Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2794 Good Opportunity

Chapter 2794 Good Opportunity
Isn't that right? It might not be that easy to get a little bit of a loophole from the Eighth Route Army.

However, there is indeed nothing wrong with what Lu Wen said, although it seems that the Eighth Route Army has surrounded them.

However, now they occupy a favorable terrain, and the Eighth Route Army attacked to make up for it, but they did not go down. It is not a solution to be so exhausted.

The problem of food and grass must be solved, right?If you want to solve it, you must find a way. What Lu Wen said is right, it must be right.

Xiao Juguang found Xi Cangliu and asked him to arrange someone to guard Lu Wen. After taking Lu Wen away, he said to Xi Cangliu:
"Today, you just look around to see if there are any Han Chinese. After you find them, ask if there is any path to go. It's not good for us to go on like this!"

Nishicang Liu had never seen Xiao Juguang so pessimistic before, but there was no other way, the facts were right in front of him.

"Your Majesty, did that prisoner... say something?" Nishigura asked.

"He talked a lot of nonsense. However, this person can speak Wa, which is not a bad thing for us. Search the nearby mountains. As long as there are Han people, we will bring them for careful interrogation!"

Xiao Juguang said.


It can be said that Xiao Juguang was smart for a while. He didn't believe what Lu Wen said, but after careful consideration, what Lu Wen said was not unreasonable. If you want to find a flaw, you have to try it.The place they occupy is at least as big as two or three villages, and a lot of food has been scavenged from several villages, which is enough for their army for about half a month. No one knows what will happen after half a month. Only find a flaw in this!
It is not too difficult to find some Han people. Although most of the villagers have already moved, some old people left behind are not willing to leave their hometowns. The villages where their ancestors have lived for generations leave as soon as they say they leave. How can they be worthy of their ancestors? ?
It is precisely because of such thoughts that many old people stayed.

I'm afraid it's not too difficult to find something from their mouths.

Sure enough, on the second day, Xi Cangliu found more than a dozen old people. For Xiao Juguang, these old people were of no use, but the only thing he found useful was that they were familiar with the surrounding terrain. .

One by one, the old people stood at the door, and Xiao Juguang decided to interrogate them one by one, and he would definitely be able to get the solution he wanted.

"Old man, which village is it from?" Xiao Juguang asked.

"I'm from Sihuai Township, Panhudong Village!" The old man was a little scared, his body was trembling.

Xiao Juguang glanced at Lu Wen, "Next, I'll ask you questions, and you answer them!"

"Ha Yi!" Lu Wen said.

"People from Panhudong Village? That's the defense line of Commander Shanbian!" Xiao Juguang said to himself, "Do you know if there are any trails in these places?"

"There is a path, but it's full of thorns, so it's not easy to walk!" said the old man.

"Let's not talk about whether it's easy to go or not. I want to ask, what places can I go?" Xiao Juguang looked at the other party, and that kind of calm and prestige made the old man even more frightened.

"There is a road called Tanhu Road, a small road that our ancestors have hunted on the mountain for generations, and this road goes south directly to Sihuai Township!" said the old man.

"What about here? Is there any way here?" Xiao Juguang pointed to this side and asked.

The old man couldn't understand, so Lu Wen translated it.Now Lu Wen feels like he has relieved a heavy burden. He originally wanted to say it himself, but the fairy does not need to be said by himself. Fortunately, when he was digging coal for the devils, he hung out with a few devils and could speak some simple Japanese dialect , Unexpectedly, it is still used today.

"I'm not too sure about this. I live in Panhudong Village, so I only know about that side!" After the old man finished speaking, Xiao Juguang let him go.

Then let the second person come in. After the second person came in, Xiao Juguang asked him the same thing as the first old man.

The second old man said directly, "I am from Jiannan Village!"

"Jiannan Village? Well, Jiannan Village is nearby, isn't it?" Xiao Juguang asked again.

"Yes, it's not far from here!" The old man didn't dare to look at Xiao Juguang at all.

"Are there any trails near you?"

Xiao Juguang asked.

After Lu Wen translated it for him, the old man raised his head, "There is a road. This road is a small road we used when hunting! It's called the Road to Homecoming!"

