Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2782 Final Preparations

Chapter 2782 Final Preparations
Just as Xiaoban Masao was about to leave, someone came in suddenly, "Report, there is a subordinate outside who claims to be Xiaoban Masao Major, come to see you!"

"Oh?" Koshiro Yamabe glanced at Masao Koitata, and then asked, "Who is it? I'm looking for you!"

"I don't know, then call me in, I want to see what this person is going to do!" Xiaoban Zhengxiong said.

After a while, a ghost came in, "Your Excellency, Your Excellency, Major!"

"You're looking for me? What's the matter?" Xiaoban Zhengxiong looked at him with his hands behind his back.

The devil immediately said, "According to the accurate statistics of Captain Inagaki Yasho, I want me to tell you that the area of ​​the burned forest is about [-] kilometers. The [-] kilometers mentioned earlier is just an estimate. However, after a rough calculation, there are [-] kilometers. !"

It’s okay not to mention this, but Koshiro Yamabe looked at Yasuna Inagaki in surprise, "Fifty kilometers?"

"Yes, fifty kilometers!" The little devil continued.

This was also deliberately arranged by Masao Kobata. This move made Koshiro Yamabe more confident. He laughed loudly, "Hahaha, God help me too! I didn't expect it to be so simple!"

"Congratulations, Your Excellency!"

"Okay, now that the matter has come to this point, it will definitely give us a good chance to win the imperial flag! Since Commander Jiang Ying ordered our employees to fortify the wall town, now that we can take this place smoothly, well, I will give Commander Jiang Ying some good news! After finishing speaking, Koshiro Yamabe looked at Inagaki Yasuo, "You will lead your troops to attack Jianbi Town early tomorrow morning, and it is best to take Jianbi Town down for me!"


Xiaoban Masao stood at attention and said.


Since there was such good news here, Masao Koban immediately summoned Yasushi Inagaki after he returned, and ordered Yasushi Inagaki to attack Jianbi Town.

After getting the order, Yasuo Inagaki went back and summoned Takashimatogawa, and asked Takashimato to lead his troops to attack Jianbi Town!
This layer is all about interests. They want to take down Jianbi Town. They must take down Jianbi Town. Otherwise, what face do they have to face the commanders above?
Takashima Togawa was full of confidence. He contacted Shizhu Matsuyama and told him about Inagaki's thoughts.

However, the Songshan stone pillar was stunned!
He never expected that there would be such a big gap between the number he reported and the number that Masao Masao was familiar with at the end!This is fatal. It would be great if the forest disappeared for [-] kilometers, but several teams he sent out disappeared again, and it was the kind of disappearance where no one was alive or dead.How can he be in a good mood?
Seeing that the stone pillars in Songshan were silent, Takashima Togawa asked, "What's wrong? Do you find it difficult? If so, I will take down Jianbi Town myself!"

Takashima Togawa is confident, and Matsuyama Shizhu is not without confidence. He just feels a little nervous that not all the people he sent have returned. However, not all of them have returned, which does not mean that there is any loophole. Perhaps, they really are. It's hard to tell if you get lost in the woods!
"No, Captain Takashima Togawa, I think this can be done. I will send people to attack Jianbi Town early tomorrow morning, and I will take them all down in the morning at the latest!"

Songshan Shizhu said.

"Haha, okay, what I want is your domineering spirit. The Eighth Route Army is no longer afraid. The fire may have already burned the Eighth Route Army to pieces. It's too late for them to escape, and they still have to resist? Don't worry, if you If you feel worried, I will ask Maeda Hiroo to help you!"

"No, I can do it alone!" Songshan Shizhu also understood that this meritorious service cannot be distributed to others. If it is distributed to others, his credit will be greatly reduced. Besides, Jianbi Town should be broken by a finger kind of.

In the evening, Songshan Shizhu hadn't received the news that many teams had been sent out. Although he felt a little anxious, he didn't have much to do. After all, many people came back, right?
What surprised him was that fewer people came back from the team sent out this time. They seemed to think that everything went too smoothly, but what about the ones who didn't come back?where did they goEven those who are far away have come back, why are there no news about those who are close?

Thinking of this, Songshan Shizhu didn't dare to think about these things anymore. He was worried that if he thought about it again and sent people out again, it would make people worry!It will also have an effect on morale.

Putting away these thoughts, Songshan Shizhu went to bed early at night. It would be even better if there was news about those teams tomorrow!
But in the tunnel at this time, Feng Chunqiu looked suspicious.

A platoon leader came over and asked, "Company commander, this time, our platoon killed more than 30 people!"

"More than 30! This is a surprise! Where's the second row?" Feng Chunqiu asked.

"Our second platoon killed 27!" The second platoon leader also said.

