Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2805 Li Mobai Injured

Chapter 2805 Li Mobai Injured

The letter Yang Fei read was indeed sent by Li Mobai.

Just a month ago, Li Mobai personally led a team to suppress the bandits, but was betrayed by a traitor and almost died. The bullet pierced into Li Mobai's chest, almost killing Li Mobai.Fortunately, the guards led Li Mobai to successfully break through, and they survived.

Li Mobai is still lying on the bed now, but this incident also made Li Mobai understand one thing, that is, because the team has grown too fast and the composition of personnel is a bit complicated, so the traitors have an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Through this incident, Li Mobai asked the guard Li Changsheng to take charge of the personnel screening work, and those soldiers whose composition was not clear were directly eliminated from the team.

"Crack!" The door opened, and Li Changsheng walked in slowly, seeing Li Mobai's eyes open, "Leader, it's been several days, and the person who wanted to come to the Peaceful Meeting has arrived!"

Li Mobai didn't speak, the corners of his mouth were chapped and whitish, and he pointed to the water bowl on the table.

He was really thirsty.

Li Changsheng immediately went over to pour water, and then walked up to him, "Leader, drink water!"

Li Mobai drank a few sips before handing the water bowl to Li Changsheng.

"The traitor has been arrested by my order. Commander, I have done what you told me to do, and we will learn from it. I guarantee that such things will not happen again in the future." Li Changsheng said somewhat Regretted, he kept thinking that if he had been by Li Mobai's side at that time, this incident might not have happened. Even if he sacrificed, it would be impossible for Li Mobai to be injured.

"It doesn't matter!" After finishing speaking, Li Mobai looked at him, "The Anning Society knows it. In Shencheng, the Anning Society is too famous. Many people who were strangled by the devils back then were probably all from the Anning Society."

"However, the one who came here does not prove that he is from the Anning Society. I also personally wrote a letter to Rabbit." Li Changsheng didn't want anything else to happen, so he could only keep going.

"Well, send our people to continue going east. The current situation in Shencheng can't explain anything. I don't know whether it is a blessing or a disaster there. As long as we go east, we may be able to contain the devils and give Yang a chance. It's a chance for them to take a breath, I think it's better to believe it than to believe it." Li Mobai's mind is still clear.

"Leader, I understand. Don't worry. From now on, I will never leave. Our trusted brothers, I will let them guard your safety 24 hours a day." Li Changsheng still thinks that Li Mobai's safety is the most important.

"Don't be suspicious, and those who do revolutionary work can't be too cautious, otherwise, if they are separated from the masses, they won't understand the overall situation." Li Mobai said.

"Well, I heard that Captain Shen is coming, I don't know when it will be." Li Changsheng looked at Li Mobai's pale face, feeling very uncomfortable.

"You told him?" Of course Li Mobai was referring to his injury.

"How could I not tell him about such a big matter, Captain, in my opinion, let's hold off on going east!" Li Changsheng asked.

"This won't work!" Li Mobai shook his head, "Nowadays, the infiltration of the devil's influence is not too strong. We just want to take advantage of the devil's weakness to expand the results of the battle. This is what I discussed with Shen Wanxi."

Li Changsheng stopped talking. He knew that what Li Mobai had decided could not be easily changed.

At this time, I suddenly heard shouts from outside, "Li Mobai?"

Hearing the voice, it should be Shen Wanxi's voice. Hu Dahai is following behind Shen Wanxi. Although Hu Dahai is the deputy head of the regiment, Shen Wanxi also knows that Hu Dahai may return to the original army at any time and become the head of the regiment, so , nor treat him as the deputy head.

Li Changsheng hurried out, and then cleared the two of them in.

As soon as she saw Li Mobai on the hospital bed, Shen Wanxi scolded, "You traitor, how dare you play with your cunt. Old Li, what do you think of you now?"

"I'm fine!" Li Mobai said with a strong smile.

"Are you okay? The bullet hit your chest. If the bullet really has eyes, I'm not here to visit the patient today. I'm here to hold a memorial service for you."

Hu Dahai also asked concerned, "Has the traitor been caught? Traitors usually end badly. Let me tell you, if they are caught, they should be cut to death."

"Commander Shen, Commander Hu, that traitorous dog has already been executed by me on the spot. Unexpectedly, the traitorous dog sneaked into our army two or three months ago, and he didn't show it in the usual combat training. My negligence." Li Changsheng said.

"Okay, you, the company commander of the guard, are doing pretty well." Shen Wanxi said.

Li Mobai looked at the two of them, "Old Shen, where is your army now?"

