Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2800 New Information

Chapter 2800 New Information

Sun Jinwei happily took the spoils and went to Sihuai Township.

This is a great achievement, if he, Lin Zhonghu, accidentally gave them a big reward, wouldn't it be the same as playing?Thinking of Sun Jinwei here, I almost jumped up!

When he arrived in Sihuai Township, Sun Jinwei found Lin Zhonghu directly, but when Lin Zhonghu saw that Sun Jinwei had come back, he was surprised.

"Why are you back?" Lin Zhonghu asked.

"Ah... I... I'm back!" Sun Jinwei felt annoyed, and with Lin Zhonghu were brigade commander Li Jiguang and political commissar Wang Wei.

"Is the battle over?" Lin Zhonghu asked.

"Ah... yes!" Sun Jinwei said.

"Finished?" Lin Zhonghu looked at him strangely, "So fast?"

That's right, he, Lin Zhonghu, heard gunfire 10 minutes ago, what's the matter, he, Sun Jinwei, flew back?
"Did you hear the gunshot just now?" Lin Zhonghu asked.

"Gunshots? Did you hear that?" Sun Jinwei said.

"Why are you back?" Lin Zhonghu asked again.

"Is the battle over?" Sun Jinwei didn't know what Lin Zhonghu meant.

"There are still gunshots, and you came back? Is this the end of the war?" Lin Zhonghu now has an urge to kill.

"I have wiped out the devils below Sishui Town!" After finishing speaking, Sun Jinwei also said, "By the way, I have also seized a lot of spoils, Captain, look!"

After finishing speaking, Sun Jinwei invited Lin Zhonghu and the others to the door with a proud face, and the soldiers of the third battalion put all the trophies in the yard.

"Hey, regimental commander, brigade commander, political commissar, take a look, this is what I seized!"

Looking at the past, there are indeed a lot of spoils, grenades, rifles, explosives, mortars, so many things can be captured, it means that a big battle has really been fought!
However, Lin Zhonghu persisted, "You haven't explained clearly yet, you heard gunshots, do you know where the gunshots came from?"

"My task is to wipe out the devils below Sishui Town, Commander, I have completed it!" Sun Jinwei was right!

However, Lin Zhonghu knew that as a commander, it doesn't mean that you can do whatever you want, at least you have to know where the gunshots are coming from, right?
If they didn't come, Lin Zhonghu thought it was Sanying and the devils who kept fighting!
"Put the things down, go and see what happened right now, you three battalions are really unreasonable!"

Lin Zhonghu's anger made Sun Jinwei suddenly feel as if he had fallen into an abyss, okay, okay, he couldn't say anything, and immediately took people away!

Lin Zhonghu turned his head, "Brigade Commander, I made you laugh!"

"Hey, it's okay, Sun Jinwei won a battle, it's a good thing, as for what you said, I think you need to give more guidance!" Li Jiguang didn't have a tone of reproach, but Lin Zhonghu understood that they were the Eighth Route Army turned from bandits, And what Sun Jinwei did was the behavior of bandits. Everything was related to supplies. After a war, the first thing to do was definitely to find the spoils of war!He didn't take serious things to heart at all!
This was what Lin Zhonghu was most worried about. Although Li Jiguang didn't say anything, Lin Zhonghu now had to take this issue seriously.

And at this moment, the phone rang!

The operator said a few words, and immediately stood up, "Commander, Li Battalion Commander's call!"

Li Heng?

As soon as he heard it was Li Heng, Lin Zhonghu took three steps at a time and made two steps, went straight over, picked up the phone, and before he could speak, the sound of gunfire over there filled the phone.

"Li Heng, what's the situation with you?" Lin Zhonghu asked loudly.

"Captain, we are surrounded by devils, please help!" Li Heng spoke loudly, and the sound of shells exploded not far from him.

"Leader, head!" Li Heng kept yelling.

"Tell me clearly, where did the devil come from?" Lin Zhonghu asked loudly.

"Some of the devils came from Tanhu Road, and the other came from Sishui Town. Commander, we are now facing enemies from the north and the south, please help!" Li Heng shouted.

"Okay, you guard it, I'll send someone there!" After speaking, he hung up the phone and quickly went to the map.

Li Jiguang also heard the voice, and his face became serious. ,
It stands to reason that if Sun Jinwei's troops wiped out the devils, Li Heng would not be attacked by the enemies behind him. Now, there is only one possibility, that is, Xiaoban Zhengxiong took most of the people away, and Sun Jinwei only wiped out a small part. people.

