Chapter 2795
"Report to Your Excellency, Major, Your Excellency accidentally discovered a small path, which is a small path used by hunters to hunt, and we also walked all the way through the path!" said the devil.

"Is there a path? Tell me, what kind of path is it?" Xiaoban Masao asked excitedly.

Since there is such a small road and it has not been discovered by the Eighth Route Army, it means that the Eighth Route Army doesn't know about it at all. Since they don't know about it, they can send surprise troops.

In this way, the possibility of breaking the deadlock is greatly increased.

"The name of this road is Tanhu Road. Our army has clearly checked it. Although it is full of thorns, it is still possible to walk. At present, we have cleared a road that is enough to send surprise troops to directly attack Sishui Town. In addition, there are still some People and horses directly attack Sihuai Township!"

"Sotisnai, do you have any orders from your Excellency?" Masao Ban asked hurriedly.

The little devil said, "Your Majesty has said that you are ordered to bypass the Eighth Route Army's line of defense from Tanhu Road, and then directly attack Sishui Town. Our side will directly attack Sihuai Township. As long as we find this breakthrough, the Eighth Route Army will be the leader of the army." It's like a dog, it's a good solution!"

"Haha, there is no such thing as a unparalleled road. I thought I would be surrounded on all sides, and the lone army would go deep. I didn't expect that another village would be brightened in the shadows. It's great!" Xiaoban Zhengxiong let the devil go, saying that he would arrange troops as soon as possible. , A two-line attack will definitely be able to directly win Surabaya Town.

The location of Sishui Town is too important. As long as they take Sishui Town, what can the Eighth Route Army do?Didn't you watch them all the way to Nanxiang?Besides, the Eighth Route Army is good at defense, so it's really fucking good at defense. What if it's an offense instead?As long as they take Sishui Town, the Eighth Route Army will have to attack. With their small number of troops, it may be very difficult to attack.

"Let Yasushi Inagaki come here, I have something important to tell him!" Masao Koban said.


Lu Wen and Xicangliu were together, chatting and laughing, like good brothers who had met for a long time, but Xicangliu was not very talkative by nature, and he talked a lot along the way, and Xicangliu showed impatience several times , However, Lu Wen continued to chatter as if he had no memory.

Fortunately, the Eighth Route Army was not encountered on this road. The soldiers in front were clearing the path so that the army behind them could pass quickly!

"Can you stop talking?"

Xi Cang Liu shouted loudly.

Lu Wen was stunned, then shut up, "Okay, okay, I won't talk anymore!"

Xicangliu stipulated that in addition to the people who cleared the path, several teams were sent ahead, and they had to come back to report if there was any news ahead, that is, they had to come back to report every 15 minutes.

For Xi Cangliu, this matter should not be sloppy, let alone suffer a fatal blow because of an intelligence error.

At night, there were many mosquitoes, and many devils were bitten by mosquitoes a lot. Every time they took a step, a pimple would appear on their body. The walking speed slowed down a lot, and the little devil was scratching when he walked.

"Stop, let's rest where we are!" Xi Cangliu was also bitten by mosquitoes a lot, and he was extremely uncomfortable. All he could hear was Ajin's crickets and owls, but there were no other noises. This is the natural world. the sound of.

The little devil who reported every 15 minutes did not bring any bad news. Everyone came back and everything was normal.

"Looks like it's time to inform His Excellency to send the army. Even if there is something different ahead, we will know as soon as possible!" Xi Cangliu muttered to himself, and then asked Aoba Jun to notify Xiao Chrysanthemum is gone.

When Xiao Juguang knew that there was no Eighth Route Army in front of him, he also became happy, and quickly dispatched troops. He dispatched the troops of Guidao Saburo to drag the Eighth Route Army, let the Eighth Route Army know that they were here all the time, and then quietly dispatched the troops from the headquarters to start from here. The way back home.

Then dispatched Asada Taro, Oda Kawaguchi, Kimura Arashi and other captains to advance in front, and the mighty devils began to move forward in a long snake formation.


