Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2792 Lost in the first battle

Chapter 2792 Lost in the first battle
Xiao Juguang could clearly see the Eighth Route Army's intentions, and this was also a good medicine for them to open up this situation!
"That's right!" Xiaoshiro Yamabe hurriedly ordered the front troops to hide on the spot, wait until enough Eighth Route Army entered the ambush circle, and then annihilate them!
Not long after, another devil ran in, no different from the previous devil, he also looked flustered, "Master Xiao Juguang, there is an urgent report ahead!"

"Tell me, what's going on!" Xiao Juguang asked.

"Report to Colonel Xiao Juguang that the troops of the Eighth Route Army have been spotted ahead and are heading towards Jiahe Town!" said the devil.

"How many people are there?" Xiao Juguang asked quickly.

"About 3000 people!" Xiaoguizihui reported.

Another burst of surprise, it seems that there must be tens of thousands of people in the Eighth Route Army ahead, which is really different from what Dong Jingku reported to him, but it doesn't matter anymore, anyway, they have united now.

"Order the troops in front to find a bunker on the spot and ambush them. When they enter the ambush circle, they will be caught off guard! I'm sure I'll take these 3000 people!" Xiao Juguang said.

Sihuai Township.

According to the current situation and the order of the brigade headquarters, Lin Zhonghu immediately dispatched the first battalion and the second battalion to attack the two devil teams that were attacking Jianbi Town and Jiahe Town respectively. .The same is true for Wang Shaofeng, the commander of the Second Battalion.

As long as Wu Qi and Liu Ji take advantage of the situation and attack the devils internally and externally, the main force of the devils will be completely defeated, and then a situation of closing doors and beating dogs will form.

In the end, they always win!
It has been an hour since the departure, and the troops marched forward at the fastest speed.Time is money, and time is victory. As long as the devils arrive at the predetermined place first, they can win the final victory.

However, it is a pity that the little devil was the first to discover their whereabouts and wanted to bite them hard.

"Brother!" Ming Zi came in and looked at Lin Zhonghu.

"Mingzi, you did a good job this time. The reason why we took Sihuai Township smoothly is because of your contribution." Lin Zhonghu said.

"Brother, this is what we should do. Now, the devils in the west are attacking Sishui Town in full swing. In my opinion, there is still Sun Jinwei's third battalion. Why don't we let them support there quickly and take down Zhengxiong Xiaoban in the shortest possible time. Alliance!" Ming Zi said.

"It's a good idea, but I can't do it!" Lin Zhonghu had a plan in mind.

"As everyone knows, what is more important than destroying them is Sihuai Township. If you don't say victory, you will lose first. If the first battalion and the second battalion fail, we will stick to Sihuai Township. After Xiaoban Zhengxiong lacks supplies, he will naturally be defeated. , if we all attack, Sihuai Township is now defenseless and occupied by devils, then we will be made dumplings, you say, which is more important? Besides, the mission of the brigade commander is to let us stick to this place. I have sent The two battalions went to fight the devils. I believe it will not take long. The main force of the devils in the east will fail first. Then, the first battalion and the second battalion will come back and wipe out Masao Masao's unit. The devils will definitely not revive in a short time. We have an opportunity to enter the land of Hedong!"

Lin Zhonghu deserves to be Lin Zhonghu, he clearly understands that the strategic significance of Sihuai Township is more important.

"Li Heng of the first battalion has great skills and strong soldiers and horses. It shouldn't be too difficult for them to attack Koshiro's division on the mountain side. The same is true for Wang Shaofeng of the second battalion. No matter who wins, the final outcome We all won!" Lin Zhonghu said with narrowed eyes.

"Brother, you are far-sighted, I was presumptuous just now!" Ming Zi was a little embarrassed.

At this time, a soldier suddenly ran in, "Commander, Commander!"

Lin Zhonghu looked at the other party strangely, "What's wrong? Why are you so flustered?"

"Regimental Commander, something is wrong. Our battalion marched in a hurry, but the first and second companies were ambushed by the devils. Now our battalion commander Li Heng is planning to evacuate the ambushed people first, but the devils' firepower is very fierce. For a while You can't get out of the meeting, our battalion commander asked me to come here to tell you first, I am afraid that the devils have already escaped the attack of Jianbi Town, and want to attack our Sihuai Township instead!"

