Chapter 2812

Liu Ji was sitting on the edge of a cliff, and the guards ran over. He seemed to have something to say, but he couldn't speak.

People are found, but they are sacrificed, how should I say?
He looked up at the guard, "Say it, I can handle any situation!"

"Battalion Commander...we..."

The guard stammered. ,

"Pick up the key points and talk quickly!" Liu Ji stood up.

"We found Company Commander Feng Chunqiu!" said the guard.

Liu Ji couldn't believe it, and didn't dare to say those bad words.

He stared blankly at the guard, wanting the guard to speak for himself.

"Company Commander Feng Chunqiu died. Platoon Commander Butan also died. In addition, none of the more than 20 soldiers of the Eighth Route Army survived!" After the guard finished speaking, he lowered his head!
In the end, Liu Ji had to admit this reality.

The cruelty of war never stops here, but God seems to be joking with him. He has been with Feng Chunqiu for so long, and Feng Chunqiu can be said to be the best company commander. No.1, but... it was such an excellent person who died!
Liu Ji held back his tears, he dared not speak, for fear of speaking, the tears could not stop flowing.

However, his lips were trembling, "This..."

Liu Ji couldn't believe this reality, "Impossible!"

Just after saying these three words, tears welled up in Liu Ji's eyes.

"Lied to me!"

The guard lowered his head and remained silent.

"You must have lied to me!"

Liu Ji said again.

At this time, several company commanders came over and saw Liu Ji's appearance, and the several company commanders also understood, it seemed that Liu Ji already knew all this.

They didn't dare to speak and just stood there.

"Are you lying to me? Are you kidding me?" Liu Ji went over and pushed the guard's shoulder.

"No, Battalion Commander, I didn't lie to you, the company commander did die!" said the guard.

Liu Ji looked at the company commanders behind him, "You said, did you really find Feng Chunqiu?"

"battalion commander……"

"battalion commander!"

"Speak, don't you?" Liu Ji stared wide-eyed, not daring to squeeze his eyes, for he was really afraid of tears falling down.

"Yes! The company commander died!"

Silence, accompanied by tears.

At this time, several soldiers were carrying a stretcher, and a person was lying on the stretcher. The face of the person on the stretcher was covered with dirt and blood.

Needless to say, this must be Feng Chunqiu's body.

"Take all the comrades who died, and go home!"

After Liu Ji finished speaking, he turned around and burst into tears again.

He never blinked when beating devils, but facing Feng Chunqiu who was with him day and night, he couldn't stop crying.

"Battalion Commander, in this battle, a total of 430 and seven puppet troops were eliminated! 320 puppet troops were captured!"

A company commander reported the battle situation.

But Feng Chunqiu is dead, even if there is the best fight, so what?

"go home!"

After Liu Ji finished speaking, he walked ahead. The soldiers put the sacrificed comrades on stretchers and walked on the muddy road towards the No. [-] stronghold.

Watching the Eighth Route Army retreat slowly.

Sun Zhenggao in the canyon breathed a sigh of relief.

"His grandma, we did suffer a lot for these raiding Eighth Route Army!" Sun Zhenggao said.

"Battalion Commander, we must not be able to take the No. [-] stronghold now, what should we do now?"

"Although we didn't take down the No. [-] stronghold, I opened the door last night and wiped out a raid team of the Eighth Route Army. Hehe, the Eighth Route Army didn't dare to act rashly. One company stayed behind in this valley. The rest, follow me!" Sun Zhenggao said Finished, then turned and left.

Soon, news of this battle spread to Shen Cheng.

Sun Dewang, who was still burning with anxiety in Shencheng, wanted to see Sun Zhenggao even more at once.

"Sun Gang, did you see Sun Zhenggao yesterday? What did he say? What's his attitude?" Sun Dewang asked again. In Sun Gang's memory, Sun Dewang had already asked six times from yesterday to today.

"Regimental Commander, don't worry. Yesterday I contacted Battalion Commander Sun Zhenggao and told him your thoughts. Just now, spies came back from time to time and said, did we win the battle yesterday?" Sun Gang asked.

"That's right, I didn't expect that our Imperial Association Army would retreat when it encountered the Eighth Route Army. Now we have won this battle. It is indeed something to be proud of!" Sun Dewang nodded, "Sun Zhenggao is not an easy man. !"

"According to the logic, Battalion Commander Sun Zhenggao will definitely come back today! When the time comes, would it be better to invite Battalion Commander Sun over and ask yourself from time to time?" Sun Gang said.

