Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2797 The Sad Victory

Chapter 2797 The Sad Victory

In the sky, a white light appeared, making the devil in front of him look even more ferocious.Of course, the faces of the Eighth Route Army were also covered in sweat and blood, and no one knew whose blood it was.


There was a loud noise, and a strong wind picked up all of a sudden, and the rain was poured down.

At first there was a smell of dust, but after a while, the smell of dust and the smell of blood disappeared, and what was brought was endless fresh air!

Even so, no one is willing to give up the last battle, whether it is the Eighth Route Army or the devils, they all regard this battle as the last battle!
Immediately afterwards, behind these Bushido, another group of devils rushed over. They became the fresh blood of the devils, and they became more powerful in fighting!

The sound of the heavy rain gradually reduced the sound of shouting and killing around. This heavy rain made the Eighth Route Army more sober, and their consciousness became more clear, kill!
A soldier was surrounded by several devils, but he didn't care at all. He rushed over, stabbed a devil, and stabbed a devil's stomach with a knife, but the devils around rushed over and stabbed him in the same stomach!
These perverted devils cut off the head of the Eighth Route Army soldier and smiled slyly, then kicked it around like a football!

Captain Aoki Rumei and Akiba Yoshiki personally commanded the little devils in hand-to-hand combat in this team.

Wu Gang knows that only by doing his best can he guarantee the victory here, as well as Feng Chunqiu's success there.

Only then did he understand why Feng Chunqiu didn't come to help earlier, it is very possible that what he was thinking was to go straight to Huanglong, what a wise decision it is to attack the devil's temporary command post now?
Only when he falls a moment later can he bring Feng Chunqiu the greatest victory!

"Comrades, kill! Kill!!"

At some point, the guard beside Wu Gang had already fallen to the ground. His innermost part was vomiting blood, but his eyes were wide open, as if he was dying.

sound of rain.


Shout out!

A variety of different voices.

Forty or fifty militia soldiers, although not as long as the Eighth Route Army's training, are still considered support troops. The militia company commander is even more fearless, and the red tasseled gun in his hand is really good at playing, stabbing and sweeping.All the strength in his body was on that red-tasseled gun.

He frowned and gritted his teeth, "Comrades, follow the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army, let's fight!"

Everyone knows what it means if the Jiahe Town in the back is lost, everyone understands, so there is no need to say more!

At this time, Feng Chunqiu's troops came quietly from the dark, and a bolt of lightning came down and shone on Feng Chunqiu's company!

Seeing their little devils, they raised their guns in surprise and were about to shoot, but how could Feng Chunqiu's company, which was already prepared, be so fast!
With a bang, the devil fell to the ground!
Feng Chunqiu yelled, "Rush over and catch the little devil's commander!"

After he shouted, the soldiers who had wanted to fight the devil for a long time came out of the jungle like a pack of hungry wolves, and went straight to attack the yellow dragon of the little devil.

Originally, all the large troops were pressed up, and the base camp was already very empty. Who knows, the Eighth Route Army is here at this time, and it is very impossible to tear down the little devils in front. The soldiers of the Eighth Route Army took them away one by one, and those little devils who knelt down and surrendered were knocked unconscious by the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army with the butts of their rifles.They have more important things, who can control these captives now?
The sound was very loud, but what was even louder was the sound of thunder, the sound of rain!

The sound drowned out Xiao Juguang and Nishigura Liu's hearing and hearing.

Suddenly, a group of Eighth Route Army soldiers broke in from outside the tent, and they shouted loudly, "Give up your guns and don't kill!"
"Don't kill with guns!"

Xiao Juguang was stunned!
Xi Cangliu was also stunned!

This is the big account of the Chinese army, and no one outside reported it?

Xiao Juguang squatted on the seat all of a sudden, her eyes blurred!
At this moment, Feng Chunqiu couldn't control whether he was a major or a minor, so he was tied up and guarded, and finally he hurriedly led someone to cover up and kill him!
The heavy rain suddenly made the road that was not too far away muddy, the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army rushed over, and got stuck with the little devil in the back!
Wu Gang, who had quick eyesight and quick hands, became excited at this time, "Feng Chunqiu, the goddamn god, are you here? I can't hold on any longer!"

After finishing speaking, he slashed with a big knife and chopped a devil to the ground.

Feng Chunqiu smiled, "I'm here, comrades, kill! Kill!"

