Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2785 Did You Win?

Chapter 2785 Did You Win?
This obviously killed those people, cleaning the battlefield!

It's too fucking fast, it's just a moment to shit, and it's over?

Takashima Togawa was so frightened that he was in a cold sweat. If he had been there just now, he might have become a fallen ghost!He didn't have time to wipe his butt, so he rolled up his pants and ran away as if to escape!
Is this okay?

When Takashima Togawa ran to the front of Masao Kobata, his face was pale, as if he just came out of hell.

Xiaoban Zhengxiong looked at each other, "What's going on? So flustered!"

"Little... small... Major Masao Koban, the Eighth Route Army, the Eighth Route Army is ahead!" Takashima Togawa stammered.

"What? The Eighth Route Army? But, why didn't I hear the gunshots? Where are your people? Why are you the only one?" Xiaoban Zhengxiong asked, but why didn't he have any idea in his heart?That must have been cleaned up by the Eighth Route Army, but he had to ask.

"They...they were all killed by the Eighth Route Army!" Takashima Togawa lowered his head and shouted at the capital.

When Yasuo Inagaki heard this, stars began to appear in his head, "Nani?"

Then hit it with a slap!
"Why didn't you send someone to report immediately when you met the Eighth Route Army?" Inagaki Yasuo asked.

"I'm a little tired, and then I went to relieve" Takashima Togawa is also difficult, this is too difficult!The Eighth Route Army came out after shitting, what can he say?He also needs to have several eyes!

"Baga!" Inagaki Yasuo slapped him again!

"There is the Eighth Route Army in front. It seems that they are waiting for us in front. However, he has Zhang Liang's plan, and I have a wall ladder! If we can't go ahead, we will go up the mountain from here and go around to catch the Eighth Route Army by surprise. It should be successful!" Masao Koban said.

"That's right, Major Xiaoban, then let's leave quickly, if the Eighth Route Army sees us, we will be discovered!" Inagaki Yasuo said.

"Yes, let's go!"

After speaking, the devils went up the mountain again.

The mountain was alright, the trees were burnt and bare, the ground was dark, and my feet were still soft when I walked.

After going up the mountain, in order to prevent another sneak attack by the Eighth Route Army, Xiao Banzhengxiong sent some people as frontline troops to go forward this time!
Takashima Togawa followed at the end, and was slapped twice today, these two slaps really hurt his mother!

"What's this smell?" Inagaki Yasuo took a few deep breaths, "Stink? What kind of smell?"

Takashima Togawa was embarrassed, how could he not know what it smelled like?
The so-called fart knows himself, and he knows when he farts, but how dare you say it?
Poor Inagaki Anzheng took a few more breaths, then frowned, Brick looked back, he was sure that the smell was coming from the people around him, damn it, if you want to relieve yourself, just go to a corner where no one is there , as for pulling pants?

Inagaki Yasuo couldn't stand the smell around here, so he quickly accelerated and walked a few steps forward!
But Takashima Togawa knew that he didn't dare to stay too far away from Inagaki Yasuo, otherwise, it would be a matter of several slaps.

The stench came with it, which annoyed Inagaki Yasuo. He turned around and saw Takashima Togawa again, and then slapped him, "Pa!"

This slap made Takashima Togawa dizzy, "Hurry up and solve your business!"


How embarrassing to be found out?
After walking for an hour, someone from the vanguard came over suddenly, "Masao Masao, the leader of Maeda Hiroo's team is found ahead!"

"Nani?" Hearing this, Xiaoban Masao hurriedly asked, "Their people? How could they be here?"

"Report to Major, they were flanked by the Eighth Route Army, and then they escaped from the side, avoiding a two-line battle with the Eighth Route Army! Now, Maeda Hiroo's team leader is rushing towards us!" After finishing speaking, Xiao Ban Zhengxiong nodded, "Okay, everyone stop and wait for Captain Maeda Hiroo!"

After waiting for the people to come, after hearing Maeda's words, Xiao Banzhengxiong finally understood that the Eighth Route Army not only escaped by accident, but also held on to the city, and made up their minds to fight against them!

However, when he heard that there were still many forests in front of Jianbi Town, he shouted angrily, "Anzheng Inagaki!"

Yasuo Inagaki hurried to Masao Kobata, "Your Excellency, Major!:"

"Didn't the fire burn 25 kilometers away?"

