Chapter 2814

Su Fuguo nodded, "Yes, Battalion Commander!"

The current situation is like this!

"Everyone stand still and observe the movements of the devils. If the devils dare to come, they will fight. Don't be soft!" After speaking, Liu Ji went to other positions to watch.

I have to look at other positions to take precautions, otherwise, Liu Ji is very worried.

The battle was turned around, and the soldiers were also full of enthusiasm. Before the battle, but the battalion commander was with them, no one would fight the devils with all their strength.

"Comrades, the devils are troubling us now, they may not know that we have crossed the river and arrived at the east of the river, but this journey has not been smooth.

Company Commander Feng Chunqiu died at the hands of the puppet army. Now, we can only avenge him and put all the grievances in the hands of the devils and the puppet army. We used to be very passive in fighting, so passive that we never understood, I don't know how to deal with them either.

However, now, our goal should not be unclear, that is to settle accounts with the devils, not only because of Company Commander Feng, but also the comrades who died in the previous battle.

For the victory of the motherland, for the complete eradication of the devils, comrades, together with you, I will defend the No. [-] stronghold to the death and successfully take down Shencheng! "

These words made the already enthusiastic fighters even more excited. In fact, everyone knew it in their hearts and held their breath in their hearts. The arrogant attitude of the devils made them dissatisfied. To follow their style of play, isn't that deceiving too much?They could understand and understand what Battalion Commander Liu Ji said.

Now, the main thing is to fight the devils.

Revenge, revenge, revenge!

"Comrades, do you understand?" Liu Ji called out.

"Understand, understand!" The morale of the soldiers was very high.

"Okay, get ready to fight!"

Liu Ji shouted.

In the trenches, every soldier was concentrating, and he could see clearly on the small road in front of the sheep farm. As long as there was any trouble, he would definitely encounter resistance from the Eighth Route Army.

Therefore, Yongshan Wanggao knew it in his heart.

He kept asking the devils to explore the way, the purpose was to be more sure of his thoughts, but as expected, the tight defense of the Eighth Route Army suddenly made him not know where to fight.

The location of the No. [-] stronghold is very good, and the place from Shencheng is densely forested, so some anti-aircraft guns can't produce the effect they should have.

Yongshan Wanggao sighed, "Your Excellency the Commander asked us to take down nine strongholds in one day, and the most difficult one is this fifth stronghold, which has at least one battalion of the Eighth Route Army for defense!"

A devil's adjutant said, "Master Yongshan looks high, and I think that if we want to successfully take down the No. [-] stronghold, the price we have to pay is quite high. If the combat effectiveness of the Eighth Route Army was put in the past, it might be easy to solve it, but in the past Now, the Eighth Route Army does not seem to be easy to chew on. I don’t think it’s worth paying a heavy price to win the No. [-] stronghold!”

Thinking of those losses, his heart aches!
Yongshan Wanggao looked at him, "I know all this, but if this place is not taken down, Zhangjiakou will be difficult to take down. Besides, if we don't take down No. [-] stronghold, Nakano Koji will not be able to take down Zhangjiakou either!"

"Should I persuade you to surrender?" the adjutant looked at Yongshan Wanggao and said.

He thought that he could try this method, what if it worked?
"Persuade?" After hearing this, Yongshan Wanggao almost laughed out loud. Yes, he almost laughed out loud. If the Eighth Route Army were so good at persuading surrender, the many battles they encountered would be gone. It can be said that the result of persuading surrender is already doomed Well, it's nothing more than wasting some time.

"Why? Your Excellency, you don't want to try?"

"There is no need for this anymore. The reason why the Eighth Route Army can fight is because of their firm will. When Sun Zhenggao met the main force of the Eighth Route Army, a coincidence allowed Sun Zhenggao to win a game, but the price he paid was too great. One point, the casualties plus the puppet troops captured can reach several hundred, while the Eighth Route Army killed only a few dozen people, do you think this is considered a small victory?"

Yongshan Wanggao thought very clearly that if he wanted to win, he had to find a breakthrough, and only this breakthrough could become the wedge to win the No. [-] stronghold.

The adjutant lowered his head and stopped talking. If this is the case, it is true that he was thinking wrong, the battlefield is really complicated.

"If you want to try it, you can try it yourself, find an interpreter, and see if they are willing!"

Yong Shanwang lowered his head and said, persuading surrender is also a way, you can try it.

"I always feel that something is wrong, Your Excellency, then I will try it. If it doesn't work, we won't lose anything. If we can numb each other, I think it's worth it."

The adjutant said firmly, anyway, he felt something was wrong, so he might as well give it a try.

