Chapter 2803
This is perverted hooliganism!

Yang Fei is already a rascal enough, but he never expected to meet someone who is even more rascal than him, what can't be discussed properly?isn't it?

But he, Sun Jinwei, is determined to grab the most things now.

Shouhou, who finally dared to come, brought people over. Seeing Yang Fei being hugged tightly by Sun Jinwei, he hurriedly asked, "Leader, what's wrong with you?"

"Hey, thin monkey, don't say anything, hurry up, the supplies are being robbed ahead, the person who told you, hurry up and grab them, and you must get the supplies back to me!"

Just after saying this, the thin monkey lost his temper.

"Damn it, you dare to be so reckless to our regiment leader, comrades, let's go, grab supplies!"

After speaking, they rushed over in a swarm.

Yang Fei was stunned. Could it be that he, Shouhou, is blind?Didn't you see Sun Jinwei rolling on the ground hugging him tightly?It's so obvious, doesn't he even know what to do?

"Skinny Monkey, get me out of the way, out of the way!" Yang Fei shouted loudly.

However, seeing the supplies is the same as seeing the meat, he Shouhou is now a hungry wolf dog, shouting loudly and rushing over!
Yang Fei wanted to cry, but Sun Jinwei buried his head firmly in Yang Fei's chest, thinking about the spectacular scene, it was really enough.

At this time, Liu Ji also came with people, seeing Zang Ba running away without a trace, he was also anxious, but when he came over and saw Yang Fei and Sun Jinwei hugging each other, it was like seeing no evil, He looked into the distance, "Commander, what are you doing?"

"Are you blind, kid? Hurry up and get rid of this bastard!" Yang Fei shouted.

"Head, I mean, Zang Ba ran away just now, what did he go to do?" Liu Ji asked.

"There are supplies ahead, go and grab them! And the New Fourth Regiment! You kid first..." Before Yang Fei could finish speaking, Liu Ji yelled angrily, "It's unreasonable, the New Fourth Regiment dared to rob us Comrades, rush over to me and grab the supplies for me!"

After finishing speaking, another swarm of bees floated away!

"Damn it, come back, get this kid away first, come back, Liu Ji, Liu Ji..."

At this time, who can think of you as the head of the regiment?The front is meat, who wants meat to be eaten by others?
Yang Fei is giving up now, no one can save him, he, Sun Jinwei, is like sticky glue, the kind that cannot be torn apart.

How long has he been in one position, Yang Fei is suffering in his heart!
"Sun Jinwei, if you have something to say, let's talk it out!" Yang Fei confessed.

"Teacher Yang, I think it's fine to say so!" Sun Jinwei played a rogue.

"There must be a formal occasion for the negotiation, right? Let's sit down and have a good talk. I don't think it's fair whether the material is worth [-] or [-] points!"Yang Fei said.

"Then what does Commander Yang mean?" Sun Jinwei still held Yang Fei.

"In my opinion, five to five points!" Yang Fei compromised.

"Is Captain Yang serious?" Sun Jinwei asked.

"At this point, you see that I can't move, can I still lie to you? Come on, let me go, you can still get along well when you are wondering, in the future, we will fight side by side, don't you think so?" Yang Fei said in a tone Peaceful, the heart has actually been turned upside down.

"Since you agreed, but, I have something to say!"

"When is this, just say something!" Yang Fei said.

"Five to five points is indeed fair, but if we dare to come from thousands of miles away, we can't do without a little profit. How about this, four to six points! Six of us, four of you!"

Sun Jinwei is still talking, but Yang Fei's heart is hot. In fact, he wanted to scold him a long time ago. If he can't be scolded or beaten, how the hell can he let him go?

"What you said, we also came all the way, so we can't take [-]% back, right?" Yang Fei said, "[-]% is my bottom line!"

"Commander Yang, as the saying goes, brothers need to have help, what do you think? Our new Fourth Regiment has just formed, and there are many things that need to be changed. Just say that we don't have the combat uniforms of the Eighth Route Army. Not to mention ammunition, in my opinion, these four or six points are the most fair!" Sun Jinwei said again.

"Hey, my brother still knows how to settle accounts. You want to eat one bite to become a fat man. This is a bit difficult. There will be more opportunities to fight in the future. In my opinion, meat has to be eaten in bites, and water has to be drunk slowly. , isn’t it? Fifty-five points, it can’t fill you up, but it can’t starve you either!”