"The way to return home?" Xiao Juguang thought about it, then looked at the other party, "How about this way?"

"Going west on this road, you can directly reach Jiahe Town!" Just after saying this, Xiao Juguang stood up suddenly, "Nani?"

Seeing this, Lu Wen immediately asked, "Is what you said the truth?"

The old man hurriedly said, "I'm telling the truth, don't kill me!"

Lu Wen looked at Xiao Juguang, "Your Majesty, the old man said he was telling the truth!"

Gradually, Xiao Juguang calmed down all of a sudden, hehe, I really can't stop me!

If what they said is correct, then they can openly build the plank road and keep secrets!

However, he still had some doubts, so he interrogated all the old people outside. Not to mention, most of these old people really know these two roads, which are not on the map, because they are not the main roads, and these are the roads taken by Orion. After entering, you may get lost. Who would take such a road?But he is different. Now that he has these old people, he can get out of the predicament and meet the new battlefield situation. The Eighth Route Army has completely surrounded this place, which means that the guards in Jiahe Town must be empty. Will it be far?
At that time, find a way to notify Commander Jiang Ying, and a large number of troops will come again, hehe, really, there is no unparalleled road!
Xiao Juguang glanced at Lu Wen, and then at Xicangliu, "Master Nishicang, it's all right now, we have a chance, but we can't do anything right now, don't worry about Tanhulu, what are you doing today? In the evening, send someone to walk the return road, if this road is feasible, then we will be able to get out of the predicament!"

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will definitely complete the task!" Said Nishiguraru.

"Let Lu Wen go too, and take that old man with him!" Xiao Juguang said.


The current situation can be said to have a tendency to reverse. Xiao Juguang now hopes that this road will not work. If it does not work, then he can directly face the Eighth Route Army. He Zhen, this is a good opportunity!
Soon, Xiao Juguang told Yamabe Koshiro about Tanhulu, and Yamabe Koshiro was even more surprised.

What does this mean, and now such a situation has emerged?
To the devil who came to tell the news, Koshiro Yamabe asked, "Is this really true?"

He can't believe it now.

Who should I trust?

"Yes, this is the exact thing that the left-behind old man in the village came to the interrogation by our chief personally!" The little devil said truthfully.

"Very good, if this road really exists, then there is hope for us to break through, but I don't know what your plan is, Colonel Xiao Juguang?" Koshiro Yamabe asked.

If this is the case, the plan should be done, and there is no need to wait any longer.

As long as there is hope, no matter how difficult it is, try it.

If you don't fight, how will you know the result?
"Reporting to Colonel Yamabe, our Colonel Xiao Juguang means that once we confirm the true existence of the Homecoming Road, we must pass through this road and attack Jiahe Town directly. Once Jiahe Town is captured, the Eighth Route Army will have no danger to defend , then the land of Hedong is logically in our hands. In addition, our Colonel Xiao Juguang also hopes that you will directly attack Sihuai Township through Tanhu Road. Sishui Town, in this way, we will blossom on both sides, and the Eighth Route Army's siege strategy will disappear!"

The little devil is talking about being well organized, which is also Xiao Juguang's final idea. If he wants to defeat the Eighth Route Army, or win the final victory, the soldiers are the first, and the second is the opportunity. If the opportunity is missed, the Eighth Route Army will know about these two channels So, wouldn't that have plugged his own gap?
Koshiro Yamabe nodded. He now also thinks that this is very necessary. He first sent a team to explore Tiger Road to find out the situation, and then urgently dispatched troops to prepare to go at any time. Regarding this news, Koshiro Yamabe said I'm really a little anxious, not to mention what happened to Xiaoban Zhengxiong, but how they have been attacking these days, whether they have won the town of Surabaya, this is an unknown thing!
Koshiro Yamabe over here was worried about Masao Koban, but Masao Koban realized at this moment that he was surrounded!

Regarding this point, Xiaoban Zhengxiong was a little confused. He was attacking this town of Surabaya, why did the Eighth Route Army suddenly move behind him?
After many inquiries, I learned that the Eighth Route Army had occupied Sihuai Township and killed Dong Jingku!

