Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2790 Exciting Moment

Chapter 2790 Exciting Moment
On the hills outside Sishui Town, soldiers from the Eighth Route Army fought a defensive battle. This was an active provocation by the devils. If they failed, they would definitely be embellished by people with ulterior motives and capitalized. In order to win, Shouhou is the first line of defense. Go up and keep attacking the devils.

You have a good plan, I have a wall ladder, your weapons are advanced, and I will defend them desperately.

No matter what, if the devil wants to win, he must pay more!
Anyway, everyone has their own way, and everyone has their own countermeasures.

After Akiko shot and killed Maeda Hiroo's team, she saw the arrival of the large army of devils. Before the battlefield could be cleaned up, she hurriedly ordered people to retreat.

"Brother Mingzi, now the large army is going to attack Sishui Town, I'm worried that the thin monkey won't be able to defend it!" said a soldier.

"Don't be disheartened. At this time, the devils seem to be aggressive. That's because they have artillery. They are attacking from the back and do not have an advantage. Similarly, for the Eighth Route Army, they also have disadvantages. , that is, their numbers are not many, if they can defend well, I hope he will perform a miracle!"

Ming Zi said slowly.

"It looks like Slim Monkey will stick around here for several days!" Ming Zi continued.He knew clearly in his heart that it was impossible for the regiment headquarters or even the brigade headquarters to be unaware that the skinny monkey had suffered such a big attack. As for what they were going to do, Mingzi didn't know, that's all he did.


Eighth Route Army Brigade Department.

When Surabaya Town was attacked by devils, Li Jiguang breathed a sigh of relief.

This also means that the pressure on Jiahe Town and Jianbi Town has become less, and they can implement the next plan!Then, Li Jiguang quickly ordered Lin Zhonghu, the fourth regiment, to take down Sihuai Township immediately, and after taking down Sihuai Township, he wanted to provoke Yamabe Koshiro and Xiao Juguang.

Moreover, Li Jiguang asked Yang Fei to do pre-war ideological work on the twenty selected dead men!

The twenty young men were all in good spirits. They looked at Li Jiguang, and Li Jiguang also looked at them.

What a good age, what a good boy, if they sacrificed, it would be a loss to the Eighth Route Army.

"Comrades!" Li Jiguang said, "We must win this battle, but if we want to win, we must pay the most pain!"

"The devils don't give us any time. We can only create our own time. They don't give us opportunities, but we have to create our own opportunities. Do you know why I called you here?" Li Jiguang asked.

"Brigade Commander, we have joined the army for a long time, so if you have any orders, just speak up!" said a soldier.

"Okay, then I'll say it!" Li Jiguang's eyes glistened with tears, but he never let them fall, "We want to win, but the premise is that we are prepared to make a lot of sacrifices. , sent a few ships to block us in front of Zhangjiadu, and then sent small ships to transport the devils back and forth. Now, a large part of the devils have quietly arrived in Surabaya Town. Once the devils break through the town of Surabaya, our old base will be We have received a fatal blow. If we want to win, we must block the gap for the devils to enter the Hexi land. They have ships, so let's blow them up!"

After finishing speaking, those Eighth Route Army soldiers looked at each other in blank dismay, that was a lump of iron, how could it be so easy to explode?This...isn't it a joke?
Li Jiguang knew everyone's doubts, and he didn't continue to hide it from them.

"I know there are certain difficulties in this, but what you 20 people can do as dead soldiers, as a surprise soldier, is to blow up the devil's ship. When the devil's ship sinks to the bottom, other ships want to come over. If it is, it will be difficult, so we must blow it up!" Li Jiguang said.

"Brigade Commander, I know!"

said a soldier.

"I know too!"

"We all know!"

Is there anything more to wonder about?No, they don't need to know anything else. The less they know, the better. They only need to know how to blow up the devil's ship. As for blowing up the ship, how do they come back?

It's hard to say, because there is no way to come, Qihe, this is a fast-moving river, a big river flows from north to south, the most likely thing is that they will be buried in Qihe.

