to the reports of the soldiers, Feng Chunqiu opened his eyes wide, "How many people are there?"

"Company commander, three people!"

"Yes, there are three of us here!"

"So do we here!"

"There are all three people?" Feng Chunqiu thought for a moment, and immediately gave an order, "Okay, since the devils dare to send you to the door, it means that they will never think that we have dug a tunnel now. This is a good thing, pass on my order to go , Each platoon and each team guards each exit. Once you find the devil, kill me immediately and quietly. Don’t shoot, assassinate me! Assassinate, if the distance is too far, let them go! If you dare to go to the entrance of the cave, then Don't be too polite!"


As soon as such an order was issued, the soldiers immediately became excited. Didn't you come to check your results?Alright, then let you take a good look at your results!
The soldiers gradually gained confidence and went to convey the order separately!

And Feng Chunqiu also brought people to a cave entrance in person. According to the previous reasoning, the devil must have divided his troops to see how many forests were burned. If this is the case, the cave entrance he is in must also There are devils coming!
He stared at the entrance of the cave himself, and suddenly, he heard footsteps, and the footsteps did not seem to be guarded at all. Their feet stepped on the dry branches and made a "creak!" sound, as if to tell them again that they were coming !
Feng Chunqiu looked quietly, and sure enough, he saw three devils coming together. They carried rifles on their backs and had cigarettes in their mouths. They never thought that they were getting closer and closer to death!

Feng Chunqiu was like a stalking tiger, watching the prey getting closer, his heart became more and more calm, how many devils he killed, it is really not clear, but what he can be sure of is that with the Three, that means killing three more devils, no, just killing three more devils!

For a while, hearing the footsteps of the devils, Feng Chunqiu slowly came out from the cave and followed behind them. He pulled out the dagger hidden in his waist and rushed over. The knife immediately cut a devil's neck, bleeding Immediately, it flowed out like a spring, and the devil had no time to react, so he fell to the ground. The remaining two devils were also dumbfounded immediately, and then they went to take out their guns and try not to shoot!

However, how could their speed be so fast!
Feng Chunqiu immediately kicked one of the devils away, and then killed the devil behind him with a knife!Then came another hungry tiger pounced on food, and the knife pierced into the chest of the devil who was lying on the ground!

Before the devil could finish speaking, Feng Chunqiu stabbed him in the neck again with the knife in his hand!
How can it be so easy to come and go when you want?

At this time, a few soldiers came out, dragged the devils into the tunnel, found some necessary things on their bodies, and buried them in the tunnel.

Not only Feng Chunqiu's side, many devils found at the entrance of the cave were all killed by Feng Chunqiu's company. Sure enough, they ended their lives without firing a single shot!

There are only [-] devils in ten teams!
The number of devils killed was too small, but after all, it was thirty devils. Except for some who didn't have time to kill, there were more than a dozen devils after Feng Chunqiu was over!
When these devils went back, they suddenly found that there were so many children, and they were also surprised. Where did they go?

Songshan Shizhu waited in place to watch, but found that the more he waited, the more anxious he became, "Where are people? Why are there so many people missing?"

"Reporting to the team leader, I'm not sure. Our team calculated it. From here to the south, there are a total of..."

"Baga, what's the use of telling me these numbers now? Where did the people around you go?" Songshan Shizhu asked loudly.

Although these few people seem insignificant to them, this is also their robe!
"Are you...lost..."

A ghost guessed.

"The trees were burned, and the field of vision became wider. I'm afraid it's not true to say that I got lost!"

Songshan Shizhu said: "Didn't you hear the gunfire? Didn't you hear the actions of the Eighth Route Army?"

"No, there was no gunfire, and there was no movement! I'm afraid, they really lost their way, or, if they walked too far, did we burn a large area?"

If you think about it carefully, it seems to be the same reason!
Perhaps there is really nothing that can explain such a strange thing.

"Okay, then let's wait a little longer. According to the speed, they should probably come back!" Shizhu Songshan was still worried, "Now, send another [-] teams to meet the soldiers of our empire. What happened!"