"Xiao Ben, remember, don't be brave. If the Eighth Route Army doesn't want to be persuaded to surrender, just come back."

Yongshan Wanggao said.


After speaking, the adjutant named Xiao Ben found a translator, and then led a small team to the forward position of the Eighth Route Army.

The place he chose was a relatively small highland with an excellent location. For the devils, taking this small highland in front of them would give them a geographical advantage in confronting the Eighth Route Army. Put on the barrel and go directly to the Eighth Route Army's position.

The fat translator is called Qian Tang, maybe his parents wanted him to be richer, but, Qian Tang, who came back from overseas, went to work with the devils, and became a translator smoothly, working for tigers all day long, bullying the people, not letting the people down From a human point of view, the Anning Society has long wanted to get rid of such a scum, but it has never had a chance. Since the Qiantang knew that there was such an existence as the Anning Society, it has restrained a lot, and many illegal things were caused by him. Let's do it.

"Mr. Qiantang, let me ask you, how sure are you that you can persuade the Eighth Route Army to surrender?" Ben asked.

"Your Excellency Xiaoben, this depends on the situation. If the Eighth Route Army you encounter is greedy for money and meritorious deeds, you can do it without any effort. If you encounter someone who is not good at oil and salt, it may not be my life. Surrender, this is the Eighth Route Army, a group of people who keep hitting their waists!"

Sento bent over, looking like a pug in front of Xiao Ben, who always loved to laugh.

"Yaoxi, it's all up to you this time. Dazuo Yongshan desperately hopes to open a gap in the fifth stronghold, and Xiao Gaodi has become this gap. You must do your best. If things are done, we will I will speak kindly to you, Your Excellency." Xiao Ben said.

"Ha Yi, Ha Yi, Ha Yi, please rest assured, Xiaoben, I will do my best. No matter what the Eighth Route Army says, they are full of hearts and minds. What do they want to do? It is nothing more than a bite to eat!" Qian Tang smiled. Said.

"Okay, it's good that you have such an idea. If you really succeed this time, I will guarantee you to be the county magistrate of Zhangjiakou. Come to think of it, you also have the ability!" Xiao Ben said.

Do you want to draw a big cake? First draw a big cake for these people. Only when the big cake is painted well can you succeed.

As for the future cashing, let's talk about it.

Anyway, they are the imperial army.

And the imperial army doesn't need to reason with these people below.

Because these people are the dogs raised by their imperial army.

Dare to show your teeth to the master?
Don't dare, unless you want to die!
"Ha Yi, Ha Yi!" Qian Tang naturally smiled when he heard such a promise, "Thank you, Your Excellency Xiaoben, if the Eighth Route Army doesn't surrender, I will threaten to make them surrender too!"

Soon, they arrived at the bottom of the small highland. Qian Tang waved a white chess piece a few times, and then shouted with a loudspeaker, "Eighth Route Army ahead, listen, your No. [-] stronghold has been completely destroyed by our imperial army." Surrounded, fighting will always lead to death, but our Yongshan Dazuo pities the common people in the world, and is willing to let you go back. You can be farmers, workers, and educated teachers..."

Qian Tang was chatting eloquently below. At this time, on the small high ground, a soldier was holding a piece of grass in his mouth, and then rested his hands on his hands, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

"Platoon leader, platoon leader, this bastard is here to persuade you to surrender!"

A soldier said to him.

"I heard!"

After finishing speaking, the platoon leader spat and spat the grass on the ground, "If you come to fight, you will fight, and even persuade you to surrender, it is really shameless!"

This platoon leader is the platoon leader of the third company and one row. This small highland is not too big a highland, so the third company commander asked a row of platoon leaders to bring people here to guard it.

The platoon leader Mingzi is called Wang Haibo. A person who has never seen the sea is actually called Haibo. He smiled and looked at the soldiers, "Did you hear me? Yes, woman, money, status, whatever you want!"

"Haha, platoon leader, you surrender! You haven't married a wife yet!" a soldier joked.

"Hey, I really look down on him. Anyway, I can't count how many devils I have killed. Now that the devils come to persuade me to surrender, can I impress me? Pooh!" Wang Haibo said.

"The devil has been yelling below, do we need to respond?" A soldier asked.

"Don't respond for the time being, the dog translator, I'll kill him sooner or later, let him live a little longer now!" Wang Haibo began to close his eyes and rest his mind again.

"Listen, soldiers of the Eighth Route Army on the mountain. Now this place is surrounded by the imperial army. As long as you are willing to surrender, you can get promoted and get rich. Beauty? Wine and meat? How much do you want? How many concubines do you want to marry? Don't you want to marry?" Delicious delicacies every day? Delicious and spicy food, just today, if you miss today, you won’t have this opportunity!”

