Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2793 Counting

Chapter 2793 Counting

"Brigade Commander, is there anything else you want to order?" Wang Wei asked aside.

"This time we are out in full force, just in case, the little devil will bite you like a mad dog even if he is at the end of his strength. I am not afraid of him biting, but I am afraid that he will run desperately. One road to explore the tiger, one road to return home, We can ignore it and give it an ambush, but the devil doesn't necessarily take advantage of this loophole!"

This is something that Li Jiguang is a little disappointed with. Let the devil know, how easy is it?

Although there are always puppet troops in the devil's army, most of the puppet troops are from Hedong. After all, they are not very familiar with this place in Hexi!

This Orion's hunting passage, no one will tell it!
At this time, Zou Peng clasped his hands and said, "Brigade Commander Li, don't worry about this matter. If you think again, why don't you disclose this matter to the devils, so that the devils can find out the truth!"

"Oh? Tell them specifically? How could the little devil listen?" After Li Jiguang finished speaking, Wang Wei who was on the side said quickly.

"Brigade Commander, I think it's feasible?"

"Oh?" Li Jiguang looked at Wang Wei, "Tell me, the political commissar, how can there be a feasible law?"

"If we insist on telling the devils, even if the devils beat them to death, they won't believe it. In this case, then we have to create conditions!" Wang Wei finished speaking and looked at Zou Peng, "Mr. Zou, how do you think we send people there?"

Zou Peng nodded and looked at Li Jiguang again, "Brigade Commander, the person sent over must have the following points in order to be effective. First, he must be a hooligan. Second, he must be loyal to all matters related to the Eighth Route Army's anti-Japanese war. Third, he must be fierce Don't be afraid of death, give up your life for righteousness!"

After Zou Peng finished speaking, Li Jiguang frowned, "I understand the second and the third, but the first... the local hooligans, are you fooling around?"

"Brigade Commander, our Eighth Route Army has a lot of decent images, all of which are righteous and awe-inspiring. If you want to get rid of such an image, even if the devils find out the truth, they will be the object of suspicion. But the local ruffian, who looks like a fool, is different. If It would be even better if you add a look of a servant!" Zou Peng said.

Although what he said was right, Li Jiguang still had some conflicts in his heart when he said this about a revolutionist or a soldier. Revolutions don't look at their appearance, no matter their origin, how can they judge whether they are good or bad?
However, Li Jiguang felt that this matter was feasible, and there was nothing wrong with what Zou Peng said.

In the end, after weighing the pros and cons, Li Jiguang nodded and agreed. He turned his head and looked at Yang Fei in front of him, "Yang Fei!"

"Brigade Commander, I'm here!" Yang Fei came over and said.

"Well, Mr. Zou was right just now, did you hear it?" Li Jiguang asked.

"Of course, I heard, leave this matter to me!" Yang Fei said.

"Well, just find someone like you!" Li Jiguang looked at Yang Fei and said directly.

"Yes... no, Brigadier, looking for someone like me?" Yang Fei was a little surprised.

"That's right, a fool, a hooligan, loyal and revolutionary, and brave enough to die!" Li Jiguang said, looking Yang Fei up and down.

Wang Wei on the side almost laughed, yes, don't say it, Yang Fei really fits this kind of temperament, yes, he is from such a gangster background, and he is loyal to the emperor and patriotic.

It was a very serious matter, let him Li Jiguang say this, it is obvious that such a prototype has already been formed.

"Brigade Commander, it's hard to find. I, Yang Fei, are the first one to stand up to the sky. It's too difficult to find such a person!" Yang Fei was a little annoyed.

"It's not difficult. There are many people in your group. For example, Shouhou doesn't look like a good person. For example, Liu Ji is smart. I also heard that Shouhou's subordinate is called Zang Ba. Anything like this is fine, find one for me!" Li Jiguang said, spreading his hands.

"Okay!" What else could Yang Fei say, he could only agree.

However, Li Jiguang said again, "This person... probably won't come back after he has gone!" His tone was dull, but his thoughts were a little more delicate.

"Brigade Commander, don't worry about this matter, I, Yang Fei, tell me to go down, and I will definitely be able to find it!" Yang Fei turned around and left after speaking.

After an hour, Yang Fei's group really found one, it was an urgent matter, but they found it from Wu Qi's camp.