If so, then troops must be sent!
Lin Zhonghu's complexion was also not very good, and he instantly understood what was going on. It stands to reason that Sun Jinwei would not be able to wipe out so many people in Xiaoban Zhengxiong so quickly, so there is only one possibility.

He looked up at Li Jiguang, and then asked, "Brigade Commander, the only thing we can do now is to send Wang Shaofeng's troops to support him!"

"Yeah, I planned to let Wang Shaofeng go to another line of defense. Now that's the case, we can only send him!" After Li Jiguang finished speaking, Lin Zhonghu immediately asked the operator to call Wang Shaofeng and ask Wang Shaofeng to go to support.

After the phone call was made, Lin Zhonghu's dissatisfaction with Sun Jinwei was revealed in his heart, "This Sun Jinwei is really!"

"Don't blame him, he definitely didn't know Xiaoban Zhengxiong had left. If he knew, it would be absolutely impossible to let them go!" Li Jiguang said.

"That's right, the devil is at the end of its strength now, besides, there are Yang Fei's troops behind!" Wang Wei said.

"Yang Fei doesn't need to be sent, the location of Sishui Town is more important!" Li Jiguang said.


Not long after, Wang Zhifei ran over, "Leader, head!"

"Tell me, what's going on!" Yang Fei quickly stood up from the trench!

"Captain, it really is a devil. As far as I know, Li Heng's department should be on the mountain, and the soldiers and horses of Xiaoban Zhengxiong are at the foot of the mountain. Now the devils on the side of Tanhu Road should have come out. If they attack back and forth, Li Heng's department will not know. How long can it last!" Wang Zhifei said.

"Hahaha!" Yang Fei laughed loudly, "Hehe, the brigade commander won't let me fight, but now? Do you have to ask me, Lao Yang? Now pass my order, Liu Ji, Wu Qi's troops follow me to fight !"

"Where am I, head?" the thin monkey asked immediately.

"You? Humph! You don't even look good on supplies, and you still have to fight. I think you're injured, so you better cultivate yourself!" After speaking, Yang Fei took the people away.

The thin monkey was stunned, and threw his hat heavily on the ground, "Sun Jinwei, the dog day, made me unable to even fight now!"

Xiaohu came over, "Battle Commander, don't be afraid, Sun Jinwei will deal with him sooner or later!"

"It's up to you?" The thin monkey glanced at him, and then sat in the trench and started smoking.

Yang Fei didn't receive the order and took people away without authorization. This is already a violation of discipline, but Yang Fei can't control it now. In fact, he didn't show much in this big battle. Now Li Jiguang is not by his side. Of course he wants to have a good time!
However, if we fight in an open and honest manner, I am afraid that it will not be easy for the devils to suffer, "Wang Zhifei!"

Wang Zhifei came up to him, "Leader!"

"Which way did you go just now?" Yang Fei asked.

"Hey, leader, I used to be a bandit too. Although it's my first time here, according to my previous thinking about the road conditions, no matter if it's a deep mountain, old forest, or any place, people can always leave. It's just that it's easy to walk and The difference is not good!" Wang Zhifei said with a smile.

"Damn it, don't talk about those useless things, I ask you, you came so soon, is there another way?" Yang Fei knew in his heart that Wang Zhifei must know the way.

"Hey, yes, leader, follow me!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Zhifei walked in front, and Yang Fei led the people behind.

This is the case on this mountain. I feel that there is no way to go. In fact, there are thousands of roads to go. Let alone the Tiger Exploration Road and the Homecoming Road, this is the reason.

However, the road led by Wang Zhifei is really not easy to walk. They have to climb a slope for a while and jump off a cliff for a while. Although it is not too high, it has already affected their speed.But there is no way, they want to defeat the devils by surprise, so they can only do this.

After so many people walked for about an hour, they could finally see the situation on both sides. They were in a good position. On the left, you could see Masao Kobata's troops, and on the right, you could see Koshiro Yamabe's troops. On the mountain is Li Heng's subordinate, all this is in his own eyes, Yang Fei is more confident.

"Hahaha, after this battle, you guys should learn how I get the spoils and don't embarrass me like a skinny monkey, you know?" Yang Fei asked.

Liu Ji and Wu Qi were a little embarrassed, but they quickly nodded and said yes.

"Captain, are you fighting? You see that Zhengxiong Xiaoban is charging up the mountain now. If we go there now, we will be able to defeat Zhengxiong Xiaoban!" Liu Ji said quickly.