"That's right, Sun Gang, you go to the gate of the city now, and as soon as Sun Zhenggao comes, please come to me immediately, and besides, prepare to clean up Sun Zhenggao!" Sun Dewang said.

"Yes!" Sun Gang finished, then turned and left.

Thinking of winning the battle, no matter how much the price of the victory was, it was a victory.

After more than an hour, Sun Zhenggao appeared at Sun Dewang's residence.

Sun Dewang put out many dishes, and he was very happy for a few days.Let's not talk about face, from now on, do businessmen dare to underestimate them?

Those who the imperial army can fight, they can still do. They are the ones who won this time, but there are absolutely no people who are always good and hopeful.In other words, this time they fought independently!
Sun Dewang poured Sun Zhenggao a glass of wine.

"My good nephew, now, you have given your uncle my face!" Sun Dewang said happily.

"Uncle, in my opinion, the Eighth Route Army is nothing more than this!" Sun Zhenggao said, "We also suffered heavy losses this time, but this also made me pay more attention to them. Although I did not participate in the Battle of Hexi, However, now it seems that the Eighth Route Army wants to strike while the iron is hot, but it is impossible, and it will be difficult for them to recover from such a heavy injury like me!"

"Good nephew, come on, uncle to offer you another glass of wine!"

After finishing speaking, Sun Dewang raised his glass and said.

"Okay, uncle, let's have a toast!" After speaking, Sun Zhenggao drank it down in one gulp.

Sun Zhenggao felt that at this moment, he seemed to have become a star, and the flashing lights were always by his side.

Shencheng Daily,.The headlines on the front page today were all about Sun Zhenggao defeating the Eighth Route Army and winning a big victory.Only Sun Zhenggao understands what the media's exaggerated reports mean?In his opinion, that means that he has the capital to show off. He must also keep in mind what the media said, how many Eighth Route Army troops he has killed, especially the killing of a company commander of the Eighth Route Army

Such a good thing made many people in Shencheng happy. With these pro-Japanese forces, they advocated that the Eighth Route Army would be defeated, which made the people of Shencheng unnecessarily nervous.

Not only that, but Jiang Ying personally received Sun Zhenggao, who was at the headquarters in Shencheng.

At this time, Sun Zhenggao who was sitting in the audience was more excited and more frightened. He had never met Jiang Ying before, so he didn't know what kind of person this hard man was.

Today is Sun Zhenggao's home game, and he sits in the first position to the right of Jiang Ying.

The conference table below was full of devils, except for Sun Dewang and Sun Zhenggao, who were from China, the others were all Japanese.

"Uncle, I'm nervous!" Sun Zhenggao quietly said to Sun Dewang who was going down.

"Don't be nervous, don't be afraid. Commander Jiang Ying will definitely reward you today, and he will definitely show something for defeating the Eighth Route Army for you!" Sun Dewang said.

"Uncle, I don't know Japanese, I'm afraid I won't be able to communicate when the time comes!" Sun Zhenggao said again.

"Don't worry, Commander Jiang Ying can speak authentic Chinese dialect, communication is not a problem at all!" Just as Sun Dewang finished speaking, Jiang Ying came over.

He came over and smiled realistically at Sun Zhenggao. All the devils including Sun Dewang and Sun Zhenggao stood up.

"Okay, everyone, stop standing, sit down!"

When Jiang Ying spoke, she was obviously a little happy.

"In yesterday's battle, I heard that Battalion Commander Sun Zhenggao severely defeated the arrogance of the Eighth Route Army. It was very good!" Jiang Ying praised Sun Zhenggao at the beginning.

Sun Zhenggao stood up excitedly, his speech was a little slurred, "Many...thank you...Commander Jiang Ying!"

"Okay, sit down!" After Jiang Ying finished speaking, she waved her hand and told Sun Zhenggao to sit down. "Everyone, the Eighth Route Army has sounded a wake-up call for us. Do you know what it is?"

The devils looked at each other but dared not express their opinions.

"In the Battle of Hexi, we suffered a disastrous defeat, allowing the Eighth Route Army to grasp the hope of final victory. They are bound to attack Hedong, and Hedong is the first choice to attack Shencheng. Shencheng is the capital of Beihai. What does it mean to lose the capital? It goes without saying. Today, the Eighth Route Army dared to take down our nine strongholds, but none of these strongholds sent back news, what does that mean?" Jiang Ying tapped her finger on the table.

