Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2802 follow me

Chapter 2802 follow me

On the battlefield, Xiao Shiro Shanbian showed various dissatisfaction. Yang Fei is not Zhuge Liang, and Xiao Shiro Shanbian is not Meng Huo. Get caught.

"Xiao Shiro Yamabe, you have nowhere to go. No matter whether you surrender or not, the blood of the Chinese people on your hands will never be done! All the Eighth Route Army and the Chinese people are all looking at you!" Yang Fei squinted at him.

At this time, this little devil has not pleaded guilty, damn it.

"At this time, I wish I could peel you alive, so that you can't be reincarnated, and you can't die if you want to die!"

Xiao Shiro Shanbian just looked at Yang Fei like this, the people of Huaxia are terrible, he actually knows that only death can save him, and he can avoid being judged by the Eighth Route Army!

But now, he was begging for death, and Han Qing's knife was on his neck.

"Now I am planted in your hands. If you want to kill or cut me up, you can do whatever you want. What do you say so much? Eh? Hehe, can kindness be eaten?" Xiaoshiro Yamabe asked.


Liu Ji and Wu Qi yelled, and kicked Koshiro Yamabe to the ground with one kick, and then punched him in the face with his fist. This punch directly made the corner of Koshiro Yamabe's mouth bleed.

Inagaki Anzheng saw it in his eyes, and it hurt in his heart. The so-called one who knows the current affairs is a hero... Surrendering is not impossible, but you can find the right time and then fight again. Beating people up made him feel that surrendering was not a good thing.

This was Wu Qi's real fight, seeing Wu Qi hit him with a fist, Yamabe Koshiro's body couldn't bear it, and he was worried that he would be beaten to death, so he quickly told him to stop.

"Xiao Shiro Yamabe, today, I defeated you, you accept your fate, I will never let you go, ha ha!" Yang Fei sneered.

At this time, the gunfire on the mountain also slowly stopped, perhaps seeing that the fighting at the bottom of the mountain had ended, and the devils on the mountain also surrendered one after another.

Their surrender caused the whole battlefield to cheer, and the king was the first to capture the thief, yes, that's right!

On the other side of the mountain, Xiaoban Zhengxiong saw that the situation was not good, so he directly chose to flee, which made the whole battle surprisingly smooth.

"Come on, put Xiao Shiro Shanbian down!" Yang Fei shouted.

A few soldiers came and tied up Koshiro Yamabe tightly.

The thin monkey who was staying on the mountain was angry, and hurriedly led people along the place where Yang Fei had walked, and came here in a short time. How can this be said?This is out of sight, out of mind.Especially what Yang Fei is going to do this time, doesn't he have a clue in his heart?
When he Shouhou came with his people and saw that the war was over, he was stunned. Why is Yang Fei so powerful?Isn't that nonsense?When did he, Yang Fei, fight a useless battle?Sure enough, it was different, the head of the team went out, and one of them was the top three. Sure enough, he led the team and hurried down to find Yang Fei.

"Captain, I really have you. Watching you fight, what is this called? This is called art!" The thin monkey flattered.

"Haha, okay, let me tell you, Skinny Monkey, you have to learn a little bit about everything, you know?" After speaking, Yang Fei raised his head and asked, "Do you know what to do now?"

"Leader, please order!" The thin monkey said immediately.

Liu Ji was stunned, what did this bastard skinny monkey do here if he didn't guard Surabaya Town?Are you not afraid that the little devil will take down Surabaya Town?
He quickly asked, "Skinny Monkey, what are you doing here? You are not needed here!"

Yang Fei was stunned, and suddenly thought about it, yes, when did the thin monkey come, didn't he let him stay in Sishui town?

"Damn it!" Yang Fei shouted, "Why are you here?"

The thin monkey was aggrieved, "Captain, you said you want to show me how to grab the loot, so I'll come and see how you snatch the loot, learn it!"

Yang Fei still doesn't know what the thin monkey is thinking?Those who rob other people, this bastard has no ability, and those who rob him of Yang Fei will have to be ruthless. Behind him is the company of Zang Ba, standing one by one. They have already rolled up their sleeves and are about to grab it!
Yang Fei swallowed a mouthful of saliva. If he really grabs this, what are his chances of winning?Not to mention a lot of robbery, but he only had Wang Zhifei and Han Qing by his side, and his company of guards didn't bring them!

