Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2796 Pursuit

Chapter 2796 Pursuit
In this battle, without Wu Gang's knowledge, Yang Fei quietly asked Liu Ji's company to go to support, but the place where they were asked to go was Jiahe Town, not to ambush!

Yang Fei also knew that the importance of Jiahe Town is self-evident. Once there is any mistake in Jiahe Town, their long-term plan will come to nothing. Liu Ji's company can just take on such a task!

At this time, the devil and Wu Gang started a hand-to-hand fight, and the two sides were evenly matched. This hand-to-hand fight lasted for more than an hour, but it ended hastily when the devil voluntarily evacuated.

Looking at the few fighters behind him, Wu Gang really wanted to fight again.

But at this time, the instructor came over, "Let's retreat to Jiahe Town as soon as possible. If the devils charge again later, we might not be able to hold back!"

Hearing that he was going to voluntarily evacuate, Wu Gang glared at the instructor angrily, "Retreat? You said retreat? The devils retreated on their own initiative just now! You want me to retreat now? No way, people are in the position!"

"Company commander, don't be like this. What is our mission? It is to block the devils. If we are left alone, will the devils be in no man's land? What does Jiahe Town miss mean? Let's go back now , and our trenches, the devils really dare not come over for a while, when the time comes, the regiment leader will definitely send reinforcements over, and we will wipe out the devils in one fell swoop!" The instructor was right.

But Wu Gang has some regrets, how could he have no regrets?This time was his worst loss. Anyone and anything had to take a step back before fighting.

However, the instructor obviously knew that if he continued to work hard like this, he would probably end the game sooner or later, and Jiahe Town was the most important thing. Besides, there were so many devils!
"Don't think about it anymore, company commander, let's retreat quickly, otherwise, when the devils charge again, we will really be powerless!" the instructor said quickly.

Wu Gang grabbed a handful of dirt with his hand and just squeezed it. He was not reconciled, but he couldn't help it, "Withdraw!"

He said a word, and then led everyone to retreat!
In the previous battle, Xi Cangliu could see that it was a battle with conspiracy, otherwise there was no Eighth Route Army along the way, how could there be so many people at this moment?They killed a lot of soldiers just now!

"Major Nishiguraru, what do you think we should do next!" Xiao Juguang asked.

In fact, Xiao Juguang already had an idea in his mind, that is to continue to attack. It can be seen that the Eighth Route Army is almost unable to hold on. The reason for retreating for the time being is to re-arrange the attack route for the best attack .

Xi Cangliu said, "Master Xiao Juguang, I think we can observe for a while. If such a small number of people from the Eighth Route Army dare to besiege us, I am really afraid that there are other ambushes. We must not make mistakes in this operation!"


This sentence was really beyond Xiao Juguang's expectation. He thought he would take down the Eighth Route Army in front of him in one go, but he didn't expect Xi Cangliu to talk about observing again. You know, they are resting, and the Eighth Route Army is also resting. Another battle, I am afraid that the Eighth Route Army will be the first to retreat.

"In that case..."

However, before Xiao Juguang could speak, a ghost ran over, "Report to Your Excellency!"

"Well, tell me!" Xiao Juguang asked.

"Your Majesty, the Eighth Route Army is retreating ahead!" the devil said hastily.

"Nani?" Xiao Juguang's eyes widened. The Eighth Route Army retreated?What does this mean?It means that the Eighth Route Army dare not fight them, why?Because they are outnumbered, if they fight for a long time, they will definitely fail!
"Give me the order, now go ahead at full speed, and pursue the Eighth Route Army!" Xiao Juguang shouted.

"Your Majesty, be safe and don't be impatient!"

Xi Cangliu hurriedly stopped him, "The Eighth Route Army has too many tricks and tricks. I'm afraid that if they retreat, other Eighth Route Army will lie in ambush. We can attack, but we must find out what's going on ahead!"

Xiao Ju Guangan endured the uneasiness in his heart, but it cannot be ruled out that there are other Eighth Route Army ambushing ahead. If it is true as what Xi Cangliu said, then they will suffer a big loss!
However, he also knew that if this opportunity was missed, the Eighth Route Army would stick to the mouth of Jiahe Town like that, and it would be dangerous for them to enter!