Songshan Shizhu is more cautious, and he doesn't want to become a shame after making meritorious deeds.


Immediately afterwards, twenty small teams were established and headed towards the forest again.

However, what happened today didn't cause much ripples in his Songshan Shizhu's heart. Perhaps it was because the burned area was too large, and it hasn't been fully counted yet!

As soon as I thought of this, a ghost came over, "Report to Captain Matsuyama Shizhu, and Captain Takashima Togawa let you go!"

"The captain let me go? What happened?" Songshan Shizhu asked.

"not sure!"

"Okay, you tell Captain Gao Da Togawa right away, and tell me that I will go there immediately!" Matsuyama Shizhu said.

When he found Takashima Togawa, Takashima Togawa immediately asked, "Captain Matsuyama Shizhu, how is it? Has the fire gone out?"

"Report to Commander Takashima Togawa that the fire has indeed been extinguished. I am sending people to count how many forests have been burned. I believe that we will take great credit for this great achievement!" Matsuyama Shizhu said.

"Very well, what I want is your self-confidence. We should now clearly understand that our credit is a gift from His Majesty the Emperor, and it was also given by Major Inagaki Yasuo. Without them, how could we have such credit?"

Takashima Togawa is very confident. He believes that Jianbi Town will be taken down sooner or later, and it is only a matter of time.

"How is it, how is the statistics? I still have to talk to Captain Inagaki Yasho!" Takashima Togawa asked.

"People haven't fully returned yet, so there is no way to make accurate statistics!" Songshan Shizhu said.

"Hey, you don't need to be too accurate, just tell me a rough number!" Takashima Togawa said.

"Probably...probably..." Pine Mountain Stone Pillar has no statistics, and it really hasn't had time to count, "The forest with a radius of about ten kilometers has been reduced to ashes!"

"A radius of ten kilometers?" Takashima Togawa heard this, and then he shook his head, "No, no, a radius of ten kilometers is too small. The three-day fire is only ten kilometers. No, you can't report like this!"

"That's twenty kilometers!" Songshan Shizhu said.

"Twenty kilometers..." Takashima Togawa thought, and suddenly opened his eyes, "How far is it from here to Jianbi Town?"

"Report to Captain Takashima Togawa, about [-] kilometers away!" Matsuyama Shizhu said immediately.

"Then let's say it is 25 kilometers! Hehe, the fire must have burned Jianbi Town, and we are waiting for us to make meritorious service tomorrow!" After finishing speaking, Takashima Togawa smiled, "Captain Songshan Shizhu, you go immediately Check it out, how many there are, I'm going to see Captain Inagaki Yasho right now!"


After speaking, Songshan Shizhu left.

"Come on, let's go see Captain Inagaki Yasho together!"

With that said, the group of them went to Inagaki Yasho's tent.

Inagaki Yasuo was looking at the map at this time, thinking about how to fight after taking Jianbi Town, when he heard that Takashima Togawa was coming, he immediately put down the map, "Bring people in!"

When Takashima Togawa came in, Yasuo Inagaki looked at him with a smile, "My hero, are you here?"

"Report to Captain Inagaki Yasho, the fire has been burning for three days, and it is finally extinguished!" Takashima Togawa said as soon as he came in.

This sentence is of course a good one!
This sentence is worth mentioning that Inagaki Yasuo was so happy that he died, "Haha, tell me, how is the fire going? Where did it go?"

"Report to Captain Inagaki Yasho, the fire has passed, and the Matsuyama stone pillars have made accurate calculations, and it burned for about 25 kilometers!" Takashima Togawa said immediately.

"Really? 25 kilometers, this is a big number. In three days, such a large forest has disappeared, which is really surprising!" Yasushi Inagaki nodded, "Not bad, not bad, 25 kilometers, it should be Burn the town of Hardwall?"

When I asked this sentence, Takashima Togawa didn't know what to say!He really didn't know if Jianbi Town was burned down, and he couldn't talk nonsense!

"Report to Captain Takashima Togawa. I don't know exactly whether it was burned or not, but, based on the 25 kilometers, it should have been burned no matter what!" Takashima Togawa said.

