Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2786 Another setback

Chapter 2786 Another setback

The [-]th Route Army charged forward, wielding machetes and bayonets. This kind of momentum made many devils terrified. Isn't the legendary Eighth Route Army a mud leg?
Isn't the legendary Eighth Route Army dying of ammunition shortage?

Didn't the legendary Eighth Route Army say that they had no fighting power?

What happened to them today?
What kind of power are they going to exert today?

No... definitely not like this, this is not the Eighth Route Army!

They don't want to admit that they were beaten all over by the Eighth Route Army. What they have to face is a frontal battle like the national army, not playing tricks with the other party on this nameless hill.

Xiaoban Zhengxiong was stunned, how could he fail to see that so many people he led were beaten all over by the Eighth Route Army, which was not as numerous as others, and more devils began to think of retreating.

On the contrary, Inagaki Yasuo is still commanding the battle, and Takashima Togawa and Maeda Hiroo are both calm in the front, but how long can they cope with such calmness?
Xiao Banzhengxiong's calf didn't know what was going on, and he shuddered. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew past him. It was a soldier of the empire who retreated at will!

They have no confidence, no determination!
How could this battle be fought so easily?
Not right!

When did the Eighth Route Army become so powerful?

Xiaoban Zhengxiong still doesn't want to admit that the Eighth Route Army has a strong fighting power. They face such a fact, but they don't want to admit it. Isn't this self-deception?
All of a sudden, the right side began to collapse, and Takashimatogawa's people suffered a lot of setbacks on the right side. They were unable to attack, and started hand-to-hand combat with the Eighth Route Army. After a short fight, they discovered that there were not many Eighth Route Army casualties. Instead, they had received professional training And the trained imperial army died a lot!
However, Takashima Togawa has been yelling to be loyal to the empire, but at this time, how many people are willing to die like this?

Seeing that a gap was opened, the Eighth Route Army was extremely excited, and they hacked even harder!The devils around Takashima Togawa slowly retreated back, and he also stood up and retreated quickly!

This is the choice of wise people. Retreating is not terrible. If you must quickly gather the retreating people in a short time, you will still have fighting power!

However, such an impact is indeed very large!

First, it affected Maedatogawa's frontal army, and then affected Inagaki Yasho on the left. In short, this battle of the devils was a blood loss!
The Eighth Route Army chased them, and the devils retreated more than ten miles in a short time!
This battle was fought until it was dark, Ming Zi asked people to stop!
During the immediate battle, Ming Zi saw that more than 70 soldiers from the [-]th Route Army had died in battle, and everyone had wounds on their bodies!
Seeing everyone, Akiko also felt very heartbroken, this is a company of guards, hey!
At this time, Liu Ji brought people up the mountain, but the devils had already retreated!
“Brother Mingzi, I’m sorry, we’re late!”

Liu Ji frowned and said.

"There's nothing to be ashamed of! Wars are like this. Commander Liu, can you help us bury my brothers who died in battle?" Ming Zi asked.

"Of course, they are all comrades, all comrades in arms!" After he finished speaking, he waved his hand, and the soldiers behind him helped to bury these comrades who died on the battlefield!
Liu Ji's eyes were wet. In fact, he could have come up the mountain earlier, but he found that the mountain road was very difficult to walk along the way, and he was delayed until the end of the battle!
After burying those sacrificed comrades, Mingzi married Liu Ji to clean up the battlefield, and then took the rest of the people to Hanhou Township!

Unlike Liu Ji, Xiaoban Zhengxiong.

He's a coward, but he just fell down!
In this battle, two hundred of his men died, and nearly two hundred were slightly injured. Those seriously wounded did not retreat in time on the battlefield. I am afraid that the Eighth Route Army would not spare them lightly. Therefore, this battle Xiaoban Masao didn't know why there was such a result!

"Your Excellency, Major, I think we can find another way?" Inagaki Yasuo asked.

"Oh? Is there anything you can do?" Xiaoban Masao asked.

"We are seriously injured in the front. If we continue to fight like this, I am afraid that the loss will not be worth the loss. I think we have to find another way to completely cut off the connection between Jianbi Town and Jiahe Town. As for how to do it, I think we have to rely on our numbers. Advantages, guard against death! Let the Eighth Route Army's conspiracy not succeed!" Inagaki Yasuo said.