Yang Fei said.


Sun Jinwei nodded, "Since Commander Yang said this, I'm too embarrassed to say it, so let's talk about it, five or five points, a gentleman's word, the kind that is hard to catch!"

"Okay, hard to chase, hard to chase!" Yang Fei said quickly.

Thinking of being able to get rid of this plague god, Yang Fei was satisfied, so how could he care about that?

Sun Jinwei let go of his hand slowly and stood up. Yang Fei got up from the ground and patted the dirt on his body.

At this moment, I saw Han Qing coming over, "Leader! Leader!"

"Well, what's wrong?" Yang Fei asked.

"We have taken all the supplies. Those little bastards don't know who their master is!" Han Qing said happily.

"What?" Yang Fei was stunned.

As soon as Sun Jinwei heard this, he turned around and ran away.

Wang Zhifei also ran over, "Leader, all the supplies have been controlled by us!"

"Fucking hell, stop Sun Jinwei, stop him!" Yang Fei shouted loudly.

No one knows what happened, why are you so nervous all of a sudden?
He, Han Qing, didn't know much.

When Yang Fei ran over, Sun Jinwei saw that he was handing over things.

At this time, he had already received some guns by his side.

Seeing Yang Fei, Liu Ji said immediately, "Head, according to your order, we have handed over some of the guns!"

Yang Fei stared at Liu Ji, then turned to look at Sun Jinwei.

Sun Jinwei was a little embarrassed. In fact, this time he came from the mountains and brought not many people, not as many as Yang Fei and the others, at most about 200 people.

"Hey, thank you, Commander Yang, for being so sympathetic to our New Fourth Regiment. I, Sun Jinwei, thank you on behalf of all the soldiers of the Third Battalion of the New Fourth Regiment!" Sun Jinwei said happily.

"Come on!" Yang Fei frowned. How could he have lost so much for nothing?He was a little unhappy.

Seeing so many supplies behind him, his heart began to bleed, "Okay, just give him a box of grenades and we're done!"

Yang Fei really didn't want to let the things he had worked so hard to resell to them.

"Teacher Yang, you have already said it, five to five points!"

"Fifty-fifty fart, it's just a stopgap measure!" Yang Fei shouted, pinching his waist with both hands.

"Teacher Yang, if a gentleman says a word, it's hard to catch up with four horses!"

Yang Fei glanced at him, "Hehe, come here, take back all the things that were given to them!"

When Sun Jinwei heard this, isn't this playing a rogue?

A smug smile appeared on Yang Fei's face!
Sun Jinwei slowly approached Yang Fei.

Just when he opened his arms, Yang Fei turned his head and ran away in fright, "Damn it, don't come here!"

Sun Jinwei chased him all the way, "Commander Yang, Commander Yang, I was wrong, one nine points, one nine points, I one, you nine!"


This battle is considered to be over, and the land of Hexi is safe and sound.

That ship is still stranded on the shallows, forming a safety barrier to Zhangjiadu.

The smoke of gunpowder gradually subsided, and at this time, the latest meeting was held at the headquarters of Jiahe Town.

This is also the first meeting after the new fourth group joined.

Li Jiguang looked at everyone happily, the whole regiment, all cadres above the battalion level participated, especially the three battalion commanders of the New Fourth Regiment, not to mention, it was the first time for them to participate in this meeting, and they were more or less nervous.

"Comrades!" Wang Wei said first, "After such a long battle against the enemy, we have not only saved the revolutionary base from fire and water, ensured that the revolutionary base is not lost, but also completely annihilated the devil's Xiaojuguang division, and the mountain side. Koshiro Division, the results of this battle are unprecedentedly great, this battle has defeated the arrogance of the enemy and boosted the morale of our army. Here, on behalf of the committee, thank you for your hard work!"

There was a burst of warm applause.

"Next, let the brigade commander say a few words!" Wang Wei sat down.

There was a burst of applause.

"The political commissar also said just now that the victory of this battle was not accidental, but inevitable. It was our party and our army who had suppressed all the anger in their hearts for so long, because it perfectly explained that imperialism cannot be arrogant. The conclusion is that since the establishment of our brigade, how many years have passed through ups and downs, and today's achievements are really due to the courage of everyone who is not afraid of sacrifice. According to the decision of the party committee, we now want to expand the results of victory!" Said After that, Li Jiguang began to assign tasks again.