"Okay, just do what Major Nishigura Liu told you!" Xiao Juguang said with a sigh.

The devils advanced slowly, and the movement of the Eighth Route Army seemed to be to retreat. Along the way, they did not encounter any siege at all. It was not until they reached the mouth of Jiahe Town that Xiao Juguang suddenly realized that he had been fooled by the Eighth Route Army. If they pursue at full speed, they may have already fought with the Eighth Route Army by this time!

"Pass my order, immediately launch an attack on the Eighth Route Army's defense line, we will take down Jiahe Town with lightning speed!"

Xiao Juguang shouted.

Xi Cangliu's face was red at this time, and he knew that he had missed the best time to pursue, but he couldn't be blamed for this, who made the Eighth Route Army really cunning?

He had attacked the death line of the Eighth Route Army in front more than once, but every attack was frustrated. It seemed that this line of defense had been enchanted by the Eighth Route Army and it was an insurmountable line of defense.

However, Xiao Juguang gave the order, and he had to execute it, so he immediately ordered Aoki Rumi, Akiba Yoshiki and other team leaders to jointly attack the Eighth Route Army's defense line in front!


The devil shouted, the mortar suppressed the firepower, and fired shells towards the trench ahead, and dozens of shells began to bombard the trench!


Not only that, the machine gunner seemed to be crazy, and he didn't give the Eighth Route Army a chance to raise its head. These bullets and shells really made Wu Gang a little angry!
This devil is rich, grandma's, so he won't give him a chance!
Good thing...

Fortunately, when he retreated back, he immediately discovered that Feng Chunqiu's company had already ambushed here.
At this moment, he just needs to stick to this place, and then Feng Chunqiu's company will attack from the side, catching the devils by surprise.

When the artillery shells finally died down, the machine gunner also stopped firing bullets. Just as Wu Gang looked up, he saw the devils rushing over!
He immediately shouted, "Comrades, the devils are here, pick up your guns, and beat me hard until the little devils are convinced, until the little devils are scared, and until the little devils cry!"

Shouting in this life, the Eighth Route Army soldiers in the trenches immediately raised their heads and started fighting with the devils!
Yes, it's so difficult!

too difficult!
The Eighth Route Army's fearless fighting style made it impossible for the little devils to obey in a short time. Originally, they rushed over, even if they frightened the enemy, they would frighten the enemy. Is it a battle-hardened veteran?
Their homes are all behind them. Behind Jiahe Town, they are all their homes. Not only their families, but also their land and the environment they live in. Once they are occupied by the little devils, everything will go back to the past , who can bear it?
Who can bear it?
No, I won’t say much else. In short, none of the Eighth Route Army is a coward, and none of the Eighth Route Army is a coward. It’s over if you do it, and you can fail. It must be when they are all killed.

"Da da da!"

"Bang bang bang..."

After a wave of attacks, Wu Gang sneered, and finally came, so let's fight!
"Comrades, mount the bayonets!"

The bayonets were swiped, and then the soldiers rushed out of the trenches under Wu Gang's cry of "fight", and ran to the battlefield again, fighting with the devils!

I was very tired. I just played for an hour not long ago, and after an hour of rest, both hands were numb, and I couldn't even hold the gun in my hand. Is it possible not to fight?

Of course it is impossible, no one will allow their own land and family members to be invaded by little devils!
Still the same sentence, just do it!

The fight was in full swing, Wu Gang's machete was bleeding, slashing left and right, no kid dared to come to him again!
Slowly, the battlefield began to become anxious, the little devil dared not fight anymore with his bayonet raised, and the Eighth Route Army also took a defensive position. At this time, everyone's physical strength had reached its limit.


Wu Gang yelled loudly, a little devil was startled, fell to the ground, then quickly got up and looked at Wu Gang vigilantly with a bayonet.

"Brothers, the little devil is scared, haha, he is scared! Fight! Today, either they will die or we will die. The Eighth Route Army has no cowards, so we must teach the little devil a good lesson!" Wu Qi shouted loudly, and another People rushed in!

ping pong...


