Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2807 Yu Han Yuanzhang is here

Chapter 2807 Yu Hanyuan is back
As soon as he heard that Yang Fei was going to take people to Shencheng himself, Liu Ji took the lead in not agreeing.

"Leader, you can't go to this matter!" Liu Ji stood up and said.

Feng Chunqiu, who was at the side, immediately understood what Liu Ji meant, and he also stood up and said, "Head, if it was before, we couldn't stop it, but not now!"

"What's wrong? Is there any difference between now and before?" Yang Fei asked.

"Of course, everything went well before, but now? Yu Hanyuan has disappeared and his whereabouts are unknown, so I think that one row in Shencheng is enough. Even if Jiang Ying knows that he is coming, he can only defend one Door, and then a platoon can’t take down a door that is not well-defended? Commander, if Yu Hanyuan surrenders to the enemy, you went to Shencheng, isn’t it right in your hands?”

What Liu Ji said makes sense.

Originally, Yang Fei wanted to catch Jiang Ying himself, but now it seems that it should be a bit difficult.

Yang Fei frowned and stopped talking.

"Now, the devil's whereabouts are unknown. Han Qing, have the people from the Tranquility Society contacted you? Are they looking for you? What's going on in Shencheng?" Yang Fei looked at Han Qing again and asked.

"Sir, it's raining so hard, how could An Ning come here?" Han Qing smiled wryly.

Yang Fei pouted, "Then how did I get here?"

All of a sudden, the audience was lifeless, and Yang Fei suddenly laughed, "Haha, okay, what you Liu Ji said is also reasonable, I can't fight, but you have to find out for me where Yu Hanyuan is, before the big battle If someone is lost and the news spreads, I, Yang Fei, will lose face!"

"Leader, don't worry, I lost the person, and I will be responsible for finding him back!" Jia Da immediately stood up and said.

"Okay, if you have ambition, you must find it!" Yang Fei said.


During the heavy rain, Yu Hanyuan broke into a devil's stronghold by himself, and suddenly found that there were not many devils there?This is a big intersection. After asking a puppet army, I found out that most of the devils have already concentrated in Shencheng. At present, there are not many devils in many strongholds around, and most of them are where the puppet army is.

This made Yu Hanyuan a little depressed. He wanted to take advantage of the investigation period to kill more devils, but unexpectedly, there were not many devils.

In the stronghold, Yu Hanyuan tied up several puppet soldiers, sat on a chair, and ate with food.

"Do you know what this devil is doing curled up in Shencheng?" Yu Hanyuan asked.

"This...we don't know!" said a puppet soldier.

Yu Hanyuan pointed a pistol at a puppet soldier, "Say it! If you don't tell me, I'll kill you!"

The devil was taken aback, "Grandpa Eighth Route Army, I really don't know, even if you killed me, I wouldn't know!"

"Okay, what you said, then I'd rather be obedient than respectful!" After speaking, Yu Hanyuan's pistol clicked and rang.

The puppet soldier shivered, "Aiyo, aiyo, Ba Ye, let me say it!"

"The devils are huddled in Shencheng, and they must guard against you. However, it is raining heavily now, thinking that you will not be able to come for a while, so now our defense is so lax. However, you are How did you get here? Why don’t we know anything about it?” The puppet soldier looked depressed.

"I can't say that, but since you asked, I will tell you, Ba Ye, we are descended from heavenly soldiers, there is nothing we can't go to, let's not talk about how we got here, but talk about the eight men in Zhangjiakou, they How did it come here? Didn’t it just come down from the sky? Not to mention a small Zhangjiakou, it’s Shencheng, if we say we win it, we will win it!” Yu Hanyuan said proudly.

"That's, that's, who is Eighth Master? That's the Daluo God in the sky!" The puppet soldier immediately said flatteringly.

"Tell me, how many strongholds are there near here?" Yu Hanyuan asked.

"Within one kilometer, there are five. If you go from here to Shencheng, you have to pass through eight strongholds." The puppet army said truthfully.