The gunshots heard two days ago, I thought the scale was small, but unexpectedly, the gunshots turned out to be his boss Koshiro Yamabe and the Eighth Route Army firing. Is this encirclement or anti-encirclement?then what?This is the same as a sandwich, with one layer sandwiched between the other, and no one knows which layer is the breakthrough.

"Your Excellency, Major, in my opinion, why don't we turn our backs and attack the Eighth Route Army behind us? In this way, we can attack them together with Koshiro Yamabe. When the time comes, the Eighth Route Army will be blocked internally and externally, and we will definitely open a hole!" Inagaki Yasuo said.

What he said was also reasonable, but Xiao Banzhengxiong always felt that this was a risky move, not to mention that the Eighth Route Army behind them just surrounded them and did not intend to take the initiative to attack. If they took the initiative to attack, what effect would it have?

Besides, they are now attacking Sishui Town, and they have been fighting for several days. They rushed to the trenches of the Eighth Route Army several times, but were forced back by them. There is always a thought that they will be able to go up, but It backfires every time!

These days, they are starting to lack food, and after five days, they will have no food to eat, which is fatal. For this reason, he also specially asked Yasuo Inagaki to go to the nearby villages to plunder, but the food returned from the plunder That's pitifully small, and I haven't even eaten meat for a long time!
Hearing Yasuo Inagaki say this, he said, "I understand what you mean, but if you want us to attack the Eighth Route Army behind us now, haven't you thought that if the Eighth Route Army in Sishui Town turned around and attacked, we would also be attacked by the enemy? At that time, we will face the enemy on two fronts, and we will suffer heavy losses. If we can maintain the status quo, I think we can find a breakthrough.”

"Masao Masao, what do you mean?" In the same way, Yasuo Inagaki understood very well that the Eighth Route Army behind him and the Eighth Route Army in front of him, no matter which side they fight, will be attacked from both sides. Now they can only choose one side to attack. , If two lines of fire are fired, it is really not sure who wins and who loses.

The ball was kicked to Xiaoban Zhengxiong, just right, Xiaoban Zhengxiong can use his subjective initiative, "If I were, I would definitely attack Sishui Town. We have been attacking Sishui Town for several days. The crumbling defense line of Sishui Town will definitely be broken. , It’s just a matter of time! And now the Eighth Route Army behind us won’t attack us, although we don’t know what they mean and what their purpose is, but we have no other choice now!”

"Okay, then let's attack Sishui Town, and I will immediately mobilize troops to attack Sishui Town!" Inagaki Yasuo said.

"Well, it has to be fast. In another five days, our food will be gone. By then, it will be really difficult!" Xiaoban Zhengxiong said.

"Don't worry, Your Excellency, we will definitely be able to open a breakthrough this time! We are [-]% sure of winning Surabaya Town!" Inagaki Yasuo said.

"Okay, let's attack!" Xiaoban Masao said.

Soon, the artillery fire started again on the defense line of Sishui Town. The sound of the artillery fire became louder, leaving a brief vacancy for the defenders, while the Eighth Route Army behind them still did not make any moves. Sihuai Township, it was really like A nail deeply embedded in the wood can't be pulled out, and it can't go in again. In short, the small board Masao has to be on guard against the Bella army behind him.

Even so, the Eighth Route Army did not take any action.

Now he understands a little bit, there are two reasons, first, the tight fighting on the side of Koshiro Yamabe, which delayed the Eighth Route Army, and second, to make a plan to besiege them, so that they will have no food at that time , naturally messed up.

However, no matter what the purpose is, his little boss Zhengxiong is really helpless now. Only by winning Surabaya Town can he relieve the pressure in front of him!

Looking at the artillery fire on the small hill ahead, Xiao Banzheng was not convinced.

I hope that there is good news so that they can relax and take a breath. At this time of the war, neither side can afford to make mistakes.

At this time, suddenly the devil at the door came in, "Your Excellency, I have news from Your Excellency!"

"Oh?" Xiaoban Zhengxiong was taken aback, and said quickly, "Hurry up and bring someone in!"

A weak devil came in from outside the door, "Report to Your Excellency Major!"

"Tell me, what happened? What's the situation with your Excellency?" Inagaki Yasuo asked quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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