At the end of the return road, Wu Gang was dispatched here. He had been waiting for a long time. To be honest, he didn't want to wait. He was preparing to fight the devils ahead. Why, he had to wait here for a small number of devils Woolen cloth?
Not only him, but some platoon leaders around him also complained. They were heroes who guarded Jiahe Town, and they didn't want to come here because of the war.

Soon, a little soldier came over from the front, "Company commander!"

"Well, what's the matter? What's the matter?" Wu Gang, who was used to hearing that there were no devils in front of him, wanted to hear the same news disapprovingly.

"Company commander, good news, the devil is here!"

The soldier said with a smile.

Wu Gang suddenly stood up, "Oh? Tell me, how many people are there?"

"There are quite a few people, and there is a long line! We can't count them, but the coarse cloth estimates that it will be between five hundred and one thousand!"

said the soldier.


When Wu Gang heard that there were so many people, he swept away his previous resentment and became happy, "Haha, good thing, good thing!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at the soldier, "How far are they from us?"

"It's not far away. It's only about ten miles away from us. The devil is cleaning up the thorns on the road. This speed is really slow!"

"It doesn't matter, what I want is to eliminate the devils, nothing else, just right, we can deploy!" After finishing speaking, Wu Gang immediately deployed!
This road to return home is very long, and few people know that such a road can be used to leave people. Wu Gang only realized it after Yang Fei told him.

Soon, the ambush circle is ready, waiting for the devils to come to die!

On the devil's side, information is still sent every 15 minutes!
"Do you mean that we will reach Jiahe Town ten miles ahead?" Xicangliu asked.


"Hehe, okay, let's wait for His Majesty's army now, and when the army is together, ten miles is nothing, we will take Jiahe Town in one go!"

After speaking, they began to rest in place again.

This made Wu Gang, who was waiting anxiously, a little upset. The devil didn't even leave. Could it be that he saw some flaws?If so, their ambush would not be successful, so what should they do?

Thinking of Wu Gang here, he felt a little regretful. If he had known this earlier, he would have minimized many movements and ambushed more silently!

However, before he could say anything, he saw the devil standing up in front of him!It looks like it's about to attack!
All the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army held their breaths, and let's see what the devils are going to do!

What Wu Gang didn't expect was that the whole nest of devils would be mobilized to take down Jiahe Town. This is a big deal!

Wu Gang didn't dare to be negligent, but now he has no chance to report to Wu Qi, so he can only play by ear!
After seeing many devils entering the ambush circle, Wu Gang immediately ordered to attack these people at full speed and make sure they died in the ambush circle!
For a while, the sound of guns and guns continued, and more bullets were shot out, killing the devil.

At this time, the devil was beaten into a dizzy state. Didn't it mean that there was no Eighth Route Army?Why did a group of people suddenly come out and attack them?what is itCould it be bandits?

"Bagaya Road!" It was not Xiao Juguang who got angry first, but Nishicang Liu, "Bring me Lu Wen, this guy hurt me!"

At this time, a devil ran over, "Your Excellency, Lu Wen is dead!"

"Nani?" Nishicura Liu was surprised, "Dead? How did he die?"

"It should have been killed by bullets and artillery fire from the Eighth Route Army just now!"

"This guy deserves to die!" After finishing speaking, he glanced ahead from behind the tree, fired a few shots at the front, and then turned his head and said, "Where is Your Excellency?"

"Your Majesty is right behind, and the Eighth Route Army is in an ambush ahead, how should we face it now?" a ghost asked.

"Hurry up and tell Your Excellency that there are at least 500 defenders ahead!" Nishiguraru said.

Before telling Xiao Juguang about this matter, it can be judged from the gunshots from the opponent that there is indeed a team of 500 people.

He was angry, very angry, and originally thought of taking Jiahe Town in one fell swoop, but now it seems that this plan is undoubtedly bankrupt.The devil who used it to tell Xiao Juguang the situation ahead, after being scolded for a while, immediately issued an order, "There are not many major Nishigura-ryu ahead, Captain Asada Taro, I now order you to go to support Nishigura-ryu, You must stand up to the Eighth Route Army's defense, Captain Xiaotian Heguchi, immediately attack the Eighth Route Army from the side. They only have 500 people, which is not too many, but the sky is too dark, and it is not clear what the opponent's intention is now, but, You must attack, Commander Kimura Arashi, you also attack from the flanks, press all the troops up, the Eighth Route Army will definitely choose to retreat!"

