Chapter 2784
In fact, there was no suspense in this battle, and the devils fought more excitedly, but Liu Ji's second company was not a vegetarian. In such an anxious battle, the little devils knew that their stamina was insufficient, and they didn't say anything else. There is no reinforcements, and it is unlikely that reinforcements will come to fight. The Eighth Route Army is different. They seem to have known that they are going to attack Jianbi Town. The city of Jianbi Town is not too high, and there are only two floors The building is so tall, that's not to say, it looks dilapidated, and even a strong wind can blow the city to the ground, which makes Maeda Hiroo want to fight, and attracts one aspect of him.

When Feng Chunqiu heard that the little devils started beating, he was also stunned. These little devils came back tired, and they started beating before their buttocks were hot. Is it possible to beat them this way?

"Have the devils brought reinforcements?" Feng Chunqiu asked directly.

"Company commander, we haven't found any yet!" said a soldier.

"That's good, since the little devil dares to fight, let's not give up this merit!" Feng Chunqiu said.

"Company commander, you just said that you would leave this matter to the second company!" A platoon leader said.

"No, I changed my mind. Haven't you heard that there is no devil's reinforcements? If there are reinforcements, we can definitely fight reinforcements, but we can't do it now. We can't wait without reinforcements, so we can share some pressure with those brats of the second company." Hearing the sound of the guns, the little devil must be in a hurry!" Feng Chunqiu said.

"Company commander, since this is the case, we will bear the brunt of the first row, so we won't give up! Let's fight!"

A platoon leader said directly.

"No, no, company commander, he was the one who fought in the first platoon last time, and this time it's our second platoon's turn, company commander, let's go to the second platoon!"

"The third platoon is still here. Every time the main attack is your first and second platoons. Our third and fourth platoons always attack from the side. Let us practice our hands?" The leader of the third platoon was a little unconvinced!
"The third one is right, this time we can go to the fourth row!" The fourth row leader also stood in front and said.

"Haha!" Feng Chunqiu said with a smile, "Since you all want to fight, I have nothing to say, but what if the devil's reinforcements come?"


No one wants to play defense. Offense is the most effective defense. Seeing that the devils are in front, they are still drinking the northwest wind. It doesn't look like their style.

"Company commander, I suggest letting the first and second platoons cover behind!" The fourth platoon leader said looking directly at the first and second platoon leaders.

"Why?" The first row leader and the second row leader disagreed.

"If we count it, our first and second platoons are strong in combat, so we have to fight the devils no matter what. The responsibility of covering, the third and fourth platoons are handy, and they are the most suitable!" The second platoon leader said.

"Grandma's leg, I don't really believe it no matter what, why are we so handy?"

The three rows of long-breathed people all uttered dirty words.

"Look, the third platoon leader can't stand up to other people's words, he can't defend well, and his offense is greatly reduced. We still have to go to the first and second platoons!"

The second platoon leader said quickly.

The leader of the third platoon and the leader of the fourth platoon wanted to speak, but Feng Chun stopped him, "Okay, don't say anything! Since you all want to fight devils, it's not good for me to stop you. Let's go! But, I have to leave some people behind to watch the rear, it's not good to let the devil poke the asshole!"

"Then let's leave one class in each platoon, and then the rest will fight devils!" Feng Chunqiu said.

"good idea!"

Everyone agrees!

The matter of asking for a battle is enough to show that everyone's enthusiasm is high and they have enough confidence. Who can go to the battlefield without a little confidence?

Morale is a very useful thing.

After everything was prepared, Feng Chunqiu's company began to attack the devils!
The devil couldn't bear this beating!
Gunshots sounded from behind, this... this... makes no sense, where did the Eighth Route Army come from?Where did they come from?The gate of the city was not opened, could it be that the divine soldiers descended from the sky?
Thinking of this, Maeda Hiroo immediately shouted, "Captain Songshan, you are now leading people to attack the Eighth Route Army behind you. Our rear has been copied, and we will die if we die on the battlefield. However, morale has dropped. They are very powerful, beat them!"


What else can Songshan Stone Pillar say?His men didn't have enough ammunition, so they could only attach themselves to Maeda Hiroo's team. After they were disrupted, they would have a certain amount of ammunition.