"Our door is going eastward now, which is of great benefit to recovering our lost town." Shen Wanxi said, "In another month, our door will be able to return to Hong Kong City. At that time, we will talk to..." Speaking of here, Shen Wanxi hurriedly asked again, "Is there indeed news about the brigade commander?"

Li Mobai nodded, "This is the confidence conveyed by An Ning. I think the possibility is about [-]% to [-]%."

"If the brigade is alive, there must be a future blessing." Shen Wanxi said, "I thought about it at the beginning. If you were allowed to come here alone to develop, you might be able to do well. If I went there with Yang Fei, I think you can do well." Do him a great favor."

When Shen Wanxi thought of the separation back then, he felt a little emotional. At that time, they could hardly see the future. Where is the future?No one dares to say, now, they are lucky, there are not many devils in the west, they can quickly develop the revolutionary base area, and the fire of the Eighth Route Army in the revolutionary base area is spreading, and many ordinary people think that the Eighth Route Army is a different team Therefore, they sent their husbands or sons to the Eighth Route Army one after another, hoping that the Eighth Route Army could lead them to victory.

It's been a few months, and there is news at this time. Since there is news, then take good care of it.

"Old Shen, the situation in Beihai is changing at will. What do you think we should do next?" Li Mobai asked.

"I think we still have to fight steadily. The team continues to go east, and then focus on the main part of the attack, so that we can effectively contain the enemy. If Yang Fei understands it, he will take the initiative to attack and let the little devil run away in a hurry , no matter whether our sect can hold back too much, if Yang Fei wins Shen Cheng, this kid will have to buy me a drink!" Shen Wanxi said with a smile.

Everything seems to be under control. Within a month, God seems to be joking with the Eighth Route Army. Originally set a one-month deadline to take down Puban Village, but God has rained several times, making the surface of the Qi River It has risen by nearly fifty centimeters, which is not good for Yang Fei.

The heavy rain outside has not stopped until now, what should we do?

Yang Fei looked at the sky loudly, "God, can't you wait for us to take down Puban Village before it rains?"

The downpour of rain made Jiahe Town unbearable. The soldiers hurriedly dredged the river, carrying sandbags in the low-lying places and going up to block it.

Han Qing ran to Yang Fei in the rain, "Sir, it seems that the rain won't stop for a while, and I'm most afraid that it will last for a few days!"

"Damn, how many things have been delayed for us, Han Qing, how many ships are there now?" Yang Fei asked.

"At the current position, there are 320 and seven ships. I think this number is enough!" Han Qing said.

"What's the use of enough? Can you cross the river in such weather?" Yang Fei asked with his hands behind his back.

"That's a problem!" Han Qing said.

"We can only wait until the rain stops, at least we can take a break now!" Yang Fei could only comfort himself like this.

"By the way, where's the political commissar?" Yang Fei looked at him and asked.

"The political commissar is working in a nearby village. It rained heavily, and many houses were flooded. The political commissar left with his guards!" Han Qing said.

"It's raining heavily, hey!" Han Qing sighed, "Anyway, it's okay, take Wang Zhifei, and we all go to see the people nearby. If anyone's family has difficulties, they must be solved. Let's go!"

Yang Fei put on his coir raincoat and went out. Han Qing, who had just entered the door, also picked up an umbrella and went out.

Wang Zhifei didn't make any preparations, but hurriedly took an umbrella and followed out.

There are a few small villages near Jiahe Town. There are not many people in the small villages, and most of them are in low-lying areas. Since it is next to the Qi River, agricultural irrigation here is not a problem. However, once it rains, it can It's a disaster, the rainwater poured in here, and many people's houses were flooded, and it was even more difficult to get out.The farmland was flooded, and the seeds planted earlier were probably moldy and deteriorated after being soaked in water, causing huge losses.

Looking at the village in front, a closed lake has formed at this time, "Brother, there is a big water in front of it, the water is about half a person's height, and we don't know what's going on under our feet, so we can't get in now."

"What's so difficult about this!" Yang Fei now only cares about whether there are any injured people, "Don't we have so many boats? If we don't have to wait now? Since God won't let the devils be wiped out, let's start now. Rowing boats into other villages like this one, moving the common people to higher places next to each other, our Eighth Route Army will not abandon every single commoner!"

"Yes!" Han Qing said immediately.

"Okay, don't salute outside, we are all our own people, how long do you think it will take us to reach the center at the current speed?" Yang Fei asked.

"Sir, it's really difficult to just walk. The water is too deep. We have no way to go directly. We can only wait for the boat to come!" Han Qing said.