"The reinforcements are here, the reinforcements are here, comrades, kill!" Wu Gang shouted, and ran forward a few steps, rescued a soldier, and then fought with the little devil!


The little devil was completely surrounded, as if he was discouraged all of a sudden!
Wu Gang fought for another hour. The fighters around him were really numerous. In this battle, more than half of them fell down again. It would be difficult to restore the formation.

Fortunately, Feng Chunqiu is here now, otherwise, it is not impossible for the entire army to be wiped out.

Finally, the little devil surrendered.

Aoki Rumi and Akiba Sixi tried to lead people to retreat, but they were all cut down by Feng Chunqiu.

In this battle, the little devils were wiped out!
completely annihilated!

Victory; yes!


The Eighth Route Army soldiers shouted loudly.

"Victory, victory!"

Many comrades cried excitedly. They were undoubtedly lucky. What a pity, how many soldiers died at the last moment of victory?
Wu Gang slowly turned his head to look at the corpses on the ground, piled up on top of each other. This is fucking war. Why is war so cruel?

Is this fucking war?Is this what war is?

Feng Chunqiu walked over slowly, "Old Wu!"

Wu Gang looked up at Feng Chunqiu, "Damn it, why did you come here?"

Feng Chunqiu bit his lip, "Xiao Juguang and Xi Cangliu were captured alive!"

"Damn it, let me ask you, why did you come here? If you came one step earlier, how many soldiers could have avoided sacrifice? Hmm?"

Wu Gang's words hurt Feng Chunqiu, "I'm sorry!"


Who is also for the overall situation, why does Wu Gang accuse the other party, didn't he win in the end?
Soon, in grief, the people of Jiahe Town came out in the rain, and slowly found the remains of the Eighth Route Army soldiers from among the corpses. Some of the remains were missing arms and legs, and some even had no heads.

What a brutal battle!
How painful, how heartbreaking?
Soon, the battlefield returned to calm, only the rain fell down, making people a little calmer.

Some soldiers even lost their compatriots and ran in the rain, venting their emotions and expressing all kinds of dissatisfaction with the devils.

Victory is joyful, but also cruel, exciting, and sad!

The comrades-in-arms who get along day and night on weekdays are gone after such a battle.

I can't see you anymore.

This is hard for anyone to accept.

Although, where there is battle, there is sacrifice.

However, they don't want this kind of sacrifice, they want their comrades alive.

Unfortunately, this is impossible!
After talking about the battle here, the next step is Xiaoshilang on the mountain side. The Tiger Discovery Road is not an easy road. In Sihuai Township, there are two Orion roads, one east and one west. One is called Tiger Discovery Road. According to legend, if you pass this road, you can meet a big tiger with white eyes. However, according to the legend, this road is indeed the way to go to the mountains to hunt, and the other way back to the hometown is said to be the first hunter to hunt. After killing the big tiger, it is a way to go home calmly. In short, these ways have entrusted many hunters with the idea of ​​returning home safely.

As for the Tiger Exploration Road, there is a gully that is not too deep in the south, but under the gully there are thorns.

If you want to know how deep it is, I am afraid that no one has such leisure time for a while, and there is a cliff on the north side, and you want to know how high this cliff is.

No one is willing to figure it out. Although there are not many such roads, there are many trees growing on this cliff.

Covering the clouds and covering the sun, looking up is the towering tree, only streaks of sunlight can penetrate in, and besides, there are gusts of wind blowing, which makes people shudder.

And on this tiger-exploring road, the widest side by side can only accommodate two people, and the rest of the road can only barely accommodate the next person. There are even no roads in some places, and it has to be surrounded by ancient times. An iron chain, scratching and barely passing.

Therefore, this time, Xiao Shiro on the mountain side took this small road. Not only that, but the ground was covered with thorns on such a small road. Compared with the road of returning home, the conditions were worse, not as good.

Looking at this road, Xiao Shiro's face turned pale. If Xiang passed by here, he might not know when it will be.Not to mention the past, there are already more than a dozen soldiers of the imperial army who stumbled and fell to the bottom along the way.

Whether it is dead or alive, no one knows.

The troops moved forward slowly. It had been two hours since he arrived at the place he wanted to go. The road was crowded and narrow, making it difficult to move forward.