This question made Inagaki Yasuzheng's heart start to beat, yes, he was indeed so familiar with it occasionally, and he also added fuel and vinegar by himself. Could it be that there are no children in the forest of Jianbi Town?Or did you discover something earlier?
"The fire didn't even burn the forest in front of Jianbi Town. Now, Jianbi Town is still in the hands of the Eighth Route Army. Tell me, how can we take Jianbi Town?" Xiaoban Zhengxiong asked.

"Your Excellency, Major, I think that the reason why the forest in front of Jianbi Town was not burned is that the Eighth Route Army fire was put out. Otherwise, you see so many forests have been burned, how could there be so little?" Lying doesn't cost you your life, he Inagaki Yasuo has already thought of a countermeasure!
"I don't want to hear these words, what I want is Jianbi Town!"

Xiaoban Masao said.

Inagaki Anzheng was about to speak when Maeda Hiroo said, "Your Majesty, don't panic. After I opened the door and reached the mountain, I found that there is also a road on the mountain, which can bypass the north gate of Jianbi Town, and then we will directly attack their west gate. In this way, I can quickly open a gap when I open the door!"

Maeda Hiroo's rescue at a critical time made Inagaki Yasuo feel more comfortable.

"Since this is the case, let's move forward at full speed, so as not to have long nights and dreams!" Xiaoban Zhengxiong said.


Inagaki Yasuo said quickly.

A group of people started to walk to the mountain outside Jianbi Town again!

At this time, Ming Zi led 200 people to ambush on the mountain. As long as they dare to walk the mountain road, their guns will not spare anyone!A company of two hundred guards, this is the elite of Lin Zhonghu, with strong combat effectiveness, it seems to be enough to deal with Xiaoban Zhengxiong!

"Brother Mingzi, the Devil is here!"

"Are you coming? Alright, everyone, be on guard, don't let the devils take the opportunity to come in! If you see a devil, kill me!" Mingzi ordered.

Ming Zi also stayed for several days before waiting for the devil. With such a good opportunity, how could he let it go?However, this devil seemed to know that there was an ambush ahead, and walked very slowly. It stands to reason that they should have crawled over half an hour's journey. What's going on?
When Mingzi was at a loss, suddenly, a soldier ran over, "Brother Mingzi, the devil is here!"

"Haha, okay, I have them all. Stand by and hide them. As long as the devil dares to enter our encirclement, I will make him unable to eat!" After Ming Zi finished speaking, all the two hundred soldiers had already hidden. good!
Not long after, the devils really came, but this time Guozi didn't come forward recklessly, but looked around vigilantly. This wasn't caused by the Eighth Route Army. Logically speaking, they should They were attacking towards the west gate, but they were afraid that the Eighth Route Army would have scouts, so they walked very slowly and carefully.

Ming Zi really couldn't take it anymore, what the hell are these little devils doing?If you want to fight, come quickly, it’s so comfortable to dawdle!

However, he still patiently waited for the devil's arrival!
Xiaoban Masao watched the surroundings carefully, and Maeda Hiroo was also very careful. He suffered from the losses of the Eighth Route Army, and he dared not make any mistakes.

Although Xiaoban Zhengxiong still has some bargaining chips in his hands, for the sake of a Jianbi Town, he must mobilize all the people here, fearing that he will be laughed at.

Inagaki Yasuo was very honest, and he walked very carefully with his people.

However, no matter how careful you are, you will always move forward, no matter how careful you are, you will always be transferred to the wolf pit, right?
"Your Excellency, Major, why do I feel a chill down my back?" Inagaki Yasuo asked softly.

"Don't be afraid. I haven't encountered the Eighth Route Army yet. It can only explain one problem. That is, there is no Eighth Route Army here. Everyone, rest assured. As long as you pass this mountain ridge, you will be able to reach the west gate of the Eighth Route Army. At that time, we will use artillery. The city wall of the city was blown apart, and if we rushed in, the Eighth Route Army would definitely be in chaos, haha, are you afraid that we won’t be able to enter? Naturally, I will give him an explanation from Shanbian Dazuo!” Xiaoban Zhengxiong said.

"Hi!" Inagaki Yasuo echoed.

The ghost who risked his body looked around vigilantly. There was nothing in the surrounding area. Many of them were burned trees, and most of the weeds were also burned. The only thing that could hide people was behind those trees. If the Eighth Route Army is not found, then the Eighth Route Army is definitely not here.