Yang Fei looked at the deep water here, and the ruthless rain was still washing here, so he was naturally a little anxious, "Han Qing, when the boat comes over, hurry up and save the people first, you are responsible for temporarily arranging the people In Jiahe Town."

"Sir, please rest assured, I will definitely complete the task." Han Qing said.

"Now, we can't fight the devils, so let's save the common people. Anyway, no matter what we do, the common people are the first priority. These villages may be even more unfavorable for drainage. Wang Zhifei, carefully investigate and investigate, what should we do here? !" Yang Fei ordered.

"Brother, I'm just a security guard, I don't quite understand what you're talking about!" Wang Zhifei was a little embarrassed.

"Those who do revolutionary work, if you don't know how to do it, you can ask others for advice. I put you in charge, but I didn't ask you to investigate in person. We saved the common people, but only temporarily. What will happen in the future? What if there is still a flood? "Yang Fei said.

"So, when we serve the masses, we need to solve problems for them. This problem solving is not temporary, but a far-reaching consideration for them. The drainage of the village must be done well, just come up with a solution!" Yang Fei said After finishing, I saw many people lying on the roof in the middle of the village, braving the rain, wearing straw hats on their heads and waving at them.

"When will the ship come?" Yang Fei waited anxiously.

"Sir, when is this, how could the ship come? What we have to do now is to wait!" Han Qing said.

"I can wait, but I'm afraid the masses won't be able to wait." Yang Fei put his hands behind his back, "No matter what, you are responsible for this matter, Han Qing, to ensure that every commoner evacuates safely!"


At this time, a soldier ran over, "Head, Head!"

Yang Fei turned his head, looked at the soldier who was wet by the rain, and panicked, as if he had just come out of the water, "What's wrong?" Yang Fei asked quickly.

"Head, it's not good. The political commissar was washed away by the flood when he was dredging the river!" the soldier shouted.

"Save it, have you gone to save it?" Yang Fei panicked.

"Regimental Commander, the water is too strong for us to get through. Several soldiers disappeared after going down!" After speaking, the soldier burst into tears.

"Hold on, don't embarrass me, you lead the way, and I'll follow you!"

After Yang Fei finished speaking, he followed the soldier to the place where the incident happened!

Han Qing wanted to follow, but was scolded by Yang Fei. He already had a mission, which was to help the masses evacuate.

Wang Zhifei ran and followed.

When they arrived at the scene of the incident, many soldiers shouted at the river.Such a turbulent river, I am afraid that I don't know where it has been washed up for a long time, Yang Fei pursed his mouth, "I will go to the political commissar, hurry up and dredge the river!"

Yang Fei's madness stunned many people. This big water is a monster with a bloody mouth. If you have a big life, you can come up, but if your life is small, then I'm sorry. Come on, several soldiers have been washed away, but this time is different, this time it is their political commissar!
Wang Zhifei stopped Yang Fei, "Brother, don't go, I will go, I am good at water, I can swim!"

Yang Fei looked back at Wang Zhifei, who was holding him tightly by Wang Zhifei's hand.

Who would have known that there would be such an accident here.

Only then did Yang Fei understand that no one can die, everyone is useful to this society, and no one lives here in vain.

Looking for Xi Xiangchong, I searched for two days, but there was no sign of Xi Xiangchong. Yang Fei accepted his fate, and none of his political commissar partners had a good end. Either he was scolded by Yang Fei, or he was scolded by him. Yang Feike died.

Now, beside him, Yang Fei is alone again.

After these two days, Han Qing has rescued many nearby people, but some of them died unfortunately. No less than 600 houses were destroyed, and more than [-] people were missing. This is still missing people near Jiahe Town.

This heavy rain has completely made people believe in fate. The King of Hades wants you to die in the third watch, and you will never survive the fifth watch.Wang Zhifei asked many people what to do with these villages, but many experienced craftsmen were at a loss. After all, these low-lying places are lower than the riverbed of the Qi River, and they will definitely be submerged when it rains. , and there is no way to drain it, except for the flood here, the water here can't be drained anyway.

After many inquiries, Wang Zhifei found out that these places were uninhabited in the past. Slowly, when the amount of rain was not as large as it is now, people gradually moved in. The groundwater here is relatively low and the land is relatively fertile. So many people flocked to it and settled here one after another.Wang Zhifei initially had a plan in mind, that is, temporarily arrange these people in other nearby villages. As for the low terrain here, there is no way to solve it now, so let's wait until later.

Wang Zhifei told Yang Fei about this, Yang Fei nodded and remained expressionless.

Everyone knew that Yang Feixin was in a bad mood and couldn't be interested in anything.