"Hehe, you can't do it, kid. Fighting at this time, apart from exposing us, has no other benefit. Can the broken gun in your hand beat that devil's? Wait, don't worry, the hungry wolf will starve Wait, if you don't pay attention, we will be in danger!" Yang Fei is very cunning.

"Yes!" Liu Ji said quickly.

Wu Qi, who was on the side, had some doubts. Seeing that the devils were about to attack, although Li Heng's troops had as many as 3000 people, they had been bombed for so long, how many people did they have?Counting the small number of casualties, there are always 500 people who can shoot, right?That's right, the current Li Heng should be able to fight for a while, but don't forget that Li Heng was born as a bandit, what if he can't fight and rebelled?
Yang Fei didn't take this into consideration, but Wu Qi couldn't help it.

"Leader!" Wu Qi finally decided to speak out.

"Well, tell me, what's the matter?" Yang Fei kept his eyes on the battle ahead.

"Li Heng is a bandit after all, if he is in a hurry, maybe they will surrender?" Wu Qi said.

Yang Fei was stunned for a moment, then looked at Wu Qi, he had confidence in Lin Zhonghu, and correspondingly, he also had confidence in the soldiers that Lin Zhonghu could promote, and he never thought about surrendering.

"Don't talk nonsense!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he continued to look forward, "Who is Lin Zhonghu? No one knows him better than me. This man is loyal and loyal. We have known him for a long time. The battalion commander who can promote him is no Dare to say that they are loyal to the Communist Party and the Eighth Route Army, at least they are loyal to Lin Zhonghu, this is enough for now!"

Hearing that Yang Fei trusted Lin Zhonghu so much, Wu Qi couldn't say anything, "Tell me, when will we attack the most for verification?"

"Of course it's the smallest price, the biggest delivery!" Yang Fei smiled.

This is how Yang Fei fights. What he likes most is watching other people fight each other. He can benefit from it. If he does well, he may have unexpected surprises.

"Okay!" Wu Qi could only calm down with his current temper.

In fact, it stands to reason that Wu Qi has fought many battles, and he has also heard about Yang Fei indirectly. This man often does not play cards according to common sense in wars, and because he does not play according to common sense, he often wins battles. very famous.

Not to mention anything else, but right now, Yang Fei's eyes are like a curled up hungry wolf, but his eyes keep checking the situation.

According to Wu Qi's intention, as long as their troops and troops join forces with Li Heng's troops and increase their strike force, the devils will definitely be wiped out. However, Yang Fei obviously has no such plan. Could it be that he wants to capture even more military exploits?

The situation on the field was changing rapidly. Xiaoban Masao wanted to fight up the mountain several times with his people, but was beaten down again and again by Li Heng. On the other side of the mountain, Koshiro made Inagaki Yasuo charge several times, but it was still the same. Not being able to go up, it seems that Inagaki Yasuo didn't have much intention to fight anymore, but Masao Xiaoban's side was indeed more ruthless than the previous charge.

Covered by heavy machine guns, the charging devils stormed Li Heng's position. There were many inexplicable large pits in the position. There was steaming heat in the large pits. Because of the rain yesterday, the mountain road was not very easy to walk. .

Today, the sun is shining, and many people in the forest are sweating.

"Leader, let's go!" Liu Ji was a little impatient, "Look at the fact that Li Heng's subordinates sacrificed a good man. From this point of view, the history of Chinese agriculture is clear!"

"It's not the time!" Yang Fei was waiting, waiting for the devil to make a mistake!

However, the devils on both sides seem to be fighting steadily, where is there a kind of restlessness?

At this moment, many people were seen rushing from the east.

Yang Fei immediately picked up the binoculars to look, and found that they were still bandits. As soon as those bandits came, they immediately joined Li Heng's troops.

Yang Fei smiled, "Hey, it seems that we still have hope!"

Hope is often born at this time.

When things happen, don't despair.

Even if it is a real desperate situation and there is no hope in sight, then you can't despair.

Sitting still means death.

However, as long as you are still struggling, maybe in the end, hope will be born.

Just like the present, hope, birth!
"Head, what do you want to do?" Liu Ji asked.

"Xiao Ban Masao is too poor now, if we want to have the greatest military exploits, we must take down Koshiro Yamabe, and other devils can give them the new fourth regiment, but we can't hand over Koshiro Yamabe to them. "

After Yang Fei finished speaking, he pointed to Tanhu Road:
"Go from here, hit Huanglong straight, everyone listen to me clearly, if you see Xiaoshiro Yamabe, hit me hard!"

(End of this chapter)

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