Chapter 2798

After watching the excitement for nearly an hour, Shouhou also knew that it was time to go down, otherwise, if Sun Jinwei complained to their team leader, this part would scold him indiscriminately, and Shouhou would be in a bad mood, no matter what he did. You have to make a face, don't you?

As a result, when the thin monkey had just brought his troops down the mountain, he found that the battle had already been fought, and even Sun Jinwei had already cleaned the battlefield. When carrying the mortars box by box, he was stunned!
This devil knows that he has money and guns, but he can collect the mortars box by box. If he had known that he would have come down earlier, he might have gotten more!

Looking straight at those weapons and ammunition, he regrets, regrets!

However, Shouhou didn't intend to let go of the immediate benefits, so he quickly found Sun Jinwei and expressed his idea, that is, to share the spoils with him equally!
As soon as Sun Jinwei heard that the loot was to be divided equally, Sun Jinwei's bandit temper came out, "I think it's a good idea. When I am fighting, I can't see your shadow. After the devils have finished fighting, you come to me to share the loot. Are you crazy?"

This is a naked threat!How can the thin monkey think so much? You can scold him, but don't take it easy when you scold someone, right?

He, the skinny monkey, was really poor, especially when he saw the weapons and ammunition. He knew that the mortar shells were gone, but it wouldn't be too much to take some mortars, right?
But Sun Jinwei's refusal made him look a little ugly, wouldn't he?Okay, then I will grab it!
He had a gloomy face, and then turned to look at his troops, "Brothers, our friendly army can't carry so much spoils, come and help move them back!"

With this loud shout, the soldiers behind hurried over!

Sun Jinwei saw that this was an obvious robbery, is it okay?If it's about robbing, they are bandits, are they afraid of you robbing them?Then let's see who grabs it faster.

Sun Jinwei also turned his head and said, "It's such a hard job, let's bother our friendly brothers. Come on, brothers, one counts as one, let's decline the kindness of the friendly brothers together!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Yaxin brought a company to stop Shouhou and the others, "I'm sorry, brothers, you've fought so many battles, you're exhausted, go back and drink some water. Don't bother you!"

"Fart, we are not tired, brothers help!"

Thin Monkey doesn't intend to give up, but Sun Jinwei also doesn't intend to give up, this is their spoils, and there is no rule that if you see friendly troops, you have to share a share of the spoils, isn't it?
Wang Yaxin and the others rely on the large number of people, and think about it. A regiment with tens of thousands of people has an average of more than 3000 people in a battalion, and nearly [-] people in a company. Are you afraid of you?
Look at Skinny Monkey again. After so many battles, many soldiers died and many were injured. This is a lot of fighting, and a battalion only has more than 1000 people. How can it compare?kindness?How to compare?
The rabbit is in a hurry and wants to bite people, how can he suffer as a skinny monkey, "Hehe, when I was in front of me, before I suffered a disadvantage, I didn't see you when I was beating the devils. There are not many devils left, but you are here. How can there be anyone in the world?" Such a good thing? Grab it!"

The soldiers were also stunned, but since their battalion commander said it all, why were they still stunned?Just grab it!
The swarms of soldiers didn't take guns, they just walked over and robbed. Even though Sun Jinwei was a bandit, he had never seen such a rogue. He is a rogue, but the only way to deal with a rogue is to use a rogue. way to deal with it.

"Block it, give me all these things back!"

Sun Jinwei also spoke, and the soldiers would not let Shouhou and the others succeed. One side wanted to snatch it, and the other side wanted to stop it. In this way, it turned into a fight.

Once it becomes a fight, let alone hurt your peace, what should you do when we meet in the future?
However, no one cares about the consequences now. Both parties are justified.

Xiaohu, who was on the side of the thin monkey, also joined the ranks of robbing. Although he knew each other, this did not affect them, these newcomers, to increase the face of their battalion commander. They are the serious Eighth Route Army, and they are also his thin monkey fighters.

Xiaohu also understood that the gun had run out of bullets at the end of the shot. If the bullets were richer, he might have killed a few more. Until later, he put a bayonet on the rifle early, so Waiting to fight head-to-head with the Paoze brothers.