"Eight strongholds? So many strongholds?" Yu Hanyuan was a little depressed.

"Yeah, this is not to guard against the Eighth Road in Zhangjiakou... No, Baye, most of these eight strongholds are stationed by our puppet troops, hehe, Baye, as long as you say a word, I will call over. Brothers, you will definitely surrender, or if you let me go, I will make a phone call?"

The puppet army looked at Yu Hanyuan and asked.

"Haha, it's ridiculous, do you think I'll believe it?" Yu Hanyuan stood up, "You guys just wait here honestly, grandpa is in a good mood, so I will let you go naturally, guys, if you have evil intentions, grandpa, I'll kill you like hell Ma, do you believe it?"

"I believe it, of course I believe it!" The puppet soldier's face was uncomfortable, thinking that the Eighth Route Army in front of him might be fooled if he flickered all of a sudden, I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it, this young age, my heart is also vicious!

Yu Hanyuan checked the strength of the binding for them next to each other, and then tightened them again, trying to break free, it might be even more difficult.

"Grandpa, let me take a pee. If you dare to run away, I will kill you to sacrifice the flag first!" After speaking, Yu Hanyuan went out.

Starting from this stronghold, he arrived at the place he and Jia Da had agreed upon, and found that Jia Da had disappeared. When they arrived at the place where they took shelter from the rain, they also found that he was no longer there. Where would they go?

After much deliberation, Yu Hanyuan understood that he should have gone to Zhangjiakou. Judging from the footprints on the scene, it should be that a large army moved to Zhangjiakou.

Thinking of this, Yu Hanyuan immediately went to Zhangjiakou with several puppet guns on his back.

This information is very important to the Eighth Route Army. If they can take the Eighth Route Army stronghold in the first place, then they can attack Shencheng the next day.

When everyone was resting, Jia Da went crazy and found Yang Fei. Yang Fei saw Jia Da happy and smiled wryly, a little awkward, "Jada, you speak well, this kind of head-scratching is not good-looking!"

"Yes!" Jia Da immediately stood at attention, "Leader, Yu Hanyuan has been found!"

"What? Did you find it? Where did you find it? Hurry up and bring him, I want to see where this guy left the team without authorization!"


After finishing speaking, Jia Da went out and brought Yu Hanyuan in!
Seeing Yu Hanyuan coming in, his whole body was wet by the rain, with several guns on his back, and he looked at Yang Fei with a smug expression.

"Yu Hanyuan, you kid left the team without authorization, do you admit your mistake?" Yang Fei asked.

Yu Hanyuan originally thought that Yang Fei would first ask him where the gun came from when he saw the gun on his body, but unexpectedly...


Yu Hanyuan seemed to have eaten a fly.

"What are you? Let me ask you, what is the mission of your platoon leader? Where did you go? Why did you come back within the agreed time?" Yang Fei asked again.

"Captain, I took a devil's stronghold!" Yu Hanyuan said.

"Oh, it's not a small skill, one person took over a devil's stronghold!" Yang Fei was a little bit unconvinced.

"The real leader, look, the guns on my body are all confiscated!" Yu Hanyuan handed the gun to Jia Da, and Jia Da looked at it and nodded, "Leader, it's really a devil!"

"No, it's not from devils!" Yu Hanyuan said again.

Jia Da's face was a little ugly, and Yang Fei also felt a little unbelievable, "What do you mean? I took the devil's stronghold, but the gun didn't belong to the devil? Could it be that it belonged to the bandits?"

"No, regiment commander, the stronghold belongs to the devils, but this gun belongs to the puppet army!" After finishing speaking, Yu Hanyuan told Yang Fei what he saw and thought.

After hearing this, Yang Fei was overjoyed. If what Yu Hanyuan said was true, then this battle would be interesting!

"Jia Da, go get Liu Ji and Zhao Qifa, let's have a meeting!"

Jada nodded and went out.

"Go down and wash up first, don't catch a cold!" Yang Fei said.

