Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2806 Emergencies

Chapter 2806 Emergencies

Xi Xiangchong is still alive?

Yang Fei swallowed, and asked tremblingly, "Where did you see it? Where is the political commissar now?"

"Head, I saw the political commissar with my own eyes. The political commissar said that he wanted to go north along the Qi River to see!"

"Looking at the river?" Yang Fei was a little surprised, "What's so interesting about the Qi River? The river is turbulent, and now it's mixed with a lot of sand! Political commissar..."

"Head, I also asked the political commissar. The political commissar said that it is not normal for the Qi River to be mixed with sand. I am afraid that some kind of mudslide has occurred!" the soldier said.

"Mudslide?" Yang Fei didn't quite understand.

"I don't know the details, and the political commissar didn't explain it to me, but the political commissar also said that not only did he find that the Qi River was mixed with sediment, it was not normal, but he also found that the level of the Qi River had dropped a bit, and the current flow of the Qi River It’s not that fast! It seems that the political commissar has discovered something!” The soldier explained again.

"If you're right, I think we should catch up with the political commissar now!" After finishing speaking, Yang Fei said to Han Qing, "Han Qing, now go and ask Liu Ji and everyone in his camp to follow me Go north of Qihe River, let's go find the political commissar!"

"Head, are there so many people looking for the political commissar?" Han Qing didn't understand.

"Han Qing, you don't understand, maybe this is an opportunity!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, he added, "I trust the intuition of the political commissar!"

"Okay, then I'll go now!" Han Qing said and left.

Yang Fei looked at the soldier, "Hurry up and wash up, don't catch a cold, there is ginger soup in the kitchen, drink a bowl!"

The soldier smiled, "Thank you, Commander!"

"I thank you!"


On the edge of the Qi River, the road surface was slippery. Xi Xiangchong almost stumbled and fell into the river several times. He was swept away by the flood. Fortunately, he encountered drifting trees in the river and managed to find the exit from the river.

In two days, he wanted to reach Jiahe Town along the Qi River, but he suddenly found that the water in the Qi River had changed color, and the previous turbulence had gradually become a lot calmer.why is that?
Out of the understanding of seeking the truth, Xi Xiangchong walked northward along the Qihe River. He believed that he would be able to find a reason for the change in the Qihe River. A mudslide poured in from the edge of the Qi River, cutting across the Qi River!
Yes, it is to cross the Qi River. If they really cross the Qi River, they will have time to reach Hedong from here!However, this time is relatively short, and the road is bound to be difficult.

The heavy rain is still coming, but after walking for so long, the road under the feet is still a stone road. Where is there mudslides?
He began to feel disheartened. If this mudslide is still at the northernmost point, then his plan will go bankrupt. Even, when they get there, they will definitely have missed the best time. However, as long as he has an idea in his heart, he They must rush over, because everything they do is to eliminate the devils.

On the edge of the Qi River, he climbed up a small rocky mountain, and suddenly his eyes lit up. Sure enough, as he had imagined, the Qi River in front of him was extremely gentle, and a large amount of sand was deposited here. However, once he stepped on it, It will inevitably fall into it, and if you go a little further, a small hill actually slides into the Qi River, cutting off the entire Qi River.

The fastest place of Qihe River is more than 20 meters, and the narrowest place is more than [-] meters to [-] meters. At the beginning, when making the plan, he was also in front of Xi Xiangchong. Now he immediately understands that this place should be HLD. It is the place where the two rivers are closest, and one side of this HLD has completely blocked the Qi River.

Xi Xiangchong immediately ran forward, and sure enough, the river flowed continuously from upstream to downstream, and the river water on both sides had different heights, and the position he was in now was the best place to go.

He became happy, turned around and ran, if he could seize the time, go to HLD in the fastest time, and go to Hedong from the peninsula of HLD, then they can quickly move troops to Hedong, and solve the devils in Hedong. fastest schedule.

He was excited, he was excited, he ran fast, the rain was blowing on his face, but he didn't feel it himself, his body had never been dry in the past two days, it was so cold that he shivered, but He didn't care.

Yang Fei dared to come with people, and several vanguard troops wanted to find Xi Xiangchong.

Fortunately, the most recent journey finally found Xi Xiangchong, "Is it the political commissar?"

"Yes, look at the front, it should be the political commissar!"

Xi Xiangchong also saw that he had beaten the soldiers, and ran towards them happily, "Where's the leader? Where's the leader?"

At the front is Feng Chunqiu's platoon leader, Jia Da. "Political commissar, we have found you, the head of the regiment is right behind!"

"Hurry up and tell the team leader, let him take the troops to HLD now, and the rest of you will come with me!" After Xi Xiangchong finished speaking, he turned around and left first.

Jia Da immediately told a soldier, and then led a row of people to follow Xi Xiangchong's footsteps to HLD.