"Everyone, we can only defeat the Eighth Route Army if we work together. However, we have been in Beihai for a long time. What are we doing now? I think everyone knows and has seen that the Eighth Route Army is gradually encroaching on the territory we have won. For **** sake, I would like to encourage you all!" After finishing speaking, Jiang Ying stood up and said.

wow wow wow...

All the devils stand up. "I am willing to share my encouragement with Your Excellency the Commander!"

"Now, we have reached the most critical time. Although we won the Eighth Route Army yesterday, it is obvious that it did not cause substantial damage to the Eighth Route Army. If we want to win the final victory, we must let Beihai be peaceful, at least let Hedong The land is peaceful!" After speaking, Jiang Ying walked to the back and pointed with his baton on a map, "Here is Zhangjiakou, Zhangjiakou is now occupied by the Eighth Route Army, like a knife inserted into our heart, we The reason why the battle of Hexi was defeated is partly because I also made a review. We left a large part of our troops to defend Zhangjiakou. Civil strife continued. We fought the Battle of Hexi. We missed the best time, but God gave us a chance!"

Everyone looked at Jiang Ying and wanted to hear what Jiang Ying had to say.

Nowadays, everyone knows what is going on in Shencheng. A regiment of the Eighth Route Army has already gone south, and the port city has become the most important point. If the port city fails, their supplies will become the most serious thing!
"First, to win Zhangjiakou, we must win all of them. To do this, we must first win the nine strongholds occupied by the Eighth Route Army, and these nine strongholds have become our last barrier. Therefore, Yongshan Wanggao Commander, your mission is to take down these nine strongholds!"

After Jiang Ying finished speaking, Yongshan Wanggao stood up and shouted, "Ha Yi!"

"Very well, as for Zhangjiakou, taking advantage of the heavy rain just now, taking Zhangjiakou must be put on the agenda, Mr. Nakano Koji, you have been fighting in Zhangjiakou for so long, and you should have your own ideas about attacking Zhangjiakou. , I will leave it to you!" Jiang Ying said.

"Ha Yi, please rest assured, Commander, I will fulfill my mission!" Nakano Koji was very happy. In fact, he was very reluctant to defend Puban Village. A nonsense.But it's different now, attacking Zhangjiakou, it can be said that no one is qualified to attack, so Nakano Koji must stand up.

"As for the defense of Puban Village, I will leave it to Battalion Commander Sun Zhenggao!" After speaking, Jiang Ying looked at Sun Zhenggao.

Sun Zhenggao immediately stood up, "Please rest assured, Commander, I will definitely fulfill my mission!"

"Okay, the defense of Shencheng, then leave it to Commander Sun Dewangsun. During this period of time, what you have to do is the following two points. First, grab the strong men near Shencheng, and use Shencheng as the origin to build artillery towers and blockhouses. Even if the Eighth Route Army comes to fight, Shencheng must become the most heavily defended city."

Sun Dewang stood up, "Commander Jiang Ying, don't worry, the Eighth Route Army will never come here with me!" |
"Listen to what I have to say. Second, recruit strong men to enrich the number of the Imperial Association Army, expedite training, and create strong conditions for the common prosperity of East Asia."

"Ha Yi!" Sun Dewang nodded and said, "Please rest assured, Commander Jiang Ying, I understand!"

"Okay, next, let me announce one more thing. In yesterday's battle, Sun Zhenggao, Battalion Commander Sun Zhenggao, who defeated the spirit of the Eighth Route Army, was promoted to regiment commander and can be expanded. As for the number of the Imperial Association Army, I will add it myself. In addition, the Imperial Association Army In the middle, join a squad of the Imperial Army, and the squad will serve as commanders and fighters in the Imperial Association Army." Jiang Ying said.


Sun Zhenggao didn't expect that after winning a battle, he was promoted to be the head of the regiment. Isn't this equal to Sun Dewang?Thinking of this, Sun Zhenggao was now very happy. If he were to be adopted under Sun Dewang's command, it might not be suitable for him.Now that he is also the team leader, Sun Dewang won't need it anymore.

The more he thought about it, the happier he became, but Sun Dewang's complexion was a little unsightly. Of course, of course he was unsightly. He wanted to quickly finalize the matter of adoption just now, but he didn't expect Jiang Ying to be so proud.Let Sun Zhenggao be the head of the regiment directly.

Even so, he, Sun Dewang, felt that Sun Zhenggao's success today depended entirely on his promotion.

Without his promotion, Sun Zhenggao wanted to fly, is that possible?

(End of this chapter)

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