"To be more specific, what I want is your plan. I am wondering about the heavy losses. The Yamabe Commander absolutely spared us. Therefore, how to win Jianbi Town is the key to the problem!" Xiao Xiao Ban Zhengxiong said.

"Your Excellency, Major, I understand that this is the goal set by the higher authorities. As long as we achieve this goal at a deep level, even if Jianbi Town can't be taken down, it should be fine!" Inagaki Yasuo said.

"Oh? I want to hear it! What do you have to say!" Xiaoban Masao sat down and got a cup of tea.

"I think that since we can't attack directly, we should fight around Jianbi Town. We must first take down Sihuai Township, and then go west and take down Sishui Town. Sishui Town seems insignificant, but Sishui Town is indeed A breakthrough, as long as the town of Sishui is captured, the tank factory will be behind, and if the tank factory goes north, it will be Nanxiang!"

When Yasuo Inagaki finished speaking the word Nango, Masao Itata's eyes lit up!

"Yes, why didn't I think of this? The Eighth Route Army probably didn't think that we would do it like this, did it?" Xiao Ban Zhengxiong said proudly, as long as he took Sishui Town, bypassed the tank factory and directly attacked Nanxiang, then The Eighth Route Army's backyard caught fire, how could they not be in a hurry?
"Your Excellency Shao Zuo said exactly, we must pretend to launch an offensive now, and then send a surprise army to quickly take down Sihuai Township first, and then quickly occupy Sishui Township as the base point, and take down Nanxiang Township. If we succeed Now, the Eighth Route Army is at the end of its battle!" Inagaki Yasuo said.

"Yes, the idea is very good. The Eighth Route Army is not enough to attack the city, but more than enough to defend the city. We have paid such a heavy price and have learned a lesson. If your idea is correct, the large forces of the Eighth Route Army should be in Jiahe Town and Jianbi Town. Others The guards must be empty!" Xiaoban Masao took the lead.

"Okay, let's do this. All the troops, stay put and start an offensive posture. Captain Inagaki Yasushi, I order you to take your people to quickly occupy Sihuai Township, and send mobile troops to occupy Sishui Town!"

After everything was ready, Masao Koban put it into practice.

However, all of this is in the hands of the Eighth Route Army. As for Sihuai Township, the village has long since been emptied, and Sihuai Township was even occupied by Dongjingku people a few days ago.

Soon, Jianbi Town fell into a brief peace. They didn't take the initiative to attack, but they kept harassing. For Liu Ji, this was irrelevant.

There is also Jiahe Town, although he changed to Xicangliu, but he also did not take down Jiahe Town, which means that no matter it is Jiahe Town or Jianbi Town, the devils do not get too much light. Can keep like this!

In other words, on this day, the weather was fine, the sun was scorching hot, and it was very warm and comfortable when it shone on people.

Yasuo Inagaki went straight to Sihuai Township with his people.

The Eighth Route Army also got the news immediately, and then Li Jiguang immediately called the New Fourth Regiment and asked them to prepare quickly!

Lin Zhonghu also asked Mingzi to set off with others immediately, and the wound on Mingzi's body was simply bandaged, saying that it was not important.

Under the leadership of Ming Zi, the twenty riders passed through several villages and then settled down in an open forest.

For fodder for the horses, and after everyone had eaten briefly, a soldier came running over, "Brother Mingzi!"

Ming Zi looked up, saw his brother coming, and asked quickly, "What happened?"

"Brother Mingzi, as expected, the devil really gave up attacking Jianbi Town and went straight to Sihuai Township!"

"Haha, the Brigadier Commander has a clever plan, and he really hit it off!" Mingzi had just finished speaking, when he heard the sound of horseshoes, and the person who came was also a member of the Twenty Cavalry.

"Brother Mingzi!"

The man dismounted from his horse and became panting.

"Say, what's the situation?" Ming Zi asked quickly.

"Sihuai Township was occupied by devils a few days ago!" Ming Zi was taken aback, "What?"

"Now the devils have occupied Sihuai Township, and they are staying behind closed doors. I don't know what they are planning! Brother Mingzi, tell me, what shall we do next?" The brother looked at Mingzi and asked.

"Hehe, I'm afraid that Xiao Juguang couldn't take down Jiahe Town, so he decided to go with him, Xiao Shiro, at the mountain side. It just so happened that I wanted to use the devil's hand to make them fight each other!" Mingzi sneered.