Yu Hanyuan saluted, then turned and left.


When Liu Ji and Zhao Qifa knew where Yu Hanyuan was going, they were all very surprised.

"Head, is this credible?" Zhao Qifa asked.

"Whether it's credible or not, it's beyond what we can know, so we have to go and see for ourselves, otherwise, who would know if what Yu Hanyuan said is true or not?" Yang Fei said.

"Leader, what do you mean?" Liu Ji asked.

"The battle is about to break out. Although it is said that it is raining heavily, this is also our opportunity. Liu Ji, you should immediately take someone to the stronghold that Yu Hanyuan said first to see if what you said is true. If it is true, you Immediately pull out those eight strongholds for me, and make sure to keep them secret!"

After Yang Fei finished speaking, Liu Ji immediately stood up, "Yes!"

"Zhao Qifa, you follow closely behind. When Liu Ji takes down the stronghold, the army is very fast. You must set up an ambush at the place where Puban Village returned to aid Shencheng. If we want to win, we must eliminate the main force of the devils. With their main force eliminated, we will be able to draw a perfect end to this battle!" Yang Fei said.

"Head, I understand!" Zhao Qifa said.

"Okay, next, it's your time, I won't say much else, I'll wait for your good news here!" Yang Fei said.

"Leader, don't worry, we will definitely complete the task!" Zhao Qifa and Liu Ji said one after another.

As soon as he came to Zhangjiakou, Yang Fei's mission came down before his butt was hot. Many soldiers rushed to the battlefield before they had time to take a bath and eat.

This concubine developed so fast that many people didn't know how to deal with it.

Han Qing looked at Yang Fei, "Sir, tell me, is this the last battle in Beihai?" Han Qing asked.

"I think this is the last big battle in Beihai!" Yang Fei nodded and looked at Han Qing and said, "I've always thought about destroying their main force, hey! How can the two battalions be able to fully grasp the direction? If they are grasped, the last breath of the devils will be tightly suppressed. It's fun!"

Han Qing nodded, "Yes!"

"Han Qing, Zhangjiakou is safe for the time being. Except for the necessary troops, follow Yu Hanyuan and pull out all the strongholds of the devils around. Don't leave any suspicious places!"

"Sir, please rest assured, I will definitely give you a clean Zhangjiakou!" After speaking, Han Qing left.


Now that Shencheng is in danger, Jiang Ying can certainly see that in order to save the current decline, he has to make final adjustments.Nakano Koji's troops were dispatched to Puban Village to guard against the Eighth Route Army over there. At present, the Shencheng guards were taken over by the captain of Yongshanwang High School. However, due to the sharp decline in the number of the imperial army, the main force defending the city was still the puppet army, who was appointed by Jiang Ying Sun Dewang, the head of the third regiment of the Imperial Association Army, is now a celebrity in Shencheng.

This guy is ignorant and incompetent, he started his career by robbing houses, he did all sorts of crimes, and he was full of crimes. When the common people near Shencheng mentioned this Sun Dewang, they would want to eat his flesh and sleep on his skin.

However, for Jiang Ying, these tainted Chinese people are the best targets to win over. They are not afraid of the common people, and they are even more vicious than the imperial army. If such a person is held in his hands, isn't it a wolf dog?
Of course, it is Jiang Ying's secret system that effectively controls these people... Cherry Blossom Drunk.

These people are contaminated by drugs,,,,,,, of course, they cannot do without Jiang Ying.

Sun Dewang was favored by the devils at the height of his power. Of course, he attained the Tao by himself and ascended to heaven. Sun Dewang's younger brother Sun Desheng was also promoted and became the captain of the Shencheng Guards. Of course, he was also in charge of the puppet army.

Sun Dewang's nephew, Sun Zhenghong, was stationed in Harimen Village outside the city, with a battalion of troops.

Another nephew of Sun Dewang, Sun Zhenggao, also had a battalion of troops stationed in Dongri Village.

