Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2813 Reward

Chapter 2813 Reward
"Second, appoint Sun Dewang, the Imperial Association Army in the east of the river, as the commander!"

Jiang Ying deliberately asked Sun Dewang to be the commander. This is already a very big official. I believe he will be very satisfied and loyal to the imperial army.

It is already obvious that there are not many people available for Jiang Ying today. Since he can use him, Jiang Ying will definitely not be stingy with a small position.

Hearing this, Sun Dewang was really afraid that his ears were not clear. After reflecting for three seconds, Cai stood up, "Thank you, Commander Jiang Ying, I will definitely repay Commander Jiang Ying's love with all my heart!"

Now that Jiang Ying is sincerely convinced, in this way, Jiang Ying can be counted as several levels in a row.

Just now Sun Zhenggao was thinking of disagreeing with the adoption, but when he heard that his uncle had become the commander of the army, it was impossible for him not to hug this thigh.

"In addition, according to reliable sources, a regiment of the Eighth Route Army went south smoothly and broke through many of my strongholds. Now, in two days, Hong Kong City will be in danger!" Jiang Ying said.

"I don't know how Commander Jiang Ying will face the crisis in Hong Kong City?" Yongshan Wanggao asked.

"That's a good question, Master Yongshan Wanggao, I'll give you one day to take down nine strongholds, and then go directly to Hong Kong City to block the Eighth Route Army's attack!" Jiang Ying said.


Yongshan Wanggao also thought so, otherwise, he would be free.

"Well, now, the Eighth Route Army is stationed at the No. [-] stronghold. As for how to fight on the spot, that's up to you!"

"Ha Yi!" Yongshan Wanggao said.

"Okay, that's all for today's meeting!" After Jiang Ying finished speaking, she walked towards the back.

Those ghost dishes slowly started to move.

Sun Zhenggao looked at Sun Dewang with a smile, "Uncle, congratulations!"

"Haha, I also congratulate you, my good nephew. I am very happy that you have today. Uncle, when you arrive at Puban Village, you must remember to stick to Puban Village and hand over to Nakano Koji to prevent the Eighth Route Army from crossing the river. Puban Village is the frontier," said Sun Dewang.

"Yes, my nephew has remembered!" Sun Zhenggao said.



When Yang Fei got the information, his face turned pale with shock.

Feng Chunqiu died in battle?Butanol died?No one in the raiding team survived, what a battle it was, and they lost a lot!
Liu Ji's expression was very bad. When he personally told Yang Fei the news, he was already doomed to be scolded by Yang Fei.

"Liu Ji, tell me, how did you fight?" Yang Fei asked.

"Leader, I made a mistake in command, don't blame others! I request to be punished!" Liu Ji said.

Yang Fei shook his head, "Okay, Liu Ji, don't think I don't know anything. The entire army of the raid team was annihilated, and we have been exposed. If we are lucky, they will not find us crossing the river. If we are not lucky, Zhangjiakou It will become the unprecedented main attack point. Zhangjiakou is in danger!"

Yang Fei thought about these things carefully.

"However, Feng Chunqiu's sacrifice has really put a lot of pressure on us. Liu Ji, let me ask you, if you are asked to defend the nine strongholds, how sure are you to defend them?" Yang Fei asked.

"Head, don't worry, unless the devil steps over me, otherwise, he will never want to take the stronghold from me!" Liu Ji said.

"I'll give you a compromise goal. Stronghold No. [-] must be defended. Whether it's devils or puppet soldiers who guard No. [-] Stronghold, they have to pay attention to us!" Yang Fei said.

"We need to give Zhao Qifa some time. The devils should not have many troops now. They should move their troops around. As long as Zhao Qifa successfully eliminates the devils who came to support from Puban Village, then we will knock them out in the east of the river." It's time to sound the horn for a decisive battle with the devils."

Liu Ji was moved by Yang Fei's words, "Head, they don't even think about the No. [-] stronghold. The other strongholds are also occupied by us. If we can't hold them, I suggest dismantling these strongholds."

"Yes, that's very good, you can't let the devils take action! Only by grasping the initiative on the battlefield can you affect the changes in the battle situation." Yang Fei said, "As for those strongholds that cannot be defended, a fire If it is burned, it must not be left to the devil!" Yang Fei said.


