Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2799 Defence

Chapter 2799 Defence
This round of artillery fire was really a headache, especially for Li Heng. Their troops were facing the attack of Masao Kobata and the others. When Koshiro Yamabe heard the sound of gunfire, he was stunned.

What's up with this motherfucker?
Just came out, just solved the problem of eating, so there will be a battle?

Listening to the sound, the gunshots should have come from not far away, and he immediately called a devil over, "What's going on, what happened up front?"

Not surprisingly, it should be the Eighth Route Army, but if it is the Eighth Route Army, wouldn't it be exposed if they fired their guns now?Thinking of this, Xiaoshiro Yamabe couldn't help but frowned. If he guessed correctly, it should be Masao Koban over there who discovered the Eighth Route Army. The sound of gunfire should be a signal to here!

Yes, it must be so.

After a while, a devil ran over, "Master Shanbian!"

"What happened in front?" Koshiro Yamabe asked quickly.

"Report to Colonel Shanbian, someone in the front fired the shells on the mountain ridge in front!" The devil said quickly.

"The mountain ridge in front?" Thinking of the mountain ridge here, Xiao Shiro immediately called Inagaki Yasuo over, "Tell me, after you came here, did you go to the small mountain ridge in front of you to investigate?"

Yasuo Inagaki was stunned, yes, he forgot, yes, that’s it, he forgot, because the soldiers of the imperial army were almost exhausted due to such a long road, and they wanted to rest for a while before going to investigate Yes, unexpectedly, the sound of gunfire was heard.

" to Colonel Yamabe!"

Yasushi Inagaki was planning to tell what he was thinking, "We just came here too, thinking... we went to take a look after a break, but unexpectedly, something happened over there, don't worry, I will take people over to look at it now look!"

After finishing speaking, Yasuo Inagaki planned to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible.

"Wait!" Yamabe Koshiro said hastily, "There's no need to go there!"

Inagaki Yasuo was also stunned at this time, so there is no need to go over?what does that mean?
"Come to think of it, if the Eighth Route Army is on the mountain, the shooter is from Masao Koban's unit. If the Masao Koban's unit is on the mountain, it's the Eighth Route Army who shot. If Masao Koban's unit is on the mountain, this happened , Xiaoban Zhengxiong will definitely run down the mountain. At that time, you can watch from a distance, soon? If it is the Eighth Route Army... Hehe, I have already seen their dangerous departure!"

After Xiaoshiro Yamabe's analysis, Inagaki Yasuo nodded, "Master Yamabe is right. Once it is confirmed that it is the Eighth Route Army, we will definitely be able to wipe out the Eighth Route Army if our troops attack. At that time, we will quickly attack Sishui Town and take it in one fell swoop." If you go to Sishui Town, hey, we can quickly disrupt the rear of the Eighth Route Army!"

"Yaoxi!" Yamabe Xiaoshiro nodded, "Then go and have a look!"

After finishing speaking, the group of them took a telescope to observe!

After the redeployment of the brigade, the New Fourth Regiment was ordered to wipe out Koshiro Yamabe's troops, and Yang Fei's regiment was ordered to quickly defend Surabaya Town!

For such a simple order, Yang Fei was also unwilling. In fact, he did not enjoy fighting the devils yesterday. Now he does not want to be the head of the regiment anymore. Being a soldier can fight on the battlefield. The head of the group is actually surrounded by guards, this is so fucking annoying!
In the past, there were few people, and no one said anything when he went to the battlefield. Now it is different, there are so many soldiers, and the enthusiasm is so high. Naturally, the chance of him as the regiment leader to reach the front line is discounted.

He had no choice but to follow Li Jiguang's orders. There was nothing wrong with his appointment. They had already wiped out Xiao Juguang's men.

However, the deployment had just begun when Yang Fei heard gunfire.

The sound of the guns is really loud, how much enmity and resentment must be there to be able to do this?
Yang Fei just shook his head, and calmed down immediately, "Team, since there is a situation ahead, since I lead the troops there, I must see what's going on? If there are devils, I can also support a wave. If he is Lin Zhonghu If there is any army, then he can leave completely!"

As soon as he walked down a road, he ran into Sun Jinweiying head-on.

There were bright smiles on their faces. When they were bandits, they were not so happy. Now they are in the Eighth Route Army. This battle is really fun. Almost two hundred devils have been wiped out, and there are so many more The booty is really cool!
Yang Fei looked at them and wanted to say hello, but Wang Zhifei hurried over, asked about the situation, and then came back and said, "Commander, that's the third battalion of Lin Zhonghu!"