Thinking of this, Yang Fei felt a pain in the ass.

But there is no way, who told him not to bring anyone with him now, but this is all from his own group, whoever snatches it will of course be counted!

"Okay!" Yang Fei said.

"Since you're here, let's help carry the spoils!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, Liu Ji burst out laughing, what a great mover!

It seemed that he, the skinny monkey, was also the porter's fate.

However, the thin monkey is already very satisfied, why is Yang Fei so embarrassed after moving?They are all adults, how can anyone help in vain?
Several people surrounded Yang Fei happily, waiting for Yang Fei to give an order!

"Okay, don't look at me like this. I don't have golden beans growing on my face. Now, we have wiped out Xiao Shiro's troops on the mountain side. Hehe, all the spoils are here!" Yang Fei said.

"Captain, look!"

After finishing speaking, a soldier pointed to the mountain, and a group of people ran down from the mountain, all dressed as bandits. Yang Fei and the computer said in his heart, "No, this bastard bandit smelled some meat!"

After thinking about it, he hurriedly shouted, "The trophies, one counts as one, hold them all in my arms tightly, and not even a single bullet can be left for the New Fourth Regiment!"

After the order was given, the soldiers ran frantically. Seeing the soldiers leaving, Yang Fei immediately found Han Qing and Wang Zhifei, "You two, go and find Feng Chunqiu's company for me. For the guns in front of them, they still have a lot of supplies, they are definitely not here, come with me, and go get them together!"


After finishing speaking, Wang Zhifei found Feng Chunqiu, and when he heard that he was going to carry supplies, he happily called out a company of soldiers and followed Yang Fei away.

That thin monkey is also a ghost spirit, seeing Yang Fei heading to another place, he immediately took Zang Ba and a platoon of people to follow!
This can't be done, he Liu Ji also saw it, what's wrong with Yang Fei?What's more, the thin monkey followed up. If something good happens, don't leave yourself behind, so he immediately followed up.
The rest of the soldiers have been collecting all the devil's guns and grenades in a hurry here, ready to take them away.

Even these grenade fighters hung it around their waists, and hung it so slowly.

It looks strange, but it's really involuntary!

Yang Fei and Feng Chunqiu walked in front, and the thin monkey Zang Ba followed behind. Liu Ji felt that they must be hiding something from him, so he followed them closely.

"Head, where are we going?" Feng Chunqiu asked.

"Feng Chunqiu, I have a good thing for you. Look at Zang Ba, I still look down on him!" Yang Fei said.

"En?" Feng Chunqiu was overjoyed when he heard this, "Is that right, Captain, that's great!"

Who doesn't want to be valued by leaders?Especially Feng Chunqiu, who is not Yang Fei's direct leader. So, wouldn't he, Feng Chunqiu, want to walk around with his head held high?

"Thank you, head, I will definitely fulfill my mission!" Feng Chunqiu said.

After waiting for such a long time, I finally have a chance, which is great.

"It's not a big deal! Your battalion commander and Shouhou are on the scene. We've already finished the guarantee. The place we're going to must be a better place than them. There must be good things there!"

When Yang Fei said this, he must have had an idea. If the large army moved over, then all the supplies must have been moved over, needless to say?

"Han Qing!"

Han Qing took a step forward, "Sir!"

"You take a class to go to the front first, I think, there will definitely be devil's supplies in front, and without the new fourth regiment knowing, we have to move away, you know?" Yang Fei said.


After Han Qing finished speaking, the people who led a class left immediately.

When Feng Chunqiu heard it, yes, Yang Fei's guess must be correct. They will definitely not put all the important materials on the front line if they want to attack. They must be at the exit of Tanhu Road. Besides, how long will it take? , the supplies must still be there!

When Wang Zhifei heard it, he laughed. The little secret in Yang Fei's heart had already made Wang Zhifei very happy, not to mention Feng Chunqiu, who was going to command the battle on the spot.

If he has a convenient weapon in his hand, he will not jump up happily.

After walking for more than ten minutes, suddenly a soldier ran over. Feng Chunqiu recognized that this was their company.

"Captain, Commander!"

The soldier shouted excitedly.

"Say, what happened?" Yang Fei was also surprised.

"Head, we found people from the New Fourth Regiment ahead!" the soldier said immediately.

"What? From the New Fourth Regiment? How could they be in front of us?" Yang Fei asked.

