Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2804 Meeting

Chapter 2804 Meeting
Soon, another busy day came to an end.

Because of the war, many people lost their compatriots, comrades-in-arms, and even brothers.

That night, Lin Zhonghu paid a sudden visit, and Yang Fei didn't find it strange at all. Why did Lin Zhonghu make a fortune? Wasn't it because Yang Fei gave him a thousand soldiers?
With these thousand soldiers and horses, Lin Zhonghu is what he is today. However, Lin Zhonghu was able to join the Eighth Route Army, which was beyond Yang Fei's expectation. He was happy, of course he was. Now, Shen Wanxi and Li Mobai don't know what's going on now, they have a new Comrades, Yang Fei doesn't have to worry about many things.

To fight and beat devils, there must be someone who can do it, no one, what a fart.

Therefore, the more soldiers in the army, the better!

Lin Zhonghu came in, "Brother Yang Fei!"

"Hehe, Lin Zhonghu, Lin Zhonghu!" Yang Fei greeted him with a smile.

"Brother Yang Fei, do you have time? Let's have a drink tonight!" Lin Zhonghu asked.

"Okay, I haven't had a drink for a long time. Now, you are going south tomorrow. I don't know when we will see you again. Now, I happen to have a catty of good wine here, and I don't want to drink it. That means you are here. !"

After finishing speaking, Yang Fei let Lin Zhonghu enter the room, then quietly moved a cabinet away, took out a white wine bottle from it, and seeing Yang Fei's happy look, Lin Zhonghu smiled, "Brother Yang Fei, there are good things for thousands of dollars." Don't be reluctant, I have plenty of these things!"

When Yang Fei heard this, he was unhappy. Since he wanted to drink, why not bring it?Want to rub him?
Yang Fei listened, and then smiled, "Didn't you say that your New Fourth Regiment seized a lot of supplies this time, and Sun Jinwei, this kid is really good at making jokes. In the seized house, I saw it with my own eyes. There are several bottles of devil's sake, it doesn't taste very good, but it's wine anyway!"

When Yang Fei said this, would Lin Zhonghu not know what it meant?

"Hehe, Brother Yang Fei, you happened to be talking. When I came, I really brought that devil's wine!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Zhonghu clapped his hands, and Mingzi came in with several bottles of wine in his arms. After he put them on the speaker, he took out several boxes of canned beef from his pocket.

Yang Fei was already greedy at this time. He indeed seized a lot of canned beef, but he gave it all to Li Jiguang, and then Li Jiguang divided it up. Now he has no canned beef at all, and he gave it all to the soldiers. .

Seeing this, Yang Fei burst out laughing, "Good thing, good thing!"

Mingzi went outside and chatted with Wang Zhifei. They smoked a cigarette and talked about their future life.

Slowly, the sky was getting dark, Yang Fei and Lin Zhonghu both blushed, and they couldn't open their eyes.

"Farewell in a hurry, it's been so long, brother Yang Fei, to be honest, I don't believe that I can still see you, I thought you were sacrificed by the devil's knife, hehe, no Thinking about it, now that I really see you, and you are exactly the same, how can I be unhappy!"

"Hahaha" Yang Fei laughed loudly, "Lin Zhonghu, do you know? Why did I give you a thousand bandit troops?"

"I don't know!" Lin Zhonghu asked.

"At the beginning, you were coerced into attacking our Eighth Route Army, and later you took refuge in me. At that time, I was also in danger. I had so many bandits in my hands, and could you follow me sincerely? Besides, if I let those bandits go Now, once again endangering the neighbors, I, Yang, made a big mistake. Back then, when you were by my side, whoever you are, Lin Zhonghu, I, Yang Fei, knew that you could not be willing to be subordinate to others. If you want to join the Eighth Route Army, early Just joined, don’t wait until now, hey, I gave you 1000 people at the beginning, firstly, I wanted to borrow your hand to train them to be your people, you Lin Zhonghu will not beat me, at least you won’t fight the Eighth Route Army , I am relieved on this point, the second point, I just want you to take someone away, if you succeed, you can help me when, if you lose, I, Yang Fei, will also admit it, hehe, God, I still care I, I, Yang Fei, survived a catastrophe, this must be the right back, isn’t this the tiger in the forest? 1000 people have become 1 people, you say, how can I not be happy?”

