Chapter 2810
What Sun Zhenggao thought was right, and what he said was right, Sun Dewang just wanted him to win the No. [-] stronghold, but if there were many difficulties, then he had to think of other ways.

If the loss is big, he doesn't want to do it. At this time, if you don't have the power in your hand, it's false and it's all nonsense.

"Battalion Commander Sun, do what you can!" Sun Gang said.

Sun Zhenggao smiled, "I just suffered a loss from the Eighth Route Army, and I must make the Eighth Route Army pay back this loss! You all said that the Eighth Route Army is not worth mentioning, why do I have to be careful now? Could it be, Did you lie to me about what you said before?"

Sun Zheng held his head high, looking at the No. [-] stronghold not far away.

The No. [-] stronghold is now obviously occupied by the Eighth Route Army, and the Eighth Route Army can cross the No. [-] stronghold and approach Shencheng at any time.

"Battalion Commander Sun, the Eighth Route Army's combat effectiveness is indeed mediocre, but this is based on the fact that their weapons and equipment are backward. If they have the same equipment as ours, it's really hard to say!" Sun Gang couldn't express either. is too obvious.

"Well, Sun Gang, don't talk about it. I understand what my uncle means. Besides, Master Yongshan Wanggao will send troops to support me, so I think I still have the strength to fight the Eighth Route Army!"

Sun Zhenggao said.

Sun Gang was very helpless. He knew that Sun Zhenggao could not be the opponent of the Eighth Route Army?Helpless, he couldn't reveal his identity, so he had no choice but to leave.

As soon as Sun Gang left, Sun Zhenggao immediately called his adjutant Li Chenggong excitedly.

As soon as Li Chenggong came in, Sun Zhenggao said, "Adjutant Li, I have something to check with you!"

As soon as Li Chenggong heard Sun Zhenggao's seriousness, he asked, "Commander, if you have anything to say, just say it, and I will definitely do it."

"Go and check the deployment of the Eighth Route Army ahead. Now that the Eighth Route Army has occupied the No. [-] stronghold, it poses a great threat to us. We can't sit still. The Eighth Route Army wants to come and fight us with a shotgun. It's beyond our capabilities!"

Sun Zhenggao said.

Li Chenggong didn't want to take risks at first, but Sun Zhenggao said that he couldn't refuse, so he could only say, "Please don't worry, Battalion Commander, I will definitely take care of this matter!"

After leaving the house, Li Chenggong cursed Sun Zhenggao in his heart. He dared to challenge the Eighth Route Army with a few pounds and a few ounces. Isn't this asking for death?Li Chenggong, who thought of this, never thought of quietly going to see the preparations of the Eighth Route Army at the fifth base.Instead, under the pretext of heavy rain and muddy roads, a few people went to a fellow villager's house to sleep.

After waking up, it was still raining heavily, "What the hell weather!"

However, it's getting late, if he doesn't go back, it will arouse suspicion. After thinking about it, Li Chenggong still thinks that making up this matter so that Sun Zhenggao dare not fight the Eighth Route Army is the most important choice. .Firstly, it can be shown that he really followed Sun Zhenggao's orders, and secondly, as long as the battle cannot be fought, then it has nothing to do with Li Chenggong.

Back in the village, Sun Zhenggao sat on the recliner, listening to the heavy rain outside washing the ground, and began to plan in his mind how to take down the No. [-] stronghold.

At this time, Li Chenggong came in, and Sun Zhenggao hurriedly got up from the recliner, "Adjutant Li, what's the matter?"

Li Chenggong said directly, "Hey! Battalion Commander, I took a few brothers over to take a look quietly, and found that the Eighth Route Army has occupied the favorable geographical conditions. If we attack by force, it will not be beneficial. The Eighth Route Army in the fifth stronghold, at least It is said that there is a battalion of troops, and several times, several of us were almost found by the Eighth Route Army and lost our lives!"

Originally thought that after saying this, Sun Zhenggao had no intention of fighting, but Sun Zhenggao laughed instead, "Really?"

"Really!" Li Chenggong pretended to say.

"There are so many Eighth Route Army, no wonder I will suffer, but it doesn't matter!"

Why did he feel something was wrong.

After finishing speaking, Sun Zhenggao walked around the room twice, "How about this, Adjutant Li, just keep a few dozen people here, and let me go out of the village for the rest!"