"We killed thirty in three rows!" The third row also said.

Hearing this, Feng Chunqiu could conclude, "From this point of view, the devils will definitely make moves tomorrow, and they will definitely attack Jianbi Town!"

"Company commander, we have killed so many devils, tell me, don't those devils investigate where they went?" asked the platoon leader.

"I'm afraid they want to investigate, but the task of attacking Jianbi Town is more urgent!" Feng Chunqiu said.

"Company commander, you said that the devils really want to attack Jianbi Town. I'm afraid it will not be easy?" The second platoon leader said quickly, "Although there was a fire this time, our second platoon is defending near the city gate. There is a forest, as long as the forest is there, the devil's artillery will be useless, at least it will hinder their precision in the sight. Besides, how can they get rid of the miasma in the morning?"

"No, no, no!" The third platoon leader hurriedly said, "The fire has burned so many forests, I'm afraid miasma won't help. If the devils want to come in, we have to fight hard!"

"No matter what, we have to fight the devils. We don't care in the city. The battalion commander is there. But outside the city, this is our place. This tunnel is our weapon to fight the devils. Let's see how many devils come tomorrow. People, if there are many people, we will lay an ambush, if there are few people, we will kill them on the spot!" Feng Chunqiu said very domineeringly!
"Yes! Company commander, let's wait for the devils to come tomorrow. No matter how many people come, they will all die here anyway!" said the platoon leader.

"Well, by the way, is the miasma still there? Have any of you met these days?" Feng Chunqiu asked.

"Company commander, yes, and some of the miasma can get in through our secret passages, but we still block them all." The third platoon leader said.

"In this case, that's good, let's see when the devils come to fight!" Feng Chunqiu said.

The next day, the woods were foggy and misty, as if in a fairyland. However, there were more burnt trees around, and occasionally a smell of smoke could be smelled.

This is not fairyland, but hell.

Songshan Shizhu didn't dare to stay, and if he wanted to attack Jianbi Town directly the next day, he had to speed up. He was talking about one morning, and he was more like the Eighth Route Army surrendering on the spot, saving wasted bullets!
"Everyone, speed up, the howitzer is working harder for me, Jianbi Town is ahead!" Songshan Shizhu roared.

Walking past people, with a gust of wind, a gust of mist dispersed, and then quickly surrounded their feet.

Some strong grasses emerged from the dark ground, appearing to be very tenacious.

However, in the eyes of Songshan Shizhu, these are low lives, as long as Jianbi Town is won, that is the king.

The devils walking in the front pointed their guns at the front. Since they couldn't see where they were going, they could only slow down. The fog was so thick that when they turned around, they couldn't even see a distance of ten meters.

They walked very slowly, but they had to go very fast.

Suddenly, a ghost suddenly felt that he couldn't breathe well, and then he clutched his throat and fell to the ground.

The devils who were together looked at the devil who fell on the ground in surprise, and immediately went to help him, but he fell to the ground all of a sudden.

The miasma still exists, and the dense fog at this time also envelops the miasma, and all the devils in the depths of the forest are weak, have difficulty breathing, and then fall to the ground.

However, at this time, Songshan Shizhu didn't notice anything strange. He couldn't see what happened in front of him clearly, but he just urged the howitzer over and over again to hurry up!
Suddenly, the howitzer couldn't move, and several ghosts pushed the howitzer forward, but they couldn't get through, as if they were stuck by something.

It's okay if you don't look at it, but when you look at it, several devils squatted on the ground, "Ah!"

They roared in fright, Songshan Shizhu frowned, walked under the howitzer, but saw the corpse of a devil!

He immediately reached out his hand to touch the devil's forehead, and then became surprised, "There is no one else around, how could someone die?"

"It's been less than half an hour since he died, and even his body hasn't completely cooled down!" Songshan Shizhu immediately made people stop, "Everyone stop, don't go forward, everyone who can hear me Stop, don't go!"

Now, they don't know how far they are from Jianbi Town, but if they don't move forward, it means more danger.It's not that he doesn't know Songshan Shizhu, but he suspects that the instigator of this issue should be the Eighth Route Army. After all, the forest was burned by them, how could miasma be produced?
Besides, even if there is miasma, the dead should be the Eighth Route Army in ambush!
"Surround around quickly!" Songshan Shizhu ordered, and those devils slowly moved towards Songshan Shizhu.

After everyone in the team got closer, they carefully counted the number of people, and it turned out that about half of them were burned!
"Bagaya Road, this is a trick given to us by the Eighth Route Army. Taking advantage of the fog, they quietly killed so many of us!" Songshan Shizhu said.

"Everyone, don't be afraid, be alert! Be alert!"