Everyone moved forward with this kind of mind, and naturally they gradually relaxed a lot, especially when the small board Masao began to relax, the people below also relaxed. No need to be so nervous anymore.

"Okay, let's go at full speed now!" Xiaoban Zhengxiong glanced at his watch, we arrived at Jianbi Town before dark, and caught the Eighth Route Army by surprise at night! "

"Hi Yi!"

After Inagaki Yasuo finished speaking, he immediately ordered Maeda Hiroo to take his people forward quickly, and the first thing was to reach Jianbi Town.

Slowly, the devil entered the range of the ambush, Ming Zi squinted his eyes, "Hehe, it's finally here, very good, hit me, hit me hard!"

With an order, machine guns and grenades began to greet the devils.

Maeda Hiroo suddenly heard the sound of gunfire, and immediately got down on the ground, and then looked ahead vigilantly, the Eighth Route Army!

Eighth Route Army!
How are they so elusive?how so?
The devils who rushed to the front fell down a lot, and slowly everyone got down quickly.

Xiaoban Masao's face turned from red to white!
How can it be?They walked vigilantly for so long, and they didn't meet the Eighth Route Army, but they met the Eighth Route Army just when they relaxed?
what are they?
"Hurry up and fight!" Xiao Ban Masao said to Inagaki Yasuo.

Inagaki Yasho immediately rushed over with the people!Takashima Togawa felt that this matter might really provoke the Eighth Route Army. Why are the Eighth Route Army everywhere?They can't be wiped out, they are elusive, and they greet them from time to time.


Takashima Togawa also rushed up, and his troops began to attack violently!

The 200 people led by Mingzi are well-trained, and it is impossible for them to break up easily, but the devils are different. They have marched for so long, and when their thoughts start to feel a little lazy, they suddenly take the blow. How can they not be emotional?

Ming Zi let out a loud roar, took a pistol and began to violently kill the devil.



"Boom!" Bombing sounded one after another, and there were so many gunshots on this small mountain ridge.

"Inagaki Yasama, hearing the sound of the Eighth Route Army's gunshots, there should not be many people. You lead people to rush in from the left and disrupt their formation!" Xiaoban Masao shouted.

"Takashima Togawa, lead your men to rush in from the right! You can't beat the Eighth Route Army, Hiroo Maeda, lead your men to fight the Eighth Route Army in front, and press them all! Make the Eighth Route Army's line mess up! "

This is Masao Koban's idea.

However, the more difficult Ming Zi's Eighth Route Army encountered, the less likely they would give up.






"Da da da!"

All kinds of sounds, mixed with screams and roars, made the whole mountain ridge tremble a little.

The devils were all over the place, and Mingzi knew that if they really came up, they might really be in disarray. At that time, they might be defeated. This was the first battle of their new Fourth Regiment, and they couldn't embarrass the Eighth Route Army! "On the bayonet!"

"Go on the bayonet!"

Everyone in the Eighth Route Army shouted, "Shu, s, s..."

With the bayonets attached, the soldiers jumped up from the trenches and killed them!
At this time, the little devil rushed over like crazy!




Hand-to-hand combat is all about morale!

In hand-to-hand combat, I have never been afraid of anyone. The Eighth Route Army knows at this moment that if they lose, they will have no face and go back!

Ming Zi knew even more how important this battle was to them.

He was the first to bear the brunt, slashing and killing among the devils with a saber, his face was covered with blood, and he shouted, "Kill, go to battle and kill the enemy! Go to battle and kill the enemy!"

The Eighth Route Army, with an unstoppable posture, unexpectedly displayed [-]% of its strength on this unknown hill, which greatly frustrated the devil's attack!

The little devil put on a bayonet and started a fight with the Eighth Route Army, and the devils behind aimed at the Eighth Route Army and started plotting!

Mingzi is not afraid, and goes forward without hesitation!

Who knows, these things seem unlikely until now, but they have always existed.

The [-]th Route Army charged forward, wielding machetes and bayonets. This kind of momentum made many devils terrified. Isn't the legendary Eighth Route Army a mud leg?
Isn't the legendary Eighth Route Army dying of ammunition shortage?

Didn't the legendary Eighth Route Army say that they had no fighting power?

What happened to them today?
(End of this chapter)

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