Songshan Stone Pillar launched an attack on the spot, and began to fight with the Eighth Route Army behind it.

However, they fought on two fronts, and soon fell into decline.

Attacking up, being repulsed by the Second Company, followed by the Eighth Route Army pressing harder and harder, this is a terrible rhythm!

Maeda Hiroo was a little reckless, he wanted to quickly take down Jianbi Town, but this was completely different from what he had originally imagined. Didn't it mean that the Eighth Route Army had already retreated?Didn't it mean that the Eighth Route Army was waiting to surrender?Why are they so powerful?

Thinking of this, Maeda Hiroshita had to make the final deployment. Since the Eighth Route Army was blocking and chasing him, well, let’s supplement the front and back, and leave a living force to fight with the Eighth Route Army at once, so that it is possible to take down the strong wall. town.


Hiroo Maeda led the people up the mountain!

The forest area on the mountain has long been burned by the fire, leaving those pitch-black trees, and there is a hint of green on the ground, but there is nothing new about it.

Seeing the devils running away, Feng Chunqiu's company shouted angrily, "Damn it, why did they run away before they fought? It's meaningless!"

"Yeah, it's meaningless at all, let's chase after it!"

asked the second platoon leader.

"Okay, let's chase!" While running, while chasing, don't look at the devils running all the way, now the fog has basically dissipated, and they can be seen clearly within the line of sight, but they still hid in the woods and lost their way. Not only that, the Eighth Route Army caught up, but they didn't have much contact with the devil's army!

This made Feng Chunqiu a little angry, "The little devil is running pretty fast! If we speed up a bit, we might have caught up with them, but now it's better, let them get into the forest!"

That's right, the devil's escape speed is too fast, the little devil they flanked back and forth, they ran away without much resistance!
In this way, if they go after him, they might be ambushed by devils!

"Okay, don't chase them anymore, haven't they gone up the mountain? Let them go! Let's guard the main roads and see what they can do in the forest!" Feng Chunqiu said.

Xiaoban Zhengxiong came with people, and when they heard the gunshots, they immediately quickened their pace, and Feng Chunqiu immediately cheered up when he got the news, "Okay, since there are devils coming, you guys quickly arrived at your place, and closely monitored They! As long as they rush over, don't say too much, just do it for me!"

Feng Chunqiu ran away before beating up the devils, luckily some more came!
"You go and tell Erlian that the devils are coming again, and let them pay attention. The old way, we have to attack back and forth. No matter what happens, we have to make the little devils hurt!" Feng Chunqiu said.


After speaking, a soldier ran towards the second company.

The rest of the people immediately reached their positions and hid themselves!
Yasuo Inagaki felt miserable now, he really didn't expect that Masao Itata would come here in person, he thought it would be fine for him to come by himself, but Masao Itata was worried!
Why not worry?With so many people, is he afraid that he won't be able to win a strong wall town?

No, no!I thought so in my heart, but Zhengxiong Xiaoban was more anxious than he might be. He heard gunshots just now, right in front. How the situation is, he is not sure when he opens the door, so he can only go and have a look!
However, Xiaoban Masao did not stop at all and sent scouts to check, but ordered everyone to move forward at top speed!
Takashimatogawa is also a forest area where you can't breathe. It's not suitable for riding a motorcycle. No one can stand running dryly, but Masao Ban doesn't seem to mind, why is this guy's running level so high?
Takashima Togawa ran to Inagaki Yasuo, "Captain, can we rest for a while?"

"What do you think?" Inagaki Yasuo stopped and pinched his waist with his hands, really unable to run.

"I think we've run for a long time, we can take a break!" Takashima Togawa said.

"Take a break. Didn't you see that Major Banban is still running? He's running all the time, and he didn't give an order to rest. Can you rest?" Inagaki Yasuo didn't want to rest. In this way, they arrived at the front out of breath. Don't you have to take a break?