"The third battalion of Lin Zhonghu?" Yang Fei nodded, and then walked over. When he saw them coming, Sun Jinwei immediately stood at attention and saluted. They didn't do it before. It was Lin Zhonghu who told them in such a short time. It's okay for people, but when you meet people from other groups, you can't do it without saluting!

"Commander Yang!" Sun Jinwei shouted in salute.

Yang Fei walked over with his hands behind his back, and then looked at him, "Lin Zhonghu's third battalion, you look so strong, is that the battalion commander?"

"Hey, yes!" Sun Jinwei said with his head held high.

"You're so happy, what did you do?" Yang Fei asked like a leader.

Sun Jinwei didn't hold back, "Report to Commander Yang that our battalion was ordered to attack the devils in Sishui Town, and now we have wiped out all of them!"

"Ouch! It's a big win!" After speaking, Yang Fei waved his hand! "Let's go!"

After saying this, Sun Jinwei saluted again, "Go!"

Yang Fei was also very happy when the mighty team left. Damn it, the Eighth Route Army has grown stronger, which is really a good thing!
However, as the soldiers behind them came over, they carried on their shoulders, pushed in small carts, and pulled by horses. Why is the third battalion so damn rich?

No, it must be a trophy!
Yang Fei's heart started to itch, "Damn it, where are so many things?"

"Yes, Commander, this is all meat!" Wang Zhifei said. ,

"No, I have to grab some!"

Yang Fei was about to leave after finishing speaking, but he, Wang Zhifei, hurriedly stopped him, "Leader, let's forget it. This is a friendly army after all. When the time comes, tell the brigade commander, why don't we return it? Besides, You are the head of the regiment, so why bother with him as a battalion commander! Let's go and see now, if there are many skinny monkeys in Surabaya Town who only get gifts?"

Thinking about it, it's not good to be awkward with a new group, they are not like Shen Wanxi after all!
"Hey, you reminded me, okay, let's go ahead and see what happened!"

Wang Zhifei smiled, "Okay, head, I can go and see this matter alone, you should take the soldiers to Surabaya Town first!"

"It's okay, if there is any situation, please tell me immediately!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he took the troops to Sishui Town!
In the trenches, the more he thought about it, the angrier he became. How could he not have his share of the spoils?As newcomers, don't they know what to do?For the sake of smooth cooperation in the future, why don't you dare express it?Unexpectedly, this has not yet been expressed, but the fight has already been fought!
"Battalion Commander, Battalion Commander, Regiment Commander is here!"

A soldier shouted immediately!
When the thin monkey heard that the group leader was coming, he immediately stood up, "Let's go, I'll go and have a look!"

After saying that, they walked down, and it was Yang Fei, followed by Han Qing, and of course, Liu Ji and Wu Qi.

Seeing them coming, his thin monkey's heart relaxed a lot, then the town of Surabaya was really saved!

I stayed here for six full days, and during these six days, every day was like falling into an abyss.

He Shouhou and Yang Fei reported the situation, and then he also said the casualties. He said that it was a tragedy, and only tears were left.

However, as soon as the subject changed, Yang Fei asked, "Okay, once you say that, I will know what shit you're talking about!"

The thin monkey was stunned when he heard it, what do you mean?He didn't want to pull... No, he didn't say anything?

"Head, what do you mean?" The thin monkey asked quickly. ,

"Okay, I already know that the devils at the bottom of the mountain have been wiped out by you, and you have captured a lot of spoils of war. Don't cry poorly with me. None of us know the other. Don't say anything else, you have to give me ten dollars for the mortar!" One? The devil’s grenade is easy to use, you have to give me ten boxes, right? Of course, if you have leftover rifles, give them to me too!”

Yang Feizi opened his mouth wide, then sat on the trench triumphantly and looked at the thin monkey.

Generally speaking, Yang Fei and Li Jiguang also report in the same way. They will definitely hide the spoils. If they are poor, they are afraid that they will not have a family.

Unexpectedly, this thin monkey also learned the true biography, but Yang Fei couldn't hide this!

At this time, the thin monkey seemed to have eaten more than a dozen flies in its mouth. Yang Fei said so, but he was disgusted.

He thought, this is wrong, he has nothing, isn't it all taken away by that Sun Jinwei?He has nothing!
"Head, who did you listen to? Is it that Sun Jinwei?" Thinking of these three words, Skinny Monkey really wanted to fight him with a gun.