When the soldier finished speaking in one breath, Lin Zhonghu was a little unbelievable. He didn't expect that the devils would be so decisive. When Zhangjiadu became a frontier, they would take the initiative to retreat and attack Sihuai Township. It seems that he was a little too underestimated. Devil!

"Okay, I get it, let your battalion commander get people out quickly to reduce unnecessary casualties!" Lin Zhonghu said.

After he left, Lin Zhonghu knew that since Shanbian Xiaoshiro had retreated, Xiao Juguang would take the initiative to retreat. It seemed that the time until Wang Shaofeng's people came to report being surrounded was almost there!
Just after thinking about it, Ming Zi asked, "Brother, what are you thinking about!"

"It seems that this little devil is waiting for us to take the initiative to attack. I think Wang Shaofeng will come to report about their being surrounded soon!" Lin Zhonghu said.

"Huh? Wang Shaofeng and his second battalion were also surrounded?" Ming Zi was a little surprised!
And at this moment, a soldier ran in, "Regimental Commander!"

"Well, tell me, what danger did you encounter?" Lin Zhonghu asked directly.

"Regimental Commander, our battalion was made dumplings by devils, and now our battalion commander is leading everyone to retreat!" the soldier said quickly.

Ming Zi looked at the soldier in surprise, and raised his head to look at Lin Zhonghu. How could he know that? Why did he let him go?

He didn't understand.

"Okay, I got it. After you go back, tell your battalion commanders to enter the defense circle immediately after retreating, and wait for the brigade commander and the others to come, and then fight the devils!" Lin Zhonghu said.

"Okay, I understand!" the soldier finished, then turned and left.

"Big brother!"

Ming Zi hurried to Lin Zhonghu.

"Mingzi, this time, being surrounded by devils, the loss will definitely not be too small. However, we are stretched, and the devils are going to have a craniotomy. They will be grasshoppers after autumn!" Lin Zhonghu finished speaking, and then sat down, " Go and tell the brigade commander right now, just say, we are ready, and after he gives the order, we can fight the main force of the devils!"

"I'll definitely bring those words with you. Brother, I'm leaving!" After speaking, Ming Zi turned around and left the door, then rode a horse and left.

Lin Zhonghu understood that the final decisive battle was about to start, and no one could lose the chain at the most critical moment.

The result of war is peace!

The devil's siege of Li Heng and Wang Shaofeng was a bit of confidence regained in the final disappointment. In this battle, Li Heng's first battalion suffered 370 and eight casualties!As for Wang Shaofeng's second battalion, the number of casualties reached more than 400!

Although it doesn't matter to their 3000-strong Big Mac, they must have been ambushed by devils. If they are all surrounded, it can only mean that they can escape and it is already very good.

Soon, the enemy and us began to confront each other. When Li Jiguang got the news, he immediately called Yang Fei.

"Yang Fei, the devils are in this area now, and the first and second battalions of the New Fourth Regiment are here. We are here. How do you think this battle should be fought?" Li Jiguang asked.

"Brigade Commander, needless to say, of course we did it. Now, our numbers are superior to the devils, our morale is high now! We can't let the devils block us! The small board Zhengxiong team is now a turtle in the urn, but, The most terrifying thing is this turtle in a urn. They should be unscrupulous in the next battle, and they should use all means to storm Surabaya Town. What I am worried about is whether the thin monkeys can hold on, so the devils don't have to We can't do without Shouhou and their battalion, so let me tell you, let's start the fight directly, and any conspiracy and tricks seem to be useless now!" Yang Fei said bluntly.

Li Jiguang also agreed to fight the devils directly, but casualties are definitely unavoidable.

After that, Li Jiguang turned his head to look at Zou Peng again, "Mr. Zou, come and see, how do we fight next?"

Zou Peng nodded, "I think that if we can show the strength of our Eighth Route Army, then let's fight the devils with real swords and guns. Commander Yang is right. They devils don't need the small board Zhengxiong alliance , but we can't do without Battalion Commander Shouhou and them, so we must quickly take down the main force of the devils blocking us!" Zou Peng also said the same.

"It seems that we can only do this!" Li Jiguang said.

"However, we will fight with real swords and guns, and we will not admit defeat, but in order to avoid too many casualties..." Before Zou Peng finished speaking, Yang Fei said, "Mr. Zou, I know your kindness, but, we now Is there any other way to avoid so many casualties?"

