Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 279 Karina's True Identity

Chapter 279 Karina's True Identity
Hearing Lei Zhan's words, Dakui and his brothers immediately smiled.

However, seeing Miss Karina's proud look, Da Kui and the others smiled and shook their heads again.

However, there was love in their eyes.

Fortunately, Karina passed away after a while, and did not continue to show off.

"My grandfather is an arms merchant. Therefore, Commander Lei, I can provide you with ammunition and guns, but you must exchange them with real money. This is a deal."

When she said this, Karina's cute smile immediately returned to seriousness.

After all, these munitions are not hers yet, and she has not completed the trial mission.

Therefore, her inheritance rights with her grandfather and grandson are still five or five.

Even her grandfather's right to adopt grandson is still above her.

However, as long as Karina can open up the market by herself, her inheritance rights will increase.

Therefore, she now needs to make a deal with Lei Zhan, and send real money back to the headquarters, in the hands of those in power, in exchange for more inheritance rights.


Hearing Karina's true identity, Lei Zhan's heart suddenly tightened.

His face also became serious, but in the seriousness, there was also excitement.

Arms dealer, what does this represent!
As long as this line can be reached, then his troops can be fully armed, and they are still armed with the most advanced equipment.

At that time, the disadvantages of the Eighth Route Army and the little devil in equipment will be completely separated, and even the little devil will be crushed directly.

Moreover, for the plan to form special forces in the future, Lei Zhan has basically been completed.

What he lacks now is some advanced equipment such as sniper rifles.

Now that there is Karina's line, there is no need to worry about equipment issues in the future.

Lei Zhan is fully aware of the problem of trading gold and silver. After all, the cost of guns and ammunition is not low.

There is no need for Karina to give him the equipment for free. There is no free lunch in the world, and there will be no pie in the sky.

As for money, Lei Zhan felt worried.

After all, the Wolf Warriors Group is rapidly expanding and developing, and money is needed everywhere. Although a lot of money has been seized before, it is still not enough to buy guns and ammunition.

Not only Lei Zhan was surprised, Zhang Jibing who was at the side started to breathe quickly.

His face started to turn red a little, and he had always understood a truth.

The difference between the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army and the little devils lies in the ability of individual soldiers to fight. Of course, this is not the most important thing.

The most important thing is the issue of weapons and equipment. Just imagine, how can Xiaomi add a rifle to effectively kill little devils.

What kind of weapons are the little devils, heavy machine guns, light machine guns, aircraft cannons, armored vehicles, and big turtle tanks.

Therefore, as long as a large amount of equipment can be obtained in Karina's hands, it is entirely possible to reverse the entire battle situation in the North China battlefield.

This will completely change the fate of their Eighth Route Army in the war.

Zhang Jibing was excited, and he looked at Lei Zhan, who was meditating, with burning eyes.

The soldiers at this time didn't have too many thoughts, after all, they were not in their positions, and they didn't plan for their own affairs. Besides, the equipment of their Wolf Warriors was no worse than that of the little devils.

Da Kui and his brothers on the side looked at Lei Zhan with a smile.

They are waiting for Lei Zhan's decision.

After all, they have experienced the combat effectiveness of Lei Zhan, an army soldier.

Moreover, they also saw that the weapons of the Lei Zhan troops were not bad. They were all [-] big covers, and there were a lot of heavy and light machine guns.

In terms of equipment, Lei Zhan's Wolf Warriors were not inferior to the little devil's equipment.

But what about other troops?

When Karina saw Lei Zhan who was silent and contemplative, she felt a little overwhelmed.

There was already a hint of anxiety on her lovely face.

Karina, after all, is still too young.

At this moment, Lei Zhan felt Zhang Jibing's gaze. After nodding to Zhang Jibing, he looked at Karina.

He really didn't expect that the big foreign girl in front of him was not a beautiful little white rabbit, but a real big she-wolf.

The granddaughter of an arms dealer, if you think about it with your ass, you can also think of her backstage.

Thinking of this, and seeing Miss Karina who was already getting a little anxious.

Lei Zhan smiled slightly and said, "Yes, Miss Karina."

In fact, what he was thinking just now was not embarrassing Karina, Lei Zhan was worried about getting money there.

However, he had already thought of a solution to this trouble.

"Treasure Map!"

The treasure map obtained from the bandits before, after repeated investigations, Lei Zhan has been able to confirm that among the treasures, the current situation of lack of money will definitely be resolved.

"Okay, thank you Captain Lei!"

Hearing that Lei Zhan agreed, Karina immediately relaxed.

There was another charming smile on her lovely face.

"I can assure you, Commander Lei, the weapon you got in my hands is definitely the best in the market, even though it is cheap."

Immediately afterwards, Karina promised Lei Zhan.

In fact, Karina also knew in her heart that after such a long time, she already had a sufficient understanding of Lei Zhan and Lei Zhan's Wolf Warriors.

First of all, Lei Zhan is a very capable Chinese soldier, and the soldiers he trained are all very powerful.

Secondly, Lei Zhan's Wolf Warriors are extremely brutal.

Moreover, his wolf warrior group is developing rapidly at this time.

Every village recruited troops, and recruited troops in the counties, and Karina had finished them all.

Anyway, she has never seen that a regiment can have more than [-] troops, or even [-].

What this represents, represents Lei Zhan's army, which is developmental.

Moreover, during this period of time, Karina also dealt with the Eighth Route Army in detail.

She knew that the weapons of the Eighth Route Army were very backward.

From the millet plus rifle at the beginning, to the current Hanyang-made, the official, and the old [-] cover.

Therefore, Karina felt that as long as she went through Lei Zhan, she would be able to completely open up the Chinese market.

And, through Lei Zhan, she sold her weapons to the Eighth Route Army.

After all, the weapons of the Eighth Route Army are backward. Compared with the little devils, their combat effectiveness is simply not comparable.

In every battle, many fight with their lives.

Therefore, Karina is optimistic about the market for the Eighth Route Army.

"Well, then wish us a happy cooperation in advance."

Looking at the happy Karina, Lei Zhan congratulated and extended his hand at the same time.

"Well, happy cooperation, Mr. Lei."

Karina held Lei Zhan's hand and said with a smile.

She is extremely excited in her heart now, because, through Lei Zhan, she can completely seize all the inheritance rights.

(End of this chapter)

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