"Xiaohu, what do you guys want to do?" It was Sun Jinwei who spoke, Sun Jinwei and Xiaohu knew each other, and Xiaohu was holding a wooden box in both hands, with a smile on his face, but a look of disdain, "Hey, Old Sun, I'm sorry, but for my sake, can you just give me this box?"

After speaking, as soon as he exerted his strength, he ran away holding the box.

Sun Jinwei's old face exploded with anger, "Damn it, I haven't seen you for a few days, and you're still so shameless! Get it back for me!"

After the order was issued, Wang Yaxin immediately asked people to chase him. When the thin monkey saw it, he hurriedly asked people to stop him.

However, this blockage can't be blocked, so let's fight.

Soon, Shouhou and the others were few, and soon they were at a disadvantage. Not only was Xiaohu chased after a few steps, he was also kicked and punched, and he snatched the wooden box back!
Soon, almost everyone in Shouhou and the others got their hands dirty, hey!There's no other way, this bastard is simply a beast!

The thin monkey touched his face, there were so many people, and he didn't know that the bastard punched him in the face quietly, not to mention, the punch was quite ruthless.

Seeing Sun Jinwei and the others remove all the supplies, he was indifferent. Forget it, there are few people, so just give it. At that time, are you afraid that they will have no supplies?
"Let's go, shit, you're out of luck!" The thin monkey spat on the ground, turned around and left.

Zang Ba was also very angry at this time. He could hit ten of them by himself, but 100 people chased him and beat him by himself. They pressed him to the ground and rubbed him forcefully. In the end, everyone is still injured, and the deal is not worth it.

This battle was surprisingly smooth.

This is for Sun Jinwei, who originally thought that there would be a thousand devils no matter what, but unexpectedly, there were only about two hundred, and they were wiped out in minutes.Sun Jinwei also couldn't figure out why only the skinny monkey beaten by more than 200 devils couldn't hold up his head. Hey, what else could be the reason?

Sun Jinwei's arrogance, and Shouhou's anger, in fact, he is Xiaohu the most angry!
Sun Jinwei, who originally thought that he would give him face no matter what, now looks like he didn't give him a chance, didn't give him any face, not only didn't give him, he even punched and kicked him, and now he walks with punches and crutches of.

"Battalion Commander, I'm not convinced!" Zang Ba shouted.

Xiaohu looked at it, and then said, "I'm not convinced either!"

The thin monkey took a look at them, "Unconvinced? Let's fight again?"

The two of them stopped talking, so how could they fight?There are many families, but there are few of them, so everyone will definitely not get rich.

"I curse him for losing the battle!" Xiaohu said directly.

"Let your bloody fart go!" the thin monkey cursed.

"What the hell do you think? If Sun Jinwei can fight, that's good. He won't leave any room for fighting devils, right? You cursed him for losing the battle. This is the face of the Eighth Route Army, not his Sun Jinwei!" It's rare, Shouhou is quite rational at this time, maybe this punch is a little rational.

"However, from my point of view, it always feels a bit strange!" said the thin monkey. ,

"Strange? What's so strange?" Zang Ba asked.

"I didn't hear any gunshots during this battle, but when we went down, the battle was over. We can see clearly how many devils there are at the bottom of the mountain. At least there are 1000 people? In such a short time He, Sun Jinwei, has already wiped out more than 1000 people?" The thin monkey asked doubtfully.

"That's right, maybe, it's not surprising that some ghosts escaped, right?" Zang Ba said.

"No, no, no!" Skinny Monkey shook his head, "Hurry up, let's defend Sishui Town, once the devil breaks through our defense line and enters Sishui Town, it's really not worth the candle, so hurry back, Walk!"

With that said, they returned to the trenches.

Although he was in the trenches, the thin monkey was still a little angry at Sun Jinwei's actions, so he should benefit him anyway, right?With so many supplies, you should at least be interested, and you can continue to get along with each other in the future, but now you don’t mean anything at all, what can people say?

In fact, the devils at the bottom of the mountain left long ago, and the place they went was to meet Xiao Shiro on the mountain side, and there were only more than 200 people left. In order to prevent the Eighth Route Army on the mountain from acting rashly, they specifically ordered the Eighth Route Army to see them, but Don't fight, with the suspicious character of the Eighth Route Army, they absolutely dare not act rashly.