The bayonets collided with each other, making a stabbing sound. After a few little devils fell down, the little devils actually started to retreat!
Watching the little devil retreat,

Wu Gang really wanted to order the soldiers to chase after him, but he also knew that there must be other devils waiting behind the retreating devil, so after everyone cheered, he retreated to the trench again!
At this time, the half-disabled moon could still be seen, but it was already covered by dark clouds, and the air was sultry. Wu Gang breathed in the air, and was bitten twice by the devil's bayonet on his arm and belly. However, he I can still hold on.

"Feng Chunqiu, this dog day, when is he going to fight? This is the time. Could it be that he still wants us to fight?"

After finishing speaking, Wu Gang spat on the ground.

The instructor came over and said, "Company commander, don't worry, the number of our two companies is about 600 people, although there is still a gap between the number of devils, but as long as the little devils dare to come over again, we will definitely let them come and go! "

"Hehe, don't comfort me, I know, who of us still has grenades? I'm afraid no one has grenades. There are at most five bullets in the gun. After a while, we can only go to hand-to-hand combat, comrade Our physical strength has already exceeded the limit, if we fight again, I am afraid that the devils will gain the upper hand!" Wu Gang is very clear, and he is very clear.

"Don't forget, there is also a company in the Spring and Autumn Period!" the instructor said.

"It's a good thing I didn't mention it, but now, he still hasn't appeared!"

Wu Gang became a little impatient.

If they don't show up again, who the hell can hold on!
During this short rest, I suddenly heard footsteps coming from behind. Looking back, it turned out that the militiamen from Jiahe Town had come. They brought some water and some food, and then jumped into the trench voluntarily although they had some They were still holding red-tasseled guns, and some were holding hoes, but their joining gave the soldiers hope!
The militia company commander was already organizing everyone when the Eighth Route Army arrived, and it took some time to prepare so many moving things, but fortunately, the position is still there!
The comrades ate food, drank water, and replenished a certain amount of energy.

"Thank you for your hard work. Next, let's fight devils together, Company Commander Wu!"

It was the militia company commander of Jiahe Town who spoke.

As for the company commander, in fact, there are only more than 40 people. These 40 people are still the most powerful in Jiahe Town, that is, they are strong and strong.

"Thank you very much!" Wu Gang said.

As soon as I put down the kettle and put down the food, the machine guns of the devils on the opposite side appeared again, and the "da da da" came again!
Everything has changed, and immediately after this, there must be another burst of mortar bombing.

Sure enough, at this time, bombs sounded in front of the trench, raising waves of smoke and dust.

"Come on!"

Taking advantage of the suppression of the Eighth Route Army, the little devils charged over. They had the spirit of bushido, and each devil had a strip of white cloth tied around his head, with a sun on it. If you didn't look carefully, you might think it was something!

At this time, the dark clouds accumulated more and more, and finally a strong wind blew up. The strong wind blew up the silly sand and blew it towards the devil!
Many devils came over in the sand and dust, and rushed over with their eyes fascinated.

"Fight, finish the bullets before it rains, and put the bayonet on me as soon as possible!" Wu Gang yelled!
"Swipe..." The bayonet was on, and the soldiers tried their best to shoot at the devils. The devils who rushed over fell in a row, and then the devils behind rushed over!
It seems to be the same as that leek, once a crop is cut, there will be another crop!

As they got closer, Wu Gang shouted, "Come on, fight the bayonet!"

The soldiers jumped out of the trenches and quickly took over with the devils, one blocked, one assassinated, one assassinated, one blocked.

Wu Gang brandished a machete and charged ahead. The guards just followed him and started fighting with the devils around Wu Gang with bayonets.




Every time the little devil slapped him, he yelled loudly, as if he was a god descending from the earth!
Of course, this is their own morale boost.

If you don't cheer yourself up like this, these little devils won't be able to hold on anymore.

They are also flesh and blood, not invulnerable.

However, what they didn't expect was that.

They didn't expect their strength to be so great. Many fighters fought against them, and their mouths were numb. How much strength did it take to deal such a blow to them?

(End of this chapter)

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