"Brother Mingzi, tell me, how do you do it?"

"It's going to be dark now, so our plan can be implemented! Let's send people to harass Inagaki Anzheng first, and let Inagaki Anzheng be careful. When they are about to approach Sihuai Township, hehe, let's Shoot, if I'm right, the devils in Sihuai Township will definitely fight the devils who are facing Inagaki Anzheng outside! I think it's worth doing anything to kill some devils with their hands!" Mingzi said.

"Well, good, makes sense!"


The devils walking on the road are driving motorcycles, very imposing. According to their current speed, they will definitely be able to reach Sihuai Township before dark. In this way, they can repair in Sihuai Township for one night, and then go straight to Surabaya the next day Go to the town, everything seems logical!
Just as Inagaki Yasushi was thinking about this, he suddenly heard the sound of horseshoes!

The sound of horseshoes approaching from far to near, Inagaki Yasho immediately stopped the motorcycle, and then everyone lay in ambush!

I thought I could ambush them, or see clearly who the other party was, but when the comers arrived, they shot directly at the place where they ambush!

This surprised Inagaki Yasho immediately, the Eighth Route Army already has cavalry?However, this is not surprising, as long as there are a few horses, is it cavalry?Impossible, without professional training, the cavalry of the Eighth Route Army should be scumbags!
"fight back!"

After Yasuo Inagaki finished speaking, the bullet went through!

Ming Zi asked people to stop, then turned around and left!
The devils were about to give chase, but Inagaki Yasho immediately told everyone to stop.

"Takashima Togawa, tell your people, don't chase at random!:" Inagaki Yasuzawa shouted.

"They ran away, captain, this is a good time!" Takashima Togawa said quickly.

"How many people are there?" Inagaki Yasuo asked impatiently.

"About twenty rides!" Takashima Togawa said.

"Don't chase, this is a trick of the Eighth Route Army to lure the enemy, let's not be fooled!"

Yasuo Inagaki understands the reason why he is so confident. First, the other party must have known their location and shot directly at their ambush point when they came over.

The second point is that if only [-] riders dare to fight, it means that they are trying to lure them and let them pursue them. If they are ambushed by the Eighth Route Army, they will suffer huge losses!

Although Takashima Togawa didn't quite understand it, he told everyone not to pursue him.

"Captain, since this is the case, let's hurry to Sihuai Township!"

"Hehe, we can't go in a hurry now. If there is no accident, the Eighth Route Army is stationed in Sihuai Township, and maybe the Eighth Route Army is ambushing us by the side of the road. Not only can we not go quickly, but we should slow down! Tonight, we must be there. How can the cavalry of the Eighth Route Army defend Sihuai Township?"

Inagaki Yasuo said.

At this time, Inagaki's troops were walking very slowly, and the forward devils began to mop up the left and right sides. Once they encountered any problems, they would know immediately. The motorcycle team also walked very slowly, and the Eighth Route Army was cunning. Maybe they will give them a shot anywhere, they have suffered from the Eighth Route Army, so naturally they walk slowly and carefully!

Maeda Hiroshige has resentment, but thinking that he did not gain glory in the hands of the Eighth Route Army, but instead lost soldiers and generals, he is suffering and can't say it!

After walking for a long time, the sky gradually darkened, and the forward troops still failed to find the ambush point of the Eighth Route Army!
Inagaki Yasuo frowned, "Don't the Eighth Route Army want to ambush us? What is their purpose?"

It stands to reason that he won't have any difficulty in taking down Sihuai Township, and the twenty cavalry also can't keep Sihuai Township, and Sihuai Township is just an excessive place, so it doesn't seem too important whether he wins here or not !
"Captain, as far as I can see, we should camp in the wild. The situation in Sihuai Township is uncertain, so I think..."

Before Takashima Togawa could finish speaking, Inagaki Yasuo said, "I'm even more worried outside. The Bella army is cunning, and it's hard to say that it's hard to attack at night. In my opinion, it's better to be stationed in Sihuai Township. King way!"

Inagaki Yasuo then shouted, "The front is Sihuai Township, tonight, we will be stationed in Sihuai Township!"

Night battles, they are not good at night battles at all, so stationing at night is the best way, otherwise, if something unexpected happens, they may not even have time to react.

It's too late, the final result is heavy damage, even death!
They don't want this result.

(End of this chapter)

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