Chapter 2791 Gifts
"What? Let's go!" After Cheng Chengcheng finished speaking, he quickly led the people towards the cabin.

Sure enough, the cabin was locked, and no matter how they smashed it, they couldn't get the door open.

"Damn it, it's like this, come on, that explosive, blow it up for me!"

Cheng Chengcheng said decisively.

A soldier put explosives on the door of the cabin, and the soldiers quickly left here. After the soldier put the explosives on the spot, he also left quickly.

Before leaving completely, I heard a "Boom!"

The bow of the ship sank quickly, as if passing through a stormy sea.


The cabin was filled with fire and smoke billowing, Cheng Jiancheng couldn't care less, the door of the cockpit had been blown up, and when he entered the cockpit, the ghost of the stance ship had been blown to death!

Cheng Chengcheng pushed the devil away, and started operating carelessly in the cockpit!
Many soldiers surrounded him, but they didn't know how to intervene.

Cheng Jiancheng also became nervous. With so many buttons and so many things, what should he do?
Fortunately, when Cheng Jiancheng pushed the devil away, he knew how the devil was operating at that time, so he learned and sold it now, and then started to operate it!

Zhang Jiadu, Xiao Juguang's division, suddenly heard the sound of an explosion, woke up from sleep, "What's going on?"

"Report to Your Excellency, the explosions from the ships on the Qi River should be!" said a ghost quickly.

"Nani? How is this possible? Did those idiots make a mistake?" Xiao Juguang asked.

"This...we don't know much about it!" said a ghost.

Suddenly, at this time, the phone rang!

The devil's operator picked it up, said a few words, and immediately came to Xiao Juguang, "Your Excellency, Mr. Higashii Ku is calling!"

"What's wrong?" Xiao Juguang asked.

"He said let's ask for support!" said the devil.

Xiao Juguang hurried over, and then picked up the phone, "Ku Toi, what happened?"

There was a "boom" explosion on the phone.

Dong Jingku shouted loudly amid the sound of explosions, "Master Xiao Juguang, our department is asking for reinforcements. The Eighth Route Army that appeared out of nowhere is now attacking Sihuai Township! The number is about 5000!"

"Nani?" Xiao Juguang was stunned, how could this be possible?How could they not know how many people there were in the Eighth Route Army? Before the war, they calculated that the number of the Eighth Route Army should be around 7000!Did the 5000 people who suddenly appeared fly over?If their information is correct, then the number of people in Jiahe Town and Jianbi Town should be smaller, yes, it should be like this!
When Xiao Juguang was about to give the order for Xi Cangliu to storm Jiahe Town, she suddenly thought, what if their information was wrong?
The Eighth Route Army suddenly appeared with 5000 people. If they were wrong, how could they bear such a loss?
At this time, the other end of the phone shouted loudly again, "Master Xiao Juguang, we ask for help, we ask for help!"

Before Xiao Juguang could say yes, he suddenly heard a shuttle of bullets, and then heard the words that summed up Huaxia in it...

Has the Eighth Route Army already occupied Sihuai Township?
Thinking of this, he, Xiao Juguang, was stunned. According to the news brought by Dongjing Kuo two days ago, Xiaoban Masao personally led people to attack Sishui Town, and now Sihuai Township is lost first, which means that Xiaoban Zhengxiong's army has become a solitary and in-depth army. If the Eighth Route Army takes the opportunity to advance westward from Sihuai Township, Xiaoban Zhengxiong's army will undoubtedly die!
Thinking of Xiao Juguang here, I broke into a cold sweat!
"Hurry up and call Koshiro Yamabe, hurry up!"

After Xiao Juguang finished speaking, the phone rang!

It was Koshiro Yamabe's call when he picked it up.

Xiao Juguang picked it up, "Master Yamabe!"

"Master Xiao Juguang, we are in a difficult situation now. Now, only our two sides can work together to win Sihuai Township. Hurry up and give orders. We must quickly support Sihuai Township!" Koshiro Yamabe said quickly.

"Sihuai Township...has been breached!"

Xiao Juguang said with difficulty.

"Nani?" Xiao Shiro Yamabe called Xiao Juguang when he knew that Sihuai Township was under siege. He didn't expect that Sihuai Township would be breached so soon!If this is the case, Xiaoban Masao must be finished!
"Master Xiao Juguang, no matter what, we have to take Sihuai Township. We can't let Masao Kobata's army become a lone army, we must give assistance!" Koshiro Yamabe said.

