Chapter 280
Zhang Jibing at the side was relieved when he heard that Lei Zhan had finalized the cooperation.

This is a good thing, a great thing, as long as a large amount of weapons can be purchased and sent to the headquarters, then the good days of the Eighth Route Army will come.

When Dakui and his brothers saw Lei Zhan agreeing, they all smiled.

They thanked Lei Zhan in their hearts. After all, it was hard to find a good troop leader like Lei Zhan.

At the same time, they were happy for Karina in their hearts, and in their hearts, they also agreed with Karina's right to inherit.

In this way, Karina will fulfill her wish, and she will not have to live so tiredly in the future.

Of course, there is another most important reason for this, that is Karina's grandfather's adopted grandson, because now only Lei Zhan can kill Karina's grandfather's adopted grandson.

"By the way, Commander Lei, I happen to have a batch of weapons in my hand right now. Come to think of it, it should be what you need most right now."

At this time, Karina looked at Lei Zhan and said with a smile.

After all, it was the first transaction, and she was the supplier, so the sincerity of the first time had to be paid by her.


Hearing Karina's words, Lei Zhan's eyes lit up immediately, and he began to think in his heart.

The weapon he needs most now, what weapon is it?

Could it be a sniper rifle!
Lei Zhan thought in his heart, after all, he wanted to arm the special forces now, so a sniper in every special force was indispensable.

After all, if a sniper in a special forces team uses [-] big covers to snipe, the efficiency will be greatly reduced.

"What weapon?"

At this time, Zhang Jibing, who was very happy, asked the question in his heart.

At the same time, Zhang Jibing was also thinking in his heart that if he bought weapons, he would settle the score, and if it was Dayang, it would definitely not be enough for the Wolf Warriors to pay for it themselves.

Therefore, Zhang Jibing decided to report to his superiors and ask them to allocate part of the money.

Although the Eighth Route Army is poor, weapons are the most important thing right now.

"Well, a sniper rifle!"

Hearing Zhang Jibing's inquiry, Karina did not hesitate at all, and directly said that what she provided to Lei Zhan this time was a sniper rifle.

"it is good!"

Just after Karina finished speaking, Zhang Jibing and the soldiers immediately shouted hello.

Now, they really know the great effect of sniper rifles.

During the war, you can see Lei Ming's sniper team playing a huge role.

So, when they heard that it was a sniper rifle, they immediately became excited.

"Well, yes, the sniper rifle is what I need most now, so thank you, Miss Karina."

Lei Zhan was also happy in his heart, and he expressed his gratitude to Miss Karina.

After all, a sniper rifle is a good thing that even money can't get in this day and age.

Therefore, Lei Zhan is still very grateful to Karina for providing him with this channel.

As long as he has a large number of sniper rifles, the combat effectiveness of his special warfare battalion will rise by more than one level.

In addition, his Sharpshooter Battalion can also usher in better development.

After all, in this period of the Anti-Japanese War, the role of snipers has not yet been developed.

Not only snipers, but also special forces.

The special forces currently owned by foreign countries are nothing more than small ones.

They are still in the experimental stage. After all, they don't fully understand the role of special forces, and they need to experiment step by step.

However, Lei Zhan is different. After all, Lei Zhan came from later generations, and the development of special forces in later generations has matured.

All kinds of wars cannot lack the participation of special forces.

Therefore, Lei Zhan absolutely does not allow China in this life to lag behind other countries in the training of special forces.

Lei Zhan wants to let China's special forces resound throughout the world during the Anti-Japanese War.

"Miss Karina, it's getting late, you should rest today, tomorrow, you can leave with your people.

We are making other arrangements for the cooperation transaction. Don't worry, no matter how many guns and ammunition you get, I will accept them all by Lei Zhan. "

Seeing that it was getting late, Lei Zhan terminated the conversation.

After all, there is plenty of time in the future, and there is no need to negotiate a deal tonight.

Therefore, Lei Zhan decided to make a formal deal with Karina after finishing the matter in front of him.

"Okay, Mr. Ray!"

Hearing Lei Zhan's words, Karina replied with a smile.

Now that the cooperation has been finalized, she doesn't need to be so anxious now.

"Xiao Liu, you arrange accommodation with these brothers, and the political commissar and I will leave first."

Lei Zhan turned around and gave instructions to a soldier behind him.

"Yes, Captain!"

Hearing Lei Zhan's order, soldier Xiao Liu immediately went to prepare.

Anyway, there are still vacant rooms in this courtyard, which is more than enough to accommodate more than ten people.

"Thank you, Captain Lei."

Da Kui thanked Lei Zhan with a smile when he heard Lei Zhan's arrangement.

Afterwards, Lei Zhan and Zhang Jibing greeted Karina and the others, and then walked towards the headquarters.

After returning to the headquarters, Lei Zhan and Zhang Jibing did not go back to rest.

The two came directly to Lei Zhan's office. The two of them wanted to discuss the next deal with Karina.

"Old Lei, this matter is really great. As long as we can continue to cooperate with them for a long time, then our Eighth Route Army will usher in a peak period of development."

As soon as the two of them sat down, Zhang Jibing immediately laughed and started talking.

After all, at this moment, his heart was extremely excited.

"Don't be so happy. Although the channel has been established now, we still can't afford heavy weapons."

Lei Zhan looked at the excited Zhang Jibing, and immediately poured cold water on Zhang Jibing.

"how to say?"

Hearing Lei Zhan's words, Zhang Jibing immediately asked in doubt.

He didn't understand a little.

"You are also a person who came down from the headquarters, you have to know that the frontal battlefield, the little devils above, have armored vehicles and tanks.

What about us, can we buy tanks?

Even if we can buy it, how to transport it is still a problem.

If we say that we really have tanks, then what we face is not just as simple as we have to face little devils. "

Lei Zhan looked at Zhang Jibing, analyzing bit by bit.

After all, he has experienced later generations and knows more things than Zhang Jibing.

"You mean, Bald Jiang!"

Hearing Lei Zhan's words, Zhang Jibing suddenly raised his head, and said in a somewhat unfriendly tone.

Hearing Lei Zhan's analysis, Zhang Jibing also understood in his heart.

Now the little devils are tyrannical and the country and the Communist Party cooperate. However, there is a prerequisite for this, the Eighth Route Army is weak.

However, what if the Eighth Route Army has tanks and aircraft.

These things are definitely not that simple!
(End of this chapter)

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