A series of orders came out, and soon, the devils began to act!
As far as the devil's orders are concerned, they really work from top to bottom, and the actions are very fast. As long as there are orders, there is basically no chaos!

Soon, the devil's attack started, Wu Qi didn't take it seriously at first, but later realized something was wrong, what's the matter?It is because the intelligence said that there are at least 500 devils. Now it seems that no, there should be more than 1000 people. With so many people, they can guard for half a day with 500 people, right?

The battle was very fierce, and Wu Qi and the others were even more cruel to the devils. Naturally, the devils also had revenge, and the two sides immediately fell into a state of anxiety as soon as they exchanged fire.

"Kill! Kill!" Wu Qi shouted loudly, to let the soldiers know that he is still alive!

How many defensive battles the Eighth Route Army has fought, among other things, Wu Qi's company has let go for many days just defending the devils in Jiahe Town, not to mention the guerrilla warfare against the devils at the border.

The soldiers are also the essence left after the baptism of war.Fighting wars is unambiguous, and fighting tough battles is even easier.

However, the same is true of the little devils. Although they have lost several battles, they have also won battles against the Eighth Route Army. They can't do anything about guerrilla warfare, but if it comes to positional warfare, they can be [-]% sure, but now, they were caught off guard, and instead gave the Eighth Route Army some advantages. The so-called advantage, to the little devil, was nothing more than that.

One side wants to hold on, while the other side wants to break through. Wu Qi was already depressed, but he became cruel when he met the devils. After waiting for you for so long, you are so late, it is really infuriating!
"Comrades, now the devils want to break through our defenses and attack Jiahe Town. Sima Zhao's ambition is well known to everyone. Therefore, we must do our best to block the path of the little devils!"

Wu Qi yelled, raised his machine gun, and started firing with those little devils!

Soon, the defense line on the left side of the Eighth Route Army slowly showed a rout. The little devils couldn't hold back their attack here. They were not many in number, and there were always gaps in the encirclement of 500 people, and they on the far side became the devils' attack The best choice point!
Seeing the failure of the Eighth Route Army's defense on the left side, Xiao Juguang laughed, "Haha, that's great, everyone, step up your efforts, mobilize Setogawa to the left side for support, everyone fight hard!"

Xiao Juguang seemed to have seen hope, and also saw the greatest comfort. These days, today is considered good news. As long as one of these Eighth Route Army soldiers flees, there will be two, three, four... It wasn't until many people fled slowly that they were able to defeat the Eighth Route Army in front of them.

There are no other abilities, but it is not difficult to defeat them.

The devil's firepower was suppressed too fiercely.

As a result, the Eighth Route Army had too few points to fight back. Seeing the devils on the left attacking, Wu Qi personally brought a faction to support them.

No matter what, we must win and win.

"Da da da..." Wu Qi's light machine gun fired randomly at the devils who were running. Seeing that there was support coming, the Eighth Route Army soldier on the left also felt that he had a backer, and fought the bayonet with the devils on the spot. !

Fighting bayonets, the Eighth Route Army soldiers are not afraid of anyone.

These little devils are not four-legged, so it's right to fight, and they are a group of beasts.

"Dangdangdang" The sound of weapons colliding rang in his ears all the time, Wu Qi also threw away the machine gun, then pulled out the machete and the devil and hacked over.

Slowly, when the devil had the advantage in manpower, the right side gradually declined. However, even if there was a decline, he never saw an Eighth Route Army soldier retreating!
They put the bayonets on early, and waited until they were only a few feet away from the devil. Suddenly, they jumped out of the trench and started a new round of hand-to-hand combat with the little devil.


"Ping pong... Ping pong..."

With the impact of various weapons, some soldiers even fought with the devils again just with wooden sticks.

Don't let me live, I will definitely not let you have a good time. Under Wu Qi's personal leadership, the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army became more and more excited as they fought. Rush forward, and only by impact can you have a greater advantage.

(End of this chapter)

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