Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2811 Heroes

Chapter 2811 Heroes
In the northwest direction, there was no gunfire, and for Feng Chunqiu, this was the safest place.

The safest place is of course to run.

However, for Sun Zhenggao, the northwest is indeed the place with the most guards, and it is impossible to escape smoothly.

Surrounding the enemy army, encircling three and missing one, the Eighth Route Army often does this. Now, his puppet army has also come up with such a move. Feng Chunqiu may have been fooled, and led the people to retreat northwestward.

Sun Zhenggao came from the east with his men, and Feng Chunqiu didn't care too much about the firepower, so he immediately let Ding Chun lead his men to the northwest.

Seeing their fleeing direction, Sun Zhenggao asked everyone to stop, "Okay, stop chasing them, they are going to die, you all slowly surround me, let them enter our encirclement again smoothly, haha!"

He is very proud now, and he feels that he is about to succeed.

Slowly, surrounded by the east, south, and north sides, it slowly moved towards the northwest.

Feng Chunqiu fled all the way, and the heavy rain made the already difficult path muddy again.

After running around for an hour, Butan ran up to Feng Chunqiu, "Company commander, why do I feel that we are going in the wrong direction?"

Feng Chunqiu stopped, "Butan, do you feel the same way?"

Butan nods his head, he is sure, this feeling can only be felt when he is chasing someone, but what about today?They ran all the way, but the puppet army behind them didn't come after them so fast?Is this normal?How many are they?How many puppet troops?

"Company commander, there are only twenty of us now, and the puppet army has at least one battalion. How can we not know the combat attitude of the puppet army? If there is danger, they will run desperately, but if everything goes well, they will fight with the mad dog." Same, isn’t it? Company Commander, if we go any further, maybe we will really be dumped by the puppet army!”

Thinking of this, he became worried in his heart. Who would have thought that the boat would capsize here today.

"Hey!" Feng Chunqiu sighed. He originally thought that he could take down the base camp of the puppet army in one fell swoop. They actually came up with an empty city plan for them, and then surrounded them!

Feng Chunqiu suddenly realized all this after the puppet army finished.

"Butan, there is nothing we can do if we don't go to the northwest now, I'm afraid we won't be able to retreat now!" After speaking, Feng Chunqiu pointed with his finger, "Look!"

Sure enough, Butan saw that there were mountains on both sides of this place, and they had already reached between the two mountains, and now they could not retreat.

"Oh!" Butan slapped his leg, "Company commander...we..."

"Hehe!" Feng Chunqiu looked righteous and awe-inspiring, "Nowadays, we can't retreat even if we retreat. At worst, we will die. Before death, every comrade kills a puppet army, and then we will not lose money. If we kill a pair , we just grabbed one, comrades, we have no way out now, we have fought so many tailwinds, and we have to have a headwind!"

After finishing speaking, Feng Chunqiu pulled out his pistol, "There is a saying that human life is interesting, whether it is more important than Mount Tai, or lighter than a feather. We plead for the people and serve the people. Today, at the end of our lives, we cannot lose us." The majesty of the Eighth Route Army!"

All the soldiers put their bayonets on, then raised their guns high, "Kill!"



This is the momentum of the Eighth Route Army, this is the prestige of the Eighth Route Army!
Everyone stopped taking a step forward, and the rain swept down, sweeping every soldier's face.

Their majesty has never been as majestic as it is today!

Butan has been by Feng Chunqiu's side for many years. He has never felt the way he does today. He is going to die. At the beginning, he was Feng Chunqiu's soldier. Later, when Feng Chunqiu became the company commander, he delayed the platoon leader. , the passion in my heart, the stubbornness in my heart, today, it turned out to be like this!
"Company commander, I am unwilling!"

Butanol said with a hoarse throat.

"If you are unwilling, what can you do? Now, a catastrophe is imminent! Butan, you were brought out by me, and your future future is limitless. However, after today, you will have nothing. What destroys your future is The puppet soldiers are devils, after death, even if they become ghosts, don't let them go!"

Feng Chunqiu said.

"Okay, I'm a good guy again after 18 years!"

Butanol bit his lip and shouted.

"Everything will be settled today!" After Feng Chunqiu finished speaking, some soldiers shouted, "Company Commander, look, the puppet troops are coming up!"

"Ready to fight!"