These two villages guard Shencheng together. In Jiang Ying's view, this is undoubtedly the best. After all, if you want to take Shencheng, you must go through these two villages.

It was raining heavily, and Sun Dewang was eating hot pot at home, while his concubine Sanfang served him wine and fed him meat.

"Master, it's raining heavily today. In my opinion, don't go on patrol tonight, just let the adjutant go!" said the third aunt.

"That can't be done. Commander Jiang Ying values ​​me, but he doesn't want me to be a sack. I, Sun Dewang, no one knows better than me. The safety of Shencheng is related to me, it is also related to you, and it is even more related to us. For the future incense of the Sun family, you old hens can't even lay an egg, so how can I not pay attention to the inheritance of our Sun family?"

Every time he mentioned this, Sun Dewang was a little angry, but fortunately, he had already made up his mind to adopt one of Sun Zhenghong and Sun Zhengzhong to him, so that he could have a future.

However, if you think about it carefully, Sun Dewang is now in his 40s, and everything is possible to have another one. However, many people in the family told him that he has no choice but to let him adopt.

Seeing these aunts and wives, Sun Dewang was so angry that he threw his chopsticks away and walked back.

It seems absurd, but isn't all this a good choice?
Sun Dewang seems to be trusted by the devils now, but who can understand his sadness?

If you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight. The most important thing is that the cherry blossoms are drunk. Sun Dewang wore a black police uniform, and then put on a gun. The adjutant was waiting at the door early, and when Sun Dewang went out, Hurry over and open the car door, and send Sun Dewang up.

The car drove slowly towards the city gate.

Sun Dewang said, "Sun Gang, tell me, can this Shencheng be held?"

Sun Gang is Sun Dewang's adjutant, and he was Sun Dewang's follower in the early years. Hearing Sun Dewang's question, Sun Gang said, "This... I can't say for sure, but according to the latest news, the Eighth Route Army is divided into two groups. The regiment led people to the south, the purpose is obvious, it is to take down the port city, the port city is still guarded by our army, it may be difficult in a short time, a regiment on the second road wants to cross the river, it is raining heavily today, It is impossible for the Eighth Route Army to come over!"

"Don't say these are useless, I'm asking, what if the sky clears? Can the Eighth Route Army take it?" Sun Dewang asked.

"Pusaka Village still has the troops of Nakano Koji. It is not too easy to take down Pusaka Village. Don't look at the Bella Army has been building ships, but they are all made of wood. The fired shells fired from Pusaka Village are not bombed. Commander, I think that if the Eighth Route Army wants to take Shencheng, unless Hong Kong City is taken and Shencheng has no reinforcements, Shencheng will be insecure!" Sun Gang expressed his thoughts.

Sun Dewang nodded, "So Shencheng is still safe now!"

"Yes!" Sun Gang said.

"But..." Sun Dewang looked at Sun Gang who was sitting in the co-pilot, "You forgot one thing, that is, there is another battalion of the Eighth Route Army in Zhangjiakou. If you have enough troops, you dare to attack Shen Cheng!"

"Commander, you don't need to worry too much about this. First, as long as there is any movement in Zhangjiakou, the eight strongholds in front of us will immediately send out an alarm. Besides, there are two battalion commanders Sun Zhenghong and Sun Zhenggao outside. We have at least two battalions outside the city, and in my opinion, if we fight against the Eighth Route Army, the Eighth Route Army will all end in failure!"

Sun Gang said.

"Hehe!" Sun Dewang could see clearly that even if Sun Gang said so, the devil's failure is certain, just based on the so-called two battalions of his two nephews, compared with the one battalion of the Eighth Route Army, it is not 01:30 points , How does the wine bag and rice bag compare with others?
However, Sun Dewang can't say that, he can only think of other ways!

"Sun Gang, let me ask you again!" Sun Dewang said again, "Once the Eighth Route Army crosses the river, how long do you think we can hold on?"

"Regimental Commander, I have a plan here that will stop the Eighth Route Army from moving forward. I wonder if you want to hear it?" Sun Gang said.