After Liu Ji left, Yang Fei felt a pain in his heart. Feng Chunqiu is an excellent commander. This time, their raid team of 20 people was completely annihilated, but they fought at least one-for-ten battles. Played the might of the Eighth Route Army.However, it was such an outstanding commander who died unexpectedly. For Yang Fei, this was a big loss. As for the alternate acting company commander, Yang Fei didn't know, and didn't understand the opponent's ability, so he could only observe slowly. up.

Thinking of Yang Fei here, he rested his chin with his hand, thinking about Feng Chunqiu's bravery all the time.

Han Qing walked in quietly, "Sir!"

Yang Fei raised his head, "Oh, Han Qing, what's wrong?"

"Sir, are you thinking about Feng Chunqiu and Company Commander Feng?" Han Qing asked.

"Indeed, Feng Chunqiu is a very good commander. His sacrifice is a loss to our Eighth Route Army and our party!" Yang Fei said.

"Yeah, although I don't have much contact with Company Commander Feng, but Company Commander Feng Chunqiu is a low-key person, loyal to the Eighth Route Army, and finally the team, resolutely defending our Eighth Route Army. However, Company Commander Feng Chunqiu's sacrifice, we have to wake up I know one of them!" Han Qing said.

"Say what you want!" Yang Fei asked.

"This battle actually exposed the inadequacy of our army!" Han Qing said, "Feng Chunqiu, Company Commander Feng went deep into the army alone, and without a thorough investigation, he led people to make a surprise attack, so that the following things happened. , We have fought a bit more battles with the wind, and it is indeed a good thing for the construction of the Eighth Route Army to bite this hard bone more."

"What you said is not wrong. It is a big taboo to go deep alone without a clear understanding of the arrangement. However, it is a good thing to sound a wake-up call for us. It is not too late to make up for it." Yang Fei sighed. Said.

"Sir, after finishing this, I have some information!" Han Qing said.

"Oh? Let's hear it!" Yang Fei said.

"Received the latest news from the Shencheng Peace Council that Comrade Feng Chunqiu was killed by a puppet battalion commander named Sun Zhenggao. However, the devils held a meeting today, and he has been promoted to the head of the regiment, and they are going to take over Puban Village. And Nakano Koji in Puban Village is coming!" Han Qing said.

"Hahaha, just in time, some of Zhao Qifa's troops have fought!" Yang Fei looked at Yang Fei with a smile, "This is a great thing!"

Soon, troops from all sides were urgently mobilized, and Liu Ji's troops were firmly stationed at Station No. [-], and it was the troops from Shencheng who came from the local area.

In this way, Yang Fei understood very well that the current situation was very clear, that is, the devil's motive was to take Zhangjiakou in one fell swoop. However, from the side, the devil still didn't know that their Eighth Route Army had crossed the river and came to Zhangjiakou.

This is a knot, and it is also a big challenge for the Eighth Route Army.

Soon, Yongshan Wanggao led the devils to take the lead in starting the war, and successively attacked from the ninth stronghold. Dig trenches and wait for the arrival of the devil army.

Liu Ji looked a little anxious at this time. After all, this was the first time he had really fought the devils since he came to Hedong. Feng Chunqiu's sacrifice made Liu Ji feel that half of his left and right arms were burned, and he even lost his confidence in fighting now. .

Su Fuguo lowered his head, he could clearly feel Liu Ji's mood at this time.

However, it was time for such a crisis, and Su Fuguo couldn't stop worrying.

Now, Su Fuguo has been transferred from the commander of the second company to the first company. It can be seen that his level is also very good. In the last military competition, his ranking was also very high.

"battalion commander!"

Su Fuguo said softly.

Liu Ji looked up at him, "Oh? What's wrong?"

Liu Ji knew that he used Feng Chunqiu too easily. As for Su Fuguo, he hadn't used him much. However, although Su Fuguo didn't have Feng Chunqiu's wit in battle, he was also extremely brave in battle, which is rare. A good general.

Su Fuguo said, "Battalion Commander, it's already at this time, if you say something, let's..."

"Old Su, how is the fortification now?" Liu Ji asked.

"For God's sake, the weather is sunny today, and the fortifications have been fully completed. We have deployed two companies of troops on two cliffs. Let's see how many devils will come tomorrow!" Su Fuguo said.

"Well, yes, stronghold No. [-] can make the devil come and go. No matter how many people he comes!" Liu Ji said.