"Hehe, he didn't say anything, but when I came here, I saw that they moved so many spoils in one battalion. You said, you also fought, it doesn't matter if you are less than them, doesn't it? How many? "Yang Fei looked at him with a smile, thinking in his heart, this kid is really smart.

Skinny Monkey was about to cry, he really wanted to do whatever he wanted, he didn't want Yang Fei to talk about the loot as soon as he came, but Yang Fei did it not long after he came, should he still be alive?
"Leader, you are wronged!" After finishing speaking, he grabbed Yang Fei, "Leader!"

"Shouhou, what do we have to say? Isn't it? What's your situation?" Yang Fei asked.

"Leader, we were beaten up by that boy Sun Jinwei, and not a single bullet was left as a prize!" After the thin monkey finished speaking, it was as if a thunderbolt hit Yang Fei on the head from the blue sky.

"What did you say?" Yang Fei stood up and asked loudly.

"Leader, I'm telling the truth. If you don't believe me, you can ask Zang Ba. If it doesn't work, you can ask Xiaohu! Go and see Xiaohu, he's still injured!" After finishing speaking, the thin monkey turned around and let the People brought Xiaohu, and Zang Ba!

Originally, Zang Ba was happy when he heard that the head of the regiment had arrived, but when he thought of his swollen face from the beating, he couldn't help being a little afraid of Yang Fei scolding him, so he decided to hide.

However, I never thought of it, and I still couldn't escape.

When Zang Ba came out, the eyelid of one eye was swollen, and the whole eye seemed to be useless. In addition, there were scratches on his face. It looked like a fight!

"Fuck!" Yang Fei was stunned, and then looked at the thin monkey, "What's the situation?"

"Captain, didn't I tell you? We didn't rob anyone!" Speaking of this, the thin monkey silently rolled up his sleeves, the bruises couldn't be more obvious.

"Haven't you snatched it?" Yang Fei has now imagined the scene where Shouhou and others robbed Sun Jinwei of supplies. It was tragic, so fucking tragic!

Yang Fei stood up abruptly, "You didn't snatch it, how dare you say it? How many grenades do you have in this war?"


The thin monkey lowered his head and said.

At this time, Xiaohu came out, Yang Fei turned his head to look, and then this is the legendary Xiaohu, it seems that this guy has not been beaten, otherwise, why is there no scar on his face?
"Hey!" Xiaohu smiled with his mouth closed when he saw Yang Fei.

"Isn't it all right?" Yang Fei pointed to Xiaohu and looked at the thin monkey and asked.

"Open your mouth!" shouted the thin monkey.

Xiaohu opened his mouth, Yang Fei was even more stunned, only to see that Xiaohu lost two of his teeth!
How tragic it must be!

"What's the situation with you guys? You didn't get a single bullet!" Yang Fei suddenly felt very disappointed. If he was here, hehe, it must be his. Even if it was to be distributed in the end, he, Yang Fei, would be the one assigned to others. , definitely not assigned!
Liu Ji shook his head, "Shouhou, I'm so disappointed in you. After fighting for so long, isn't it the worst now?"

"Yeah Skinny Monkey, I can't stand it anymore!" Wu Qi also shook his head aside.

"Head, Sun Jinwei is relying on his large number of people, how many people are there? How many people are we? I thought they were bandits, fighting, who is afraid of whom, but... they are also Lianjiazi!" said the thin monkey.

"Okay, don't say anything, I think, now that there is a new fourth regiment, I have to tell you how to grab these spoils!" Yang Fei held his head high, confident.

"You have to learn from me, the fate of the whole regiment will depend on this spoil!" Yang Fei said.


Several battalion commanders said quickly.

"Okay, I guess there will be another war soon!" Yang Fei said, "Go get ready, that Xiaohu, you'd better not talk, you won't be able to hear clearly!"

Xiaohu was taken aback, and immediately covered his mouth with his hands.

"Let's take a break first, Wang Zhifei will be here in a while, and he will tell us what's going on!" Yang Fei said.

In Yang Fei's heart, there is no need for such a situation, and he also understands something.

After all, the battlefield changes rapidly.

But, it all depends on the commander and the commander leading the team to control and control it.

In a word, there are too many accidents on the battlefield.

They on the battlefield became quiet all of a sudden, all of Shouhou's troops were very disappointed, and the regiment leader was disappointed with them, so he had to find a way to get the place back!

(End of this chapter)

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