When Yang Fei heard that Xi Xiangchong was ahead, he gave the order to rush over as quickly as possible.

Fortunately, when they met, Xi Xiangchong was by the river, and battalion after row of troops had already climbed onto the mountain lying in the middle of the river, heading towards HLD.

"Political commissar!" Yang Fei shouted when he saw it.

"Captain!" Xi Xiangchong turned around and walked up to Yang Fei. He didn't say how he survived. Instead, he said, "Captain, time is running out. Hurry up and let the soldiers go to HLD from here while the rain is heavy. HLD can completely reach the land east of the river, and we don’t know when the heavy rain will stop, and the mountain on this side has fallen, which is also our hope!"

Yang Fei looked over, and it was exactly as Xi Xiangchong said, "Yes, this is an opportunity, Feng Chunqiu, take your battalion, and quickly go to Qihe, and we must go to overcome all difficulties and dangers!"

They are about to cross the river. Everyone is not prepared. The ammunition is only in the guns they are carrying. So they are going to cross the river?Are you in a hurry?However, for Liu Ji, this was a great event, and he never thought that the task of crossing the river would be on them, so he immediately said, "Don't worry, leader, I will arrange it right away!"

After finishing speaking, he asked Feng Chunqiu to quickly assemble the team and cross the river one by one.

Looking at the hills in the middle of the river, and the river surface on the north side getting higher and higher, Yang Fei was anxious, "It's only a few tens of meters, everyone speed up to run over, otherwise, when the river comes up, the hills will be washed away , everyone hurry up!"

After Yang Fei finished speaking, he walked forward in person.

Han Qing went over to stop him, "Sir, you are not suitable to go now!"

"Nonsense!" Yang Fei shouted, "What doesn't fit, why doesn't it fit?"

Yang Fei asked, "A soldier must obey orders. Han Qing, I order you now to cross the river with me!"

Han Qing was taken aback for a moment, obviously he didn't expect Yang Fei to say that, he could only think about crossing the river with her, and we'll talk after crossing the river.

They went up the uneven road, then speeded up and headed forward. The HLD used to be like a paradise, but now it seems that the mountains on three sides of the HLD have collapsed on two sides.

Within an hour, the soldiers had all arrived.

When the last soldier just came over, he suddenly heard a "wow" from behind, turned his head and saw that after the river surface came up, it directly vented down like a waterfall, rolling yellow sand and loess.

Thrilling is most appropriate.

Yang Fei looked at it and smiled inwardly, "God, you really helped me!"

"Liu Ji!" Yang Fei yelled, and Liu Ji immediately came over, "Leader!"

"Where are we now?" Yang Fei asked.

"Leader, we have just passed the HLD, and we are heading north to Zhangjiakou!" Liu Ji said.

"What? Zhangjiakou is to the north?" Yang Fei was obviously a little excited. He was worried about being attacked by the enemy, but he didn't expect that Zhangjiakou was in front of him. Now, the task of killing the enemy is much easier!
"That's right, Commander, I've already sent Jia Da to scout around. I believe they will come over in a short time!" Liu Ji killed the enemy.

"Okay, let's find a place to take shelter from the rain first, and it's not a good thing to be drenched in the rain." After Yang Fei finished speaking, he led the people forward, arrived at a village, and hid under the eaves of other people's houses At this time, Xi Xiangchong felt a little relieved, and his whole body began to go limp.

Yang Fei could tell that Xi Xiangchong looked different, so he asked Han Qing to go over and show Xi Xiangchong.

Han Qing went over and touched Xi Xiangchong's forehead. It was very hot. It was obvious that he had a high fever. "Sir, the political commissar has a fever. He must rest now!"

"I was thinking the same thing. The political commissar has been so busy these past few days that he insisted on walking along the Qi River in the rain. How can he not catch a cold?" Yang Fei said.

At this time, Feng Chunqiu ran over, "Head, hey, if the people around here don't open the door, we can't exchange food!"

"Just don't open the door, we are disheveled, we look like bandits!" After finishing speaking, the big guy smiled, "Don't disturb the people, the people here are often exploited by devils, our Eighth Route Army is different from their devils , If you don’t give it, you won’t give it, wait a minute, we are going to Zhangjiakou!”

Waiting under the eaves of someone else's house, Yang Fei found a chair to sit on, and Liu Ji also sat in front of Yang Fei, "What does this stupid Jada mean? Why hasn't he come yet?"

"That's right, it's been more than two hours!" Yang Fei said.

"Did you meet a ghost?" Han Qing asked.

"Han Qing, find a way to bring a few soldiers and the political commissar, and go to Zhangjiakou first. The political commissar has a fever and must get the fastest treatment. Zhangjiakou is the best place!" Yang Fei said.