"Battalion Commander, I still have something to say!" Su Fuguo said angrily.

Liu Ji also looked at him strangely, "Huh?"

Logically speaking, Su Fuguo never said anything to him, and at all times, Su Fuguo never questioned his orders.Now, it can be seen that Su Fuguo has serious things to say to him.

"Battalion Commander, I can lift you up... You should cheer up. Although... Company Commander Feng died, but our Eighth Route Army still has the main force, we are not afraid of them!" Su Fuguo was only in his twenties, and he was a soldier from the beginning. Started up and went all the way to the position of company commander.

"Old Su, what do you mean?" Liu Ji asked.

"Battalion Commander, haven't you noticed that you are in a bad state recently? Ever since Company Commander Feng sacrificed, it feels like you've lost your soul." Su Fuguo frowned, "Battalion Commander, a war is about to start, Do you think we can win?"

Asking this question, Liu Ji was in a bad mood. Su Fuguo said there was nothing wrong with him. He is the battalion commander and the soul of the entire battalion. If he keeps depressed like this, maybe something bad will happen to him.

He looked at Su Fuguo, Su Fuguo was in a bad mood at this moment, and he hoped to win.

"Old Su..." Liu Ji stood up from his seat all of a sudden, he was a little excited, Su Fuguo's words seemed like a basin of cold water, and completely woke him up.

Su Fuguo blushed, "Commander, I don't mean anything else. I just want to say that we are going to fight the devils now. If this continues, we... will be in danger!"

"I understand!" Liu Ji did understand that Feng Chunqiu's sacrifice really put him under a lot of pressure, but as an excellent leader, he needs to turn such pressure into a kind of motivation, and only by turning pressure into motivation , He can command the whole army, the brothers of the whole battalion must never dare to fight under his depressed attitude.

In particular, the comrades of the Eighth Route Army retreated from various strongholds to the fifth stronghold, which can be said to be dejected.

This is not the style of the Eighth Route Army. If you want to be sad, you will be sad when you win the battle. If you want to lose, then you will win and be lost for the comrades who died.

"Okay! I promise you!" Liu Ji said.

"Thank you battalion commander!" Su Fuguo saluted a standard military salute, and then left happily.

As soon as he left, a guard ran in, "Battalion Commander, we have news!"

"Oh?" Liu Ji asked, "Did the devil come?"

"That's right, this devil is very aggressive. Maybe he has a mission, which is to take down the nine strongholds we occupied in one go. Now, the devil has taken down those big strongholds and wants to further expand his power. For the results of the battle, we must first win the No. [-] stronghold, and the devil brought three full brigades!"

After the guard finished speaking, Liu Ji nodded, "The one who should come will always come. We were tricked by the puppet army and made Company Commander Feng sacrifice. We can't let the devils underestimate us!" Liu Ji said.

"Battalion Commander, let's go, the devil is not far from us!" said the guard.

"Okay, let's go and have a look together!"

After speaking, the two of them went to the forward position.

The soldiers were ready to fight the devils. After the rain, the ground was still muddy, only the trenches were dry.

Seeing Liu Ji approaching, the soldiers hurriedly saluted. Liu Ji asked everyone to put down their hands, "Okay, the enemy is in front of us, so don't salute. What's the situation ahead? How many people are here? How far is it?"

After finishing speaking, a platoon leader came over, "Battle Commander, there are three full squadrons of devils ahead, and there are still five miles away from here. It stands to reason that they should be here soon!"

"Wulidi, why are the devils dawdling? Could it be that we are worried about where we can ambush them?" Liu Ji asked.

Su Fuguo walked up to Liu Ji, "Battalion Commander, it seems that the devils are playing cautiously. They will definitely want to take down our No. [-] stronghold. This terrain is too good for us. Look at it, I will definitely take them down." Get down!"

Su Fuguo was actually biting a sigh of relief.

"I'm not worried about this. With you here, there are still devils who can't get down? Old Su, don't be stingy if you see devils in a while. Hand grenades, grenades, just throw them at me. Our main purpose is this No. [-] The stronghold, the fifth stronghold is here, Zhangjiakou is here, and it can put great pressure on the devils, and only in this way can Battalion Commander Zhao Qifa get effective time!"

Liu Ji said.

(End of this chapter)

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