Well, it frightened the thin monkeys on the mountain. When Sun Jinwei came, everything changed. The 200 people were quickly defeated, and all the leftover supplies were taken away by Sun Jinwei's department.

Besides, when Xiao Shiro returned to the mountain, after leaving the uninhabited Tiger Exploration Road, he first let the devils solve the rations by themselves, and then looked at the map to decide where to go. ambushed.

When Xiaoshiro Shanbian arrived at the ambush point, he would naturally beat them all. As for whether they could all be wiped out, it would depend on the fighting power of the devils.

In fact, it's not like Li Heng didn't think about killing the devils just after they came out to explore the tiger's way, but he was afraid that his bluffing would make the devils run away again.

Not only that, the investigators of Li Heng's department found Koshiro Yamabe coming out, and Ishida Ankang, who was behind Li Heng's department, also discovered Li Heng's department, which is interesting.

Ishida Ankang is a major commander of Koshiro's Division on the mountain side. He was ordered to attack Surabaya Town this time. He fought for six days, but he couldn't take it down. He and Masao Banban were very depressed at this time. When Bian Xiaoshiro would come from Tanhu Road soon, they decided to meet the large army and deal a very big blow to the Surabaya garrison.

"Master Masao Masao, in your opinion, why did the Eighth Route Army set up an ambush in front?" Ishida Ankang asked.

"Hehe, this is a trick!" Xiaoban Zhengxiong has dealt with the Eighth Route Army a lot. The previous burning of the forest had no effect, but he was led by the nose by the Eighth Route Army. Then he was tricked by the Eighth Route Army in the battle of Sihuai Township later. I fought a battle with myself.

Later, looking at Sishui Town, the Eighth Route Army may not be able to show its superiority in weapons and equipment, but those people are people who dare to die, not afraid of life and death, what do you say?
Thinking of the little Ban Zhengxiong here, seeing the Eighth Route Army in front of him at this time, he would definitely say this.

"Scheme? How do you know it?" Ishida Ankang asked.

"What else can I say? Look, the front is the exit of Tanhu Road. This is the information we have, but the Eighth Route Army appeared in front of it. It can only show that the Eighth Route Army knows that Koshiro Yamabe will come from there. In this way, aren't we being fooled by them?" Xiaoban Zhengxiong said.

"Now, what do you think should be done?" Ishida Ankang asked.

"In order to prevent the large troops from being intercepted by the Eighth Route Army in front, or ambushed, we had to shoot first, so that Chief Shanbian knew that there was an enemy ahead!" Xiaoban Zhengxiong said.

Ishida Ankang nodded, "Yes, it should be so, otherwise, his Eighth Route Army might give them some kind of blow!"

"After Tanhu Road comes out, this is the only road that can reach Sishui Town. It can be seen how good the geographical location of Sishui Town is. We attack the Eighth Route Army in front of us. I believe that we will be able to open a passage soon, and then quickly attack Sishui Town. , In this way, we have completed our mission by taking Surabaya Town!"

Xiaoban Masao said.

"That's right!" Ishida Ankang agreed with Masao Koban.

"Okay, since that's the case, why don't we fire the first shot? Order the mortar crews to aim at the Eighth Route Army's position in front and bomb, which can be regarded as a reminder to Colonel Yamabe!" After finishing speaking, many mortars moved quietly, and then Aimed at the Eighth Route Army position not far ahead. ,


After Xiaoban Zhengxiong gave an order, more than a dozen mortars fired shells one after another, and the shells burst into full bloom on the Eighth Route Army's position!
This time, Li Heng was stunned!

There are ghosts behind him?Where did the devil come from?
Feng Yangyang ran over immediately, "Battle Commander, there are a lot of devils behind us. It looks like the devils who attacked Sishui Town came over!"

Feng Yangyang told everything he knew.

He felt that this matter was also very strange, and it was completely different from what he usually thought.

"What? Didn't Sun Jinwei go to fight those devils? How come there are so many devils now? Why don't we know anything?" Li Heng pulled off his hat, "Cover, find a bunker, and avoid it temporarily." Lots of casualties!"

After finishing speaking, the soldiers of Li Heng's department quickly did not dare to show their faces in the trenches.

(End of this chapter)

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