Chapter 2808
Sun Dewang felt more and more that his pressure was multiplying. He also knew Yu middle-aged in Zhangjiakou. It can be said that there was a life-threatening friendship between them, but his luck was much worse than his middle-aged Yu. Who let him control Zhangjiakou?By mistake, he put the Eighth Route Army in, and led the wolves into the house, allowing the Eighth Route Army to occupy Zhangjiakou.

However, since they all had fateful friendships, they naturally have the same point, that is, they don't have any sons!

This is a pain point.The pain made Sun Dewang feel like smashing the field.

They also have one thing in common, that is, to choose a nephew to adopt.Thinking of this, Sun Dewang felt infinitely sad, God seemed to be joking with him, but this joke was a bit big.

After a while, Sun Gang brought back Sun Zhenghong and Sun Zhenggao.

I saw two people with disheveled clothes standing in front of Sun Dewang in embarrassment, like children who have done something wrong.

Sun Dewang glared at them, "I heard that the two of you fought over a prostitute?"

Sun Zhenghong lowered his head, and seemed a little unconvinced in his heart. Although the woman was said to be a romantic woman, she was very talented.However, that Sun Zhenggao is not good at learning and looks ugly, so he dared to rob a woman from him, why should he?Just because he looks ugly can be Zhong Kui?

It's ridiculous to think about it.

What is he, Sun Zhenggao?If it wasn't for his uncle's son, he would have shot him dead!

From Sun Zhenggao's point of view, he was the one who met that woman first. That woman was good-looking. Although he had no culture, everyone had a love for beauty. When he was preparing to confess, Sun Zhenghong He appeared suddenly, and his appearance immediately made the woman sway. It was obvious that Sun Zhenggao had a low self-esteem. He was not good-looking, and he was not as knowledgeable as Sun Zhenghong.

He immediately left the things he had prepared on the ground. Even though it was raining heavily, he rushed into the brothel with his men, found Sun Zhenghong and started fighting!
There were also people around Sun Zhenghong. Seeing her battalion commander being beaten, she couldn't swallow this breath no matter what. For a moment, the brothel was smashed and it was like a miasma.

The bustard was in a hurry, and hurried to find someone to find Sun Dewang, and that's what happened today.

"Speaking, why are you dumb?" Sun Dewang asked angrily.

The two nephews lowered their heads, their faces were painted, and they were frowning and dared not speak.

Sun Zhenggao glanced at Sun Dewang quietly, but unexpectedly, Sun Dewang was staring at him, which made him shiver in fright.

"Sun Zhenggao, tell me!" Sun Dewang called his name, and Sun Zhenggao said with a bitter face, "Uncle, I..."

"Speak!" Sun Dewang, as their uncle, usually treats them very well. He wants wind for wind and rain for rain. So, Sun Dewang thinks that they should be content!This is a very normal thing!
Thinking of this, Sun Dewang wished he could beat them up!
"Uncle, Sun Zhenghong is such a bully! That Xiao Cui'er is the woman I like, and he actually wins her love with a knife, without any demeanor of a big brother!" Sun Zhenghong said angrily.

That was filled with righteous indignation, Sun Dewang was so angry that he was about to vomit blood.

As soon as Sun Zhenghong heard this, he immediately said, "Uncle, Sun Zhenggao's words are simply unreasonable. Xiao Cui'er is a girl I got strong last year. I wanted to redeem her, but I didn't have much money on me. Shelved it, how could I accept Sun Zhenggao's one woman today?"

Hearing their words, Sun Dewang also turned away his old face, "Beast!"

He roared, "Now that the Eighth Route Army is watching Shen Cheng covetously, you two, as the battalion commanders of the Imperial Association Army, are here to visit brothels, what a shame!"

"Uncle..." Sun Zhenggao wanted to say something, but when he saw Sun Dewang's appearance, he immediately gave up.

"Walk in the brothel! You're not in the barracks, and you came back without authorization?" Sun Dewang was furious.

"You guys... fought so much for a prostitute, how can you not talk about brotherhood! What are you talking about?" Sun Dewang cursed loudly.

Sun Zhenghong and Sun Zhenggao dared not make a sound.

"Think about it. As brothers, brothers with the same surname, you actually kill each other. How many such things are there in the world? You really embarrass the old Sun family!" Sun Dewang closed his eyes, as if he saw the future of the Sun family. The appearance of a fiasco, how can one not feel heartbroken?