The most fearful thing is their rapid march. If they are ambushed by the Eighth Route Army, they will be caught off guard. There are no scouts to scout the environment ahead.Even though he thought so, Masao Xiaoban didn't give them a chance to speak, because Masao Xiaoban was still running at this time!
The entire imperial army is marching in a hurry!
"Run, run, there will always be times when you can't run, right?" Inagaki Yasuo really hoped that Masao Itata would stop running so desperately and give them a chance to breathe!But Xiaoban Zhengxiong seemed to have taken aphrodisiac, the more he thought about it, the more he became more energetic, and he didn't even intend to stop.

Takashima Togawa took a look at Inagaki Yasuo, "Captain, I have to say, otherwise, it will be really dangerous!"

"Okay!" Inagaki Yasuo went all out, he really couldn't run anymore!

Yasuo Inagaki took a deep breath, and ran towards Masao Itata!
After finally catching up, Inagaki Yasuo said, "Master Xiaoban, I suggest that we should be more conservative. There may be ambushes from the Eighth Route Army in this forest!"

"Have you heard the gunshots ahead? It should be that Hiroshi Maeda and the Eighth Route Army have already started a war. If we are late, there may be some changes!" Masao Koban said.

"That's true, but as a support force, what we are more afraid of is their reinforcements!" Inagaki said.

Suddenly, Masao Koban stopped, and Yasuo Inagaki did not keep up with Masao Koban for a while, so he went down.

After rolling on the ground several times, Yasuo Inagaki got up and walked up to Masao Itata.

"What you said seems to make sense, but even if we encounter an ambush from the Eighth Route Army, we still have to go to support. In Jianbi Town, I have issued a military order with Commander Shanbian, and we must take Jianbi Town!" Xiaoban Zhengxiong said .

"It is precisely because of the military order that we have to be more conservative!" Inagaki Yasuo said.

"Okay, you send someone to the front to investigate, and the rest of the people rest in place!"

Masao Koban sat on a log and leaned against a blackened tree trunk.

Takashima Togawa ran over panting, and Inagaki Yasuo said, "Thank you Captain Takashima, you have to go ahead and investigate to see if there are any ambushes from the Eighth Route Army. If not, let's move on!"

Takashima Togawa was disappointed for a moment, and had to say quickly, "Ha Yi!"

Then he turned and ran away.

He took a few people to check it out in person, and he was really cursing, "I'm exhausted, I'm exhausted, I really want to find a place to fall down and have a good sleep!"

Of course, this is only a fantasy. He Takashima Togawa is the least commander among them. If he is not ordered to go, who should he order?

Takashima Togawa, who had run for a long distance, finally stopped. He turned around and looked behind him. When he couldn't see Yasushi Inagaki, he immediately lay down on the ground, "Damn it, I'm so tired!"

The ghosts who followed him also fell to the ground panting and breathing heavily.

"Go, tell Captain Yasushi Inagaki that there are no ambushes from the Eighth Route Army ahead, let them come over!"

Takashima Togawa said.

"Captain Takashima, can we wait a while before going, we really can't run anymore!"

"That's right, don't worry, take a break, take a break!" Takashima Togawa breathed heavily, as if someone had pinched his nose and finally let go!
that's nice!

However, this feeling did not last long!
When they came out to investigate, the number of people brought by Takashima Togawa was not many. Besides, they were so tired that they didn't even have the energy to pick up their guns!
That's why Feng Chunqiu was given a big chance!

To be precise, it is a row of big opportunities.

All of them were quietly surrounded by the Eighth Route Army, and when they closed their eyes and rested their minds, the guns were aimed at them!
The first platoon leader is not so good-tempered, "Shoot them all!"




Whether it's bullets or knives, facing the devils who have no resistance now, they just use a piece of tofu and let them pierce a snow hole in their bodies with knives!
However, one person ran away - Takashima Togawa.

This guy was lucky, just thinking about going to the toilet, he hid!

All the devils are dead, but he is the only one alive.

what is this?Nothing at all?
Takashima Togawa is definitely better than you, but that is luck after all!
Hearing short gunshots at Takashimatogawa, he opened his eyes wide in surprise, "Ambush from the Eighth Route Army?" He quickly came out of the field, and then went quietly, and found that the Eighth Route Army had killed all of them, and they were still alive. They took a lot of things in their hands.

(End of this chapter)

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