Sento shouted vigorously, but there seemed to be no one on the mountain.

He yelled several times, but there was no movement on the mountain. Qian Tang cleared his throat and glanced at Xiao Ben. When he was about to yell again, Xiao Ben stopped him, "Wait a minute, the Eighth Route Army doesn't speak, I don't know what it means!"

"Your Excellency Xiaoben, how can we take this hill seriously? After a few shells go up, the mountain will be leveled. Is there still a need to persuade them to surrender? In my opinion, let's persuade them to surrender. Let's go to other places!" Sen Tang Said.

"Hehe, you don't know something. Don't look at it as a small mountain, but this is indeed the corner of the fifth stronghold. If you come to fight here, the Eighth Route Army from other places will quickly support it. At that time, we will be attacked by the enemy, but we will be passive. !" Xiao Ben looked at the mountain, but there was still no movement on the mountain.

"Your Excellency Xiaoben, then..." Qian Tang asked.

"Come on, keep on shouting, I want to see how tough the Eighth Route Army has been!" Xiao Ben said.

"Okay, I'll call..." After finishing speaking, Sento started again.

"Soldiers of the Eighth Route Army on the mountain, listen up..."

The mountain shouted over and over again, but Wang Haibo kept laughing.

He smacked his mouth, then laughed out loud, "Haha!"

"Platoon leader, what are you doing?" the soldier asked.

"Listening to the yelling of the traitors down below, I can only see the braised pork with my eyes closed. The taste is so delicious!" Wang Haibo said.

"Platoon leader, you are awesome, can you think of braised pork?" The soldier laughed.

"You don't understand this, do you? Listen to the sound, the traitor's voice seems to be hoarse. After so many times, don't you still drink?" Wang Haibo asked.

"Platoon leader, do you still care about this traitor?" the soldier asked.

"That's wrong!" Wang Haibo turned around and looked down from the trench, and could vaguely see the translator's head.

"They're all from China, right? He's a traitor, and I'm an Eighth Route Army, fighting devils. If we don't agree with each other, I'm going to fix this guy!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Haibo took out his gun and prepared to shoot, but after thinking about it, no, I must never do this. After thinking about it, he immediately said, "Look at how I tease this traitor!"

"Are you telling the truth?" Wang Haibo shouted loudly.

Sento at the foot of the mountain was startled, and quickly shrank back.

Ben glared at him.

Qian Tang looked at Xiao Ben in embarrassment, "Your Excellency Xiao Ben, the Eighth Route Army has an answer!"

"Talk to him! What will he ask again?" Xiao Ben asked.

"He asked me if I was telling the truth!" Sento said.

"Well, then you talk to him!"

After finishing speaking, the fat translator Qian Tang held his head up and shouted towards the mountain, "Of course it is true. If you all surrender and arrive at the imperial army, you will definitely be promoted to regiment commander. Imagine, a regiment, and your current position, Which one is heavier? Weigh it!"

"I'm asking you, what good will it do for my brothers to go?" Wang Haibo shouted down the mountain.

"Everyone gets promoted, get rich, marry a wife, brother, these things, I can guarantee for you!" Qian Tang said.

"You are a traitor, you can be the master? Is there a devil? Let him tell me in person!" After Wang Haibo finished speaking, he immediately asked a soldier to prepare.

The soldier understood and immediately loaded the bullet with a "click" and quietly aimed at the foot of the mountain.

"What kind of traitor, we will work together in the future. Think about it carefully, do you want to live comfortably for the rest of your life, or do you want to save money all day long? An adjutant of the imperial army is here, and I will ask him to promise you personally!"

After finishing speaking, Sento looked at Ben:

"Your Excellency Xiaoben, the Eighth Route Army above said that they want you to promise him personally!"

"Yaoxi, the Eighth Route Army is still quite ghostly, okay, then I'll tell him!"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Ben shouted:
"What the translator Sento said just now is true, everything he said shall prevail!" Xiao Ben shouted.

"No!" Wang Haibo shouted loudly, "I haven't seen the devil, let him come out and let me have a look. If you dare to break your promise, I will have someone to look for, right?"

After hearing this, Qiantang translated it to Ben.

Xiao Ben nodded, "He's right, they didn't feel relieved when they didn't see me, I guarantee it, it won't be wrong!"

After speaking, Xiao Ben took a few steps forward, and then his whole head was exposed in the sight of the Eighth Route Army.

(End of this chapter)

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