Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2809 something big happened

Chapter 2809 something big happened

good idea?
Sun Dewang didn't know what he was referring to.

"Master Yongshan..." Sun Dewang reminded him for a while.

Yongshan Wanggao immediately said, "Nowadays, although there is no news about the Eighth Route Army, it doesn't mean that they won't come. Although it's raining heavily, it's difficult for the Eighth Route Army to come from Hexi, but don't forget, there is also Zhangjiakou. Eighth Route Army, I met with Commander Jiang Ying, and I suggested that while it is raining, we should take down Zhangjiakou first to be serious!"

Hearing this, Sun Dewang understood that it was indeed a scheming plan. If they took advantage of the heavy rain to take Zhangjiakou, they would not need to be attacked on their backs, and they would be able to sleep peacefully. With all their strength in the Eighth Route Army, even if Shencheng was short of manpower , and will not be lost.

"Good idea!" he couldn't help but say.

Yong Shanwang sighed, "I know that too, but there are still some problems we face now, for example, we are short of troops!"

This is a big problem. How can we deal with the enemies in Zhangjiakou without troops?

Thinking of this, Yongshan Wanggao looked at him, "Commander Sun, I suggest that your Imperial Association Army assist our Imperial Army and take down Zhangjiakou in one fell swoop. How do you think it will be used for you?"

"Of course there is no problem!" This is a good thing. For Sun Dewang, it is necessary to win Zhangjiakou. "It's just that my Imperial Association Army only has two battalions. I wonder how many troops you need?"

Yongshan Wanggao said, "At least one is needed!"

"That's good!" Sun Dewang said directly, "I'll send my nephew Sun Zhenggao to go with you!"

The reason why Sun Zhenggao was dispatched was because Sun Zhenggao was brave in battle, and with the devil's regular army around, they could help Sun Zhenggao improve his experience by recruiting a helper from the side.

"Okay, as for the departure time, it's set for tomorrow. If it rains, we still have to go. You should say hello to him in advance!" Yongshan Wanggao said.

"Your Majesty, Yongshanwang, please rest assured. I will bring the message to you. Do you have any other orders?" Sun Dewang asked.

"Tomorrow I will personally lead people to fight the Eighth Route Army by surprise. The people guarding Shencheng will be handed over to you. Don't make any mistakes. Although it is said that the Eighth Route Army is impossible to come due to the heavy rain, but be careful to make the Wannian Ship, you Should understand."

"I see!"

Sun Dewang said.

When Yongshan Wanggao left, Sun Dewang smiled knowingly.

"This time, we must let Sun Zhenggao show his strength. Although he may not be able to do the main attack, assists should not be a problem!"

"Commander, why did you choose Battalion Commander Sun Zhenggao?" Sun Gang asked.

"Sun Gang, this time we are acting together with the devils. Let Sun Zhenghong go. He may have good intentions to do bad things. But let Sun Zhenggao go. He speaks little and fights fiercely. Maybe he can take advantage of the Eighth Route Army." Sun Dewang Said.

"It's still the leader who thinks too much!" Sun Gang admired him.

"Okay, you call Sun Zhenggao now and tell him to cooperate with the Bella Army tomorrow!" Sun Dewang said.


Take the order, leave immediately, and go to deliver the order.


Eighth Route Army Headquarters, Zhangjiakou.

When Han Qing sent the devil's movement, Yang Fei was quite surprised. It could be seen that the devil did this, which was a very safe way of playing, but it was really not that easy to win Zhangjiakou in one fell swoop!Besides, Liu Ji has already gone all out to attack the devil's nine strongholds at this time, and Zhao Qifa also set off with his people. I am afraid that when the devil knows that there is no stronghold and Shencheng is completely exposed, it may be impossible to return to aid. It was too late.

"Hahaha!" Yang Fei laughed loudly.

"This devil is a bit whimsical, but since they are driven out, I dare to let them come and go!" Yang Fei is very sure that this time the devil will not dare to disturb too many people, but the number of people will not be too many. To take advantage of the rain to take Zhangjiakou, Yang Fei has already broken his mind.

"Han Qing, you immediately order Liu Ji to lie in ambush after he takes down the devil's stronghold, wait until the devil sneaks into the encirclement, and then beat me hard!" Yang Fei said.

"Yes, sir!" Han Qing said.

"As for Zhao Qifa, let him play by ear. If there are fewer people in Shencheng, attack Shencheng at any time!" Yang Fei ordered again.

"Understood, sir." Han Qing said.