"Master Yamabe, do you know? The ships on the Qi River are also in trouble now. I haven't figured out what's going on. Now, you go there first. When I figure out what's going on here, I'll hurry over there. Okay." Is it?" Xiao Juguang said.

The one over there got angry and put down the phone all at once.

"Bagaya Road!" Xiao Juguang was also angry. You went to attack Sishui Town for the sake of military exploits. Did you ever think about today?
He looked at a ghost, "Hurry up now..."

Before he finished giving the order, a ghost rushed over, "Your Excellency, it's too bad, Qihe saw our ships approaching here!"


After finishing speaking, Xiao Juguang hurried out of the headquarters, and then looked towards Qihe, and sure enough, the ship was heading here!
"Bagaya Road, the draft of this ship is very heavy. Zhangjiadu is here in shallow water, so the ship is bound to win a lottery. Could it be that the people on the ship are all idiots?" Xiao Juguang cursed loudly.

"Your Excellency, is there something wrong with the ship?" the devil asked.

"Very likely! Now, immediately call Commander Jiang Ying and tell him the current problem!" Xiao Juguang said loudly.

"Ha Yi!" A devil hurried to the phone and called Jiang Ying.

Xiao Juguang's brows were condensed into a rope, he would never believe it, how could the situation of this battle be against them all of a sudden?This is simply a show!

Suddenly, a burst of flames erupted from the ship, and then, a devil immediately threw Xiao Juguang down.

With a sound of "Boom!", a shell exploded in Zhangjiadu, and the shell happened to hit Zhangjiadu's water village, igniting a raging fire.

Xiao Juguang stood up and cursed loudly, "Bagaya Road!"

Obviously, Cheng Jiancheng has already controlled the ship, and even figured out how to fire the cannonball. This cannonball is just a gift for Xiao Juguang!
"Everyone obeys orders and fights to the death. Now, immediately inform Nishicangliu to go to Sihuai Township and join forces with Yamabe Koshiro to attack Sihuai Township!" Xiao Juguang said loudly.


Soon, Zhangjiazhai was beaten beyond recognition, and all the devils retreated to Sihuai Township overnight.


Zhangjiadu's current situation is similar to that of a few days ago, and Cheng Jiancheng, who was still on the boat at this time, did not expect that more than a dozen of them were still on the boat and alive.

"Captain, what do you think we should do now?" a soldier asked.

"Let's sail the boat to Zhangjiadu now. It will be fun if the boat runs aground!" Cheng Jiancheng said.

"Aground?" The soldier hurriedly said, "Captain, if the ship is stranded in Zhangjiadu, then we will be safe to say that!"

"Yes, it's stranded there. Even if the devil still wants to play the same trick, the ship is still on the shoal. I'm afraid it won't be so easy to bomb Zhangjiadu! Then, next, we will make arrangements in Zhangjiadu. , Waiting for the brigade commander's order!"

Cheng Jiancheng has already thought about what he will do in the future. The land on the west of Hexi belongs to China, and the land on the east of the river still belongs to China. Even an inch of land cannot be given up!

With a long and sharp sound, the hull shook a few times, and then stopped there, no matter how the direction was manipulated, it was indifferent!

Cheng Jiancheng knew that the ship had run aground, so they disembarked and went back to report!
However, there are still soldiers thinking, "Captain, what if the devils come over all of a sudden after we leave? The ship is gone. I suggest that we stay on the ship. If there is any danger, we can go to the ship first." Tell the brigade commander immediately, the brigade commander can also make adjustments quickly, what do you think?"

"That's right, you guys are guarding the boat from here. If something happens, aren't the explosives already set up? I blew up the oil depot under the boat. We can't get this boat, and the devils can't even imagine it!" Cheng Chengcheng Said.


Jianbi Town and Jiahe Town, after a short burst of attacks by the devils, suddenly fell silent, coupled with the constant news, Li Jiguang's brows stretched a little bit, hehe, it seems that there are such powerful devils When he made a mistake, then don't blame him for zooming in.

Immediately afterwards, Li Jiguang asked someone to bring Yang Fei.

Yang Fei came in to take a look, and then asked, "Brigade Commander, congratulations!"

"Hehe, it seems that you have already got the information, okay, now tell me, what should we do!" Li Jiguang asked intentionally.