This soldier, named Lu Wen, was born in Jiahe Township, Hexi. His parents died when he was young, and he grew up eating a lot of food. After he grew up, he was captured by the devils and engaged in coal mining. Rescued, he still doesn't know how long he will do it!For the Eighth Route Army, Lu Wen couldn't help being moved and moved. He has long put life and death outside his body. Life is the Eighth Route Army, and death is the Eighth Route Army!
When Lu Wen arrived in front of Li Jiguang, Li Jiguang was a little bit reluctant to part with his righteous indignation. He patted Lu Wen on the shoulder, "Have you figured it out?"

"Brigade Commander, I've made up my mind. The Eighth Route Army needs me. I, Lu Wen, have a cheap life. If my life can make many devils die, I think it's worth it!" Lu Wen said.

"Don't die, I don't want you to die. I see you are clever and adaptable when the time comes. As long as you lure the devils to come from the return road, your task will be completed. When the time comes, just find a reason to leave, no matter what , I don't want you to die!" Li Jiguang said.

"Don't worry, Brigadier, if there is a chance, I will definitely run away, but if there is no chance, I will admit it!" Lu Wen said.

"No matter what, you are a member of my Eighth Route Army, but there is one thing!" Li Jiguang looked at Lu Wen, "Put that foolish look on and confuse the devils!"

"..." Yang Fei.

"..." Zou Peng!
"..." Wang Wei.

The style of painting changed too quickly, and it was unacceptable for a while.

"Don't worry, Brigadier, I've done this!" Lu Wen said.

"Come on, try!" Li Jiguang took a step back.

Lu Wen started acting!

But Li Jiguang still shook his head, "The traces of acting are too heavy..."


In the Battle of Xiaonanpo, the Eighth Route Army failed. When they were retreating, they were caught by devils. Many devils ran away, but one was still caught!
This person is Lu Wen.

When the devil was about to kill someone, Lu Wen suddenly said a few Japanese words, "Taijun, don't kill me, don't kill me!"

Hearing this, the pronunciation was so damn accurate, the devil who put down the bayonet asked, "What kind of shit are you?"

"I used to be a dry product of the puppet army, Taijun, I have important information to tell, I just hope you don't kill me!" Lu Wen said quickly.

Xiao Juguang made a temporary camp, although the Eighth Route Army surrounded them all around, but the Eighth Route Army was not having a good time, they were numerous in number, although they adopted a posture of encirclement, but they fought a few battles, and it was obvious that they won more and lost more Not many, but there are too many Eighth Route soldiers. If they want to break through, they will suffer even more heavy losses!

Thinking of Xiao Juguang here, I really want to contact the headquarters now, and ask the headquarters to send a plane to bomb the Eighth Route Army, but now?

No phone, nothing!What does this make them do?

At this moment, a ghost came in, "Report to Colonel Xiao Juguang, we have captured an Eighth Route Army!"

"Nani? I caught the Eighth Route Army and killed him directly. What did you bring?" Xiao Juguang said.

"Your Excellency, this man claims to be a puppet soldier before, and he can speak the Japanese dialect. I think, can we get some flaws from his mouth?" After the devil finished speaking, Xiao Juguang suddenly realized what he said, and wanted to open it. In this case, more things must be known.

"Okay, then bring him in, I want to see what this guy is going to do?" After Xiao Juguang finished speaking, the devil turned and went out, and brought Lu Wen in for me!
After bringing it in, Lu Wen smiled and bent over, "Taijun, hello!"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Juguang knelt down Lu Wen's legs.

"Get up, tell me, you used to be a puppet soldier?" Xiao Juguang asked.

"Yes! I used to be a subordinate of the new head of the regiment. Later, I was still in the Hexi Coal Mine to supervise those absenteeists digging coal. Later, I was forced to become the Eighth Route Army because of the coercion of the Eighth Route Army!"

Lu Wen said with a smile on his face.

"Slap!" Xiao Juguang slapped the table with his palm, and the sound was so loud that Lu Wen immediately knelt down again in fright.

"Taijun, I am really loyal to our imperial army. I heard that our imperial army is coming. I was very happy for three days and three nights. However, in Jiahe Town, I really have no way to come out to seek refuge, so I have been holding back all this time, and begged the Taijun to give me a hand and let me do my part for the imperial army!"

Lu Wen burst into tears while talking, good acting skills!

Xiao Juguang looked at him, "Hehe, don't lie to me. Now, the Eighth Route Army has surrounded us, which means they have treated us like a turtle in a urn! Now, you come to seek refuge, as long as a person with a bit of common sense , I don’t even think it’s serious, ha ha!”