"The devil is holding the mentality of winning this time. We not only have to pour cold water on him, but also let him know that the Eighth Route Army is not easy to bully, wipe out the devil's vitality, and take Shencheng. I have already seen hope!" Yang Fei stood He got up, found a cigarette from his body, and lit it.

Han Qing went to tell the two battalion commanders what Yang Fei thought. Immediately after Liu Ji took down the last stronghold, none of the devils in the stronghold had time to react, and they were all killed and arrested.

There is not even their movement in the direction of Shencheng.

This is the difference, so different that people always wonder why the intelligence of the Eighth Route Army is so well-informed.

You know, Shencheng is the place where the Aning Society made its fortune, and Qi Lu is still active in Shencheng, but this time the one who sent the information was not someone else, but Sun Gang.

That's right, that's Sun Gang who was an adjutant next to Sun Dewang. He has been in the Peace Council for half a year.

Sun Dewang never thought that one day Sun Gang would be a member of the Anning Society, because they have been born and died for so long, and there is still some trust in them.

However, whether there is news or not, when the time comes, it will depend on the performance on the spot.

The reason why Sun Dewang was able to stay in Shencheng for so long was because of his own strength. Not only did he have his own troops in Shencheng, but outside the city, apart from the battalion of his two nephews, there were also some other gangsters who were stationed in Shencheng. The espionage network in the countryside, this is also where the Eighth Route Army made mistakes. They never thought that there were puppet soldiers in the countryside.

Soon, this matter spread quickly. Information about where the Eighth Route Army had stopped from Hexi, where it had gone, and where it was doing now was passed in layer by layer.

It was still raining heavily that night, and Sun Gang knocked on Sun Dewang's door.

Sun Dewang knew that if there was nothing serious, Sun Gang would not knock on his door easily.

The old butler asked Sun Gang to wait in the living room. Sun Dewang put on his coat and came out. Seeing Sun Gang, he asked, "Sun Gang, what happened? You two are looking for me so late!"

"Leader, something big has happened!" Sun Gang said.

He, Sun Dewang, can think of big things, but the so-called big things still have to be learned from Sun Gang.

"The Eighth Route Army seems to be moving. They are heading towards Shencheng!" Sun Gang said softly.

Regarding what Sun Gang said, Sun Dewang looked surprised, "What did you say? The Eighth Route Army has a new move? Where is the Eighth Route Army? Where do you want to go?"

Sun Dewang didn't care much, and looked at Sun Gang anxiously.

"Regimental Commander, the Eighth Route Army has now taken down nine strongholds outside the city!" Sun Gang said hastily.

"Nine strongholds?" Sun Dewang was surprised again, "This is impossible!"

Sun Dewang shook his head all of a sudden, he couldn't believe it, it was the nine strongholds. It stands to reason that although there are not many people stationed in the nine strongholds, each stronghold has telephone lines. I will report back as soon as possible, it is impossible that there is no news.

"Head, this matter is absolutely true!" Sun Gang said.

"Even if the nine strongholds are full of pigs, they will grunt twice, right? What's more, there are more than 50 people in the nine strongholds, and more than 50 pigs won't hum when they see wolf dogs? Sun Gang, say, this is What's the situation?" Sun Dewang was a little angry.

"The Eighth Route Army probably launched a sneak attack, so they didn't have time to call back. In my opinion, we would rather believe it than believe it!" Sun Gang said.

"Where did you get this information from?" Sun Dewang asked.

"Every night, the nine strongholds call to report the situation. Today, in the middle of the night, there is no call. I think it must be in danger!" Sun Gang speculated.

Hearing what he said, Sun Dewang didn't believe it at this time, and he had to doubt it. Also, there was no phone call, which can only mean that no one can call him anymore. In this way, the Eighth Route Army has controlled nine strongholds !

Thinking of this, he immediately asked, "Has Sun Zhenggao's camp moved?"

"I heard that Grand Master Yongshan Wanggao is going to fight the Eighth Route Army. Battalion Commander Sun Zhenggao is quite excited. He has already set off ahead of time. He said that he will go to the fifth stronghold first, and meet with Grandmaster Yongshan Wanggao at the fifth stronghold!"

Hearing this, Sun Dewang immediately said, "Call him immediately, tell him to stop and wait at the same place! I will call Dazuo Yongshan Wanggao right now!"


Soon, Sun Dewang shared the latest news with Yongshan Wanggao, and Yongshan Wanggao was also very surprised. Although he said that there was not a single imperial army in the stronghold, he couldn't disclose any information. It can be seen that these so-called imperial association troops Fortunately, he hasn't set off yet. He originally planned to set off early tomorrow morning, but now it seems that he is still lucky.