Li Jiguang and Wang Wei heard the news that Xi Xiangchong was swept away by the flood, and braved the heavy rain to comfort Yang Fei, but Yang Fei simply ignored Li Jiguang and Wang Wei.

"Yang Fei, Comrade Xi Xiangchong is doing well in Nanxiang, you called him here! What's your attitude now?" Li Jiguang shouted.

Yang Fei raised his head and frowned. Li Jiguang was right, he did it. If he didn't let Xi Xiangchong come, then Xi Xiangchong would not be washed away by the flood, and it was because of him. Yang Fei was sacrificed by Xi Xiangchong.

Looking at Yang Fei was already very sad, Wang Wei signaled Li Jiguang not to say any more, Li Jiguang looked at Yang Fei, "If you feel guilty, just imagine how to go to Puban Village, take Puban Village, is the kingly way, take Shen Fortress, even if you rushed to the seat instead!"

After speaking, Li Jiguang turned and left.

"Taking Shencheng, I must take Shencheng!" Yang Fei clenched his fists tightly, "But now it's raining so hard, and the Qi River is so fast, I can't get through it anyway!"

Yang Fei was in a hurry. No one was more anxious than Yang Fei. Zhao Qifa in Zhangjiakou was fine. The rainwater was poured directly into the Qi River, so Zhangjiakou was still stable.

It's just that Jiahe Town is in complete chaos here, the heavy rain doesn't stop, Yang Fei is anxious, Li Jiguang is anxious, everyone is anxious, who can think of what to do now?

When he was at a loss, a soldier ran in, "Leader, leader!"

"What's the matter!" Yang Fei knew that it must not be a good thing to come, on the contrary, it is a bad thing to be willing to live, even if Yang Fei is a god, he might not be able to bear it.

"Regimental Commander, Qi He...Qi He..." the soldier shouted as he wiped the rain off his face.

"What's wrong with Qihe?" Yang Fei stared at him and asked.

"I don't know what's wrong with the Qi River. The river water has become turbid and the amount of sediment has increased!" the soldier said anxiously.

"What's so strange about this? You don't need to make a fuss?" Wang Zhifei asked, "When it rains heavily, the surrounding rivers will naturally flow in and be covered with sand!"

Yang Fei also nodded, "Yes, isn't it normal to have sand and sand?"

The soldier looked helpless, but he still said, "Commander, I thought so at first, but it wasn't so turbid two days ago. The amount of water in the river entering the Qi River should also increase the sand concentration. Guess what?" Right? But, today's Qihe is too yellow!"

When the soldier said this, Yang Fei frowned, "Isn't the Qi River so muddy two days ago?"

"Yes, Commander, it has been raining heavily for a long time, but today's Qi River is too sandy!" said the soldier.


Yang Fei was a little strange, and Wang Zhifei also frowned.Or maybe a mountain was washed by heavy rain?

Thinking of this, Wang Zhifei immediately said, "Brother, don't worry, I'll go and look along the river now to see what's going on, and if there's anything on my side, I'll tell you right away!"

"Well, the idea is safe!" Yang Fei said simply.

Xi Xiangchong sacrificed himself, and his whereabouts are unknown. The water in the Qi River suddenly became turbid, and he couldn't figure out why. Now, what he can understand is how to control the water, which is the most important thing.

However, in Yang Fei's mind, the best strategy is how to get into Hedong and take down Shencheng. However, the Qi River is so fast that it may not be able to cross it for a while, which puts it in a desperate situation.

Thinking of the isolation and helplessness of Shen Cheng not far from him, and the fact that the past will definitely bring a heavy burden to Shen Cheng, enough to overwhelm Shen Cheng, Yang Fei regrets it now, if he set a month's time in the Will a miracle happen in half a month?Yang Fei is somewhat regretful, but now is not the time to regret.

"Let Liu Ji and the Shouhou battalion hurry up to rescue the trapped people. Human lives are at stake. Nothing is more important than their lives!" Yang Fei stood up and said.


At this time, another soldier suddenly ran in, with a smile on his face, and said, "Commander, Commander, what a great event!"

"Good thing?" Yang Fei frowned, "What good thing?"

"Haha, head, found the political commissar, found the political commissar, the political commissar is still alive!"

After the soldier finished speaking, Yang Fei immediately went over and grabbed his shoulders with both hands, "What? What are you talking about?"

"Head, the political commissar is still alive, he's still alive!" the soldier repeated.

"Xi Xiangchong is still alive?" Yang Fei asked in disbelief. You know, Xi Xiangchong was washed away by the flood in the eyes of many people, and he is still alive. How is this possible?

(End of this chapter)

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