"We can't be entangled in this matter. You should also be clear. What I should do now when I open the door is to maximize the results of the battle. Now, our affairs here should come to an end. It will be even more great to win Jianbi Town One piece!" Inagaki Yasuo nodded.


"However, 25 kilometers is indeed a little less for the three-day fire, so let's say it is [-] kilometers! Not to mention whether Jianbi Town has been burned, just talking about the forest, it should have burned [-] kilometers! "

What Takashima Togawa didn't expect was that he, Inagaki Yasuo, also added a little bit higher to the place he added.

He swallowed, then looked at him.

"Thirty kilometers, Captain Takashima Togawa, what do you think... what is this number?"

"Report to Captain Inagaki Yasho. Thirty kilometers is also very conservative. I think that if you add a little more, there should be no problem!" What can Takashima Togawa say?Said he has added a lot?Impossible, how could he say that?

"Haha, very good. Be conservative. I hope that the fire can be bigger and more prosperous. The forest is gone. For us, there will be no obstacles for the shells to go out! Jianbi Town is for us. It's so important!" Inagaki Yasuo said.


"Okay, now that I know about this, I'm going to tell Major Zhengxiong Xiaoban, you go back first, and prepare to fight, I think, tomorrow must be the war against the Eighth Route Army, I also hope that you will take the lead At the same time, add another merit!" Inagaki Yasuo said.

"Ha Yi, I will definitely live up to your expectations!"

Takashima Togawa said immediately.

"Very well, let's go, I'm going to see Major Masao Masao!"

Inagaki Yasuo said.

Watching him go, Inagaki Yasuo smiled, now, no one should take credit with me, the Eighth Route Army is like the ants in my palm, I want them to die, they have to die, no need Play tricks in front of me! "Come here, go see Major Masao the small board!"

In the final analysis, there was nothing to say about this matter. Matsuyama Shizhu didn't know how many forests were burned, so how could he, Inagaki Yasho, know?

However, he also had to report such a thing, let alone such a thing, how would Masao Itata tell Koshiro Yamabe?
When he arrived outside Masao Kobata's tent, a ghost came to report that it was Inagaki Yasuo who had come. Hearing this, Masao Koban put down his things immediately, "Let someone come in!"

When Inagaki Yasuo came in, Xiao Ban Masao immediately looked at him with a smile, and personally bought him a cup of tea, "Hey, Captain Inagaki Yasuo, is the fire still burning? Is it possible to attack the Eighth Route Army?"

"Exactly, Major Masao Masao, the fire burned for three days, and within these three days, not a single blade of grass would grow. Now, we are not afraid of any miasma, and we are not afraid of the Eighth Route Army ambushing in the forest. We can fight them openly and squarely." This battle, this battle, will definitely take down Jianbi Town in one fell swoop, and expand the territory for the empire!" Inagaki Yasuo said.

"Exactly!" Xiao Banzhengxiong said with a smile, "It's been three days, how many forests have been burned by the fire?"

"Reporting to Masao Masao, the big fire burned a forest with a radius of [-] kilometers in three days, and I'm afraid that Jianbi Town may not be spared!" Yasuo Inagaki said.

"Well, very good, [-] kilometers, Jianbi Town should be completely burned down. Besides, with gasoline, it burned [-] kilometers. It's big or small!" He finished speaking Yasuo Inagaki was stunned by this sentence, so what did Masao Itata mean?

Obviously, for the sake of credit and to look good in the credit book, it doesn't matter if you report a little more, especially when Jianbi Town is at your fingertips!

Yasushi Inagaki looked at Masao Kobata and thought about it, and then Masao Kobata nodded, "[-] kilometers is not enough, [-] kilometers is too small, let's go to [-] kilometers!"

After Masao Xiaoban finished speaking,Yasuo Inagaki was even more stunned. He only dared to add five kilometers to the original base, but Masao Koban was even more ruthless, that was doubled forcibly!

"Ah?" Hearing Inagaki's doubtful voice, Masao Koban said with a smile, "Captain Inagaki, don't be nervous and excited. Do you know why I dare to add so much?"

Yasushi Inagaki shook his head.