What Yang Fei said was the truth, although the two points he said were meant to be used, yes, it was also based on trust!

Among other things, Lin Zhonghu had really thought about it seriously.

Now that he has joined the Eighth Route Army, Lin Zhonghu has something to rely on, let alone fighting devils.

No one knows when the meal will last. Under the dim light, there are only two people lying on the bed, murmuring what they are talking about.

Ming Zi went in, wrapped Lin Zhonghu in a piece of clothing, and left behind his back.

When Wang Zhifei came in, he also covered Yang Fei with a quilt, tidied up the room, and then left.

The next day, when Yang Fei got up, his head was still a little dizzy, but when he looked around, there was no sign of Lin Zhonghu.

Should be gone.

Wang Zhifei came in and looked at him with a smile, "Head, are you awake?"

"Well, where is Lin Zhonghu?" Yang Fei asked.

"Let's go, last night, Mingzi carried away!" Wang Zhifei said.

"That's good, that's right. Starting today, we will build ships. Let the first battalion and one company go up the mountain to cut wood for me and transport them to Zhangjiadu. Then, the second company will build ships on the spot. If you don't know how to build ships, ask your fellow villagers!"


After speaking, Wang Zhifei left.

There was no sound of gunfire next to his ears, and it was indeed too quiet, which made Yang Fei feel a little unbelievable.

He went out, just in time to greet Han Qing, "Sir!"

"Han Qing, the political commissar is still at the Nanxiang Armory, let him come, we are about to cross the river to fight, and there are many things that only he can do. This political commissar has been away for too long, and it is easy to be forgotten!" Yang Fei Said.

"Sir, I made a note!" Han Qing said.

"Do you have anything to tell me?" Yang Fei looked at Han Qing and asked.

"Indeed, sir, according to the latest information, Battalion Commander Zhao Qifa sent a lot of people into Shencheng during the Battle of Hexi. Once we want to attack Shencheng, we should cooperate from inside to outside, and it shouldn't be difficult to take down Shencheng! " Han Qing said.

"Well, this Zhao Qifa is not wrong, and I have never missed him. He is a bit resourceful. He has worked hard for him in Zhangjiakou for such a long time!" After finishing speaking, Yang Fei looked at Qihe, " It's time to get rid of the big city of Shencheng, and Beihai will return to our arms!"

In the afternoon of that day, Lin Zhonghu took his troops and headed south. There were too few devils in the south, and some devils had already fled. The way was overwhelming. As long as they took down the port city, their mission would be considered complete.

The first battalion on Yang Fei's side went up the mountain to cut wood in the morning. Now there are not many devils, and even if they fight for numbers, they will take Puban Village!
Everything is carried out in a tense and orderly environment.

In the afternoon, Xi Xiangchong came.

Seeing Xi Xiangchong's tanned appearance, Yang Fei chuckled, "My political commissar Xi, what are you doing? You're tanned darker than an old man like me!"

"Captain, don't make fun of me. During this period of time, I have been busy. The arsenal is processing bullets and guns day and night, and they are continuously shipped to the front line. Now, the location of the quilt factory has been selected, and the factory is about to be built, such as the vegetable greenhouse. The growth has been gratifying for a while, the school has not been affected in any way, and everything is as usual, I heard Han Qing said that you asked me to come over, what can I do to help?" Xi Xiangchong asked.

Yang Fei didn't expect that Xi Xiangchong had so many things behind him, but he never thought about this quilt factory. This should be Xi Xiangchong's idea after considering many factors. Just the same, I didn't expect to be able to really succeed at all. , it seems that knowledge is a good thing!Yang Fei now has another view of knowledgeable people.

"Don't stay in Nanxiang anymore. Now, it's a busy place. I pulled you here temporarily, just to let you use your subjective initiative, and quickly tidy up everything here. We are about to cross the river to fight. I hope everything goes well." Go well!" Yang Fei said.

"Leader, I didn't expect you to say such words as subjective initiative, I admire you!"

Xi Xiangchong said with a smile.

"Okay, I won't say much else, I heard this word from the brigade commander, and I don't understand what it means, but now the most important thing is shipbuilding, you have to be responsible, and you have to be responsible for ammunition !” Yang Fei said.

"There is no problem with these!" Xi Xiangchong said.