"According to the exact news, Shencheng is currently weak. We have been fighting for so long, and we can finally see that taking Shencheng is a big event that must be won! Now, we occupy the land of Hexi and look at the east of the river. Now, the two The first division was defeated by us, thank you for joining the new fourth regiment, and thank the old first regiment for your contribution. I will announce that all the new fourth regiment will go south to continue to expand the results of the battle and expand our revolutionary base. The old first regiment, thank you for the coming of the flood season Before, build a boat, we are going to cross the river, those Shencheng!"

Li Jiguang's words made everyone present feel excited, right? After so long, it's time to take down Shencheng and expand the base of the revolution.

In the past, they were weak and weak, willing to eat grass roots and bark, but now it is different. They have seized countless food and grass from the enemy, and countless bullets and shells. It is indeed time to take down Shencheng.

"Brigade Commander, don't worry, within a month, I will build [-] ships, quickly those Puban villages, and win the most important part of the anti-Japanese war!" Yang Fei said.

"Two hundred ships seem to be a lot, but we have more people! After this battle, our army has lost a lot of people. When the regiments go back, first, they must replenish fresh blood. People who have performed outstandingly in this battle will be promoted, and we must spare no effort in leadership at all levels!"

Li Jiguang said.


"New Fourth Regiment!" Li Jiguang continued, "According to the order of the party committee of the brigade, your department must take the lead in going south, cut off the route for the devils to supply Shencheng in the north, and expand the results. It is best to take Hong Kong City. The most important part of the army, it is easy for devils to come in, but it is difficult to get out!"

Lin Zhonghu understood that this time, it was time to play with the devils for real. The passive defense in the past and the active attack now are indeed a good time. He stood up and said, "Brigade Commander, although our new fourth regiment was established late, However, we will never lose to the old regiment, please rest assured, the brigade commander, our main attack direction this time has already been set in Hong Kong City!"

In fact, Li Jiguang had already said earlier that he wanted Lin Zhonghu to decide the direction of the main attack this time, and Lin Zhonghu thought about it, and only by winning Hong Kong City can he stabilize Beihai and then win Shenyang. city.There is no doubt that Shencheng and Gucheng are now, cutting off their supply line is the most important link.

"Okay, the location of Hong Kong City is indeed important. In this way, we can win Beihai. Do you have anything else to say?" Li Jiguang asked.

"Brigade Commander!" Yang Fei stood up, "Brigade Commander, Shencheng's troops are weak now, and they are bound to strengthen the defense of Puban Village. In my opinion, we can now let Zhangjiakou's troops show the level they should have Already!"

"That's right. Before you let Zhao Qifa be stationed there, didn't you just form a sharp knife to stab deep into the devil's throat? I originally thought that Zhao Qifa's camp would be very difficult. I didn't expect that I was indeed a small Look at him! Well, you can arrange this yourself! The political commissar and I will do the rest of the aftermath work. We have a clear division of labor, and we can quickly resume production in the field." Li Jiguang said.

"Do you have anything else to say? If there is no more, then the meeting will be adjourned!" Li Jiguang continued.


At this time, the thin monkey stood up.

Seeing that the thin monkey was about to speak, Yang Fei was taken aback for a moment, then looked at him, thinking, what is this guy going to say?

"Oh? Slender Monkey Battalion Commander, tell me!" Li Jiguang asked.

"Brigade Commander, what I want to ask is, Zou Peng, have you run out? If you run out, should you let him return to the team first?" asked the thin monkey.

It turned out that the thin monkey was still thinking about it!

Li Jiguang listened, and then glanced at Wang Wei. In fact, the two of them have been thinking about how to arrange Zou Peng, and they have never made a conclusion. Shouhou is now an important person. Li Jiguang thinks that it is not a bad thing to let Zou Peng go to the grassroots. , Let him be the political commissar of the thin monkey, and he can also train him from the grassroots!
"What does the political commissar mean?" Li Jiguang asked.

"Brigade Commander, Comrade Zou Peng has performed outstandingly. I wanted to let him stay here, so he can give advice!" People, also promised to return it to me when it was used up, Zou Peng is a great talent, and he can show it in our camp, what do you think?"

"How about it!" Li Jiguang said directly, "Then let Zou Peng go to your camp to act as the political commissar. When Zou Peng performs well and joins the party, he can become your political commissar!"

(End of this chapter)

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