After finishing speaking, many devils pointed their guns forward, and they became alert!
It's so quiet all around, there's no sound!

Many people did not dare to make a sound, as long as the Eighth Route Army rushed out, they would dare to shoot!
They didn't dare to move, because if they moved, they might die!If no one wants to die, staying together will increase the chances of survival.

However, danger is also approaching them.

The miasma was engulfed by these devils under the flow of mist, and they quietly entered their respiratory tracts!

Then, many people began to fall slowly!
"Bagaya Road!"

Songshan Shizhu pulled out his command saber in surprise! "what 's wrong?"

"Captain Songshan, it should be miasma! Miasma!"

"How is it possible? We have already burned the surrounding forest, how can there still be miasma?" Songshan Shizhu didn't quite believe it.However, slowly, the devils gathered around fell down one by one!

"Retreat, retreat quickly! Retreat quickly!" After Songshan Shizhu finished speaking, he immediately gave the order to retreat, and many devils began to leave with howitzers.

Songshan Shizhu immediately ordered, "Everyone flees lightly, this howitzer is placed here, we will push it later!"

After finishing speaking, many devils left a lot of luggage in place and retreated in a hurry!
This battle has not yet been fought, and so many people have died in Songshan Shizhu, the Eighth Route Army can be regarded as a complete victory.His retreat was immediately known to Takashima Togawa, and he asked sternly, "What's the situation? I didn't hear a soft sound at all, Captain Matsuyama Shizhu, tell me, what happened?"

"Miasma, there is miasma. After entering, many of us fell down and died for no reason. Captain Takashima Togawa, it seems that we can only attack after the sun comes out and the fog dissipates!" Matsuyama Shizhu hurriedly said.

"Bagaya Road!" With so many people dead, how could Takashima Togawa not be disappointed?
Looking at the soldiers of the imperial army who were in a state of embarrassment, Takashima Togawa could only watch from a distance as the fog slowly dissipated!
However, their luggage has already entered, and they have not had time to withdraw it. This loss will be great. If the Eighth Route Army gets these things first, they...don't they...

No, there is miasma, and the Eighth Route Army dare not enter, otherwise, they will die too!
Yes, they die too!
Takashima Togawa thought to himself, the Eighth Route Army should not be there, otherwise, why didn't they encounter resistance from the Eighth Route Army?
This point will disappoint Takashima Togawa again. How could the Eighth Route Army not know how many people died after the devils came in?How could it be possible not to know that they had left their luggage on the spot and fled?
Feng Chunqiu sneered, "Everyone covered their mouths and noses with cloth, and transported all the weapons and luggage left by the devils back to Jianbi Town. We want what they don't want. Besides, these things are all good things!"

In this way, the Eighth Route Army got the devil's luggage for no reason, and the loss was not small!

When Liu Ji saw so many luggage coming to Jianbi Town, he laughed, "This devil thinks that the miasma will disappear after burning the forest. It is ridiculous, but we dare not be careless. Since the devil dares to come, it means that they are dead The heart is immortal!"

Not only Takashima Togawa knew about this, but even Inagaki Yasuo knew about it, so he couldn't hide it, and there was no need to hide it!
For this reason, they had to discuss how to enter the forest and avoid miasma. If they could only attack Jianbi Town in broad daylight, the impact on them would not be too small!

"Takashima Togawa!" Inagaki said.

"Captain!" Takashima Togawa said with his head down.

"Since there is miasma, we are not allowed to enter. However, this promise has already been made. It is not easy to explain to Shao Ban Zhengxiong. It will be fine before noon. Today, you still have to take down Jianbi Town, no matter what method you use!" Yasuo Inagaki gave the order to die.

This is really too difficult for Takashima Togawa, "It happened to be foggy today. If it wasn't for the fog, we might have won Jianbi Town. The openness of the field of vision is too low!"

"I don't need you to explain this. Since there is miasma, you didn't take the necessary measures to cover your mouth and nose with a cloth. Wouldn't this effectively prevent the miasma?" Inagaki Yasuo didn't care about that, what he wanted was the result Ah, the result!

As a result, Songshan Shizhu lost half of its people, and all the luggage was thrown into the forest!

What a disgrace!

"Hayi!" Takashima Togawa didn't dare to speak anymore, he wanted to rescue the Songshan Stone Pillar, but he didn't have that ability!

"Okay, hurry up, what I want is the result, and what Masao Koitata wants is also the result, and the result is very important to the imperial army!" Inagaki Yasun was looking at Takashima Togawa.


"go with!"


Takashima Togawa immediately went out and went directly to his camp!
The current team of Songshan Shizhu still has some lingering fears. They saw their robes fell to the ground and couldn't get up, and their heart stopped. What a terrible thing!