"Hey, brigade commander, you have your own plans, and you still want me to say something. You can give orders. Now that the devils have moved closer to Sihuai Township, this is also a good opportunity for us to take the initiative!" Yang Fei said directly.

"Hahaha, surprise soldiers, the new fourth regiment is indeed a surprise soldier, and a surprise soldier can disrupt the devil's rhythm!" After Li Jiguang finished speaking, he looked at Yang Fei, "It's been a lot easier for you these days, boy, this time it's your turn." is you!"

"The brigade commander, please give the order!" Yang Fei said. ,
"Okay, now, immediately lead all of your troops to get close to Sihuai Township, and together with the New Fourth Regiment, annihilate Yamabe Koshiro and Xiao Juguang's troops!" Li Jiguang said.

"I guessed it was like this!" Yang Fei smiled, "Please rest assured, Brigadier Commander, even a devil soldier can't escape my eyes!"

After speaking, Yang Fei turned around and left.

The battles fought these days are simply too hard. The soldiers didn't have a good rest for several days, but once they received the order, they cheered up one by one and wanted to eliminate the devils and take a good rest!
Therefore, after Yang Fei gave the order, Wu Qi's troops assembled first, and then went directly to Sihuai Township.

When the call was made to Liu Ji, Liu Ji sneered, "The devils are at the end of their ropes, now I order to guard Jianbi Town one by one, and the rest of the people will immediately set off to Sihuai Township to meet with the New Fourth Regiment. Let's wipe out the devils together!"

The most uncomfortable thing is only the thin monkey.

This battle lasted from day to night, and after only a short pause of one and a half hours in the night, the devil gave another order to attack!

The hard-pressed thin monkey defended passively. Even so, all the soldiers still kept the devils out. They died at the hands of the Eighth Route Army without taking a single step.

The lights of the car were shining in the dark night, Xiao Juguang looked a little dazed at this moment, what was the turning point when this happened?Why did the favorable situation for them suddenly change?

Among them, there must be something he doesn't know!
Koshiro Yamabe was also very depressed. When he and Xiao Juguang met up, they both looked at each other with an uneasy expression on their faces.

"Master Xiao Juguang, we must take Sihuai Township in the shortest possible time!" Said Koshiro Yamabe.

"I also know, but according to the news, there are five thousand and eighth Route Army in Sihuai Township, I'm afraid they won't be able to take it in a short time!" Xiao Juguang was a little frustrated.

"Five thousand?" Shanbian Xiaoshiro was surprised, "According to the information I got, there are almost tens of thousands of people in Sihuai Township!"

"Nani?" Xiao Juguang was stunned, the difference between five thousand and ten thousand is too far!Logically speaking, Toi Kuo called him at the last moment, so he shouldn't have lied, but now I heard Koshiro Yamabe say that there are [-] yuan, which doesn't seem like a lie, but [-] is a call, and [-] is also a call. Fighting, Xiao Juguang frowned, "It doesn't matter, now we are joining forces, and we have to take down Sihuai Township quickly, so that we can also unite Xiaoban Zhengxiong's troops. Now I am worried that the Eighth Route Army will occupy it. Sihuai Township will take the initiative to go west and annihilate Xiaoban Zhengxiong's alliance first!"

"I have the same worry!" Koshiro Yamabe said.

"Okay, then attack Sihuai Township directly!"

Just after finishing speaking, a ghost ran in with a panicked expression, "Report!"

"En? What's the matter so flustered?" Yamabe Koshiro asked.

"Master Koshiro Yamabe, we have spotted the rapid march of the Eighth Route Army ahead!"

"Nani?" Koshiro Yamabe exclaimed, "How many people are there?"

"The number is about 3000!"

"So many people? What exactly is the Eighth Route Army going to do?" asked Shiro Yamabe.

Xiao Juguang squinted her eyes, as if she could see what the Eighth Route Army was going to do! "It seems that the Eighth Route Army wants to take a slant."

"How do you say that?" Koshiro Yamabe asked quickly.

"Hehe, instead of going to the west, they went to the east instead, with the intention of destroying our troops, so the remaining small Zhengxiong alliance will soon be isolated? It's just a pity, they don't quite know that our two sides are united together , I suggest, quickly let the large troops find favorable terrain, and then hide! When the Eighth Route Army arrives at our ambush point, we will annihilate them!"

Xiao Juguang has his own plan in his heart, and feels that as long as it is implemented, it is absolutely possible.

(End of this chapter)

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