"Head, otherwise, I won't go, I'll just contact a few soldiers to go!" Han Qing didn't want to go, because his mission was to protect Yang Fei, which was a big deal.

"I'll wait here for another hour. If Jiada and the others haven't come back within an hour, I'll go to Zhangjiakou first. I'm fine. Don't worry about me. Besides, there's a battalion of brothers nearby. What can I do?" Sample?"

"Yes!" Han Qing nodded.

Liu Ji called out his guard platoon and a few soldiers followed Han Qing and left first.

Not long after they left, Jada came back.

"Fucking shit!" Liu Ji cursed when he saw him come back, "Come here!"

Jia Da ran to Liu Ji and swallowed.

"What's the matter? Why did it take you so long to come?" Liu Ji asked.

"Regimental Commander, Battalion Commander, it's not my fault!" Jia Da looked aggrieved.

"Don't blame you? Don't blame you? Who do you blame? What's going on in front?" Liu Ji asked.

"Battle Commander, something serious happened!" Jia Da frowned, "That guy Yu Hanyuan is gone!"

"Missing? What's the matter? En?" Liu Ji asked quickly.

Yu Hanyuan came to Zhao Qifa from the Abe tribe, and then went to Yang Fei's place. Yang Fei arranged him in the first battalion, and Liu Ji arranged Yu Hanyuan in the same row.

Jia Da saw Yu Hanyuan's seriousness in training and his reliability in actual combat, so he promoted him to be the squad leader. The last battle showed that Yu Hanyuan was really good. Originally, the other veterans were not convinced, but after that battle, No one was unconvinced, but this time it was different, this Yu Hanyuan was lost during the mission!
It was a big deal that he didn't arrive at the agreed time, so Jia Da waited for him for nearly two hours before bringing someone back.

Hearing what Jia Da said, Yang Fei's face became ugly.

Liu Ji looked at Yang Fei's uncertain face, and he didn't know what to say. After all, before the war, losing a soldier and a squad leader was a big deal.

"Jia Da, Feng Chunqiu is lost, have you looked for it?" Liu Ji quickly looked at Jia Da and asked.

"I looked for it, I really did, but we couldn't find it. Now we are worried, did Yu Hanyuan surrender to the enemy, or did he accidentally drop it somewhere? We can't find it for a while. Anyway, we just can't find it. He!"

Jia Da was also anxious and almost cried.

"We can't wait here for too long!" Yang Fei stood up and said at this moment, "No matter what purpose Yu Hanyuan is not here, his battalion has violated the discipline, Liu Ji, now take everyone and transfer to Zhangjiakou!"

"Leader!" Liu Ji came over and said, "Then Yu Hanyuan..."

"Yu Hanyuan... just leave him alone, this time we're here, try not to let too many people know, now, let's move quickly!" Yang Fei can't care so much at this time, why did Yu Hanyuan disappear?Why did Yu Hanyuan disappear?All of this is confusing.

Yang Fei couldn't play with the lives of so many soldiers, let alone let people know their current situation.All in all, the next decision can only be made after rendezvous with Zhao Qiying.

Han Qing arrived at Zhangjiakou first, and Cao Zhengde happened to be on the tower. How could he not know Han Qing? When he saw Han Qing, he thought his eyes were broken. It has been half a year, right?They haven't seen each other all this time, and now they see each other again, it's just blurred with tears.

Han Qing woke up Cao Zhengde with a slap, "Okay, let us in quickly, the political commissar has a high fever, quickly ask the doctor to treat him!"

Zhao Qifa heard that it was Han Qing who came. Since Han Qing is here, Yang Fei must be there too. I heard that the political commissar Xiang Chong has a high fever!

Although Zhao Qifa didn't know why they were able to cross the river when it was raining heavily, but this real person was right in front of them. "Han Qing!"

Seeing Han Qing, Zhao Qifa also became excited.

Not to mention, this Zhao Qifa has been here for more than half a year, and he has been raised for nothing. This food is good, and it is well used. His mother has been here for the past six months.

Han Qing was a little envious and jealous when he saw it.

"Battalion Commander Zhao!"

Han Qing cupped his hands and said.

"I heard the political commissar is sick?"

"That's right!" Han Qing said, "It's upstairs!"

"I gonna go see!"

After Zhao Qifa finished speaking, he went upstairs. Now that Xi Xiangchong was in a coma and had a high fever, Han Qing could only cover him with a quilt and use physical methods to cool down.

Slowly, they went downstairs, Zhao Qifa looked at Cao Zhengde, "Did you find the doctor? When will he come?"

"I've already looked for it, and I believe it should come soon!" Cao Zhengde said.

Zhao Qifa nodded and poured a glass of water for Han Qing, "Han Qing, where is the leader? You are here, where is the leader?"