After finishing speaking, Butan laughed, "Hahaha, today, I won [-] of their puppet troops, and I am really worth it! You should know it in your heart!"

"Company commander, if you take one hundred, I will take ninety-nine!" Butan shouted.

"I took 98!"

"I'll take 97!"

With every shout, they were immediately covered up in the exchange of fire!

"Da da da" gunshots shuttled back and forth between the valleys.

The reverberation is long.

No one knows why there is a battle in this place, but for the war of changing things in the world, every place has the potential to become a place for fighting.

Before the snow mountain collapses, no snowflake is innocent.

"Da da da!"



In the narrow valley, the sound of gunfire could not stop for a long time.


This is an unequal battle.

When Liu Ji heard that Feng Chunqiu was leading people to attack the puppet army in front, he felt that there was nothing wrong with it at first, and it was just around the corner to severely injure the puppet army. Unexpectedly, since hearing the sound of guns, Liu Ji passed the front The news concluded that this was a conspiracy.

Unexpectedly, before the news reached Feng Chunqiu, he got new information, which was the news that Feng Chunqiu had been surrounded.

Immediately, Liu Ji rushed over with his people, but when he dared to come, he found that the devil's residence was already empty, which meant that Feng Chunqiu had moved.

At this time, he also received information that Feng Chunqiu was moving to the northwest.

All of a sudden, Liu Ji's back was covered with cold sweat, "Isn't it? This is unlikely, right?"

He swallowed, "Come here, let's chase after him, Feng Chunqiu is in trouble now, we must help him!"

The soldiers braved the heavy rain to catch up quickly, but to his surprise, the soldiers in front soon came to report again, "Battle Commander, a large number of puppet troops have been found ahead, they are marching very slowly, it seems that they are determined to win! "

"Hehe, the puppet army is like this. Send me an order. Let's chase after them. If you have to chase them, they can't escape or fight. Isn't it the puppet army? It's not so easy to survive from my hands !"

Liu Ji shouted, drew out his pistol, "Come on!"


The speed increased again, and every fighter seemed to have been injected with chicken blood.

After a burst of charging, the already enthusiastic Eighth Route Army soldiers seemed to have found a place.

All kinds of equipment and bullets charged, and in the night, in the heavy rain, they charged bravely.

The heavy rain made it difficult for many people to walk, let alone accurately aim at the enemy in front. The puppet army ran all the way and finally reached the ambush point. As a result, the Eighth Route Army came from behind.

Sun Zhenggao was surprised, he didn't expect the Eighth Route Army to move so fast, he immediately ordered Yilian to fight back on the spot, and ordered Erlian and Sanlian to rush to the ambush point immediately and start killing the fleeing Feng Chunqiu and others.

It was really not easy, Feng Chunqiu also heard the gunshot, but the gunshot was really far away from him, against the rain, Feng Chunqiu shouted, "Butan, how many bullets are there!"

Butan's face was covered with dirt, he panted, "Commander, Commander, we only have a hundred bullets left!"

Feng Chunqiu immediately frowned, a hundred bullets... a hundred bullets?How can I fight this?It's impossible to win.

"Where are the grenades? How many more?" Feng Chunqiu asked.

"There are not many grenades left, there are more than a dozen!" Butan said.

"More than a dozen? Hehe, every soldier should take one. At the critical moment..." Feng Chunqiu gritted his teeth. He understood that this was not what he wanted. The victory he wanted was to kill devils and puppet soldiers. , is to see the world is peaceful, is to see the red flag everywhere.

But, I'm afraid, he will never see it again.

What Feng Chunqiu didn't say, made Ding Qin understand, "Company commander, don't worry, we will never give up until the last moment! No matter how the puppet army surrounds us, we must kill the sky here!"

"Use the bayonet!" Feng Chunqiu said coldly.


After finishing speaking, Butan shouted loudly, "Attach the bayonet! Attach the bayonet!"

"Shuashuashua..." A few bayonets were attached, and the movements were uniform. Everyone's face was stern. Facing the puppet army and facing this group of traitors, what do they have to feel sorry for?

Seeing the puppet army charging up again, Feng Chunqiu shouted, "Kill!"

"Bang bang bang!"

The bullets shuttled and hit the chests of those puppet soldiers, and blood blossomed out, and those who fell to the ground were always those puppet soldiers who seemed innocent but were hated by others.