Lu Wen was taken aback, but said instead, "Taijun, there is a saying in Huaxia that prosperity must decline. The Eighth Route Army has surrounded us, but there is nothing we can do about it!"

"Oh? Are you talking about it?" Xiao Juguang asked.

In his eyes, although the Lu Wen in front of him did not see any flaws, Xiao Juguang did not dare to use him lightly. To be honest, the situation is a bit different now. The mud bodhisattva has crossed the river, who can he protect?

It was this Lu Wen who came out of the blue, he saw that it looked like a breakthrough, but he still had to be careful.

For Xiao Juguang's cautiousness, Lu Wen was also trembling. He suddenly understood that it might not be easy to fool this person in front of him. He couldn't stop talking, if he didn't talk, what would Xiao Juguang want him to do?It has to be said, and it has to be said seriously, but he can't say it now about the way of returning home, yes, he can't say it now, if he says it now, it will definitely arouse suspicion!
"Taijun, there is something I really want to say!" Lu Wenyi said calmly.

"Oh? Tell me, I'm listening!" Xiao Juguang said.

"Our imperial army has won all the battles we have fought in the past few days. Do you know why?" Lu Wen asked suddenly.

"Oh? What do I need to explain?" Xiao Juguang asked.

"Although I am not a leader in the Eighth Route Army, I have heard and heard that the top leaders of the Eighth Route Army held a meeting and said that they want to use the strategy of exhausting the enemy, that is, to make the imperial army become the kind of high-ranking, arrogant Troops, when the time comes, they will hit hard and beat the imperial army!" Lu Wen said while looking at Xiao Juguang.

Xiao Juguang felt a little awkward all of a sudden.

What does this mean?Is the imperial army vulnerable?This is impossible. After all, their imperial army has received systematic training and training. Everyone's quality is very high. If you want to take them down easily, it may be more difficult than climbing a mountain. Although you have encountered difficulties now, but , it may not be sure until the end!

"Hehe, you think I can't see the tricks of the Eighth Route Army?" Although Xiao Juguang's face was a bit ugly, he couldn't lose face to the imperial army.

"Of course, trying to hide the truth from Colonel Xiao Juguang is nothing short of a dream, but the Eighth Route Army has also committed a big taboo!" Lu Wen said.

"Oh? Can you still see it?" Xiao Juguang asked.

"Hey, Majesty, don't praise me. I just watched the theater and listened to the books. I know that this siege must be surrounded by three and one missing, so that the soldiers in the city know that there is still a way out. But, look The Eighth Route Army is surrounded on all sides, so he is not afraid that we will suddenly find a place to break through? Although it is true that the Eighth Route Army has an advantage now, we are not vegetarians. Look, who is afraid of whom? ? The Eighth Route Army is besieging, and they will definitely disperse their forces. Let us find a certain point and press all the soldiers and horses on it. I am afraid that we will not be able to break through the siege!"

Lu Wen said swearingly.

"Oh?" Of course, Xiao Juguang is not stupid. He knows that Lu Wen is probably going to reveal the purpose of his visit. Now that Lu Wen's fox tail is finally revealed, he is so happy. As long as he Whatever he said, he just didn't go anywhere. Xiao Juguang never believed in dealing with these traitors!
"Tell me, where should we press?" Xiao Ju's eyes sparkled, waiting for Lu Wen to break through!
"This..." Lu Wen is not stupid, although he looks wretched, but he can also guess Xiao Juguang's mental activities. "I don't dare to say that, I don't know anything about war either!"

He is smart and wants to live longer, and now is definitely not the time to say that.

Xiao Juguang was disappointed. He didn't get any effective information from Lu Wen, which made him feel a little unbelievable. Could it be that this guy was really an accident?
"But..." Lu Wen said again.

He also racked his brains, thinking of how to deceive this devil and make him believe his own words.

Xiao Juguang looked at him, "Huh? What?"

"However, we can't say that there is no way. The world is so big, and the location of our division and the division of Shanbian Commander-in-Chief is not too small. Even if the Eighth Route Army is surrounded by groups, I always feel that there is no way to surround them. to the place!"

In other words, the scope is very large, and Lu Wen's attitude is also very good.

Xiao Juguang was disappointed again.

He is also sitting on wax now, who should he trust?

Now, he seems to have no one to trust.

(End of this chapter)

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