"The head of the group is coming soon. It stands to reason that this should be on the way!" Han Qing said.

"En, good!" After finishing speaking, he stood up and said to Cao Zhengde, "Bring me more umbrellas and coir raincoats, and follow me!"


Zhao Qi came out of the city gate with a platoon of soldiers.The soldiers all carried rain gear in their hands.

After going out, he passed through the forest, and when he was going down a slope, he finally met Yang Fei and the others.


Zhao Qifa ran over and shouted happily.

Yang Fei looked up and saw that Zhao Qifa was running at the speed of a deer.

"Old Zhao!"

Zhao Qifa ran over and put the coir raincoat on Yang Fei.

Yang Fei smiled, "It's useless, it's soaked through, it's the same now whether you wear it or not, let the soldiers wear these things! How far is it from Zhangjiakou?"

"Head, it's not far away, just go through this forest!" Zhao Qifa said.

"Okay, let's hurry up and talk about it when we get to Zhangjiakou!"

After Yang Fei finished speaking, they continued on their way.


Zhangjiakou, inside a mansion.

For the first time, Yang Fei took a shower in the same place as a hotel, and Zhao Qifa brought him a suit.

Yang Fei remembered the last time he wore a suit, it was when he was in Jingang, and it has been so long now.It is said that this mansion was built by a very rich man here. It is a local. However, Zhao Qifa did not dare to enjoy the mansion left behind because of the last rebellion. He stayed.

Now, Yang Fei and others are here, and they just happen to use it.

The soldiers lined up, waiting outside the mansion to take a shower.

This mansion actually has many rooms. In order to prevent the soldiers from getting sick, Zhao Qifa has activated the public baths in the county. All the expenses are borne by the Eighth Route Army, and the soldiers are allowed to take a bath in multiple baths in the county. This is obviously God-level served.

And everyone has a new suit.

All of a sudden, many soldiers felt that following Zhao Qifa was more promising than following Yang Fei?
Haha, but such thoughts are fleeting, because many of their military uniforms are provided by Zhangjiakou.

In a hall in the mansion, all the cadres held a meeting here. Yang Fei was wearing a suit, and Liu Ji was also wearing a suit, which was a bit awkward. Fortunately, with Yang Fei around, he didn't feel uncomfortable at all.

"Battalion Commander Zhao, tell me about the situation in Zhangjiakou first!" Yang Fei said.

"Regimental Commander, Zhangjiakou has survived tenaciously despite several battles. Originally, there was an army of devils from Koji Nakano nearby, but since the defeat in the Battle of Hexi, Koji Nakano's army has left I heard that I went to Puban Village." Zhao Qifa said.

"It seems that the devils just want to beware of Puban Village! Hehe, let them go to Puban Village, where is Shencheng? Do you have any information? How many garrisons are there in Shencheng?" Yang Fei asked.

"There are not many troops stationed in Shencheng. After all, most of the troops were lost in the Battle of Hexi. Now, we are worried that the devils will come from Hong Kong City to send troops. In this way, we will really be passive!" Zhao Qifa said.

"You can't say that," Yang Fei said confidently, "According to the instructions of the brigade commander and the political commissar, now Lin Zhonghu's new fourth regiment has gone to the south, and they want to occupy the port city as quickly as possible. Once we reach Hong Kong City, we won’t be afraid of the devil’s reinforcements, so even if Lin Zhonghu doesn’t occupy Hong Kong City, we must take Shencheng as soon as possible.”

"The leader is right, but Shencheng is the largest city in Beihai. If we want to attack by force, maybe we don't have the ability? How many guns do we have? I'm afraid we have to think of other ways!" Liu set said.

"By the way!" Yang Fei looked at Zhao Qifa, "Old Zhao, I heard that you have sent many people into Shencheng, right? Once there is a battle, should the internal and external response be smooth? What about the city?"

"Head, this is the situation. However, I think the No. 50 platoon I sent in should have fewer people, and we should send more troops!" Zhao Qifa said.

"The devils have four walls and four city gates. When there are not many people, the command must focus on the defensive side. Therefore, if there are many people, we can directly occupy a gate by waiting for someone. When the time comes, we will pretend to attack one, and then Then send the main force to respond to our people internally and externally, if this is the case, we will be able to take Shencheng smoothly!"

What Zhao Qifa said is right, the most important thing now is to catch the devils before they find out that Yang Fei and the others are coming, otherwise, what if Jiang Ying ran away?Haha, that's what Yang Fei thought. However, even if Jiang Ying knew that Yang Fei was coming, she probably wouldn't have time to react. After all, this was already a fateful event.

"In this case, I've made a decision!" Yang Fei stood up, "Tomorrow, anyone who wants to go to Shencheng can follow me, let's go to Shencheng together, and make an appointment, and we can fight directly!"

(End of this chapter)

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