Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2801 Surrounding

Chapter 2801 Surrounding
Soon, as Wang Shaofeng's troops joined the battle from the flanks, Masao Masao's attack became more difficult. Now Yang Fei didn't want to have anything to do with Masao Masao. Take it here!

As for Koshiro Yamabe, this guy is also a cunning thing.

How it turns out, who knows.

Slowly, both Koshiro Yamabe and Masao Kobanta slowly stopped attacking.

"Strange, hurry up and bite, why don't you bite?" Yang Fei clenched his fists tightly.

"Yeah, why didn't you fight?" Liu Ji was also a little puzzled.

Yang Fei was always worried in his heart, "Damn it, Li Heng, don't retreat. Retreating means that they will directly attack Sishui Town together, and they want to reach Sishui Town. I'm afraid it will be even more difficult!"

The battlefield, you must not mess around, you must cooperate, otherwise, once you are messed up, it will be a bad dish.

After a while, Li Heng's troops did not choose to retreat. They seemed to want to cut off the devils on both sides, especially Koshiro Yamabe, this guy, it would be too bad if he didn't die. When the troops are assembled, it stands to reason that you don't move, and let Koshiro Yamabe go over to find you, right?However, Xiaoban Zhengxiong just moved, leaving Sun Jinwei in vain.

So far, Li Heng's troops have not been wiped out, but instead, reinforcements from the Eighth Route Army have arrived. What does Xiaoban Zhengxiong do?
It is obvious that he has been passive now. He originally planned to launch a new round of attacks on the Eighth Route Army on the mountain with Xiaoshiro Yamabe's existing weapons. At that time, with a two-pronged approach, will his Eighth Route Army be able to withstand it?

Obviously, Masao Kobata thought too well, his shells had already been fired, and how many shells did Yamabe Koshiro shoot?

The charge was not strong, and he almost broke Li Heng's line of defense several times, but he was chased down by them again and again. What is he, Xiaoshiro Yamabe, doing?
However, this is not to blame for Xiaoshiro on the mountain side. He wanted to go up this mountain from Tanhu Road. The slope is actually a bit high, and he can't always charge up!

However, as the sound of the artillery disappeared, Koshiro Yamabe also clearly sensed the problem, and immediately ordered his troops to bomb the Eighth Route Army on the mountain!

Then, the rounds of bombing began again, and the two troubled brothers Li Heng and Wang Shaofeng could only stand there, lying in the trench, buried by a thick layer of soil, and when they got up, there was no clean spot on their bodies. The place.

Xiaoban Zhengxiong, who heard the sound of the cannon again, had already decided to fight to the death with the Eighth Route Army on the mountain. Each of them tied a white cloth strip on their head, and then separated their fingers, bleeding out a red circle.

"Warriors of the empire, success or failure depends on one action. We are afraid that the Eighth Route Army will be surrounded and it will be difficult for us to escape. Today, we will wipe out the Eighth Route Army on the mountain and meet with Your Excellency. As long as we eliminate them, we will take Sishui Town again. The great work has been accomplished!" After finishing Masao's words, he took the lead and charged away.

Amaterasu, this is something devils believe in. Everyone always thinks that with a white cloth strip tied on their head, it means that Amaterasu descends to earth, invulnerable to swords and guns.

They charged up with bayonets, and the sound of "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

The sound of the cannon made the mountain beams that were not hit at all tremble slightly. No one wanted to believe that all this was a bit like an earthquake.

"Battalion Commander, the devils are coming up!"

a soldier shouted.

Li Heng raised his head and saw the devils charging up, "Brothers, the devils are coming up, we want to fight against the enemy, since we have joined the Eighth Route Army, we are the same as the Eighth Route Army, not afraid of death, but afraid of death!" After Li Heng finished speaking, he took the lead He took out his machete, "Just like the Eighth Route Army, we also fought with devils!"


Li Heng took the lead and ran down the mountain ridge!
The soldiers also came out of the trenches, facing the artillery fire and marching forward bravely.

Seeing Yang Fei here, he couldn't help being a little moved. He wanted to go to help several times, but he still felt that they could wait a little longer.

At this time, I saw Sun Jinwei leading someone running from the other side!
Another reinforcement. For the devils, this is the last battle. For the Eighth Route Army, this is just a microcosm of many battles. Maybe there will be more in the future.