It started the night before, and at noon the next day, the frontline troops slowly walked out of the Tiger Discovery Road. The front was flat, and how many devils cheered!If Yasuo Inagaki hadn't reprimanded him, more people would have shouted.

With so many people shouting, what if the Eighth Route Army is nearby?
Happy to be happy, you can laugh, don't make a sound, can't you?

By the time all the troops came out, it was already 05:30 in the afternoon. Many devils began to solve the ration problem by themselves, and everyone had at least a little food on their bodies.


This is what Yang Fei wanted. Now, Xiao Juguang's division has been completely wiped out by them, and now only Koshiro Yamabe's division is left. Under Li Jiguang's order, all the troops began to clear the area occupied by the devils, and then So they started preparing to completely wipe out Koshiro Yamabe's troops near Sihuai Township.

Time passed very quickly, before the evening came, the devils were basically wiped out, only a few little devils went into the woods and disappeared, Li Jiguang didn't care, how long could they hide?Even if it was him, they didn't dare to hide for too long. There are many wild wolves on this mountain, even if they are scared, they will scare them half to death.

Yang Fei ordered Wu Gang's company to rest in Jiahe Town on the spot, and then ordered Feng Chunqiu's company to rush over.

After that, almost all the troops of their Eighth Route Army ambushed near Sihuai Township!
Besides, Lin Zhonghu was overjoyed when he heard the news. He ordered Sun Jinwei's battalion to go out of the city immediately to fight Xiaoban Zhengxiong, and ordered Li Heng and Wang Shaofeng's battalion to lie in ambush at the end of Tanhu Road.

This is destined to be a one-sided battle, and Koshiro Yamabe probably doesn't know about these two aspects.

Let’s talk about Sishui Town first. The battle has been going on for six days. The common people have been fighting for six days. However, their number is indeed getting smaller and smaller. There is no doubt that he has already thought about it. If the real devils break through, he will stop them even if he dies.

He called several company commanders including Zang Ba, and ordered them to do ideological work for the comrades. In the past few days, their number has decreased, but it is also an indisputable fact that the number of devils has decreased. Now, they are Waiting for the Sihuai Township Forest Tigers to send troops to support them!As soon as the company commanders left, they saw the devils down the mountain starting to move again.

But what is strange is that not many devils came. On the one hand, from last night to today, the devils have never fired mortars and other lethal weapons on the high ground. On the other hand, the attack is also obvious. Much weaker, this is also an opportunity for Skinny Monkey to see hope.

However, this small group of devils walked very slowly. They had to find cover every step of the way up the mountain. The soldiers of the Eighth Route Army took aim for a long time, but they didn't see any more tricks from the little devils!
This made the thin monkey not sure what the little devil was going to do.

However, if they don't move, the thin monkey will be even more unable to move. Their main task is to guard this place and not let the devil break through. If the devil takes advantage of the loopholes because of unauthorized actions, he might not be able to eat it and walk around!

At this time, suddenly a soldier ran over, "Battle Commander, Battalion Commander!"

"Say!" The thin monkey didn't look at him, but stared at the devil in the distance.

"Battalion Commander, the Linzhong Tigers have sent Sun Jinwei's battalion to support!" the soldier said happily!
"Damn it, why did you go so early? Let me sacrifice so many soldiers. If I had faced the little devils in front of me earlier, I would have helped them fight the devils. Now it's like a sandwich. , so uncomfortable!" After complaining, the thin monkey asked again, "Where did they go?"

"They? Oh, they have already set off, and they agreed to fight devils together at night!" said the soldier.

"Okay, I got it, now you go to inform everyone and let everyone be patient. You know, if a tiger wants to hunt a sheep, it has to be patient and kill it with one blow!" said the thin monkey.

"Yes!" After the soldier finished speaking, he went to tell several company commanders.

Sure enough, at night, the thin monkey was lying in the trench and had just narrowed his eyes when he heard the fight starting at the foot of the mountain!
He quickly turned around, and then took a look with the binoculars, hey, sure enough, there was a fight down the mountain, okay, let them fight, anyway, they dare not come up, once they come up, I will beat them out of shit! "

Thinking of the thin monkey here, he lit a cigarette, looking like a rich landlord.Today, not to mention how relaxed he was, he was almost suffocated due to his nervousness today, but fortunately, very fortunately, when Sun Jinweiying came, they rescued him!
(End of this chapter)

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