Zou Peng looked at Yang Fei, "Commander Yang, indeed there are!"

"Oh? Tell me?" Yang Fei and Li Jiguang looked at Zou Peng.

"Brigade Commander, Political Commissar, Commander Yang, just look here, our Eighth Route Army soldiers to the east have completely surrounded the devil's retreat, and they can only huddle in this area now, while the first battalion and second battalion of the New Fourth Regiment are here , and don’t give the devils a chance to rush forward, the rabbits will bite people when they are in a hurry, not to mention the well-equipped devils!”

"Mr. Zou, we all know these things, just tell me, what are we going to do next!" Yang Fei was a little impatient.

In fact, Yang Fei looked down on Zou Peng a little, thinking that Zou Peng was just a man with some skills on paper. Yang Fei had seen this man a lot, so Yang Fei looked down on him a little, unless he, Zou Peng, could make the Eighth Route Army soldiers bloodless... However, this is a bit Not very realistic, after all, different routes lead to the same goal.Devils and their Eighth Route Army are not on the same side, you are the only one who lives and dies!

"Okay, then I'll tell you directly!" Zou Peng continued, "I was born here, so I have some understanding of the terrain here. There is a small road at Xiaoshilang's side of the mountain. This small road can directly reach Sihuai. In the south of the township, and here, there is a road called Homecoming Road, which is also a small road. If this small road is not for Orion, it will not be found either. What we have to do now is to deliberately not let go of these two places I believe the devils can also know this place, as long as they dare to attack or retreat from here, we will send people to ambush them!"

Zou Peng’s words are actually very clear, and Li Jiguang understood anyway. It’s the same as the previous siege, three besieged and one missing, just to tell the devils that you still have a way out, meaningless death is meaningless, how about some other actions?

"Haha!" Li Jiguang laughed, "Okay, Yang Fei, now you should make arrangements immediately, and you should also find out the way of returning home, and you must let the devils know. Also, this way of returning home can directly reach the Dalai Lama. On the way, once the devils on this returning road come over, they will definitely be able to take down Jiahe Town. As for the significance of Jiahe Town, I don’t think I’ll tell you, but you should understand, right?”

"Brigade Commander, I know what to do!" Yang Fei said.

At this time, a guard suddenly came with a person.

Li Jiguang took a look, isn't this Mingzi?Hastily asked for Akiko to let go.

"Brother Mingzi, what are you..." Li Jiguang asked.

"Brigade Commander, I came here on a horse and was caught by our soldiers. When I said I wanted to see you, they suspected that I was a puppet soldier, so..."

"Hahaha!" Li Jiguang smiled, "Brother Mingzi, if you crossed the devil's defense zone, of course you will be mistaken for a puppet army or a traitor. Tell me, are you here to bring me good news?"

"Brigade Commander, no, our regiment leader asked me to tell you. Now, we have sent the first battalion and the second battalion to the defense area. The devils can't move now. When to fight, you say a word, and I will bring it to you." Our regiment leader!" Ming Zi said.

"You came at the right time. Go back and tell Commander Lin Zhonghu that it's best for him to...what is this road called?" Li Jiguang looked at Zou Peng.

"Brigade Commander, it's called Tanhulu!" Zou Peng said quickly.

"Yes, it's called Tanhu Road, tell Li Heng to let him out of Tanhu Road, and then tell your regiment commander that the third battalion will stick to Sihuai Township for me!" Li Jiguang said.

"This... Tiger Discovery Road? Which road is it? I can't find it on the map!" Ming Zi rubbed his head.

"Haha, just tell Lin Zhonghu, your people will definitely know the way! Let Li Heng step aside!"

Li Jiguang said.

"Yes!" Ming Zi immediately stood up and said, "Brigade Commander, do you have any other orders?"

"Tell Lin Zhonghu that the devil is now at the end of his strength, but even so, he is still a strength, and if he hurts himself, the gain will not be worth the loss. Success or failure depends on it!" Li Jiguang said.

"Yes, brigade commander, please don't worry, I will definitely bring my words to you, and I will express my opinion on behalf of our regiment commander, and I will absolutely obey orders!" Ming Zi turned around and left after finishing speaking!

Things are getting worse and worse, battlefields, battles, alas!
(End of this chapter)

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