"I don't know, Masao Itata please let me know!" Inagaki Yasuo said.

"Hehe, since Jianbi Town is at your fingertips, no one will say anything about me even if I say I lost a hundred kilometers! This is normal. Don't lose to the Eighth Route Army in terms of momentum. This is my magic weapon for victory." ah!"

Xiaoban Masao said.

"Since that's the case, then it's appropriate to say fifty kilometers!" Inagaki Yasuo couldn't say anything.

"Hehe, as long as there isn't a single tree in front of Jianbi Town, this can't deceive Colonel Shanbian, he will definitely believe that we burned fifty kilometers of forest!" Xiaoban Zhengxiong said, "In this way, the credit is ours. It is also ours, and we can gain both fame and fortune, so why not do it?"

Greed, this is the greed of devils. I don't know how many forests have been burned. They started to claim credit here. They have this capital, and they also have this ability and strength. However, in the final analysis, there is no clear figure. They can only indulge in the fame and fortune that they finally got here.

This is shameful and hateful, but for the Eighth Route Army, this is indeed good news!
As long as the devils are still there, as long as the devils don't stop being complacent, then for them, there is a possibility of victory.

"Congratulations to Captain Yasushi Inagaki!" Masao Kobata smiled and looked at Yasushima Inagaki.

Inagaki Yasuo felt guilty, but he couldn't say anything, what should he do?
He can only follow his plan. According to Zhengxiong Xiaoban, there is no tree left in front of Jianbi Town. !
"Also congratulations to Masao Masao for winning the first prize!"

Inagaki Yasuo said quickly.

"Haha, yes, yes!"

Xiaoban Zhengxiong became proud, as if he had won Jianbi Town.

"Okay, I'm going to discuss the matter of entering the army with Your Excellency now, Captain Inagaki Yasho, you go back and wait for orders!"

Xiaoban Masao said.

"Yes! I'm going back now!" Counting the sum, Inagaki Yasun turned and left.

Yasuo Inagaki had no choice but to go back quickly, because he already understood one thing, that is to determine whether there are trees in front of Jianbi Town, and if there are, no matter what the price is, the trees must be brought down. Otherwise, their lies will be exposed sooner or later!
Xiao Shiro on the mountain side waited for the news, and Xiao Juguang had been waiting for the news from Jianbi Town. Although it was said that they were responsible for the feint attack, if they really took Jianbi Town, it would affect their intentions on the one hand. It's a big deal, so Jiahe Town can be put down!
"Report to Your Excellency, Major Masao is here!"

"Come in, please!"

Koshiro Yamabe, who wanted to know the news eagerly, didn't care about anything else, and said quickly.

When Masao Kobata came in, Koshiro Yamabe immediately asked, "It's been three days, what's going on? The fire is still burning, or has it gone out!"

"Report to Your Excellency, the fire has been slowly extinguished, and some of it is still burning, but I think it is time to attack Jianbi Town!" Xiaoban Zhengxiong said directly.

"Haha, good, this time the first work must be yours!" Shanbian Downhill Shiro said proudly, "Tell me, how is the fire? Has it burned down the forest?"

This sentence left Masao Masao, who was embellished with embellishments, speechless. How could it be possible?This forest is huge, how could it be burnt down all at once?

"Report to Your Excellency, the burning is not finished, but according to my rough guess, [-] kilometers of woods have been burned at this time, and it is completely possible to attack Jianbi Town in an all-round way!" Xiaoban Zhengxiong said.

"Yuxi, you did a good job on this matter. Thirty kilometers away, you can start a full-scale battle!" Koshiro Yamabe said, "I can also explain to Commander Jiang Ying!"

"Yes, Your Majesty, I don't know how to use the troops next?" Xiao Ban Zhengxiong asked.

"Hehe, it's easy to talk about. Since the first merit is yours, how about making the second merit?" Xiao Shiro Yamabe asked.

"In that case, I would like to thank Your Excellency first!" said Xiaoban Masao.

"As long as it is beneficial to the situation of the war, we can do it, you go back!" said Yamabe Koshiro.

(End of this chapter)

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