If not for them, would Shen Cheng be able to take it soon?
Each soldier only had seven or eight bullets, and soon, all the bullets were fired.

Butan looked at it, and laughed, "Company commander, I paid off this time, killing more than 70 people!"

"Company commander, I killed fifty of them!"

"I killed 57!"

"Okay!" Feng Chunqiu took the big knife from the back to the front, "This sneak attack failed. I did not command properly, and I harmed everyone. If there is another life, I, Feng Chunqiu, will treat everyone like a bull and a horse, and I will return it to you." Everyone!"

"Company Commander!" Ding Qin shouted, "Company Commander, don't say that. What an honor it is for us to join the Eighth Route Army. For the sake of the motherland and the people, we are willing to shed our blood! For the sake of the poor people in the world, I, Ding Qin, Fight!"




All of a sudden, Feng Chunqiu's morale was like a rainbow, but even so, there were only 20 of them!

Watching the puppet army charge up, twenty strong men jumped out of the simple trenches and fought with the puppet army.




In the handover of soldiers, the twenty Eighth Route Army soldiers were like fierce tigers descending the mountain, and the puppet army charged up. The Eighth Route Army was so ferocious that they already had the intention to retreat.

20 people, abruptly made so many puppet soldiers dare not come forward.

After all, there are many people. After all, the puppet army dozens of times larger than the Eighth Route Army rushed over. Jiu Zhuang was cowardly, and three of them became tigers. So many puppet troops cheered each other up, and then started fighting towards the Eighth Route Army.

Cannon fire, gunshots, and the collision of various weapons can be heard clearly here.



The hidden guns of the puppet army opened fire on 20 people.

From time to time, soldiers fell down one by one.

Feng Chunqiu's back had already been stabbed several times with a knife from nowhere, and he only felt a cool liquid flow down from his back.

Butan's face was covered with dirt and blood, "Company commander, be a brother again in the next life!"

After finishing speaking, Butan took a bayonet and stabbed the puppet army in front.

The sky was too dark, and from time to time there were a few lightning strikes in the sky, which made the already ferocious Eighth Route Army look even more ferocious.

However, the number of the puppet army is really superior. Butan, who charged over, killed a few, but was surrounded by the puppet army, and stabbed into the chest with random knives!


Feng Chunqiu yelled, "Butan! Puppet soldiers, traitorous dogs, I'm looking for you desperately!"

Feng Chunqiu rushed over, brandishing the machete recklessly, several puppet soldiers beside him were cut down on the ground, blood spattered on his face.Feng Chunqiu licked his lips, "Kill, kill!"



Another two short-lived puppet soldiers fell to the ground.


Soon, those puppet soldiers surrounded Feng Chunqiu's chest with bayonets. Blood flowed from the corner of Feng Chunqiu's mouth, and his eyes were fixed on the front. His consciousness began to blur, but his expression was as firm as ever.

The soldiers on the side are gone, he is the last one, but he hasn't fallen yet!

At this moment, a smile appeared on the corner of Feng Chunqiu's mouth.


A puppet soldier rushed over and kicked Feng Chunqiu to the ground.

it's over!
it's over.This battle ended with the entire army of the raid team being annihilated, but the losses of the puppet army were even more severe.

Sun Zhenggao ran over, saw that the battle here was over, and said instead, "Everyone retreat to the canyon, the Eighth Route Army dare not come over!"

The large army went straight to the depths of the canyon, and the battlefield was left to Liu Ji and the others.

Sun Zhenggao's first company fought and retreated, and quickly retreated into the valley. Liu Ji wanted to charge, but was stopped by several company commanders, "Battalion Commander, I dare not charge anymore. There must be puppet troops lying in ambush ahead. We... ...We can't rush!"

"Where's Feng Chunqiu? Find Feng Chunqiu for me! Damn it, I, Liu Ji, must do my best to find them!" Liu Ji shouted panting.

It was too dark and raining, and the search was not going well.

In order to be determined to find Feng Chunqiu and the others, soldiers of the Eighth Route Army stood by at the mouth of the canyon in the rain.

As the sky gradually brightened.

The rain also slowly stopped.

Everyone's body has long been wet by rain, but every Eighth Route Army soldier is still standing by.

The sun came out lazily, and it yawned. Looking at the bloody battlefield, it quickly covered its eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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