"Come on!"

"Ping-pong! Ping-pong!"

"Ping pong!"

The bayonets clashed together, making a crisp sound.

Seeing this, Yang Fei completely believed that everything should be safe and sound here, and the only person who needed some advice was Xiaoshiro Shanbian.

Before the artillery fire stopped, Xiaoshiro Yamabe had already organized people to run up the mountain, and the rocks rolling down from the mountain undoubtedly became obstacles in the way. Many devils hit the rocks and then rolled down.

"Keep going! Keep going!"

Inagaki Yasuo pulled out his command saber, "The second team charges!"

After he shouted, the second team rushed up the mountain!
"The third team charged from the east, and the fourth team charged up from the west. The Eighth Route Army should not have too many people, and they should take the lead in grabbing the high ground!" Inagaki Yasuo shouted.

As the four teams charged up the mountain, most of the devils who stayed in front of Xiao Shiro on the mountain had been burned. When Yang Fei saw this, a smile appeared on his mouth, and he turned to look at Liu Ji, "Liu Ji, I saw it, did you?" , that devil should be Koshiro Yamabe, you and Wu Qi rushed down with the troops and captured Koshiro Yamabe, if you can't catch him alive, then kill him!"

Yang Fei is a little excited now, this is a big fish, big fish, what does it mean?It means that if he is caught, the ghosts in front of him are not surprising.

"Regiment leader, don't worry, if you can't get the head of Xiaoshiro Shanbian, you can take my head and send it to the brigade commander!" After Liu Ji finished speaking, he looked at Feng Chunqiu, "Take your people and follow me!"

Wu Qi also rushed down the mountain with all his troops.

Yang Fei felt complacent, then turned to look at Wang Zhifei, "Will the charge be blown?"

"Yes, Captain, I have learned it!"

Wang Zhifei said.

"Hahaha, since you have learned it, let me blow it up and let the soldiers know that they have nothing to worry about!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he also drew his sword and charged away with the troops.

Wang Zhifei wanted to stop him, but Yang Fei had already run away.

Helpless, he took out the charge horn and blew it "beep beep beep".


The entire valley, plus the entire mountain ridge, is full of the horns of the Eighth Route Army's charge!Wang Shaofeng on the mountain suddenly saw a troop charging down from the west side, with high morale, as if a flood was rushing over a dam.


Wang Shaofeng sneered, "Little devil dares to come, how courageous!"

"Brothers, the Eighth Route Army is here, and our support troops are here, not only from our new fourth regiment, but also from their old regiment. Today, no matter what, we must not lose face in front of the old regiment. I can't afford to lose face." Our regiment leader can't afford to lose this face, you know?" Wang Shaofeng shouted loudly.

He doesn't want his troops to fail.

What they need is, victory!


shouted the soldiers.

"Okay, the devils rushed up immediately, took aim, hit me, and must entangle them!" Wang Shaofeng knew that they rushed down in a group now, no doubt they wanted to catch Xiaoshiro Shanbian directly. Koshiro, there is no possibility of losing this battle.

Once these devils who are rushing up are turning around and rushing down, then they may fall short, and the only thing that can be solved is to entangle them, making them unable to get up or down!
"Hit, hit me!" Wang Shaofeng shouted loudly, "Give time to the old group to fight for you!"

"Da da da"


The gunfire started again, and the gun that repeated a single and boring sound seemed to be on fire at this time.

Soon, the sound of the charge trumpet surprised Yamabe Xiaoshiro, and Inagaki Yasuo was even more surprised, and the only one who charged with a trumpet was the Eighth Route Army.

"Nani?" Shanbian Xiaoshiro looked around in surprise, and soon, he saw a troop charging down the western ridge!



They came from afar with bayonets.

Yasuo Inagaki turned pale with shock, "Master Yamabe, please retreat immediately! Now, there are fewer soldiers around us!"

"Retreat? Where are we going to retreat? We made a wrong step, and we made a wrong step. This road to explore the tiger is indeed the road to explore the tiger. Haha, we didn't see a tiger, but we saw the Tiger-like Eighth Route Army waiting for us here!"

"Master Yamabe!"

Inagaki Yasuo interrupted him, "Now, if I retreat, there is no chance of winning. If I take the initiative to attack, maybe I can improve the morale of the soldiers! I don't regret dying, for the empire, for the emperor, and for the Greater East Asia Republic! "

He pulled out his command saber, and under the sunlight, it gave off a biting cold light.