"As long as there is no problem, hurry up and get busy, otherwise, the soldiers don't know that our regiment has a political commissar!" Yang Fei said.

"Yes!" After saying that, Xi Xiangchong left.

Everything was carried out in a tense and orderly environment.

Li Jiguang and Wang Wei came to Yang Fei's place to inspect the work. Everything should be based on Yang Fei's place now. If they take the land east of the river, then they will be able to recover those Shencheng cities, and Beihai will be able to recover steadily from them.

"Brigade Commander, look, these are the craftsmen we recruited from the nearby villages. They can build boats, and many villagers heard that we were going to cross the river to fight, so they brought all the boats from their families. Today is the first day. We There are more than 20 boats!"

Yang Fei said happily.

"Well, it's not bad. Regardless of the small size of the boat, it is also a big force when it gets into the river. No matter how strong the devil is, as long as we take Puban Village with one mind, we will have a point. At one point, we have a face, and I seem to have seen our future!" Li Jiguang said.

"Well, yes!" Yang Fei nodded.

At this time, Han Qing hurried over.

Seeing that Li Jiguang was also there, he didn't care much, "Head, there is good news!"

Upon hearing this, Li Jiguang also looked at Han Qing and wanted to hear it.

"Regimental Commander, Brigadier Commander, the latest news from the Peace Society, they found Shen Wanxi, Commander Shen, and news of Captain Li Mobai!"

After Han Qing finished speaking, Yang Fei looked at him excitedly, and quickly asked, "Tell me, how is their situation now? Logically speaking, we have contained most of the devils here, and they should have developed well there." right!"

"As you expected, in the past few months, the two regiment leaders Li and Shen have expanded our revolutionary base by more than one cup. Even their bases are now the bases of our Eighth Route Army to the west. Now, they are developing eastward, and now, each of their regiments probably has tens of thousands of people, that is to say, our Eighth Route Army now has a total of nearly 4 horses!"

After Han Qing finished speaking, Yang Fei's eyes widened, and Li Jiguang was so happy that he didn't know what to say.

"People from the Tranquility Society have already contacted the two leaders, and I believe they will send someone here soon!" Han Qing said.

"A great deal! A great deal!" Yang Fei said.

"Indeed, I didn't expect that they could develop so well in such a short period of time, and there is hope to regain Beihai!" Li Jiguang said.

"Brigade Commander, don't be so happy. After such a long time, they should also understand that I, Yang Fei, have deeply hurt the devil here. Most of the devil's troops are here, and they don't even have the strength to go west. Therefore, it is inevitable for them to develop into this, otherwise, wouldn't I, Yang Fei, have been busy for nothing?"

Yang Fei said.

"That's the reason. If it's as Han Qing said, in a few days, we will be able to see Li Mobai and Shen Wanxi!" Li Jiguang said.

"Yes, brigade commander, the Anning Society has already told me that Li Mobai and Shen Wanxi will definitely send people!" Han Qing said.

"It's better like this. However, they also want to develop eastward over there. It doesn't conflict with our plan to take down Shencheng. Yang Fei, we still have to rush to build ships and try our best to take Puban Village first!"

Li Jiguang said.

"Brigade Commander, don't worry, if you can't take Puban Village down, you take my Yang Fei's life!"

Yang Fei said solemnly.

"it is good!"

After finishing speaking, Li Jiguang and Wang Wei talked about something, and then left excitedly.

Seeing them leave, Han Qing took out a letter from his body, "Head, this is a letter from Li Mobai!"

Han Qing frowned, then took the envelope, opened it and looked at it.

From time to time, he frowned, then flew into a rage, tore up the envelope and left it on the ground, "Is what you said true?"

"I don't know either!" Han Qing said with his head down.

"No matter what, I want the life of the devil, and I want the life of the traitor, don't say anything about the captives, it's God's will to forgive them, and I'm only responsible for taking them to see their so-called God!" Yang Fei put his hands behind his back, and then got angry shouted, "How is Li Mobai's injury now?"

"People from the Tranquility Society came to report that they saved their lives, and everything else is fine!" Han Qing said.

"Fortunately, there is no problem. If there are any troubles, don't say that the brigade commander can't stop them, even I, Yang Fei, will tear them apart!" Yang Fei said viciously.

(End of this chapter)

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