"I'm sorry everyone!" Li Jiguang bowed to everyone, and then said, "If it succeeds, I, Li Jiguang, will not repay you. If it fails, I will not blame you. After all, what kind of river is Qihe? I am certain!"

"Please rest assured, Brigadier, we will definitely complete the task!"

"Thank you!" Li Jiguang bowed to everyone again.

When the 20 people left, Li Jiguang had mixed feelings in his heart, and Zou Peng came in silently, "Brigade Commander!"

"Oh, Zou Peng!" Li Jiguang sat down, and Zou Peng slowly came over.

"Brigade Commander, have the twenty dead men left?" Zou Peng asked.

"Yes, let's go!" Li Jiguang made up his mind very hard. As for whether he can blow up the devil's ship, it's really hard to say!Once the devil's ship is blown up, they can drive straight in, directly take down Zhangjiadu, completely wipe out the devils in the land of Hexi, and close the door to beat the dog!
If you fail, then continue to think of a way!
"Don't worry, the twenty dead men will definitely be able to complete the task!" Zou Peng said, "We have planned for so long just for today, let's hear the good news!"

Li Jiguang nodded.

Zou Peng can now feel that in the heart of the Eighth Route Army, nothing is more important than their fighters. He used to think that he could do whatever it takes to win, but now he understands that the Eighth Route Army is an army of benevolence and righteousness. The sacrifice of his own robe is really like a brother.

The sporadic sound of gunfire outside Jiahe Town was already common to them.As for how to fight and how to do it, he doesn't have to worry about it himself, someone will definitely worry about it, and someone will do it.

However, Li Jiguang's mood is not very high, twenty soldiers, twenty fresh lives!
Twenty dead men.

Captain Cheng Jiancheng was one of the first batch of new soldiers to join the Eighth Route Army. He performed well and had already written an application for joining the party. Yang Fei, the regiment commander, also knew it. He also gave the information to Li Jiguang after confirming the names of the people.

Li Jiguang immediately approved Cheng Jiancheng's application.

This is a very important application.

Wang Wei hurried in from the outside, saw Li Jiguang's appearance, and then understood, "The twenty dead men have already left, and if they are left, maybe everything has to start from scratch!

He walked over slowly, "Lao Li, what's wrong with you?"

Li Jiguang looked at Wang Wei, "Oh, it's okay, it will be fine!"

In fact, Li Jiguang felt very uncomfortable, but he could only endure it.

A few simple words let Wang Wei know that Li Jiguang was actually very uncomfortable.Victory has always been cruel, and failure is ten times more cruel on the head of cruelty.Therefore, since ancient times, they have been pursuing victory, and because they have won, they are qualified to dictate the whole matter.

Twenty dead soldiers hurried from the brigade headquarters to the edge of the cliff.

They were not afraid of death. When Cheng Jiancheng led everyone to the edge of the cliff, he counted the number of people, and then looked at everyone, "It's getting late now. If we jump from here, we may not be able to come back. You guys The brigade commander has promised to arrange and take care of our small family. Therefore, the only way for everyone to go down and blow up the devil's ships is to be worthy of the party. Without the Eighth Route Army, our hard life is still the same, and we are still oppressed by the devil. Look Now, our good days have just begun, and the devils are here again, who is the devil? Who is the savior, everyone should see clearly!" Cheng Jiancheng walked up to them slowly.

Get their collars right, straighten them, and smile, "Get ready everyone, everyone has a bundle of high explosives on them, down below, we have to swim to the devil ship! This war, we must win , because only by winning can our relatives and family members have a good life!"

After speaking, everyone checked the equipment, and then stood at attention looking at Cheng Jiancheng.

"Okay, let's jump!" Cheng Jiancheng walked to the edge of the cliff, the wind blowing from Qihe was biting, although the weather was already warm, the temperature difference between day and night was still huge.

He closed his eyes, jumped, and jumped off a cliff close to 40 meters!
None of the soldiers behind retreated, they seemed to be threatened antelopes, jumping down one by one!



The wind on the edge of the cliff is much gentler than the water of the Qi River, which is called icy cold.

Cheng Jiancheng jumped down and went straight down to the bottom of the Qi River for ten meters, and then slowly floated up. He took a breath, and the rushing river pushed him unkindly to the south.