"Then stop talking nonsense and say it quickly, no matter what, Shen Cheng cannot be lost. If Shen Cheng is lost, our lives will not be guaranteed, and Commander Jiang Ying will also blame him!"

Sun Dewang said.

"Once the Eighth Route Army comes over, our situation will be dangerous. However, the Eighth Route Army is known as the army of benevolence and righteousness. When we arrive, we will put the common people in the vicinity at the head of the team. Isn't the Eighth Route Army going to fight? Let's see if they dare to fight , These are the objects of service that the Eighth Route Army claims to serve!"

Hearing this, Sun Dewang thought it was right. Once it was true, wouldn't the Eighth Route Army be able to do whatever it wanted?Even if the Eighth Route Army had the determination to die, would it take so many ordinary people to stand out?

Thinking of Sun Dewang here, a smile finally leaked from the corner of his mouth.

"Yes, yes, it seems that even if the Eighth Route Army crosses the river, we will retreat safely. At that time, we will go to Japan with Commander Jiang Ying, and we will be able to live well!" Sun Dewang said.

"Yes!" Sun Gang said, "If the Eighth Route Army really dares to fight, even if Shencheng is captured and the people's hearts are not stable, we may make a comeback at any time, and the Eighth Route Army will fall into a quagmire from which they cannot extricate themselves."

"That's right!"

After Sun Dewang finished speaking, the car stopped slowly. Sun Gang hurriedly got out of the car, folded his umbrella and came over, opened the car door, invited Sun Dewang down, and then inspected the tower.

The imperial association army on the tower stood in the rain and pretended to guard the tower early before Sun Dewang came. When he left, everyone hurried to hide from the rain, cursing and swearing. Come on, let's get soaked in the rain.

The Imperial Association Army has no fighting power, and they are just people who eat and wait to die. They only have monthly money in their eyes, and they can go to gamble and drink.

Sun Dewang looked at the rain-soaked Imperial Association Army and was very satisfied. When he left, he told Sun Gang that everyone would give an extra piece of ocean.

Just when Sun Dewang arrived at the house, a puppet army ran over, "Leader, head!"

Sun Dewang looked at him, "Tell me, what's the matter?"

"Commander, Sun Zhenghong and Sun Zhenggao are fighting!"

The puppet army said.

Hearing this, Sun Dewang was stunned, "The two of them are fighting? What's there to fight?"

"This, you should ask!"

The puppet army dare not say it!

Sun Gang went over and slapped the puppet soldier on the face, "If you tell me what you want to say, you can say it! It's unbecoming to be hemming and hawing to the head of the regiment!"

The puppet soldier covered his face, "Commander, the two battalion commanders fought over a woman!"

"What? For a woman? What kind of woman made them fight?" Sun Dewang asked.

"It's a brothel girl!"

After hearing this, Sun Dewang suddenly became angry, "Where are they?"

"It's Yelaichun in the city!" said the puppet soldier.

"They...are they in the city?" Sun Dewang's eyes widened.

"Yes, they are all in the city. It rained recently, so they came here, and they don't want to stay in their camp!" After the puppet army finished speaking, Sun Dewang kicked in the past.

"Fucking shit, you actually came back privately, Sun Gang, go and bring me the two rebellious sons! I want to see that they are about to fight and go to the brothel to fool around! It seems that I don't know the heights!" Sun Dewang shouted .

Sun Gang immediately said, "Commander, don't be angry, I'll go and invite the two battalion commanders here!"

After speaking, Sun Gang went out.

The puppet soldiers on the ground didn't dare to stay any longer, and turned around and ran out of Sun Dewang's house.

It was raining heavily, and Sun Dewang never thought that the two nephews would make mistakes under his nose. Even if he was entrusted with his relationship to become the battalion commander, he had to put on a show for everyone, right?Now, if the Eighth Route Army really comes, how can a battalion win the battle without a leader?
Thinking of this, Sun Dewang kicked the table over with one kick.

(End of this chapter)

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