"Go outside?" Li Chenggong was stunned. "Commander, why? Since we are going to retreat, I think it would be nice for us all to retreat?"

"Retreat? Who told you that I'm going to retreat?" Sun Zhenggao said, "The Eighth Route Army has many people, I think, tonight, they will definitely send people to steal the camp. It is stationed at the No. [-] stronghold, the appetite of the Eighth Route Army is probably not so small!"

"Yes!" Li Chenggong swallowed a mouthful of saliva. If there was a real fight, Li Chenggong would definitely not be able to escape. He could only bite the bullet and give orders.

After leaving the camp, I didn't dare to set up camp, for fear of being discovered by the Eighth Route Army.

The rain made many puppet soldiers feel that Sun Zhenggao simply did not take the lives of his brothers as his own.Thinking of this, everyone scolded Sun Zhenggao again, but they saw that Sun Zhenggao was also with them at this time, and the heavy rain did not only hit them, but also their battalion commander .

What is Sun Zhenggao going to do?The puppet soldiers didn't understand, so they could only follow Sun Zhenggao's order and lay in ambush outside the village.

Inside the fifth stronghold.

Because in the battle just now, part of the puppet army was directly beaten away. Although the commander of the puppet army ran away, it did not affect Liu Ji's excitement at this time.

"Feng Chunqiu!"

Liu Ji called out.

"Battle Commander, what's wrong?" Feng Chunqiu asked.

"We won this battle. Although it was a small ambush, the puppet army was also injured. In this case, I think, why don't we go to steal the camp at night?" Liu Ji asked.

"Battalion Commander, this is indeed a good opportunity. The devils are like a frightened bird now. In addition, the puppet army has not been trained much, and the level of fighting is average. If we steal the camp at night, I think the chance of victory should be 70.00% Five, for the rest, if they think clearly, they will stand by and stand by!" Feng Chunqiu said.

"I think so too. It's not been a day or two since I dealt with the puppet army. I know in my heart what level they are. Commanding the fish and meat people doesn't treat the people as human beings at all. So, to steal the camp tonight, I decided to let You take people there yourself. Do you want to go?" Liu Ji asked.

"Thank you for the promotion of the battalion commander. The soldier doesn't want to encounter the so-called hard stubble. Only by confronting the tough can he show his status! I will definitely take advantage of this opportunity. I will not only steal the camp, but also give the leader of the puppet army You catch it!" Liu Ji was excited and happy, after all, this time he was going to take credit, how could he be unhappy?
"Don't say too many extra words, Feng Chunqiu, remember what you said, I'll be here waiting for you to come back!" Liu Ji looked at him.

"Battalion Commander, don't worry!"

Speaking of this matter, it is really interesting, one is thinking of going to steal the camp, and the other is not thinking that the other party knows that they are going to steal the camp.

Soon, it was getting dark.

Due to the rain, it felt like it was pitch black outside after three o'clock, and finally at four o'clock, the real night had fallen.

After staying in the rain for several hours, it stands to reason that Sun Zhenggao thought that the Eighth Route Army should steal the camp in the second half of the night, but he couldn't guarantee that the Eighth Route Army would steal the camp in the first half of the night?

Many of the puppet soldiers were now feeling cold and shivering a few times, and they began to scold this wicked Sun Zhenggao again in their hearts.

Finally, at eight o'clock in the evening, Sun Zhenggao was about to tell Li Chenggong to let everyone go back, but suddenly a puppet army ran over and said, "Battalion Commander, it's not good, a group of troops from the Eighth Route Army is heading towards us." Come on!"

"How many people, have you seen clearly?"

Sun Zhenggao asked.

"There are about a dozen to twenty, anyway, there are no more than 50 people!" said the spy.

"It's beautiful. The Eighth Route Army finally couldn't stand it anymore. They took the initiative to attack, and I let them come and go!" Sun Zhenggao said.

"Order, the soldiers are waiting for the time being with shelter from the rain, but the prey is about to take the bait, we just need to catch them by surprise, who will let them hit us first?" , since he has sold one leg, it is impossible to take back the other leg.

Feng Chunqiu was very excited at this time, there was nothing more joyful than beating the devils, although he was facing the puppet army, but the puppet army was also a member of the devils, and if he could go to battle to kill the enemy, he would do whatever he wanted happy.

Besides, it's raining heavily now, will his puppet army be driven out?Do these puppet troops really dare to confront the Eighth Route Army?Taking down Shencheng, his current battle, but he sent battlefield experience in vain, and it is also a good choice to give these puppet army commanders a long memory.