He quickly adjusted his direction and swam towards the devil's ship.

There was a light on the devil's ship, and the light kept shining in the direction of Zhangjiadu. Soon, more than a dozen heads appeared from the river, and they quickly adjusted their direction and headed towards the devil's ship!
When everyone arrived under the devil's ship, Cheng Jiancheng had been waiting for everyone to appear. After an hour, everyone came together and counted the number of people, but three people were missing!

These three people must have had an accident!
"Okay, everyone follow me, now, let's find a way to sink this iron bump to the bottom of the river!"

Cheng Chengcheng said.

"Captain, shall we sink those boats first?" said a soldier.

"Confused! The deadly threat is this ship, not that small boat. This ship stopped in the middle of the river until Zhangjiadu. Those small boats are irrelevant. This ship is the biggest threat!" After Cheng Chengcheng finished speaking, let everyone The position at the bow was waiting for him. He circled around the ship, trying to find a breakthrough, but he couldn't find a breakthrough at all.

They couldn't wait like this, Cheng Jiancheng said directly, "Since there is no breakthrough, everyone take the explosives, there is no breakthrough below, we can only go up!"

"Above, captain, we don't know how many devils are there, is it too dangerous to go up?" a soldier asked nervously.

"Of course it's dangerous, but if we can't blow up the ship, we can't do business. Follow me. There is a staircase on the right side of the ship. We can go up there!" After Cheng Jiancheng finished speaking, he swam to the right again. past.

In addition to Cheng Jiancheng, the seventeen people all passed to the right.

Sure enough, there was a staircase, and Cheng Jiancheng was the first to climb the stairs, and then went up!
The soldiers behind followed slowly.

On the deck, what Cheng Jiancheng didn't expect was that there were no devils on the deck at all, which made him a little surprised. After everyone came up, Cheng Jiancheng asked everyone to split up, find a suitable position and then act!
When Cheng Jiancheng arrived at the cabin with a few soldiers, he suddenly heard shouts inside. Although he couldn't understand, he probably knew that the devils should be gambling. Gambling is normal for devils, especially It was they who captured Zhangjiadu, and it was impossible for the Eighth Route Army to come over, so they were so relaxed.

It had been a few days, and they were all having fun in the cabin.

It's still late at night, so it's good not to fall asleep.

"Captain, there are too many people inside, what should we do?" a soldier asked.

"Exactly, close the door and beat the dog, explosives!" Cheng Jiancheng said.

A soldier put explosives in his hand, Cheng Chengcheng laughed, and then took out the fire primer and lit the fuse, Cheng Chengcheng kicked open the door of the cabin, and quickly threw the explosives in!
The devils were still wondering, when they suddenly saw the explosive package, they were shocked and fled away.

Cheng Jiancheng and several of their fighters quickly fell down!

A loud sound came, and a warm current emerged from the cabin, which made Cheng Jiancheng withstand a huge challenge.

The hull of the boat shook rapidly, and kept shaking back and forth on the river. Cheng Jiancheng wanted to stand up, but failed several times!
Several soldiers were blasted several meters away by the huge shock and shaking.

When Cheng Jiancheng stood up, he was surprised to find that the ship had not sunk.


Cheng Chengcheng yelled, and the soldiers quickly stood up and entered the cabin.Pick up a rifle from the ground and check it out!

Cheng Chengcheng frowned.

A soldier quickly ran in, "Captain, it's not good, the ship is moving!"


Hearing this sound, Cheng Jian immediately got on the deck. The ship is now turning around, and the direction should be Puban Village!

"not good!"

After Cheng Chengcheng shouted, "Find the cockpit quickly and transfer the boat over!"

After speaking, the soldiers hurried to find the cockpit.

It's really not easy, they have never seen this boat before, and they don't know where the power system drives the boat to run.

it's the only way!

After more than ten minutes, a soldier found Cheng Jiancheng, "Captain, I found it, I found it!"

"Where is it? Quickly kill the person and stop the rumor!" Cheng Chengcheng yelled!

"The cockpit is locked, we can't get in!" the soldier also shouted.

(End of this chapter)

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