"Uncle, I know I was wrong!" Sun Zhenghong lowered his head and said, "I'm going back to my camp right away. This embarrassing thing cannot be carried by the old Sun's family. I figured it out. Since Sun Zhenggao likes that woman , then let him like it, no matter what they say, I will not ask!"

Just as Sun Zhenggao was about to speak, Sun Dewang shouted, "Your brother calls him by his first name, eh? Your brother!"

"Uncle, I..."

Sun Zhenghong lowered her head, "Uncle, I understand, I've learned my lesson, second brother...I won't take care of Xiao Cui'er anymore, I'll leave it to second brother!"

It can be said that Sun Zhenghong thinks clearly. He knows that he has today, all relying on Sun Dewang's support. If he did not have Sun Dewang's support, he would not be as good as shit. For a woman in a brothel, it is really not worth it. The attitude of admitting mistakes is good. Sun Dewang must be made to feel that he is teachable, that's the point.

Hearing what Sun Zhenghong said, Sun Zhenggao became unhappy, "What do you mean? Sun Zhenghong, leave it to me. I think we two compete fairly. It depends on who Xiao Cuier chooses. What do you think? "

Sun Zhenggao was a stunned young man, he didn't care what Sun Dewang was thinking, he just said all the thoughts in his heart, which made Sun Zhenghong very happy for a while.

"Presumptuous!" Sun Dewang yelled, "Sun Zhenghong, Sun Zhenghong, Sun Zhenghong is your elder brother, and you call him by his first name. Do you still have the Sun family in your eyes? Do you still have the Sun family training? Do you still have the eldest brother of the Sun family?"

Sun Degao was frightened into a cold sweat again, he didn't understand why, how could a single word make people so unhappy, who knew?
"Uncle, Sun, brother...I want to compete fairly with him!" Sun Zhenggao said.

Sun Dewang shook his head, this is two hundred and five, and he has no EQ at all. Even if he has a tenth of Sun Zhenghong, he will not suffer. It is conceivable that if he really chooses a nephew in the future, who will he choose?

Sun Zhenggao, two hundred and five, didn't know about war, but he couldn't let go of the series of words he said.

It doesn't matter to Sun Zhenghong, a woman, he will definitely meet better ones in the future, a woman from a brothel, it doesn't matter, but to Sun Zhenggong, liking is liking, no matter what his background is!
Sun Dewang frowned and looked at them, "Okay, don't talk about this matter anymore! That brothel girl Xiao Cui'er, neither of you is allowed to contact privately in the future, and, most importantly, don't talk about it without me. Order, don't take a step into Shencheng, your defense line is outside, outside!"

Sun Dewang shouted loudly that he hoped to let the two nephews understand that now is not the time for them to relax. What they have to do is to defeat the Eighth Route Army wholeheartedly. Only by defeating the Eighth Route Army can they be able to call the wind and rain in Shencheng.

He hoped that the two nephews would understand that they would depend on each other in the future.

However, it is obvious that they don't understand now that you are fighting for each other without morality and friendship at all.

Hearing what Sun Dewang said, the two of them naturally didn't dare to resist, so they could only nod their heads and agree.

At this time, it was still raining heavily outside, and the heavy rain was washing everything here over and over again, as if it was going to wash away many extraordinary things, and then reshuffle the cards.

Sun Zhenghong and Sun Zhenggao went out, and their adjutant came out to hold an umbrella for them and then walked out of Sun Dewang's house.

Sun Zhenggao, who was out of the house, said, "Sun Zhenghong, don't think that you are eloquent in front of uncle, I don't know what you are thinking, you must think about how to make me look ugly again, right? Hehe, Xiao Cui'er, I am determined, Just don't think about what you have!" Sun Zhenggao said proudly.

"Hehe, second brother, then congratulations, I'll let you, Little Cui'er!" Sun Zhenghong smiled charmingly.

Sun Zhenggao suddenly felt that he was underestimated, "Give it up? Do I need you to let it go? If you were a man, we would have a duel between men and men. You, Sun Zhenghong, can't beat you, can you?"