"Captain, what should we do?" A ghost asked looking at the stone pillar in Songshan Mountain.

"When the fog clears, we have to hurry in, before the Eighth Route Army seizes the opportunity, then all our baggage and tadpoles will be gone!" Songshan Shizhu said.

Just after saying this, Takashima Togawa came, and Matsuyama Shizhu hurried up to meet him, "Captain!"

"The captain ordered everyone to cover their mouths and noses with a cloth and enter quickly. What the higher-ups want is the result, and the process is for us to figure out our own way!" Takashima Togawa said.

"However, there is still a lot of fog inside!" Songshan Shizhu said.

"I'll let Captain Maeda Hiroo go with you!" Takashima Togawa looked at the Matsuyama Stone Pillar, "It seems that you have given half of the credit for this time!"

Songshan Shizhu did not dare to disobey the order. After all, his number was much smaller. If he encountered resistance from the Eighth Route Army, his entire army might be wiped out!

"Ha Yi, everything is at your disposal!" Songshan Shizhu said.

After a while, Maeda Hiroo came with his troops, and together with Matsuyama Shizhu, he covered his mouth and nose with a cloth and started walking deep into the forest!

Maeda Hiroo felt disdain for the loss of most of Matsuyama Shizhu's troops. Maybe it was Matsuyama Shizhu who was afraid of death. Who was Maeda Hiroo? In his impression, he had never lost a battle, hehe, look Come on, everything, today's battle must be added to the previous credit book! "

Since the devils had to cover their mouths and noses with one hand to enter, the marching speed was not too fast!
"Captain Maeda, you must be careful in everything, this miasma has cost us a lot of people!" Songshan Shizhu kindly reminded.

"Hahaha!" Maeda Hiroo smiled, "Captain Matsuyama, there is a way to do it all at once, then decline again, and exhaust three times. If you exhaust your strength, you will overcome it. How could your troops have experienced such a severe hardship in the greenhouse?" Attack? Don't worry, this time I won Jianbi Town, I will definitely give half of the credit to you!" Maeda's words were full of sarcasm, and he was really proud to let Songshan Shizhu's hot face stick to his cold ass very.

"Hehe, since Captain Maeda is so confident, well, I'll help you out, you go ahead!" Songshan Shizhu was angry. Everyone knew where he fell, but Hiroo Maeda didn't know. One two hundred and five, why don't you listen to him well?
However, Maeda Hiroo will never take back what he said to himself. This is self-confidence. At the same time, he also understands how much the fire has hit the Eighth Route Army!

"Okay, then you can cheer me on and see how my subordinates won Jianbi Town. At that time, I'm afraid I won't be able to give you half of the credit! I'll give you one-fifth of the credit!" Maeda Hiroshi Xiong pretended to think for a while and said.

Songshan Shizhu retreated to advance, but he still couldn't make Maeda Hiroo face him squarely. He was at a loss for words, "Forget it!"

How could he Songshan Shizhu not want credit?If you don't want it, it's definitely a joke. Why are you fighting?Isn't it just to get promoted and get rich?'s for His Majesty the Emperor!
They are all generals of His Majesty the Emperor, even if their positions are not high, they are all equal. You Maeda Hiroo is the team leader, but I am Matsuyama Stone Pillar, right?
"Everyone, speed up your pace, quickly reach the front of Jianbi Town, take out your mortars and quickly bombard Jianbi Town, let the Eighth Route Army come out and surrender!"

Maeda Hiroo ignored Matsuyama Shizhu's mood, is it a war, how can it be possible to win a big battle without any momentum?
In the eyes of Hiroo Maeda, the Matsuyama Stone Pillar is still too weak to be compared with Hiroo Maeda. How many battles has he fought?How many victories?And what about the Songshan stone pillars?As a newcomer and a new team leader, shouldn't he be polite?Even if I say a few words to you, you have to bear it yourself!

"Speed ​​up, hurry up!"

Maeda Hiroo wanted to shake the Matsuyama Stone Pillar away, he was angry, what is there to be angry about, since you are angry, I will take the credit for it, it is not my business to set fire to the forest, but I will do my part to win Jianbi Town !

"Speed ​​up! Speed ​​up!" Maeda Hiroo shouted loudly!
In order to speed up, many devils had to remove the cloth covering their mouths and noses to breathe smoothly.

Before reaching Jianbi Town, many devils had already fallen!

Most of them are from Maeda Hiroo.However, Hiroo Maeda didn't care at all, as long as he rushed to Jianbi Town, everything would be re-recognized, and Hiroo Maeda would be considered a great hero!
Compared with the death of a few soldiers, what is more important?This makes it so much more obvious!

"Speed ​​up, speed up!" Maeda Hiroo shouted loudly!
(End of this chapter)

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