"The second team, the third team, come down immediately to support!" Inagaki Yasuo was the same as Feng Lie at this time, and kept telling the soldiers around him to tell the two teams to come down quickly.

Too few people, too many Eighth Route Army, this is an unfair battle!
However, in the eyes of Inagaki Yasuo, those soldiers who had rushed to the middle of the slope seemed to be unable to come down. The Eighth Route Army on the mountain was stalking them with all their strength. They couldn't come down or hide, and they became human targets.

"It's over!" Yasuo Inagaki sighed.

He also drew out his command sword and stood with Koshiro Yamabe.

"For the Empire!"

"For the Emperor!"

"Be the most loyal servant, the Eighth Route Army, come on, come on!"

Soon, their dreams came true, the Eighth Route Army rushed over in a swarm, and Liu Ji led their men to run in the forefront, brandishing machetes and slashing towards those devils.



The sound drowned out these devils, and they all panicked. As a well-trained imperial army, they quickly adjusted their breathing, and then made final preparations.





The bayonets collided and made a crisp sound, with anger in the voice, and every knife used all the strength of the whole body.

"Comrades, kill me, kill them all!"

It was Yang Fei who made this sound.

It's been a long time since I've beaten a devil so excitingly, how could Yang Fei not be excited?

However, Liu Ji and Wu Qi were taken aback for a moment, thinking to themselves, "Are you serious?"

Not long after, when Han Qing appeared beside Yang Fei, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Wang Zhifei was out of breath for a long time before he dared to come, "Commander, you run so fast!"

"Haha, I'm running too slow, there are no devils!"

After Yang Fei finished speaking, he swung his sword a few times, and then slashed at the devil again.


This battle, which was not too big, ended soon. Eighth Route Army soldiers surrounded five of them. One of them was Koshiro Yamabe. At this time, his face was covered with blood, and there was not much on his face. The other was Yasuo Inagaki, who also had cuts all over his body, and one of his arms had been cut off.

However, the remaining three devils began to tremble under their feet. They swallowed a mouthful of phlegm and looked at these people around them in horror.

"Xiao Shiro Shanbian, you still not surrender?" Yang Fei shouted, glaring at him.

"Hahaha!" He laughed loudly, "Surrender is not a word in my dictionary!"

"Fart!" Yang Fei shouted loudly, "Have you seen it?"

After finishing speaking, he pointed to those devils who had surrendered, "They are all your soldiers. There is a saying in China, 'He who understands current affairs is a hero'. If you want to be this hero, put down the butcher knife in your hand! "

"Don't even think about it!" Shanbian Xiaoshiro looked at Yang Fei calmly. He had already looked down on life and death. How many people died by his hands and how many soldiers died by his side. How can a soldier who has been stained with blood be considered a soldier?

"Well, I won't be polite!" After speaking, Yang Fei picked up the machete and was about to go up!

Han Qing immediately stopped him, "Sir, leave such a hard job to me!"

Yang Fei didn't shirk, "Okay, take him down!"

Just after saying this, Liu Ji pointed at Inagaki Anzheng with a machete, "You, come and fight!"


Inagaki Yasuo knelt down, he was very calm, but he didn't want to die like this, he wanted to cultivate himself, and then fight the Eighth Route Army, who is the biggest victor in this war is irrelevant!
"I surrender!"

He said these three words calmly.

Koshiro Yamabe didn't even look at him, everyone has their own choice, when you kill others, you never feel how far death is from you, but when the butcher's knife is on your neck, you know death It turned out to be so close.

"Hahahaha!" Shanbian Xiaoshiro gritted his teeth, and then rushed towards Han Qing!
In the meantime, Han Qing held the bayonet in one hand, then swung it a few times, and finally hit Koshiro Yamabe's command knife on the ground, and then the bayonet was on his neck! "

Simple, rough, dealing with such a devil, in fact, Han Qing didn't find it very difficult. What he wanted was to kneel down and surrender around the devil.

Yes, kneel and surrender!

Their knees must kneel to the Chinese people.

"Hahahaha!" Yang Fei laughed loudly, "Surrender!"

"Don't think about it!"

Koshiro Yamabe said the same thing.

(End of this chapter)

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