A soldier ran over.

"Tell me, what's the situation in the village ahead?" Feng Chunqiu asked.

"Company commander, the puppet army is indeed stationed in the front village. As for the defense situation, it is raining heavily, so I can't see clearly. However, I can see people continuing to patrol. Come to think of it, the puppet army's headquarters is here!" said the soldier. .

"Hahaha, God help me, rain is not a bad thing. Doesn't this make the puppet army stagnate? I beat them today, and they retreated so far. It is conceivable that the puppet army's combat effectiveness is what it should be." How inferior!"Feng Chunqiu said.

"Okay, butanol!"

Feng Chunqiu shouted.

Butan ran over, "Company commander!"

"Butan, let the soldiers speed up now. The village in front should be the base camp of the puppet army. We have few people, and we are fighting mobile warfare. In this battle, we must show our energy! I ask, a soldier They can't be injured, let the soldiers rush in, kill anyone they see, don't care about 21!" Feng Chunqiu said.

"Company commander, don't worry if you leave this matter to me. Today, either the puppet army will die or I will die. If I don't kill a bloody road, I will swear not to be a human being!"

"No, we are going together. There are only more than 20 of us. If there is one less person, we may not be as good as others. I look down on the puppet army, but the rabbits will bite people when they are anxious! Kill them, we must drive them away !"

Feng Chunqiu said.

'yes! "

After finishing speaking, the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army accelerated their speed, and after rushing into the village, they began to kill bloodily!


"Da da da!"

The Eighth Route Army opened fire first, and the puppet troops who were patrolling fell to the ground at once.

More than [-] people were divided into four groups on the second floor, and each group had a person in charge, that is to make the puppet army a frightened bird.


The soldiers roared loudly, rushed into the houses of the people, and then killed the puppet soldiers when they saw them.

However, for a while, Feng Chunqiu, who was happy to kill, first felt that it was too smooth.

He stopped, and then thought for a while, "The number of the puppet army is too small, how could it be like this?"

At this time, Sun Zhenggao commanded the puppet army to successfully surround the village.

When the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army killed Na Nai several times, Butan also noticed something was wrong.

He quickly found Feng Chunqiu, and then said, "Company commander, the number of puppet troops is too small. Could it be that our intelligence has made some mistakes?"

"Mistake?" Feng Chunqiu thought about it, and immediately said, "Retreat the same way, we can't stay here for long!"

Just after saying this, he heard gunshots behind him, and a soldier next to him was lying in a pool of blood all of a sudden.


Feng Chunqiu shouted loudly, and everyone hid immediately.

"Da da da!"



The loud sound made Feng Chunqiu unbelievable for a moment, "How is it possible?"

He has already realized that it is very likely that the puppet army fed them Boa, so they are really the turtles in the urn on the second floor of the city.

Butan quickly said, "We are surrounded, company commander!"

"Damn it!" Feng Chunqiu frowned.

"Butan, you take people to evacuate to the northwest, look for an opportunity, enter the No. [-] stronghold, and break out quickly!" Feng Chunqiu immediately ordered.

"Company commander, I see, what about you? Where are you going?" Butan asked.

"Leave me alone, I'll cover you and give you some time. This time, I made some mistakes and delayed everyone!" Feng Chunqiu blamed himself.

"Now is not the time to talk about this, company commander, let's break through together!" Ding Qin fired a few shots in front, then looked at Feng Chunqiu and said.

"I underestimated the strength of the puppet army! It's good now, all of us have been tricked!" Feng Chunqiu finished speaking, took out a devil's grenade from his waist, and threw it forward!

The happiest person at this time was Sun Zhenggao, "Hahaha, brothers, the Eighth Route Army is surrounded by us, follow me in, and don't let them escape!"

After speaking, he took the lead, and then rushed forward with a machine gun in his hand.

Seeing a hiding spot in front, Sun Zhenggao kept firing with a machine gun, leaving no time for the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army to look up.

Some puppet troops quickly surrounded them, "Kill! Our people are all here!"

The encirclement is getting smaller and smaller, and the time left for Feng Chunqiu is also getting less and less. Butan can't wait any longer. He directly dragged Feng Chunqiu and chose to break through to the northwest. It must break through, otherwise, they will always fail. ,

(End of this chapter)

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