"I don't know too well. Anyway, that outfit is definitely a bandit outfit. There are no bandits around here, they are from the New Fourth Regiment!" said the soldier.

"Damn it, the visitors are not good, there are all of them, go at full speed, I want to see what his new fourth regiment is going to do!" After Yang Fei shouted, he ran with his people.

When they ran over, Han Qing led the people and got mixed up with the people from the New Fourth Regiment.

Han Qing took a look, this is not bad, the devil's big tent is in front of him, there must be the devil's supplies in it, no, you can't lose your position here.

"What are you doing?" Yang Fei shouted loudly.

Han Qing walked over immediately, "Commander, the new fourth regiment is so savage, this material is obviously ours, they will grab it if they come here without any explanation!"

After Han Qing finished speaking, Yang Fei became angry, and walked over with his hands behind his back, "Oh, I want to see, even dare to snatch supplies from the First Regiment of the Eighth Route Army, which part is it?"

When Yang Fei walked to the front, those bandits also stopped, and a man came out from the crowd, and he looked at Yang Fei with a smile, "Oh, who am I talking about, it turned out to be our group Commander, Commander Yang, hello, hello!"

It was Sun Jinwei who spoke.

As for Sun Jinwei, he was an errand runner. He fought a war in the north, and after the fight, he crossed a mountain and came here. The speed is not bad. This is really a dog nose, even better than Yang Fei!
"Hey, you still know me, who are you?" Yang Fei looked at the other party.

"Hey, Captain Yang, we are old acquaintances. I am from the New Fourth Regiment. We have met before. Do you have any impression?" Sun Jinwei tried hard to remind Yang Fei.

Yang Fei really remembered it for a while, "Haha, hey, so that's the case, you are that Sun Jinwei, from the third battalion of the New Fourth Regiment! Isn't that right?"

"Hey, yes, do you think we are destined?" Sun Jinwei asked.

"I don't want to have any fate with you. You should know and understand the rules, right?" Yang Fei looked at him and asked.

"Rules? I understand!" After Sun Jinwei finished speaking, he turned and pointed at the soldiers behind him, "This is my rule!"

Sun Jinwei's words made Yang Fei furious, what the hell is this?Relying on the number of people?It wasn't Feng Chunqiu who stopped him, Yang Fei had already rushed up and dumped him with two big ears.

"What do you mean?" Yang Fei asked loudly.

"Regimental Commander Yang!" Sun Jinwei looked at him, "Hey, you are from the old regiment, you have a large number of people, and you are well equipped, but we are different. Our new fourth regiment lacks everything, including ammunition, guns, etc. However, there is also a lack of grenades. You say, we lack so many things, and we don’t even have a complete organizational system, so how can we fight devils? Let me tell you, we can’t give you this thing, or we can give you [-]% of it!”

Sun Jinwei's words made Yang Fei lose face, "It's a good [-] points, I am Yang Fei, and you can't even take a single bullet away!" After finishing speaking, he waved his hand, "Come on, give me the supplies Look, I want to see if the people of the New Fourth Regiment understand what the rules are? This battle has not been fought very much, but they are good at grabbing things!"

Sun Jinwei went over and stopped the soldiers who were about to go, "Oh, don't hurt your peace, Commander Yang, otherwise, we will suffer a bit, three to seven points!"

Only then did Yang Fei realize that what he said just now was [-] points, his share was [-], and the bastard Sun Jinwei was hiding here, so he yelled, "Say it again!"

Sun Jinwei didn't know what to do at this time. He was a bandit, and he was best at robbing things. He had a keen nose and could always know where the important supplies were. Therefore, he also thought that the important supplies of the devil must be in the Here it is.Hey, this time, I really met their old group.

"Don't, listen to me!" Sun Jinwei opened his hand, then turned his head and shouted, "Are you interfering in a daze? Grab it for me! If you snatch it, go back to the regiment headquarters!"

After finishing speaking, Sun Jinwei went over and hugged Yang Fei tightly, keeping him motionless.

"Damn it, let go!"

Yang Fei shouted loudly.

"let go!"

"Not loose!"

Yang Fei's heart was bleeding. When Han Qing, Wang Zhifei and others came over, they went directly to grab supplies.

How can I control Yang Fei?

"Damn it, let go!"

Yang Fei shouted again.

"Don't let go, even if you beat him to death, you won't let go!"

(End of this chapter)

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