When he heard that Sun Zhenggao was going to the No. [-] stronghold, he immediately said, "Since Battalion Commander Sun Zhenggao wants to go to the No. [-] stronghold, in my opinion, let him go and test the strength of the Eighth Route Army. If the Eighth Route Army It's my sister's combat force, so let Battalion Commander Sun Zhenggao take down the Eighth Route Army in one fell swoop, the nine strongholds must be occupied again, and the Eighth Route Army must not be given any chance to breathe!"


Sun Dewang swallowed a mouthful of phlegm, which almost killed him.

What does he mean by always looking high? He understands that no matter when they are the vanguard of the devils, he has long understood this. However, life is like duckweed, and Sun Dewang can think about it. Sun Zhenggao will definitely run away, as long as he saves one life, that's better than anything else, isn't it?

After hanging up the phone, Sun Gang stood in front of him.

"Regimental Commander, Grand Master Yongshan Wanggao doesn't treat us as human beings! It's okay if a small group of Eighth Route Army troops make a surprise attack, but if they encounter a large group of Eighth Route Army troops, this will send Battalion Commander Sun Zhenggao to death!"

"Why don't I know?" Sun Dewang was also very helpless, "I hope, I met a small army, how is it, have you got through the phone?"

"No, no one answered!" Sun Gang said.

"In this case, Sun Gang, you go immediately and inform Sun Zhenggao face-to-face, telling him to be careful. The location of No. [-] stronghold is very good. If he can take the lead in occupying No. [-] stronghold, I will send someone to take over No. [-] to [-] strongholds. The terrain of the No. [-] stronghold is occupied by the Eighth Route Army, so that's another story!" Sun Dewang said.

"Head, don't worry, I'll go right away!" After finishing speaking, Sun Gang turned around and left.

In fact, Sun Gang shouldn't have come. As a member of the Tranquility Society, he must have put Sun's family to death. The fate of a dog traitor should not have a happy ending. Besides, he was accompanied by a little devil. I just found out that Sun Dewang has always regarded him as his confidant, and told him everything, and they have long been separated from each other. This kind of complicated emotion made Sun Gang more entangled, but fortunately, he did not mention the fact that the Eighth Route Army had crossed the Qi River. If you say it out, otherwise, you will definitely be assassinated, and Sun Gang's identity as a member of the Peaceful Society will definitely not be able to stay.

Everything was subtly different from the conversation just now. The devils stood still and waited to see the news from Sun Zhenggao. If there were really a large force of the Eighth Route Army, Yongshan Wanggao would not mind letting the puppet troops stand up, and then he Leading the devils to attack Zhangjiakou to complete the set goal is the only way to keep Shen Cheng's position, and then wait for the reinforcements sent by Hong Kong City!

Stronghold No. [-] is the best defensive stronghold for the devils, and even Sun Dewang thinks it is. The particularity of this stronghold is that it is located in a valley, with camps on the left and right sides. Let his nephew Sun Zhenggao occupy this place, no matter what the price is, as long as the fifth stronghold is occupied, Shen Cheng will hold it.

In fact, Sun Zhenggao also wanted to reach the No. [-] stronghold. When Sun Gang came to report the letter, he had indeed suffered a defeat and was caught off guard by the Eighth Route Army's ambush. The rhythm of annihilation.

When Sun Gang said that all nine strongholds were occupied by the Eighth Route Army, Sun Zhenggao immediately became excited, "You mean, the Eighth Route Army ambushed me? The Eighth Route Army has already occupied all our strongholds?"

Sun Gang nodded, "Yes, that's why I said, let's not go head-to-head with the Eighth Route Army for the time being, and focus on preserving our strength. This is also the meaning of the regiment leader, your uncle!"

What Sun Gang thinks now is to seek stability. He is not 100% sure. He doesn't want to do this kind of thing, and enjoy it stably. Isn't he fragrant?

"Hey, I thought what my uncle asked you to do. It turned out that he was here to persuade me not to fight with the Eighth Route Army. Don't worry, the Eighth Route Army must fight. Sun Gang, you should go back quickly now. The general will be outside. The military order is not accepted, you should hurry back and tell my uncle, no one can survive in a war. In my opinion, my uncle really wants me to take down the fifth stronghold. Only by taking down the fifth stronghold can Shencheng break out of the siege. The direction of Shencheng can be adjusted!"

(End of this chapter)

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