"Yeah, I can't beat you. You, Sun Zhenggao, are the most powerful person in the world. Hehe, in my opinion, you have nothing to be proud of when you beat me. You have the ability to defeat the Eighth Route Army. If you defeat the Eighth Route Army, I will Admit it, Xiao Cui'er belongs to you alone, if you don't have the guts, Sun Zhenggao, don't blame me for being embarrassed, I also said that the woman I let go, I just let it go!" Sun Zhenghong understood clearly in her heart, In this way, it would be killing two birds with one stone. If he, Sun Zhenggao, dared to go and win, he would just be a favor and let the woman out. If he lost, hehe, then don't blame him, Sun Zhenghong, for making trouble.Thinking about it this way, Sun Zhenghong felt that she was really too smart.

Being so irritated by Sun Zhenghong, Sun Zheng couldn't bear it anymore. He clearly knew that Sun Zhenghong did this to anger him, but he couldn't say that he didn't dare to fight the Eighth Route Army. If he did, Sun Zhenggao's face would be lost!

"Okay, I promise you, I told you in advance that you don't need to let me, Xiao Cui'er, if I can't beat the Eighth Route Army, I will let you, Xiao Cui'er!" Sun Zhenggao said.

"Okay, let's do what we say. As a brother, I don't want to embarrass you. You should know that I, Sun Zhenghong, have not bet with anyone for more than 20 years. So, this time limit..." Sun Zhenghong squinted eyes on him.

"What's so difficult about it, ten days and half a month, or a month, you just decide!" Sun Zheng said with his head held high.

"My younger brother is mighty and domineering. Well, let's do it for a month. It's raining and there's no one on the road. Within a month, if you win the battle of the Eighth Route Army, Xiao Cui'er will be yours!" After finishing speaking, Sun Zhenghong left.


After the two nephews left, Sun Dewang felt extremely empty, and he had a very bad premonition.

Sun Gang stood in front of him, and didn't dare to say much, just stood there silently.

"Sun Gang, tell me, my two nephews... which one can make a big deal?" Sun Dewang still couldn't help asking.

Sun Gang was also a sensible person. He knew that Sun Dewang wanted to choose one of his two nephews to adopt him, so he asked this question. Naturally, Sun Gang didn't dare to offend anyone.

"Leader, both of your nephews are talented people. I think it depends on who will be favored by God!" Sun Gang didn't want to take up this hot topic.

Sun Dewang was obviously very dissatisfied with this answer, "Sun Gang, the only person around me who can talk is to save you. If you don't tell me the truth, I, Sun Dewang, will really be alone."

Sun Gang was startled, "Commander, I'm telling the truth. The eldest nephew, Sun Zhenghong, has some brains, and he is also cautious in marching and fighting, not daring to make any mistakes. The second nephew, Sun Zhenggao, is more than brave and capable in leading troops, so who is superior?" Who really can't tell for a while."

"That's exactly what you said." Sun Dewang nodded, "But I'm not worried about them in the future, but that the two of them are not united, and their guns are inconsistent with the outside world. Are there few examples of fighting in the nest since ancient times? Think During the period of the Three Kingdoms, Yuan Shao, four generations and three princes, his sons fought with red faces, and they all lost to Cao Cao in the end! Hey!"

When Sun Gang heard this, didn't he already treat Sun Zhenghong and Sun Zhenggao as his sons?
Thinking of this, Sun Gang said, "There are still many opportunities to train them. Commander, I think there is still time to think about it!"

Sun Dewang nodded, "Yes, that's right. Since that's the case, then I'm thinking about it. I think the Eighth Route Army will not be able to pass through Zhangjiadu for a while. Even if they do, Nakano Koji will not let them come easily." , although Zhangjiakou's Eighth Route Army has a certain strength, but they dare not act rashly!"

"So, I still have a chance!" Sun Dewang nodded and said.

Just finished speaking, the old butler came over at this time, "Master, Yongshan Wanggao is here!"

"Oh?" Sun Dewang quickly stood up, Yongshan Wanggao, as his immediate boss, thought there was something to do when he came here this time, otherwise, he wouldn't come to his house in the heavy rain.

"Follow me out!"

After finishing speaking, Sun Dewang took Sun Gang out of the house.

As soon as he went out, Yongshan Wanggao came over. Sun Dewang hurriedly invited Yongshan Wanggao in. After he came in, he took off his raincoat, and the old housekeeper quickly took it.

"Master Yongshan, it's really not right to come here in the rain. If you have something to do, just let me go. How can I bother you to come to me in person." Sun Dewang said quickly. ,
"Don't look outside, now, it's your job to guard Shencheng, I would like to ask you if there is any good way!"

At this time, the method is the most important.

It's a good idea, and it can do a lot of good.

(End of this chapter)

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